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Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Posts: 102 Views: 56477

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    Before I joined NationStates, I was involved with a small-scale MMORPG project that eventually fell through, where I led efforts to design a game world. I would like to replicate this effort here, one bit at a time, by posting what would be considered interesting landmarks in our region if this were a game. Not sure if this interests anyone at all, but if anyone does want to join in on this, it'd be cool. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Stranglor Outpost

    Stranglor Outpost is an outpost at the southern edge of Wintreath, where the snowy landscapes of most of Wintreath give way to a sliver of temperate forest. It's main importance now is that it overlooks The Schism, a deep, ragged valley that marks most of the border between Wintreath and Spiritus, and thus serves as a small outpost for the Hvitt Riddaral to monitor the border in this location. It also has a small inn and some basic shops for travelers wanting to take a scenic, more dangerous route between the two regions or to explore The Schism and its potential wonders and risks. Stranglor is also occasionally visited by traders and herbalists who come for the rare medicinal herbs and fungi that are rare in the colder areas of Wintreath.

    What was to become Stranglor Outpost was originally built as a wilderness retreat before Wintreath broke away from Spiritus and the area was still part of that region. While never popular due to its remote location and distance from the protection of the Spiritus Defense Force, it served as a quiet location for the stout and hearty of the region to explore the nearby forest, search for herbs, and at times even look for ancient lost treasure or mine for precious metals, though none have ever been found. However, the retreat was never a profitable venture and fell into disrepair when the money ran out, eventually being taken over by groups of bandits for use as a place to lay low when their exploits elsewhere made them a high-profile target.

    After Wintreath broke off from Spiritus, the fledgling region realized the importance of securing its borders with its former region, and sent a detachment of Hvitt Riddaral troops to chase away the bandits. Since then, the outpost has been repaired and expanded, civilian shopkeepers and merchants have been invited in, and the call has went out that Stranglor Outpost is once again a safe place for explorers and adventures alike. Although it does occasionally still suffer attacks from bandits wanting their old hide-out back, the Hvitt Riddaral has been able to easily repeal each attack, which in a roundabout way helps attract those wanting to fight bandits and find their supposed treasures, if any exist at all.

    Stranglor Outpost is a relatively safe area that's surrounded by beautiful, stunning terrain that simply can't be found in more civilized areas of the game. Outside the actual outpost however, caution is advised...for bandits, wild animals, and the normal risks of nature...
    5 people like this post: White Mamba, A. Pierangelli, Arsenioh, Goldz, Omega
    « Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 03:48:08 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  •  Broen av Frossen Evighet

     Within the wilderness of Wintreath lies this broken bridge, known as Broen av Frossen Evighet. It crosses of a truly frozen river, which, if one looks closely enough, can be seen precious gems, marine animals, broken chunks of stone, and the bones of the long since forgotten. The bridge itself seems to be made out of pure alabaster, with one side of the bridge leading to a tower that has been locked and is of unknown origin, though some guess that it is an astronomers tower, for along the entire length of the bridge as well as circling the tower, embedded in the stone, is a myriad of astrological signs, ranging from planets and moons to stars and constellations, all of varying size and placement. The bridge itself is covered with frost with a light layer of powdered snow.

      Common legend holds that it is here that caused Wintreath to become a frozen land. The astronomer of the tower had apparently come across some great power and secret, a set of signs and equations that would give him untold wisdom and knowledge, and make him live till time eternal. So he began a ritual at the center of the bridge. However, as the ritual became complete,the power that was unleashed was not what he had thought, for instead, it caused a massive explosion of the bridge, and slowly embedded the entire region of Wintreath with a cold that came from beyond the stars, from a distant place in the universe where the cold is eternal. When the astronomer had seen what he had caused, he became disgraced, and locked himself within his astronomy tower forevermore. The curse that he had set on the land was said to last for eternity, which is why the bridge will forever be known as Broen av Frossen Evighet, The bridge of Frozen Eternity.

