Post #144109
January 21, 2020, 05:28:05 AM
I respond to Dani in real life. And without a last name, I feel safe enough using Dani online. If you are talking about the extension subtitle bit, the primary reason for choosing it was because it sounds awesome. I also read a lot of books, and the inspiration came from a few of them. Bastet is my chosen patron goddess for a large number of reasons including cats and a death wish. That's as in depth as I'll go, seeing as you gave me a triple feature.
I don't have life goals anymore. But I am actually in a good, talkative mood instead of a nasty talkative mood, so in the spirit of your question, the biggest thing I dream of is a tiny bakery/coffee shop in the middle of the Antarctic wasteland. More realistically, it will closer to the North pole- Finland or Alaska, but I dream of the icy continent. I serve anyone foolish enough to be out, needing a harbor. I bake and serve food, and live in the upstairs. I never speak, but no one really minds.
You had to pick a challenge question for the last one. I never learned proper English. Just American English, so your question is what my color is, since favourite is coming up with a red line. My color isn't. I am not a person. There is no hers or his or theirs or even its. Something of lesser value cannot claim ownership. And color could be argued to have the greatest value but certainly not the least value. Now we've simplified your question down to "what is color?" I can answer that question with a long scientific answer, which simplifies to a range of wavelengths of energy that are visible to the human eye. The reason humans see the color range we do is because they evolved to see the majority of the energy that makes it from the sun through the atmosphere. We can of course use cameras to detect other energy wavelengths and represent them in colors we can see, but that isn't "color." Intentional bitchy misinterpretation aside, I like to view the color red, specifically the wavelengths around 414 nanometers long.