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Werewolf VI: Until Dawn - The New Chapter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • I mean, if anything, this is only making me more suspicious of you instead ;o;, since it seems more like a half baked, feeble attempt to more or less, draw attention away from yourself. Tossing out a half done suspicion in order to make people turn a blind eye to yourself, or maybe even someone else if the psycho and wendigo are in kahoots together now. Not that I'm exactly saying you're a baddie, but it seems kinda funky to me you would just pull this out of no where, and have kinda useless evidence against me, and that's usually a tactic done by people who are trying to divert attention from themselves? o.o
    Neglecting the amusing fact that this is your first ever attempt at asserting your suspicion and posting a moderately long post (a common mistake for wolves), your entire argument is simply repeating the statement "Sapphiron is trying to divert attention from him.", which is fundamentally flawed because until now, besides remarks of me being extremely dangerous should I be one of the bad guys, there has been no proper argument laid against me. By opening gunning for you, I am in fact receiving an undue amount of attention. Please, if anyone would like proof that I am friend-aligned, I am willing to volunteer putting my head on the table.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Well, I just figured it'd be better to assert myself when directly being talked to about something like this, that's all
    You may think my argument is stupid, but it's not, really. It's honestly a common thing that people do, which does make my rather suspicious of you, as it still seems to me that you're just trying to make a big show, which might just wind up back firing on you. Which, I mean, if you're a good guy then that just kinda sucks, since I don't think we can really afford to loose anymore good guys ;-;
    I think it would actually be a good idea to focus on evidence we really do have against people, like Commander_Zemas for one, rather than chasing after wild goose chases that probably will wind up leading to nothing and just killing off more good people.
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  • There's only like, what, eight of us left now? We can't just be sitting here and being like 'well there is a small chance this person is because blah blah blah' when we have a better claim on other people being it, rather than just going off of small facts like 'well this person one time did this'. There aren't many of good guys left, sadly, so we need to actually be careful and not just make silly votes, no offense ;-;
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  • Am I making sense? o.o
    To me I make sense, but idk about you guys so I just wanna be sure ;-;
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • Please be reminded that it is exactly because her role is a defender and not the seer that I wouldn't take her argument too seriously, because in the end it's her opinion, not knowledge gained from the host Pengu. That said, I don't mind looking at Commander Zemas later, but the fact that you say "a good idea to focus on evidence we really do have against people" shows that you are getting desperate and shifting the attention away from you. Once again, I offer my head if it means convincing the people to lynch you.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • I'm not trying to divert attention away from myself, I'm simply bringing up the point that there is a more likely person than myself, and simply going after the less likely person is, well, kinda dimwitted o.o And so what of her role? She still brought up a fair point that we should look at, either way.
    I don't mean to be mean, I'm sorry ;-;
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • You sit in the living room, reeling over the loss of of your best friends since childhood.  You realize that Nyx was acting more odd that usual, whether it was because she was trying to play the crazy card to avoid spilling who her partners were...or because she was genuinely crazy.  Deciding to investigate more about Nyx's intentions, you go to the bedroom that she was staying in, and notice several things out of place: a flower is sitting right in front of a small glass vase on top of a dresser, a portrait of the lodge hanging on the wall is tilted, and a book on the bookshelf is hanging off slightly.

    You walk over to the book to put it back in the shelf, as you see a flash of light suddenly outside.  You look outside to see the stranger shooting their flamethrower, as you abandon what you're doing and head downstairs to intercept them.

    By the time you get there, the stranger is gone, though the other friends have met up with you, also seeing the flash of light and hint of fire coming from that way.

    The Stranger has negated all power during the Split Up.  They have 1 use left.

    It's time for another Team Discussion everyone! Time to find out who the last psycho and Wendigo are before it's too late.  We'll end this discussion and split up again on Tuesday, March 6th at 9PM PST.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • Vote: Lumenland
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Sapphiron is amused...perhaps a first in the region. :P

    He does seem to have a bone in his mouth on this one though...very assertive, he is.
    3 people like this post: Laurentus, BraveSirRobin, Imaginative Kane

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Well, I'm actually going to look at facts we have, rather than going on wild chases and killing off all the good people we have left ;-;, since we've already been acting silly enough and killed off enough good guys. But, then again, a pyscho or the wendigo would probably be making silly vote anyways *shrugs*  :-\

    Instead, I'll look at what we have and vote for Commander_Zemas, seeing as how we actually have proof that he's suspicious. Sorry, I just actually like to go off of facts we already have, not ones we 'think' we know.  :P
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  • Am I being mean? o.o I hope not, I don't mean to be mean ;-;
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  • I'm also finding it interesting how Sapp-san is not answering anything I say ;-;, because Sapp-san either knows I'm right about something, or is just really done with my crap :P
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • I just actually like to go off of facts we already have
    This so-called "fact" is a product of Evelynx's speculation, period. A fact must have been proven to be true, such as being scanned by the Seer.
    is just really done with my crap :P
    Meanwhile, I am really intrigued by how you readily classify your argument as "crap", which is a term I have never used against you. Your subconscious is betraying you. ;)

    Once again, I would like to urge all friend-aligned players to vote against Lumenland in this day phase, and I am willing to put my life on the line for this to happen.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • A lot of things we go off of are speculation, mind you, and this one actually has merit, unlike yours truly does :p

    Also, I never said you called my opinion crap, I was more or less being lightly sarcastic, in case you're confused ;-;
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  • And, I would like to offer up the chance to make a more logical vote and vote for Commander_Zemas, considering there are mroe suspicious things regarding him than there are me, since I've been upfront and actually answering things, as he's been dodging things more than a little kid in dodge ball o.o
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