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Lil' Wolf I: Party On, Wolves
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  • Eleven hours left till EOD, and again a reminder to @ENE and @Tau that y'all must vote or risk modkill.
    What happens in the event of a tie?
    He doesn't specify in the rules, but the norm in the case of a draw has been that it will be randomly selected between the two tied options and I don't expect him to change it for this game.
    I'm hiding (poorly) how absolutely overwhelming the amount of posts in this topic is.
    As a note to you, the above-mentioned two (on the assumption that maybe you're not posting because the pace of posts is too stressful to want to keep up), or really anyone else who was coming in expecting one thing and then being rudely confronted with another; please let someone know if you're burned out and not having fun in the game, don't try to force yourself to keep playing if it's not enjoyable.
    I think we can all acknowledge burnout is totally a real possibility (I for one flamed out quite spectacularly last game, if not quite for the reasons of just 'too many posts to keep up with, even if I eventually recovered) but if so, sound off so someone (whether Michi or just anyone with a lot of WW-playing friends) can try and find a substitute.

    also with hydra voting now I guess i'll update votetracker again

    Vote Tracker:
    Gerrick: LoS
    Nyght: LoS
    Lau: Anubhav
    Gerrick: Anubhav
    Doc: ENE
    Anubhav: ENE
    Laurentus: ENE
    TGN: ENE
    Sapphiron: Colby
    Colby: Hydra
    BSR: TGN
    Anubhav: TGN
    LoS: Gerrick
    Cozmik: Colby
    Hydra: Sapph

    Vote Count:
    LoS - Nyght (1)
    Anubhav - Gerrick (1)
    ENE - Doc, Laurentus, TGN (3)
    Colby - Sapph, cozmikrae (2)
    Hydra - Colby (1)
    TGN - BSR, Anubhav (2)
    Gerrick - LoS (1)
    Sapph - Hydra (1)

    Lead wagon is still ENE with 3, secondary wagons are now Colby and TGN, and 5(!) vanity wagons.
    3 people like this post: Laurentus, Legacy of Smiles, NyghtOwl
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  • It's nearing bedtime for me (won't be online for End of Day), and I don't like how spread out all the votes are. It's clear Anubhav is not gonna be a wagon, so I'm gonna switch.

    Switch Vote: TGN

    I know I had him in my town-reads earlier (though near the bottom of the town...), but after everything that's happened today, I'm reconsidering my views on several people and have a couple theories that I want to see play out a bit before I talk about. TGN just seems more aloof this game like he was in LOTR-wolf (when he was scum) than when he was more outspoken in AOT-wolf (when he was town). Not really buying ENE's scuminess (he seemed to jump on wagons in LOTR-wolf, and he still hasn't voted yet here even to defend himself), and I want to give Colberius the benefit of the doubt this early still since he hasn't played in a while.
    2 people like this post: Laurentus, cozmikrae

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  • Eleven hours left till EOD, and again a reminder to @ENE and @Tau that y'all must vote or risk modkill.
    Heads up that I didn't get notified by that, if you used the member bbcode directly rather than using an @ symbol then that is probably why. I believe the @ is necessary to trigger the notifications/PMs.

    What is RVS vote?
    ISOing you to see if I was willing to actually vote for you instead of just reading you (esp. considering you're currently the biggest wagon, which I don't want to hop aboard unless I'm sure) I noticed you never got an answer to this question; RVS is 'Random Voting Stage', which is another term for a D1 vote made on basically no information whatsoever.

    Now that that's been said, in the end I decided that while I'm still sus vis-a-vis Anubhav, I'd rather we had another wagon both for the reasons I outline above (I don't want to hop aboard the majority wagon unless I'm Sure) and for wagonomics reasons, since I'm obligated to vote today (as are Anubhav, BSR, Cozmik, ENE, Hydra, Nyght, and Tau) rather than no-lynching because of Rule 6.
    Moreover, I'd prefer secondary wagon not be LoS, since even though I'm nullreading him, I acknowledge that that may well be driven by residual paranoia from last game rather than anything else, and so if we let him get lynched I think we're likely to be depriving town of a strong analytical mind.
    Therefore on balance, I'm going to
    Vote: ENE,
    because thus far he has made exactly three posts, all of which are a single line and which give us no information to work off of. He doesn't have the least posts, but I think he has the least substance in his posts, and so among my nullreads he's the one I'm most comfortable offering up as a wagon.
    Perhaps I would be more active if this game wasn't so hard to follow. I wasn't expecting this when signing up and reading this:
    Quote from: Michi
    I figured I'd run a smaller game for those of you who want something a bit more calm but still fun.
    I actually think ENE is scum.

