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Lil' Wolf I: Party On, Wolves
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Hello my lovely friends, and welcome to our first game of Lil’ Wolf!  We here at the Werewolf Lovers Anonymous Association (WLAA for short) have reviewed all of these past “games” that have been played here, and are frankly appalled at the incited violence towards our werewolf friends.  Much like you and me, they have jobs, and try to be productive members of society.  Seeing them used as the villain in your games has been frankly appalling, and we will no longer sit idly by and watch such travesties unfold.

     So from now on, the WLAA will be monitoring your games.  To show that we mean business, we’ve taken the liberty of writing an approved game and script for your little “host” to use.  If you don’t use it, we’ll take to TRIPPER and trip all about your senseless acts of aggression to our millions of followers, and you’ll see this little game of “Werewolf” being banned for good.  Now that I’ve made my message clear, please now turn to your host for the evening...and have some good friendly fun!

     -Alexander Wolfgang, President of the WLAA

    Oh for the love of...yeah, so you heard right folks.  We’re going to be playing a cutesy game unless we want our games shut down for good.  So...ehem.

    Clears throat and starts reading the script

    Thank you for choosing to take part in this family friendly game of Werewolf, where even your kids would be proud to say that they played this game (because kids just hate violence, right? rolls eyes).  In this game, we will not be “lynching” wolves, but instead we will party with them and hug them and talk out our problems with them (So we’re an intervention group now? Sigh). Day and Night phases will instead be Play Time and Quiet Time when our friendly wolves decide to snuggle and rest from such a long day (Oh god, kill me now).

    But since our wolf friends are such silly mischievous creatures (barf), they may choose to get up during Quiet Time and do various things.  Mr. Silly Billy Wolf may choose to sneak up on another wolf pal or less friendly human to try to get them to play a game.  If they’re indeed a friendly wolf, they’ll spend the night playing Jacks or cards.  If they’re a mean old human, they’ll try to warn their wolf friends during the next Play Time (grabs rope and hangs it up).

    At the same time,  Mr. and Mrs. Happy Wolf (wtf comes up with these names?) can choose to protect one of their friendly wolf pals from the mean old humans.  While they can’t protect themselves, they can protect each other, and they can’t protect the same wolf twice in a row.

    There are a total of three meanie humans out there that will try to ruin the wolves innocent fun out there.  While they can’t hurt any of you since they only have squeaky hammer weapons, they’ll do what they can to make you cry and want to leave your party.  If you can successfully vote them out during Play Time, you may be able to convince them to reform their evil ways and become wolf lovers (seriously, is this what you want to teach people? That it’s okay to love bloodthirsty beasts?).  Keep in mind that they won’t join you for your party since it’s wolf friends only, but they’ll go out and spread the word!

    If you can successfully convert all of the mean humans to your cause, you’ll win the game! But if the wolves successfully bully enough of the wolves to be able to gang up on you (the convoluted way of them saying “if the wolves equal the remaining total), they’ll instead win the game.  Have some good safe fun now! <3

    Update as of 3/19: The WLAA has been disbanded due to conspiracy allegations against former president Alexander Wolfgang.

    What's up everyone?! So it's time for a party here in Werewolf to really shake things up now that we don't have those WLAA hounds on our asses.  Since the game has already started, I can't change the overall course of it, but I can at least give a much better intro.

    So in this game, everything's a party, and there's killing too.  The killings are nice and violent, there's plenty of drugs and alcohol, and the music is all Wolf Metal...which is basically death metal but with wolf howls.  Like every other game, the objective is to out the totally not cool antagonists...which are humans in this game.  You also have the Badass Seeker Wolf who can scan the roles, and the two Bouncer wolves to throw out any human who tries to get into this kickin' party.

    There's 3 humans total, so be sure to get rid of them before they decide to gang up and beat the hell out of all of you.


    So let me explain it a bit more simply: You're all the wolves in this game, and your goal is to vote out the humans.  It's sort of a role reversal similar to a game in 10000 Islands that they ran known as PAWHUGGERS...thought 10x more badass.

    Your power Wolves this game are:

    The Badass Seeker Wolf, who is basically the seer.  During each night, he can get all the dirty details about a player, or in other words, he can scan a player and get their role from them.

    The Totally awesome Bouncer wolves who are basically our two defenders.  During each night, they can each protect someone from a potential human-attack.  They can't protect the same person twice in a row, and they can't protect themselves (though they can protect each other).

    Your evil nasty bad guys in this game are: some bad PSA or something like that.  They'll attempt to get innocent wolves kicked out of the party or killed during Party Time, and they'll gang up on and potentially kill a wolf during a Chill Out Time.

    Like a normal game of Werewolf, there are two phases:

    *Party Time - Where you'll discuss and vote as a group who should leave the party.  Your choice will be marked with Vote: Make (insert name) Leave, or simply vote: (insert name) in bold.  Voted choices will be removed from the game like normally.

    *Chill Out Time- During this time, the Power Wolves will use their above mentioned powers if they so choose.  The 3 Humans will also choose their victim to kill.  You will not know if a choice is protected or not.

    The rules, quite simply, are as followed:

    1. The Totally Awesome Bouncers cannot protect themselves, nor the same person twice in a row.  They can, however, choose to protect each other.

    2. Badass Seeker Wolf can choose to invite confirmed wolf friends to his Badass Barbecue, where they can crack jokes while figuring out who the humans are.

