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The Prisons Below: An Escape Room
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  • The Prisons Below
    Welcome, travellers, to an unfortunate scenario. Rules are as follows:
    • There are four characters. Multiple people may play each character, but you may not play two characters
    • The goal is to escape. To escape, all players must leave the dungeon. The room is not complete until everyone is out
    • You cannot undo an action once it has been done
    • Some options may be fatal. In this case, you may join another character and the remaining characters must all escape
    • Finally, you may communicate with each other outside of this thread, you may perform as many actions as you wish per turn(counted separately per characters), and there is no time limit.

    With that fun out of the way, here are the characters you may play. Each has three special attributes that the others cannot use.
    -The Human: You can do anything a human can, plus you have the abilities of climbing any surface, increased durability (You are harder to kill), and flame-resistant clothing.
    -The Dog: You have all the abilities of a dog, plus abilities to take scent and track, increased movement speed, and seeing in the dark
    -The Cat: You have the abilities of a cat, plus the abilities to fit in any space(Cats are liquid, after all), ability to jump really high and subsequently take no fall damage, and charm any being you come across, for better or worse.
    -The Firefly in a jar: You have the abilities of an insect. Your jar cannot be opened. However, you can set any object on fire at will, you can light any place instantly, and you can carry very heavy loads freely.

    Once you have your characters, you will be teleported to a starting place as described below.
    The Human starts in a damp jail cell. Three walls are solid stone. One wall is iron bars. You can see nothing beyond the bars. There is no apparent door. There is a cot in the corner and a toilet in the other. Discarded food is strewn across the floor. A skeletal hand reaches through the bars. There is an torch holder on one wall. It is empty. The floor is uneven, with two circles circles drawn on the ground.

    The Dog starts in a dark hallway. There is a chain running from one paw to a heavy weight on the ground. There is a bowl of water near you. The floor is made of soft clay. The walls are solid stone. You cannot see the ceiling. There is a crude arrow drawn on one wall, facing down towards the floor. On the opposing wall there is an occupied torch holder. The torch is unlit. There is something shiny poking out of the floor.

    The Cat starts in a room with a fireplace. It is currently burning. You can see something on the other side of the fire. The walls appear to be wood.  There is a shelf on one wall. You cannot see if anything is on it. There is a stack of books on the floor. There is a flowerpot in the corner. There is a large stone next to it. In the opposite corner, there is a red X drawn on the floor in what appears to be blood.

    The Firefly starts above a fireplace. You can see half of the room below you. There is a table and broken chairs on the floor, and a surprisingly shiny chandelier on the ceiling. There are several paintings on the wall across from the fireplace. You are in a jar. It appears to be glass. There are no air holes in the jar. You will not suffocate without airholes, as you are somewhat magical.

    And that is that. Just grab a character (Announce which one you are) and start playing. If there is not enough interest, the rules may change so that one person can play multiple characters. And remember, all characters have their abilities for a reason. They can be used at any time. Losing or sacrificing a character will make escaping much harder.
    4 people like this post: Gerrick, taulover, Red Mones, Wuufu
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  • Human

    >Avoid standing in circles accidentally.
    >Avoid stepping into the reach of the skeletal hand accidentally.

    >Examine food.
    >Locate and pick up a throwable piece of food.
    >Underhand toss that piece of food towards the hand.

    >Look up.

    Eeeee I get to play!! Thank you so much, oh my goodness.
    Question. Is the Firefly able to carry the jar around with them, and do they have telekinesis?
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  • >Avoid standing in circles accidentally.
    You carefully avoid stepping in the circles as you move around

    >Avoid stepping into the reach of the skeletal hand accidentally.
    You do not go near the hand

    >Examine food.
    It is moldy. Underneath a particularly large pile, there is something that feels like paper. It is covered in mold as well

    >Locate and pick up a throwable piece of food.
    You pick up a throwable piece of food. It appears to once have been bread. It is stale and fuzzy.

    >Underhand toss that piece of food towards the hand.
    You hit the hand. With a clatter, it falls to the floor. It drops a ring onto the floor. Some noise is heard from outside the cell.

    >Look up.
    You look up. There is a leak in the ceiling. It is leaving a puddle on the floor.

    The Firefly can carry the jar around with them, but they do not have telekinesis. They will have to figure a way out of the jar if they wish to pick things up.

    Human turn 1
    « Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 07:22:12 PM by Ruguo »
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  • Glad to see a new game, and run by a relatively new person no less. Good on ya!


    >Tip over the flower pot.
    >Examine the books.
    >Examine the large stone.
    >Jump up on the shelf.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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  • >Tip over the flower pot
    You tip over the flowerpot to find it is full of dirt. At the bottom is a smaller rock with a suspicious seam in the middle.

