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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Deep-fried cabbage
  • Crispy potatoes.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.
    Welcome back, Northy! We missed ya :) And hey, no need to worry about whether or not we're your friends. One way or another you're never getting rid of us :D (ok, only in a good way, fine fine). I hope you're feeling better after some time to think, but as always I'm here and available to talk to in case you need someone to vent to.

    As some character in the oh so crazy world of Alice in Wonderland once said, "Oh, we're all mad here."
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Welcome back North...
    I consider you to be a good person...
    And listen, as a similarly sarcastic overthinking fellow with a lifetime of bad actions, bad thoughts, and bad mind I gotta tell you that it's far too easy to fall into the feelings of shame and guilt without any real reason to do so... Might I advise them only to be used in the way that they can keep you on check, hold you back from making the same mistakes... Otherwise I recommend casting them away and turning to unbiased self-reflection instead... Consider yourself, control yourself, be who you want to be...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Due to my recent bouts of health anxiety I resolved to eat better, but I don't really know where to start.

    I eat a bit more fruits and veggies, replaced fries with mashed potatoes or brown rice (no more poutine :( ) with carrots, replaced lettuce in my sandwiches with spinach, replaced cake with fruit and I'm drinking only water and sometimes milk, but the core of my diet remains the same. Once per week red meat, white meat and fish (mostly cod), and the rest of the time mostly pasta, sandwiches and eggs, with lots of starch as sides and lots of dairy all the time (love cheese and milk). I'd love to eat smoked salmon but shit's too expensive.

    I mean I guess I'm not eating TV dinners and fast food every day like some people but that's still nowhere near excellent. Also I never salt anything (fucking hate salt) and when I eat grain I make sure I eat whole ones.

    Trouble is I'm incredibly picky and unfortunately, most things taste dreadful to me, or their texture makes me want to hurl. Food nearly anyone eats like tomatoes, cabbage, peas, strawberries or what have you is awful to me. As far as plants are concerned, I can only eat apples, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, lettuce, garlic, onions, carrots, string beans (the latter two only with ketchup and only cooked). I fucking hate turnips and broccoli and olives and all the rest, and not for lack of trying, and unfortunately some of the shit on this list tastes awful if not homegrown, and being Canadian shit like blueberries can only be grown part of the year.

    I'm too poor to afford lots of fresh produce which doesn't help, salad (any salad) is like my most hated dish of all time because the textures and taste are all over the place and aside from "eat more greens you pleb", what constitutes "eating healthy" seems to be all over the place. This "portions" shit doesn't help me to understand either, I mean yeah sure eat at least 5 portions of fruits and veggies but surely something that's like 99% water like celery doesn't count for as much as a carrot. Could I get away with just dunking a bunch of vegetable juice?

    Neither my mom or I know how to cook and we both hate cooking, I want to eat healthy but put in the least effort required. I don't want to spend an hour cooking elaborate shit. A vegetarian diet is out of the question, I have fucking canines and I mean to keep using them, plus I love dairy and eggs too much to give them up.

    Is there anywhere I could check out simple recipes for nutritionally challenged people who hate cooking? I really don't mind eating the same 2-3 dishes all the time if it comes to that. Honestly I would just buy Soylent and stop thinking about this shit but I seem to remember something about rat shit in the powder.

    I also have a feeling that this crap about "healthy eating" is just a bullshit industry and that you're pretty much fine as long as you don't stuff your face with processed shit all the time. My grandma ate the same 2 veggies (carrots and turnips) all her life and lived to 96, never even had any health problems, she got pneumonia in the end.
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  • The AP Chemistry exam is tomorrow, and I am not ready at all...
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  • But the chem exam is fun! I think last year's exam had a lot of electrochemistry. Be prepared for a lot of acid-base calculations as well. I wish I could help, but I'm not sure how much I remember from last May.
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  • So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.
    We are your friends...I am your friend, and I'm proud to be your friend. Welcome back. :)

    For the record, I think you're a great person and one of our best members in the region. I think that sometimes you get overwhelmed during periods of drama and the Open Assembly thing and the Gov debate...on top of what's going on in real life, but that doesn't make you a bad person at all. I'm glad that you're back with us. :)

    Due to my recent bouts of health anxiety I resolved to eat better, but I don't really know where to start.

    I eat a bit more fruits and veggies, replaced fries with mashed potatoes or brown rice (no more poutine :( ) with carrots, replaced lettuce in my sandwiches with spinach, replaced cake with fruit and I'm drinking only water and sometimes milk, but the core of my diet remains the same. Once per week red meat, white meat and fish (mostly cod), and the rest of the time mostly pasta, sandwiches and eggs, with lots of starch as sides and lots of dairy all the time (love cheese and milk). I'd love to eat smoked salmon but shit's too expensive.

    I mean I guess I'm not eating TV dinners and fast food every day like some people but that's still nowhere near excellent. Also I never salt anything (fucking hate salt) and when I eat grain I make sure I eat whole ones.

