
Should Gov be declared PNG? Choices are final, so consider carefully.  

13 (76.5%)
1 (5.9%)
I don't care, either way
3 (17.6%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: January 27, 2018, 05:48:08 AM

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Declare Gov PNG
Posts: 41 Views: 4389

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • The whole point of revoking Govindia's citizenship was to send a message that his harassment would no longer be tolerated, and yet he's still doing it. Far from considering to let him rejoin the community as a citizen, I am asking the Underhusen to declare him as Persona non Grata. I believe this should be done in the best interests of the community, as I have recently become aware that he's displaying the exact same behaviour that led to him getting banned from the IRC on the Discord, again.
    Summermoot incident
    Hey there
    How’s it going?
    Hello @Wintermoot
    Should be catching up on stuff...instead I'm trying new games that've sit on my machine for awhile
    How about you?
    Eh, a bit bored, RP is currently slow, so meh.
    How are you doing @Wintermoot ? I'm doing paperwork
    I became a moderator in it, though, so that’s good
    Awww! The state boxing commission stopped the fight. I wanted to see that d-bag get hurt...
    That's awesome that you're a mod now...but yeah, I guess things are slow in general with people getting back to life
    AFter the holidays
    @Wintermoot ?
    How are you doing?
    pokes Wintermoot
    Yeah, and I’m slowly learning how to do stuff, like moderate the website
    Is this a different RP than the one you were banned on awhike back, or did they let you back in?
    Same one, was let in, the dude banned me because he was deceived by the owner
    HEY @Wintermoot how are you doing?
    All good now between me and the dude who banned me, we’re now good friends, even.
    Joseph Stalin™-01/07/2018
    That's awesome! So everything turned out well 
    @Wintermoot someone asked how you are doing? Don't be rude dude >_>
    Joseph Stalin™-01/07/2018
    free me
    Yeah, it turned out excellently. It’s a great RP now that that dickhead left.
    @AJ’BLarg , help me out here please.
    @Wintermoot goes your job going?
    That's awesome ^-^ Any pointers for RPs here, now that you're an expert? 
    Lmao, tell me what ya wanna know, and I’ll tell ya :P
    @Chanku It'd be going better if I wasn't playing Mad Games Tycoon right now 
    @Wintermoot ah
    Well, I don't know what I wanna know...I just want great successful RPs. I want great successful everything here 
    I don’t think I’ve ever played Mad Games Tycoon
    Or even heard of it
    It's one of those games where you run a game design studio...there's been a lot of them
    Not sure how I feel about this one yet
    Oh hey guys
    Hey Gatt
    Game Dev Tycoon is what comes to mine there Mooty
    Do I have a forum thread for y’all
    Multiplayer Games of Wintreath
    Multiplayer Games of Wintreath
    I've played Game Dev Tycoon...don't think I really liked it
    What up Mootles?
    @Wintermoot anything you are looking forward too?
    Not much, just recovering from this week  How about you?
    @Wintermoot can you please stop being passive aggressive and be courteous here when someone's trying to be polite to you?
    @Chanku Three day weekend next week...looking forward to that. Maybe four if I can get my ass going and do some work this weekend
    What’s your new job Mooty?
    @AJ’BLarg did you not see my DM ?
    Same job I've always had...programmer/data guy
    @Wintermoot new job?
    And region work on the side...I get paid almost $9/month for that 
    @Chanku same job, there's just an opportunity to do work this weekend...then I could take Friday off without taking leave in compensation...
    Do ittt
    Ok can someone please message me? This childish passive aggresive behaviour is getting stupid and annoying
    I also have to read a book before Tuesday, but it's dreadful v_v
    All I simply asked was how @Wintermoot was doing and he's rudely and childishly ignoring me for no logical reason.
    @Wintermoot ah. What book? Also thanks for not being passive aggressive with me and talking to me.
    As long as it’s not non-fiction it shouldn’t be as dreadful
    @Chanku "Redesigning America's Community Colleges"...it's about making college programs easier to understand and navigate for students, along with providing enough support services. And you're welcome. 
    Lukas Bondevik-01/07/2018
    @Lukas Bondevik hey
    Lukas Bondevik-01/07/2018
    @Wintermoot should probably do some programming work
    Also you should totally live stream any programming sessions you do @Wintermoot
    I would watch
    @Chanku Aww, that's sweet. ^-^ O
    I just recently got unlimited internet without a cap, so that's something I can actually do now
    Do eit
    It would be fun
    You could live stream your work on Wintreath or w/e
    I'll keep that in mind next time I do programming work on Wintreath ^-^
    Oh hey Gov
    What the fuck @Wintermoot
    like seriously.
    Is something wrong?
    Cut the passive aggressive rubbish.
    I saw a Norway waving. My life is complete
    You have no right to lecture me on behaviour when you know I was around and you didn't have the decency to respond back to me.
    No clue what you're talking about, this is the first I've seen of you today
    I went under a different name, just as a joke and you apparently overreacted with passive aggressive butthurt.
    so stop lying.