    >Examine the books.
    Yep, those are books. One is open to page 179, where the letter T stands out.

    >Examine the large stone.
    It also appears to have a seam down the middle and a keyhole on the bottom.

    >Jump up on the shelf.
    You climb onto the shelf. There are three glasses of water with varying amounts of water in the glasses. There is also an unlocked combination lock.

    Cat turn 1
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  • Human

    >Is there a clear source of light?

    >Take paper.

    >Check pockets/inventory.
    >Examine paper.

    I'm trying to limit the number of things I'm doing at once. =D
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  • >Listen.
    You hear nothing but the faint drip of liquid on the floor

    >Is there a clear source of light?
    You look around, searching for a light source. The brightest portion of the cell seems to be the back wall, but where the light is coming from is unclear. Must be magic.

    >Take paper.
    You pick up the paper and place it in a pocket.

    >Check pockets/inventory.
    Your pockets contain only a paper and some fuzz

    >Examine paper.
    The paper is faded and brown, but by gently brushing away some of the dirt, you uncover the number 13 and the letter T. The rest of the page is too damaged to read.

    Human turn 2
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  • Cat

    >Resist the urge to knock the glasses off the shelf.
    >Examine the combination lock.
    >Examine the rock seams.
    >Scratch at the rock seams.
    >Push a book onto the red X.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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  • >Resist the urge to knock the glasses off the shelf.
    You stare at the glasses with one paw raised, but do not knock them off the shelf.

    >Examine the combination lock.
    It is rusty and seems to be stuck in the zero position. It also seems to be stuck to the shelf.

    >Examine the rock seams.
    The seams go all the way around the rock and seem to be able to come apart. They look to be crudely carved by someone or something else.

    >Scratch at the rock seams.
    The smaller rock pops open, revealing a ring. The large rock cannot be opened.

    >Push a book onto the red X.
    You push a book onto the red X. Nothing happens.

    Cat turn 2
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  • Human

    >Search/Examine cot.

    >Search/Examine toilet.

    >Check if the hand is still there.
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  • Dog

    >Drink from water bowl

    >Scratch chin with rear leg


    >Sniff chain attached to paw

    >Sniff heavy weight attached to chain attached to paw

    >Sniff shiny thing poking out of the floor (if I can reach!)
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  • >Search/Examine cot.
    You turn everything you can find upside down to no avail. It is nothing more than a cot.

    >Search/Examine toilet.
    The toilet smells foul as you approach. Under a thin layer of discolored water lies another ring.

    >Check if the hand is still there.
    The hand is still on the floor where it had fallen.

    Human turn 3

    >Drink from water bowl
    You drink for the water bowl. The water tastes bad.

    >Scratch chin with rear leg
    You scratch your chin. You feel better and less itchy.

    You shimmy. You now feel more relaxed.

    >Sniff chain attached to paw
    You sniff the chain and pick up a scent!

    >Sniff heavy weight attached to chain attached to paw
    The same scent you just found is also on the heavy weight

    >Sniff shiny thing poking out of the floor (if I can reach!)
    You sniff the shiny thing. While you are sniffing it you observe that it looks very sharp and has something engraved on it. It smells like burnt metal and smoke.

    Dog turn 1
    Thanks for joining us!
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  • Dog

    >Look closely at floor under arrow

    >Sniff floor and wall under arrow

    >Sniff a "circle" from the arrow going around along the wall, then corridor, then opposite wall, then corridor, and finally back along the wall to my starting spot, sniffing along where the floor meets the wall or the furthest point of the corridor the chain reaches.
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  • >Look closely at floor under arrow
    The floor seems to be recently disturbed as if someone had been digging. The base of the wall is also a bit beat up. Looking even closer, you find someone has dropped a ring in the crack between the upturned floor and the wall.

    >Sniff floor and wall under arrow
    You sniff the floor and wall. They smell like dirt and stone, but there is faint traces of the scent from the chain lingering on the bottom of the wall.

    >Sniff a "circle" from the arrow going around along the wall, then corridor, then opposite wall, then corridor, and finally back along the wall to my starting spot, sniffing along where the floor meets the wall or the furthest point of the corridor the chain reaches.
    You sniff a circle as far as you can go. Under the torch you find a stone. On the left side of the corridor you find a very long stick that could probably reach the ceiling if you jumped with it.

    Dog turn 2
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  • Cat

    >Examine the fireplace.
    >Try to see the thing on the other side of the fire.
    >Move the book off of the red X
    >Attempt to dig down at the red X.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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