Post #144016
January 17, 2020, 04:11:20 AM
So I just need to put this down somewhere as it's probably going to end up as a milestone in my life, one way or another.
I hate taking classes. I'm struggling so much with them, not doing badly, but not wanting to do them, not wanting to be on campus, Not wanting to go back to my dorm, not wanting to do anything, that my therapist actually is fully on board with me dropping this semester and trying something new. There's still a lot of work to do in a short time if I'm to change paths like this, but I think the end result will be worth it.
Today was a major turning point for me. I'd been considering this for a while, and I really want to thank Gally and Shadow for sticking with me through all my flopping around. To have a professional essentially tell you that there is no reason to stay once you tie up loose ends and accept that you likely won't see her again is shockingly liberating. And validating.
So later this week, I'll be meeting with my current boss and depending on how that goes, I'll probably be leaving traditional school for the foreseeable future. I'll transfer my credits into something new, probably firefighting? There will be new work to do, but I think hands on training is more my style anyway.
In no way am I giving up. I am, however, giving in. For a long time I have struggled with depression, and I've been repeating the mantra of "It's not that I don't want to live, It's that I don't want to live this life." So I'm going to take the first step. And yes, it's going to be hard, but hopefully once this is all over, all the tears, all the debating, all the sleepless late nights will have been worth it. Hopefully I'll find something that makes me happy, and I'll be living for me and not who I've been told I should be. I can't do that anymore.
Anyway. I also want to thank this community for giving me the greatest gift anyone could. When I came to this community two years ago, I was lost. I was scarred because I keep putting myself in really dumb positions. The name Silverfish came out of trying to leave a server I royally screwed up on without anyone really knowing or caring. From that name, I became something new, someone different. You adopted me into your family, and Silverfish became more than an escape name. It grew and changed. I thought it was stupid at first, laughed when I gave people my discord, but now it's It became who I am. I find myself adopting the mantle of Silv in my life more and more. And while my first name will always hold a special place in my heart, both good and bad, I am happy that my second family has given me a name I can be proud of.
And that's what's on my mind. I'll update you as things occur.