    Hey Moot, maybe ya could help me learn a bit of coding if ya don’t mind
    Also you know who I was, so cut your bullshit. The profile pic was a fucking giveaway
    It’ll be my job in like 3 months
    Huh, weird, I don't feel butthurt at all
    So seriously @Wintermoot , what gives? You knew it was me, why didn't you say anything?
    @AJ’BLarg I'd be happy to help where I can 
    @AJ’BLarg I could also help with programming as well
    I simply asked you how you were doing
    Yeah, Chanku's pretty great at programming too
    IRC layout doesn't show profile pictures
    Just depends on what languages/stuff you want to know
    I think Wintermoot uses that
    I’d like to learn some programming too
    Ok, we're seriously going to try this shit again @Wintermoot, without your passive aggressive trolling.
    Though I’m not sure how that would really work
    @AJ’BLarg @Mathyland well I can help depending on what you want
    Sounds like we need a programming class in the region 
    @Wintermoot, hello?
    I can agree to that Moot
    Oh hey Gov <-I already said that
    No, you missed this part
    There’s that Wintreath academy thing
    I had a programming class when we tried the university thing
    That was trashed awhile ago
    We had the Wintreath academy at one time, but it didn't go anywhere =[
    Archived, not trashed 
    I actually want to learn XML code
    Summermoot - Today at 4:10 PM How are you doing @Wintermoot ? I'm doing paperwork
    XML is not code
    It is a markup language.
    @Govindia I don’t think Wintermoot responded to your name at all
    For CiV modding Chanku
    Yeah, XML is a way to store data
    Summermoot - Today at 4:11 PM @Wintermoot ? How are you doing? pokes Wintermoot
    Just because he didn’t respond doesn’t mean he was butthurt about your name change
    I’m just pointing that out(edited)
    @Wintermoot in case you could not realise for some reason, I was Summermoot
    There's a varient of html that uses xml formatting called xhtml, but it's more a 2000s thing and that idea was replaced with html5
    I was asking, under that name, how you were doing @Wintermoot
    I blame the W3C
    Guess I didn't recognize you, Gov xD
    Also gov. No one has any obligation to respond to you
    Just saying
    @Wintermoot, seriously, stop being an ass. I was simply being courteous and asking how you were doing.
    So please let's try this again, with proper decency this time.
    Switching back nicknames
    So what language do you guys want to learn? I can do things like web programming and sql
    @Wintermoot see above.
    I can do server and game development stuff
    And scripting
    I know some html, JavaScript, and sql
    So python 3, C, Bash, SQL
    Basic HTML
    This is Gov @Wintermoot. Once again, for the fourth time, I ask you: How are you doing?
    But not very in-depth about any of them
    There's nothing courteous about changing your name to try to get a rise out of people.
    I wasn't trying to get a rise out of you
    it was a joke.
    I changed my name to Sciencyland for @Mathyland and he didn't seem to mind, he thought it was funny.
    he didn't be passive aggressive as you were doing @Wintermoot
    it was a joke, a simple harmless joke, stop being offended over a non issue.
    But yeah if anyone wants some resources or to be taught I am willing to help
    Hey, how's that Wintreath scraper you made going? Doing anything with it?
    so @Wintermoot, please can you answer my question: How are you doing?
    @Wintermoot i presume you are talking to mathyland.
    @Govindia All that Wintermoot did was not respond. I know you claim you have trouble with social cues and stuff, but he’s told you he didn’t mind the name change.
    So please drop the subject
    Then @Mathyland he should be mature like an adult and learn to respond with courtesy when someone asks how he is doing
    he's exacerbating the issue by being passive aggressive and rude.
    No he’s not
    @Wintermoot thanks again for talking to me and being kind and courteous
    yes he is. He is being rude, hypocritical, and discourteous
    I asked him politely how he is doing. He should have responded politely in kind, as he was to everyone else here.
    Gov, we’re talking about something else right now
    He was being passive aggressive and rude
    And I'm talking about him being courteous and polite when I was trying to do so to him. I'm sorry he got offended over a joke that wasn't an issue worth being offended over.
    You weren't offended for your name change.
    Neither was Wintermoot
    Gov you are literally the one one making this an issue
    Then he should have been capable of responding when I asked him how he was doing
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Wtf did I walk into?
    I'm sorry he doesn't understand the concept of polite behaviour
    Gov bitching about Wintermoot not talking to him
    @Wintermoot you said something about a Wintreath scraper?
    I’m not sure what you were talking about or to whom
    @Mathyland Wintreath skyscraper?
    He has no right to lecture me about how to behave when he can't show even any courtesy when I was being polite to him.
    @Mushi's Jasmine Dragon @Wintermoot apparently got upset that I changed my name as a joke, and refused to answer me when I politely asked him how he was doing
    and then lied and pretended he didn't know I was not there.
    just to be a dick
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Well, a quick read in the backlog reveals... Nada
    and then is victim blaming on himself
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    You pinged him when he was RIGHT THERE multiple times
    That's pretty excessive
    I simply asked him how he was doing and he still has yet to politely and properly answer me in a courteous manner as he did everyone else.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    He isn't obligated to respond to you
    And like, life happens too
    Ignoring someone passively - as his is usual fashion - while lecturing me on behaviour - was excessive and rude.