    Trouble is I'm incredibly picky and unfortunately, most things taste dreadful to me, or their texture makes me want to hurl. Food nearly anyone eats like tomatoes, cabbage, peas, strawberries or what have you is awful to me. As far as plants are concerned, I can only eat apples, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, lettuce, garlic, onions, carrots, string beans (the latter two only with ketchup and only cooked). I fucking hate turnips and broccoli and olives and all the rest, and not for lack of trying, and unfortunately some of the shit on this list tastes awful if not homegrown, and being Canadian shit like blueberries can only be grown part of the year.

    I'm too poor to afford lots of fresh produce which doesn't help, salad (any salad) is like my most hated dish of all time because the textures and taste are all over the place and aside from "eat more greens you pleb", what constitutes "eating healthy" seems to be all over the place. This "portions" shit doesn't help me to understand either, I mean yeah sure eat at least 5 portions of fruits and veggies but surely something that's like 99% water like celery doesn't count for as much as a carrot. Could I get away with just dunking a bunch of vegetable juice?

    Neither my mom or I know how to cook and we both hate cooking, I want to eat healthy but put in the least effort required. I don't want to spend an hour cooking elaborate shit. A vegetarian diet is out of the question, I have fucking canines and I mean to keep using them, plus I love dairy and eggs too much to give them up.

    Is there anywhere I could check out simple recipes for nutritionally challenged people who hate cooking? I really don't mind eating the same 2-3 dishes all the time if it comes to that. Honestly I would just buy Soylent and stop thinking about this shit but I seem to remember something about rat shit in the powder.

    I also have a feeling that this crap about "healthy eating" is just a bullshit industry and that you're pretty much fine as long as you don't stuff your face with processed shit all the time. My grandma ate the same 2 veggies (carrots and turnips) all her life and lived to 96, never even had any health problems, she got pneumonia in the end.
    I personally think that if you're eating better than you were, that's great. Too many diet plans focus on strict focus on some perfect diet plan that becomes torturous to's no wonder people fall off the bandwagon and give it up, or go back to their old habits after they've reached their goals. What you should be focused on is a heather lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life, not a super-strict diet. For example, the first thing I did was elimate soda. It was a small change, but soda is the worst thing that you can consume and has no health value whatsoever. From there I've taken note of my diet and changes that I can make over time...simple things like replacing sugary processed jelly with bananas on my peanut butter sandwiches and eating mustard on my sandwiches instead of mayo.

    It's not much, but cumulatively it makes a difference, and it sounds like you've made some great changes. Your goal shouldn't be perfection, but something that you can keep up and maintain. As long as you're doing better than you were, that's still good, right?

    But the chem exam is fun!
    Oh dear god! Someone show him some real fun. :P
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.

    Well, despite what happened previously (you know what I mean ^_^), I've never particularly thought less of you. Nobody's perfect and I'm sure you have more than your fair share of redeeming qualities, like most people. Glad to have ya back. :)


    You're already making a big difference, just like Moot said. I know you don't want to go cooking anything that takes too long, but you should really reconsider. The result is well worth the preparation time. If you're gonna go big on fruits and whatnot, you could make some awesome smoothies or even your own yogurt! I strongly suggesting checking out what you can make with all those good ingredients. And of course do a little experimentation to see what you can make as well. If you don't indulge in something even a little unhealthy once in a while, you'll go mad though. So don't hesitate to have yourself a piece of pie or something at parties and stuff. Just remember that moderation is the key. ^_^
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.

    Well, despite what happened previously (you know what I mean ^_^), I've never particularly thought less of you. Nobody's perfect and I'm sure you have more than your fair share of redeeming qualities, like most people. Glad to have ya back. :)


    You're already making a big difference, just like Moot said. I know you don't want to go cooking anything that takes too long, but you should really reconsider. The result is well worth the preparation time. If you're gonna go big on fruits and whatnot, you could make some awesome smoothies or even your own yogurt! I strongly suggesting checking out what you can make with all those good ingredients. And of course do a little experimentation to see what you can make as well. If you don't indulge in something even a little unhealthy once in a while, you'll go mad though. So don't hesitate to have yourself a piece of pie or something at parties and stuff. Just remember that moderation is the key. ^_^

    Hehe, I forgot about that.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • welcome back north good to see you again. *hands North a cookie*
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
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  • So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.