    Interesting, how so?
    For people who aren't aware (I believe you are but for the sake of others) I have a lot of meta on ENE.

    When he's active, he's definitely more of a tryhard town (much more than you'd expect honestly). As scum he's typically very inactive and doesn't solve anywhere near as much (and he also has a habit of trying to act towny only when pressured). The reads post was probably at least semi-serious and I don't see how a towny comes to those conclusions (particularly a person who self admittedly can't read me and usually has me as null / town lean when I'm town and has only ever scumread me before when he was a wolf himself).

    I think he's scum trying to get a low-effort townread by posting something brazenly wolfy (particularly because of my habit to TR this sort of behaviour). The reads post seems pretty out of character for him  but especially him as town.

    He was already on my radar before this but he was mostly null.

    Would go into more detail but my fingers are cold.
    I am incredibly confused why you're unvoting in the first place, Anu. You are the other main wagon.

    And to @Legacy of Smiles: I don't suppose you have any links to games where ENE had this MO for a scum game? Because now that you mention it, I did see him in action as a Townie in a recent game in XKI, and he definitely tried harder. He also had a scum game here where he pretty much just lurked, and then the last game here he was also lurky, but in that one, he was Town.
    Sadly, it's only Discord games we've played together (of which we have played around 20). ENE can be a mixed bag for how much effort he is willing/able to put into a town game but I think that's more based on time commitment.
    Based on these posts, I think it's quite believable that ENE signed up expecting a chiller game with lower time commitment and the activity we're seeing from him is the result of that. I'm not familiar with Discord games, but I would assume that they're faster-paced with lower longer-term time commitment overall? If so, then the styles of activity and activity level would be drastically different. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that. Regardless, I feel like if time investment is the issue here, then player meta from these older games doesn't really factor in, since people can sometimes commit more time when they're more free and/or more interested in participating which may not be the case when expectations were for a lower time commitment game.

    Hence I am not really buying the argument against ENE.

    Gerrick makes an interesting point about ENE also not having voted or defended himself very strongly, but he did post defense earlier on and if I'm not mistaken it is still very early morning in his time zone. But also the votes against him starting piling up in still European waking hours and there wasn't a response so I think Gerrick's overall point still holds.

    I have to vote or get inactivity lynched, I will not be awake for the end of this phase, y'all don't like "vanity wagons" (also lumping No Lynch vote into this), and the counterwagon is TGN (well there's also Colby but the argument against him literally is just that he's too inactive when I entirely sympathize with his activity level), so.

    one print-page ctrl+f "tgn" later

    tf is EIWOP? Seconding BSR's confusion here

    Now that TGN is majority though, unlike at BSR's time, that doesn't seem like a good reason to vote for him. Honestly I don't know what to make of TGN's posts, his writing style feels kinda alien and impossible to understand to me but I also don't really know him personally so I have no idea whether his behavior is unusual at all or not.

    Going through the rest of the votes - I already argued against Nyght's argument against LoS, Hydra is another vote due to inactivity which I'm not going to pile on, I am confused by LoS' argument against Gerrick (as is Gerrick, apparently). Sapph is a scary player but Hydra didn't provide any reasoning. That said, his behavior seems to match an earlier proposed Human strategy by Doc about corralling inactive players as suspicious:
    Anub is now a scumlean: largely this is informed by just how similar I feel his play is right now to LoS' last game, which was a staggering amount of activity meant to corral people down a particular avenue to a mislynch like a powerwolf in sheepdog's clothing. While there doesn't seem to be a certain specific target being chased, the emphasis on inactive people, when, like, hell, maybe at least some - e.g. Tau's expressed this will likely be 'his last game of WW' because of the activity spike - are just put off. We've had this problem happen before. And the 'Doc sus cause he hasn't posted yet, 2 hours after the phase started' thing is particularly grating now that I'm considering this angle, frankly.
    But also he's gotten used to the more active games recently (to the point that on Discord after the last Werewolf game he thought things hadn't really changed much, only player count driving activity rather than changed culture/strategies, which is like, clearly untrue) so honestly I'm not surprised for him to be biased against less active players.