     However this bridge came to be, it has withstood the test of time, for no one knows how long it has stood along this river. Due to its location in Wintreath, it is rather difficult to get to, surrounded by wilderness, but those that do take the effort to reach it find themselves looking at a monument of time, back to an eon with no name and no one around to forget.
    5 people like this post: Wintermoot, Omega, Reon, A. Pierangelli, Arsenioh
    Age-old Extra-Terrestrial Being of Wintreath.

      Has the sworn loyalty of the Extra-Terrestrial Azure, the Demonic Mercenary Nova Arrakis Polaris, and the fiery Italian Ignazio Prospero.

      In a complicated relationship with Jonewest, Eternal Queen of the Hill.
    The Golden Persian
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  • If someone could find me a suitably wintery image I will gladly write a piece for it... I just cant find an image I like.
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  • Gråskygge Outpost [Old Wintreathean - Rough translation reads as Greyshadow Outpost]

    Gråskygge Outpost lies in the middle of the Gråskygge Pass through the Oldedge mountain range, in the furthest northeastern corner of Wintreath. Much like the other Outposts of its kind, Gråskygge serves the purpose of watching over the most extreme borders of its lands, and holds some 400 inhabitants year round, excluding the garrison that resides there during the harsh winters. In bygone years, Gråskygge was the staging post for the invasion of the far northern territories by the Vergemål-for-Toppene, and the Vergemål's influence can still be seen in the architecture of Gråskygg.

    The area that Gråskygg overlooks and defends is some of the coldest and harshest that any region has to offer, and the men here are hardy giants, looking more like those from legend than citizens of Wintreath. The men of Erivale (the name given to this territory) took on the running of Gråskygg outpost some years before Wintreath broke away from Spiritus, and despite many political turnovers since remain the sole authority in this region, second only to the Monarch.

    Population: 472 [+300 Hvitt Riddaral garrison]
    Size: Roughly 1 mile in area.
    Territory: Erivale [Territory capital]
    3 people like this post: Omega, Wintermoot, A. Pierangelli
    « Last Edit: February 11, 2021, 05:30:00 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • N'al Reissvelt Castle

    The N'al Reissvelt Castle stands on an outcrop of stone shaped eons ago by the winds of the last great ice age. Older than living memory, its original construction and inhabitants are still a mystery to all who visit it. For some 200 years, N'al Reissvelt existed in a state of disrepair and abandonment, but with the secession of Wintreath from Spiritus defendable positions were in all too short a supply. Over the course of 2 years, the castle's transport gondola (seen above on the left of the painting) was repaired, and men and resources ferried to the pinnacle. N'al Reissvelt has since been returned to something approaching its former glory, with the finest artisans from all over the region called to its alluring antiquity to reconstruct its high vaulted ceilings, elaborate mosaics and carvings and the stained glass windows that stand as tall as 4 men on each others shoulders.

    Although the original purpose of the N'al Reissvelt Castle was lost when it fell into disrepair, Wintreath's military make use of it as a redoubt that is almost unassailable. It's position on the edge of the plains that Frostlake sits upon gives it excellent strategic value as a defensive emplacement, and the network of tunnels that criss-cross through the foundation stone it rests on provide storage space enough to withstand sieges that last decades.

    However, N'al Reissvelt also holds a cultural significance as well as a military one. Sprawling across the entire summit of rock, its walls contain living space for thousands of scholars, artisans and intelligentsia who support the military garrison, making it not only a formidable military position but also a cornerstone of Wintreathean society.

    Population: 2000 Military personnel, 6800 citizens
    Size: Hard to gauge - best estimates put the total floor area at over 5 miles squared.
    Territory: Frostlake (border defense position)
    1 person likes this post: Omega
    « Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 08:10:05 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Helmgrad

    Once the most easterly border port of Spiritus, Helmgrad now takes pride of place in Wintreath's port holdings. Situated on a jutting peninsula that ends in the frozen wastelands of the East Sea, it watches over the only approach into the calmer and somewhat warmer waters beyond. Helmgrad's architectural style is undeniably Spiritean, but if one looks carefully enough it is possible to see the impacts of Wintreathean artisan-ship beginning to seep into the forbidding face of this defensive port.