    We're very alike in this regard...I just tend to hide my own self loathing behind a wall of attempted optimism and positivity.  Some days it works, others it doesn't.
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  • Quote
    Ichirou: Hi there!  I'm Game Master Ichirou and I'm reviewing your ticket information right now. How are you doing today?
    Me: Doing well, thanks.  How are you?
    Ichirou: I'm fine. Thank you for asking. I understand that you're having an issue logging in.
    Ichirou: May I ask for the username that you're using?
    Me: Yes.  At the moment I do currently have an ongoing support ticket that's still open...but live chat is much more prompt.
    Me: and the email, since I don't exactly have a username, is (redacted)
    Ichirou: What is the name of your character?
    Me: the display name for the site is Leonation
    Me: well...leonation since there's never any caps.
    Ichirou: I would also like to ask for your first and last name?
    Me: Actual? Maxwell (Redacted)
    Ichirou: is this your PWI character "Erestia"?
    Me: I can give that name a's been years since I've even logged on.
    Me: well, years-ish it feels like.  -_-
    Ichirou: Please try to log in again. Kindly use "" as your username :)
    Me: That's what I've tried using.
    Me: I use the same email and password that I used to log into the site.  The site is successful, the game isn't.
    Ichirou: Could you please try to log in again? I've made some changes on the account.
    Me: still says incorrect username or password.
    Ichirou: I would like to ask for your date of birth?
    Me: 11/14/1986
    Ichirou: Please try to use "leonatio" as your username.
    Me: That one worked.  Why wouldn't that show on my account?
    Ichirou: The one that's visible on your Arc account is the handle name. It shouldn't be used for login purposes. Is there anything else I can help you with today? :)
    Me: What I mean is why wouldn't it show me my username in case something like this were to happen?
    Me: Seems like it'd be easy if there was a username retrieval that could be sent to email if requested.  :)
    Ichirou: Due to security purposes, we don't have that option.
    Me: So coming here or opening a support ticket is the only way for someone to recover a lost username.
    Ichirou: Our players can use their email address as their username. Please be aware that for newly created accounts, they don't have a dedicated username. They are required to use their email address as their username.
    Me: Except that this whole conversation was about how my email doesn't work for a username, at least in the game.
    Me: Since it was tried several times.
     Ichirou: I suggest that you try to copy and paste this "" on the username box on the login screen. There is a possibility that there's a space before or after the email address that's why you're receiving the error message.
    Me: I've done that before as well.

    My brain, it hurts.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Quote
    Ashynt: Hi there!  I'm Game Master Ashynt and I'm reviewing your ticket information right now. How are you doing today? I'm doing alright, thanks.  You?
    Ashynt: I'm doing good, thank you for asking. That's good to hear.  :) So, I had a long winded conversation with someone else on my other account, because I was having issues logging into Perfect World.  On here, I'm able to log in fine with just my email and password.  On there and I assume other games, I need my username and password, which they were finally able to give me.  My question is...why wouldn't older accounts like mine have something on our accounts to show us our usernames in case we forgot?  I understand the switch with emails being used now and all...but the whole issue is that my email, no matter if I copy and paste it, or type it out, doesn't work. and I assume other older accounts are going to encounter this issue as well.
    Ashynt: If I understood that correctly, your email address is not working when you are using it? would you be referring to this account? Correct.  As you can see, I logged in perfectly fine on here.  But I actually had to have someone dig into what my username was since my email address doesn't work as a username for the game. and I tried every way of putting it in.  Copying and pasting, typing it manually in its correct form, in lowercase, and none of it worked.
    Ashynt: By the way, may I know for what game? Perfect World International. After they gave me my actual username, I was able to log in just fine.  But resorting to live chat or a support ticket to recover one's username just because they're an older account seems like a bit much. Isn't there a way it could be added right under the display name on an older account's profile details?
    Ashynt: Oh I see. Sadly we will not be able to have it added. Also it is an added security feature that before we provide any information about the account we need to make sure that we provide it to the owner and not someone who can open the account freely. I'm confused on how that's possible.  One needs both the email name and access to the email because of Arc Defender, let alone a password as well to even access the account on the site.  One simply needs the email and the password to access the game. So in order to even access the profile where the username would be listed for them only, they'd have to jump through 3 hurdles to get the username if it was listed anyways. So I'm lost how that would be jeopardizing security since nothing would change outside of them being able to see their old username. and only when they've already passed the other security checks to even gain access to their account in the first place.
    Ashynt: Yes that is true and we appreciate your feedback. I will have it noted and have them informed. Thank you.  It just seems like far too big of a hassle for older members to have to open up a support ticket or waste your guys' time just to retrieve a username when you could be assisting others with bigger issues.
    Ashynt: You're welcome and I appreciate your time. Would there be anything else I can assist you with? That's everything.

    Against my better judgment, I talked to someone else.  Yeah, it still hurts.   -_-
    « Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 10:52:02 PM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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    Good luck tomorrow to everyone taking AP Computer Science, Spanish, and/or Physics 1!
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  • Maybe someday I'll find the person I once was...the one people saw as likable and attractive. The one that was interesting, and seemed to have interesting things to say and wasn't a bore that harped on the same predictable topics over and over again...half of which only make people uncomfortable. The person that people wanted to be close friends with...and take into their confidence...maybe, someday...

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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