    Tbh I've already spent far more time on this than I'd have liked and am still coming up with nothing for any of the current candidates, don't wanna start a vanity wagon, and pretty much everyone here seems to be acting like a villager to me, with the only wild card being TGN, whose behavior is more confusing for me than anything else. So with everyone else on the vote list being a slight town read and TGN being a null read, and threat of inactivity lynch looming over me,

    Vote: Make TGN Leave
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  • @Gerrick and @cozmikrae, could you link me to your reads lists again?
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  • Or even if you just create new ones with names only, that would also be very helpful, if you don't have time for the whole thing.
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  • Never mind, found them both.
    1 person likes this post: cozmikrae
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  • Why does everyone have to be so interesting? Goddammit.
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  • Okay, so for my strategy to work, I am going to need serious buy-in from a Town who trusts me. Can everyone please tell me who their preference to scan would have been if they were the Seer?
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Really quick from town to scum:


    And my N1 scan would've most likely been you, Laurentus. Tonight would probably scan LoS or Sapphiron. Now sleep.
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    Well, let me link you to his scum game. I wonder if you can spot any parallels.
    That's definitely an interesting read, thanks.

    ENE, any chance that you could post a few reads with some detailed explanations for me please?
    - TGN -> is acting quite town-y, pretty much like last game

    Town Lean:
    - BSR -> reasonable posts, remind me of last game
    - Gerrick -> I've liked the reads lists and effort, although I may not agree
    - Nyght -> is playing different from last game, good feeling
    - Colberius X -> I feel like they are playing with a town-y mindset, although this lean is ever-so slight

    - Anubhav Gosh -> I have no idea how to read Anu
    - LoS -> unsure
    - Cozmik -> unsure
    - Sapphiron -> unsure
    - Doc -> unsure
    - Taulover -> unsure
    - Hydra -> unsure

    Scum Lean:
    - Laurentus -> I've disliked some of his posts
    I won't lie, I am frustrated and stressed, partially because of this game. Take the list with a grain of salt, it was rushed as I have a presentation in about two minutes.
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  • It's a bit concerning that after Laurentus moved me from null to leaning town, the thread consensus has gone from most people putting me in scum leans to people putting me in town leans.

    Not liking the TGN wagon, too many suspicious voters on it and completely without a good case or really any case that I see at all.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Reads
    Well, let me link you to his scum game. I wonder if you can spot any parallels.
    That's definitely an interesting read, thanks.

    ENE, any chance that you could post a few reads with some detailed explanations for me please?
    - TGN -> is acting quite town-y, pretty much like last game

    Town Lean:
    - BSR -> reasonable posts, remind me of last game
    - Gerrick -> I've liked the reads lists and effort, although I may not agree
    - Nyght -> is playing different from last game, good feeling
    - Colberius X -> I feel like they are playing with a town-y mindset, although this lean is ever-so slight

    - Anubhav Gosh -> I have no idea how to read Anu
    - LoS -> unsure
    - Cozmik -> unsure
    - Sapphiron -> unsure
    - Doc -> unsure
    - Taulover -> unsure
    - Hydra -> unsure

    Scum Lean:
    - Laurentus -> I've disliked some of his posts
    I won't lie, I am frustrated and stressed, partially because of this game. Take the list with a grain of salt, it was rushed as I have a presentation in about two minutes.

    Which posts have you disliked, and why?
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  • It's worth noting that Gerrick/ENE would make a very likely scumteam because of Gerrick's voting and his earlier prod of inactives (which would presumably be because they contain a teammate of his if a wolf). Don't want to go any deeper into associations pre-flip but I thought it was worth pointing out just in case I died.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Count of Highever
  • It's a bit concerning that after Laurentus moved me from null to leaning town, the thread consensus has gone from most people putting me in scum leans to people putting me in town leans.

    Not liking the TGN wagon, too many suspicious voters on it and completely without a good case or really any case that I see at all.

    This is why I need to be lynched immediately as a Wolf, and NKed immediately as Town.  :D >:D
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  • It's worth noting that Gerrick/ENE would make a very likely scumteam because of Gerrick's voting and his earlier prod of inactives (which would presumably be because they contain a teammate of his if a wolf). Don't want to go any deeper into associations pre-flip but I thought it was worth pointing out just in case I died.

    So why are you not voting for ENE, again? Even if there is a link between Gerrick and ENE, why put your vote on a vanity wagon?
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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