    Built and maintained by the military of Spiritus almost 500 years earlier, Helmgrad has a long and twisting history of defensive actions and peace-time trading. Under the government of Wintreath, it has exploded into a base of exploration and innovation in maritime development. Despite its foreboding position and unforgiving surroundings, the interior is remarkably homely, lit by glowing orange lamps mined from deep within the earth not a mile south of Helmgrad. Huge tapestries ordain the walls, and thick shag carpets ensure no-one gets cold feet within its stone-hewn hallways.

    Population: 1500 Military personnel, 4000 non-military citizens, 2000 Navy personnel
    Size: 3 miles squared, although defensive emplacements linked to the main construction by tunnels and walkways may lie as far as 2 miles out.
    Territory: Krall Peninsula [Territory capital]
    2 people like this post: Reon, Omega
    « Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 08:10:25 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Hammerfell

    Positioned on the southernmost extent of Frost Lake, some 50 miles from the capital city, Hammerfell represents the height of Wintreathean determination and ability. Hanging 30 metres over the edge of the cliffs, this bastion of culture serves no real military purpose - instead, it is a cultural, innovative hotbed of ideas and theories that shape Wintreathean politics, society and industry.

    Built at the end of the Hard Years, Hammerfell was the first city-building project embarked upon under Indric Kestar's watchful eye. Drawing inspiration from similar construction projects elsewhere, the city atop the cliffs is a mixture of the central castle (the only strategic building apart from its walls), sprawling expanses of houses and the factories and workshops that give Hammerfell the use-name of Aldri Sover Byen, the Never Sleeping City.

    Although Hammerfell lacks the rich cultural history that other cities in Wintreath can claim, it more than makes up for it with the rigorousness of its inhabitants. Its population of almost 55,000 are bustling, easy-going individuals, and the markets and theatres of the main city ring to the sound of laughter and earnest conversation. The royal Kestar family maintain a residence within the main castle but also within the suburbs, as does the Meindhert Line. In terms of importance, it is often argued that Hammerfell comes second only to Frostlake itself. And let one not forget, the views from the spires of Hammerfell are some of the best in Wintreath.

    Population: 2000 Military personnel, 50000 non-military personnel
    Size: 20 square miles (the painting above only shows the cliff-side face of Hammerfell)
    Territory: Frost Lake (second city)

    Also of note:
    Falvosa's Folly branch of the Indurain Causeways terminates here.
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    « Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 08:15:35 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Galdémere
    Reminiscent of a long-ago era, Galdémere is a city that was not built but discovered. Before the region split away from Spiritus, Wintreath was largely left to nature except for a few small cities, towns and villages and the network of roads and railtracks that connected them. Once the Kestar family seceded from the Spiritus administration, a directive to explore the lush forests in the southern plains was given - it was hoped that in the midst of the rough terrain there would be waterways suitable for trade vessels to travel down, and land on either side suitable for habitation.

    After some 20 years of work, Galdémere was discovered. It fit the bill perfectly - 3 large rivers quietly carved their ways through the centre of the city, meeting in more than 20 places to form natural harbours in the middle of the jungle-like forest. The city itself was deserted. Thousands of Hvitt Riddaral troops were brought in to ensure the safety of the exploration units, but nothing of any threatening value was found. As exploration continued, the scientists, archaeologists, architects, scholars and theoreticians moved in, taking up residence and beginning their studies of this ancient city.

    Although its origins have been discovered, much within Galdémere remains shrouded in mystery. To its 30,000 inhabitants, this is hardly a matter for concern as they get about their daily lives in what has become one of the busiest trading cities in Wintreath's borders. Its position of isolation means that Galdémere is totally self-sustaining, and advances in crop rotation and agricultural method have seeped out to the other cities of the land as its secrets give themselves up to the inhabitants one by one.

    Many buildings still show signs of disrepair from the centuries of neglect and natural incursions they were left to suffer, but the interiors are comfortably decked out by Wintreathean standards. The mild local climate sees thick carpets and thin window drapes as the norm in most houses, and clear, thin glass adorns the windows in efforts to keep out the midday heat and the midnight chill.

