And people miss the point -_-
Allow me to analyse your originally deleted post.
What you are doing is disrespectful and insulting and if you claim to be mature and not a child you WILL apologise immediately in a sincere manner and promise to treat me and everyone else with respect at all times as you are obligated to do so under the laws you serve on and that includes respecting my right to speak my mind.
Okay, now let's look at what you claim to have said.
I am not insulting others. You are attacking and violating my right to free speech. I wasn't reprimanding anyone. You need to read better. I was asking him to be respectful. If Reon and Wintermoot can speak their mind about it, so can I and I will. You have no right to censor my posts and you are violating my right to free speech.
You will never censor my posts because your job is to act professional and respectful to everyone at all times regardless if you do not like them. That is your job.
Now, the analysis!
"I was asking him to be respectful" vs "What you are doing is disrespectful and insulting"
As the first point you make, the contradiction here is massive. Your original post does not ask, it demands. When you demand something of someone, such as the follow-up "you WILL apologise", you tend to be more polite. You also don't make demands, especially when you're in no position to make them.
My real issue with this is that a) you attempt to misconstrue what you originally said, and b) what you originally said is petulant, rude and rather blunt. Whilst I'm sure you're expressing your feelings, the best way to deal with said issue is to get mouthy over PM. However, you chose to do it in public, where you're even MORE liable for your behaviour.
You then get surprised when your post is deleted and moderated. I have no issue with you as an individual and I haven't seen anything else to otherwise sway me one way or the other in this disagreement, but all I'm seeing is you posting something that's not really acceptable in OPEN DISCUSSION.
"... and promise to treat me and everyone else with respect at all times..."
The real issue is with this. Not only are you making demands, you are making demands and expecting compliance from another member on the forum who, might I add, is equally entitled to the right of free speech you so hold dear. Shaking a stick at a guy with a bigger stick ends badly regardless of where you live, and I think any court of law will find against you in this case simply because you provoked the response you got.
This may well seem strange; allow me to explain in a little more detail.
By demanding in such a tone a response, you come across as incredibly insulting, rude, small-minded and petty. Whilst I'm sure you're none of those things, the attitude you portray across the internet is the attitude ye shall be judged by. The attitude I see in your deleted post would have merited an instant deletion by myself if I saw it on the forums I moderate. Understand that for every action, there will be an equal re-action. Out of context? Nope: if you act like an ass, expect treatment like one.
"... as you are obligated to under law..."
Whenever I see this, I instantly write off whoever said it as a dumb-ass who relies far too much on lawyers. Sort your own shit out, legally of course, and stop wasting the time of the judicial branch. They really couldn't care less either.
Now, "You will never censor my posts because your job is to act professional and respectful to everyone at all times regardless if you do not like them. That is your job."
Frankly this is the nail in the coffin and why you're surprised you garnered the treatment you did is utterly beyond me, having read this quote.
Are you seriously trying to tell the people who run this board, with it and its community's best interests at heart, how to do their job, simply because they've displeased you?
I need say no more, I feel.
TL;DR People who preach the first often forget it applies to everyone else as well.