    3. Power Wolves are forbidden from stating/disclosing their names or roles.  Badass Seeker Wolf may, however, use their knowledge on confirmed roles in the thread without giving themselves away.

    4. The first phase will be 48 hours long, and other Party Time phases will be 48 hours, Chill Time being 24 hours.  The time will automatically start when the host start/end post is made for each phase, and will end exactly 24/48 hours from that post...depending on the phase. In other words, if I post a PT phase beginning at 12PM PST, it will end exactly 48 hours from then, regardless if I post the phase end or not.  And the next phase will begin when I post that PT phase end/CT phase start...and vice versa.

    5. You can choose to not vote to send someone out from the party during Party Time, but it's not recommended.

    6. If you do not vote for 2 consecutive Party Time phases, you'll be automatically removed from the party. Choosing to Vote: No Lynch does not count against vote activity.

    7. Night talking and off-site discussion are not allowed.

    8. Players killed off will have one post to say goodbye.

    9. Players killed off will have a chance to talk about the game in the Kegger PM.

    10. Reads lists, lingo, and other Mafia Universe tidbits are appreciated, but discouraged to keep this game less confusing for players new to the game.

    If you have any questions at all, please feel free to shoot me a PM or DM on Discord.  Other than that...let's get this party started!

    1 Human
    3 Wolf Buds

    The Play Time Phase has begun!

    @Legacy of Smiles Mr. Happy Wolf, Modkilled
    @cozmikrae Mrs. Happy Wolf, killed by hacksaw
    @NyghtOwl Wolf Bud, killed via grenade.
    @TGN Wolf bud, modkilled
    @Gerrick Wolf bud, clawed to death via angry mob during PT 3.
    @Eastern New England/@Vroendal
    @Doc Human, impaled via pitchfork
    @Anubhav Ghosh
    @Laurentus Wolf bud, Modkilled
    @Colberius X Wolf bud, drowned in a hot grease trap.
    @BraveSirRobin Human, killed while filming "The Gawking Dead"
    @Hydra Killed COT 3, stabbed to death.
    « Last Edit: March 29, 2021, 07:15:20 PM by Michi »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • I'm going to accidentally mix up humans and wolves multiple times this game, calling it now.
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Legacy is an evil human cosplaying as a turtle :'(

    Vote: Make Legacy Leave
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Vote: Make NyghtOwl Leave

    Because he also won last game. Amd to anyone who mentions me, I'm gonna be at work for the next 12 hours, so I won't be able to see it until then.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Vote: Gerrick[

    Because I'm not liking the pre-emptive defensiveness.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • It seems like we have a lot of would be bullies here and that's really not okay. Bullying is bad and it needs to not happen. I know we're all worried some humans snuck in and want to hit us with hammers but this is play time, not paranoia time!

    In the interests of trying to avoid all those MU habits we've picked up, I'm going to Vote: No Lynch to try and get into the 'right' mindset. I'll change it later (since I've made clear I don't believe in it anymore) but its such a nice, non-violent move that there's no better way to spend a Sunday playtime.
    Proud Burner
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  • Legacy is an evil human cosplaying as a turtle :'(

    Vote: Make Legacy Leave
    Legacy is actually cosplaying as a tortoise, I'm the turtle here.
    "Slow and steady wins the race." - Aesop
    Eastern New England
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  • Vote: Make NyghtOwl Leave

    Because he also won last game. Amd to anyone who mentions me, I'm gonna be at work for the next 12 hours, so I won't be able to see it until then.

    Teehee. I think Gerrick is mad that I turned things around on him last game but it's okay. I don't hold grudges.

    That being said, I'm gonna Vote to make Laurentia leave because it's never a good idea to let a formerly omnipotent being attend your parties.
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, cozmikrae
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Screw doing this on a phone and getting autocorrected.

    Vote to make Laurentus leave
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

    Come join us, friend, and please let me know what you think of the posts so far.

    (I think he might perhaps need a discord ping?)
    Legacy of Smiles
    • Good Turtle Trust
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  • Count of Highever
  • Vote: Make NyghtOwl Leave

    Because he also won last game. Amd to anyone who mentions me, I'm gonna be at work for the next 12 hours, so I won't be able to see it until then.

    Teehee. I think Gerrick is mad that I turned things around on him last game but it's okay. I don't hold grudges.

    That being said, I'm gonna Vote to make Laurentia leave because it's never a good idea to let a formerly omnipotent being attend your parties.

    But... if you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to hide. Do you?
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • Vote: Make NyghtOwl Leave

    Because he also won last game. Amd to anyone who mentions me, I'm gonna be at work for the next 12 hours, so I won't be able to see it until then.

    Teehee. I think Gerrick is mad that I turned things around on him last game but it's okay. I don't hold grudges.

    That being said, I'm gonna Vote to make Laurentia leave because it's never a good idea to let a formerly omnipotent being attend your parties.

    But... if you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to hide. Do you?

    I mean I have a lot of things to hide. But this is a Sfw forum.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • I'm just getting the ball rolling and stirring up some responses.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • I'm going to accidentally mix up humans and wolves multiple times this game, calling it now.

    Legacy is an evil human cosplaying as a turtle :'(

    Vote: Make Legacy Leave
    that image is cursed

    anyways Vote: Sapphiron Leave
    because of the image above

    I’m probably on NS lol
    • CoD Zombies Fan
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  • Oh praise the Lord for you have not seen what is even more cursed whilst I was searching for human-tortoise hybrid
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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