    Population: 5000 Military personnel, 30000 non-military personnel.
    Size: Unknown, estimated at 10 miles squared.
    Territory: South Rides
    2 people like this post: Arsenioh, Omega
    « Last Edit: September 25, 2022, 02:27:44 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Dalen Eksil

     Dalen Eksil has had a very troubled history. When the first native tribes came around, it was a warring territory. Many of the early battles, with many people dead in these battles. After the early warring tribes were either decimated or united, it was used as a place of exile, where people who were not considered fit for society or had committed a crime were sentenced to an early, frozen grave. It was also used as a place of crime, whether it be that of murder, of rape, of slavery, of any unlawful activity. It has always had a bad connotation to its name, and people best stay clear of it.

      Besides its human "inhabitants", it is otherwise a bare, frozen, and harsh wasteland. No land is usable, there is usually a constant storm or blizzard going by, and is nearly always eternally night.

      However, such things have not stopped several men, women, and others from traversing this land. Rumours are always about, that robbers, bandits, and ice pirates a hide their lot in the small opening of icy niches, and that one could become very rich very quickly if one were to find them. Of course, this also leads to the ever growing number of dead that can still be seen under the frozen ice, leaving one even more chilled to the bone...
    2 people like this post: Arsenioh, Omega
    Age-old Extra-Terrestrial Being of Wintreath.

      Has the sworn loyalty of the Extra-Terrestrial Azure, the Demonic Mercenary Nova Arrakis Polaris, and the fiery Italian Ignazio Prospero.

      In a complicated relationship with Jonewest, Eternal Queen of the Hill.
    The Golden Persian
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  • Mistrock Outpost

    Earning its name from the early morning mists that rise from the inlet waters in autumn, Mistrock Outpost marks the furthermost east point of the Myra outpost chain. The Langt Myra (or Long Marshes) blend into one of the largest mountain ranges on the eastern borders of Wintreath, and the river that runs inland from here carries trade hundreds of miles, some reaching as far as Galdémere and Hammerfell. Thus, the decision was taken to fortify the Mistrock Abbey into the final link in the Myra Outpost Chain that defends the first 150 miles of the River Lysshard and the lands around it from hostile incursions.

    Having started life as an Abbey some 800 years prior to the Wintreath split from Spiritus, Mistrock's architecture leans strongly towards more religious iconography. This is merely a deceiving facade, however; after the Invasion of the Lysshard in 119, Mistrock's fortifications have been given a serious overhaul. Abbey life continues within 3 meter thick ironmarble walls, and the bell-tower's imposing height watches down upon anything approaching the waterway.

    Mistrock Outpost is now predominantly a military emplacement with the sole purpose of protecting the inner flank of the eastern border. However, the small town that had already existed around the Abbey has expanded since the influx of men and materials began. The town of Mistrock now boasts a small theatre, two taverns and a well-equipped port that furnishes river-going vessels to the highest standards.

    Population: 1000 Military personnel, 300 religious order personnel, 4000 non-military personnel
    Size: 0.75 square miles on the islet, 3 square miles on the mainland (off-painting, look for the wall going off to the right)
    Territory: Lysshard
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    « Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 05:05:52 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Glaciermount Trans-Regional Railway - [Shown on the Glaciermount Pass stretch of rail]

    As one enters the Glaciermount locomotive, it is not at first (except for the name) apparent why such a heavy-duty engine is required. For the first 200 or so miles of the track from the Grand Western rail-station in Frostlake, as the train travels over the Frostlake Rail Duct and curves southwards through Hammerfell, a traveler could be forgiven for thinking that the thickly insulated and iron-plated carriages with the deep carpets and heatlamps were overkill. But as the track curves, moving from south to southwest to west to northwest before turning north and pulling into N'al Reissvelt Castle station below the imposing pinnacle of rock, it becomes clear - the Glaciermount Trans-Regional Railway means exactly what its name says.

    Built as the individual territorial railways were subsumed into the regional rail network, the GTRR represents a feat of Wintreathean engineering. Stretching a total of over 2000 miles through the coldest and windiest territories, it's a trainride like no other. Carrying passengers, freight and vehicle alike, the Hammerfell Rail Industries powerful locomotive reaches a coasting speed of 90MPH in good conditions. However, there are rarely good conditions.

    Passengers have to contend with icy winds, blizzards and every-day snowfall that make slow going of the gently curving route. Luckily for them, the train comes with well-stocked open fires in each carriage, heavy curtains and lots of insulation. Even the lights give off a bone-warming heat at just the right temperature to keep back the chill of outside. From end to end, Frostlake to Gråskygge, the journey takes almost 3 months.
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    « Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 05:04:36 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Minas Tirith / Minas Anor

    Minas Tirith, originally named Minas Anor, is the capital of Latrovia, and one of the strongest and never defeated strongholds in the protection of Wintreath. It became the heavily fortified capital of Gondor in the second half of the Third Age. It was originally built to guard the former capital, Osgiliath, from attack from the west, but became the capital when Osgiliath fell into ruin following the Kin-strife and the Great Plague. It is often referred to as the White City and the City of the Kings. The Rohirrim sometimes translated this into their own language as "the Mundburg".

    The name Minas Tirith means "The Tower of Guard" or "The Tower of Watch" in the Elvish language Sindarin. It was originally named Minas Anor, "The Tower of the Setting Sun", in connection with Minas Ithil, "The Tower of the Rising Moon". Minas Ithil was later conquered by orcs from Mordor and was renamed Minas Morgul, "The Tower of Black Sorcery".
    Minas Tirith was built culminating in the Citadel at the summit. Each of the seven levels stood 100 ft (30 m) higher than the one below it, each surrounded by a white wall, with the exception of the wall of the First Circle, which was black. The outer face of this outer wall, the lowest, was made of black stone, the same material used in Orthanc; it was vulnerable only to earthquakes capable of rending the ground where it stood.
    Each wall held a gate, and each gate face a different direction.
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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten

  • The Braignesl Caves

    Deep in the mountains of Wintreath, something burrowed in the ground. Like most things in this mysterious land, the new Wintreans did not build these features, they merely inherited them.

    The caves are remnants of the Braignes people, miners and artists that took what the goddess Giule, the Earth, had to give and they turned it into magnificent pieces of wrought metal and carved stone. Their weapons are unbreakable, their walls indestructible, their art so fine even the thickest brute would appreciate their beauty. Only their records remain, no living being was found in these caves, though some say they just retreated further into the Deep when the Humans of Spiritus showed up, and they are waiting to strike back.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

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  • The Cragles Lake and Ever Burning Tree

    The Wintreans never will understand the Tree or its magic. Not even the region's greatest scholars have penetrated its secrets, unable to identify how or why it burns. Only one being knows, the Queen Consort Talwyn Azenor Stark of the Azenor.

    The Lake of Cragles was where the Queen Consort was told of her destiny, to marry the rebel king Inric Nordrim Stark, and aid him in his times of need when the country suffered. The tree was lit on fire by the old gods of the Eridian Peoples, some of the inhabitants of Wintreath who have since been assimilated by the Spiritan rebels, the new Wintreans. Talwyn was blessed be these old gods, and was allowed to bathe in the Cragles with her handmaids. Those who are not blessed and bathe will die in its freezing grip, only few are allowed to bathe in this huge lake, the second largest in Wintreath.

    The tree remains aflame to remind Talwyn of her vows. When a Stark or Azenor or a member of another loyal Wintrean royal family dies, the tree burns a dark blue. On a day of battle when Wintreans die protecting their country, it burns a fierce indigo. It will only go out once the last true Wintrean, whether a local who's family has lived in Wintreath since the days of its origin or a foreigner who takes up the name of Wintreath as if it was his own; once the last breath leaves their lips, and their eyes stare into infinity, only then will the gods of Wintreath, new and old, only then will they die, and the tree will die with them.
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    « Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 04:50:19 PM by Alterra »
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

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