    @Mathyland Chanku made a script that pulls info from Wintreath pages
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    I disappear and reappear at random due to rl things
    Well made/is making

    so @Wintermoot : HOW ARE YOU DOING?
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    The only one being aggressive here is you
    I will chill when he shows me a bit of courtesy please. He was around when I asked him politely the first time, and deliberately ignored me
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    If someone doesn't respond, then oh well
    Move on
    so yes I have a right to be offended for his deliberate disrespect
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Don't make a big deal of it
    It gappens
    Gov, I think you’re misunderstanding what Wintermoot’s intentions were. He didn’t even say anything. You’re not being courteous or polite by dragging this on
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    It's not necessarily a sign of disrespect(edited)
    That's the point @Mathyland he was being rude. He knew I was there, he didn't want to say anything, he still hasn't.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Not necessarily
    it is actually, and he knows it. He never admits when he's wrong, but is quick to blame me always instead.
    You’re quick to blame him
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Look, from the timestamps, he was talking to someone else when said hello
    And focused on responding to that person
    and he saw what I was asking him. As he's a quick typer, he can also have easily responded to me like he did everyone else.
    and he still has that ability now to politely respond back to me.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    I know I tend to miss other convos when I'm focused on a different one
    except he didn't miss mine, as he pointed out.
    Govindia, please quit harassing me and causing drama.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    And I'm not slow at the typing either
    You were the one causing drama @Wintermoot. All I simply asked you was how you were doing. STop falsely accusing me when you are to blame in this instance.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Gov Mountain out of molehill
    You could have responded, but you're making false accusations
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    You're the one who is continuing to being this up Ie, the one making this drama
    So you are the one now harassing me with that shit. Learn to be courteous to EVERYONE at all times.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    It's not that big a deal
    It is when someone deliberately disrespects someone when all they ask is how they are doing
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    If you'd just let it go to begin with, there would be no drama right now
    Ironically, Moot didn’t say anything, and that seems to be the issue
    Kinda funny imo
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    That you aren't letting it go is the issue at hand
    Like seriously
    If he learned to respond equally and respectfully as he did everyone else, there would be no drama. WIntermoot exacerbated this issue.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    This is what I drop into chat to find
    You apparently don't understand the concept of honour.
    If someone asks someone else how they are doing, they should respond back as a sign of courtesy.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    And I scroll up pretty far to backlog the source
    @Wintermoot mind stepping in and restoring order
    not deliberately and disrespectfully ignore them.
    Govindia, this is my final warning. Drop the harassment and drama.
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    And it's just one person not saying hello
    That's it
    This drama is disproportionate
    And he didn’t even recognize you at the time, as he said
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Chill, Gov Like, seriously, chill
    It's not that big a deal
    Stop making it so
    @Mathyland can I speak to you in private please
    And don't go dragging other people into this either, that's part of what got you banned from IRC>
    Mushi's Jasmine Dragon-01/07/2018
    Not respondong =/= lack of respect
    People miss things
    Making a big deal of it just leads to animosity
    @Mushi's Jasmine Dragon I sent you a DM
    Echoes of a three year-old discussion, had recently
    [12:59 AM] Wintermoot: I think it's pretty unfortunate that nobody in the RP area ultimately rose to the occassion to take the position...hopefully Gerrick can fill the vacancy or manage things himself. The good news is that we have good people for three positions, and we can definitely focus on improving those areas :smile:
    [1:03 AM] Govindia: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    [1:03 AM] Wintermoot: Hi
    [1:04 AM] Govindia: so there wasn't really drama earlier regarding me, @Wintermoot , I was trying to have civil movie discussion with Johanna and tatte, and Emil and Chanku were being dicks.
    [1:04 AM] Govindia: Emil being the drama loving weeaboo otaku
    [1:05 AM] Wintermoot: How can be no drama if he's a 'drama loving weeaboo'?
    [1:05 AM] Govindia: i wasn't causing drama, other people were.
    [1:05 AM] Govindia: Just because I am speaking with people does not mean there is drama caused by me.   Ya'll need to chill the fuck out with that shit
    [1:06 AM] Govindia: Contrary to what you may believe in, I do enjoy sometimes discussion with the Nordic peoples of Wintreath
    [1:06 AM] Govindia: compared to other people here
    [1:08 AM] Wintermoot: Well, @tatte seems to be in your corner, at least
    [1:09 AM] Govindia: I saw, he has a point.   There's not really much room for me to work with if people aren't going to adapt and give me a chance to improve myself if people are going to be a bunch of dicks in assholes
    [1:09 AM] Govindia: something something something dicks pussies assholes speech Team America
    [1:09 AM] Wintermoot: You've spent the last four years telling people they need to adapt to you because you're different, because you were raised a different way, or whatever...communities don't change to adapt to individuals
    [1:10 AM] Govindia: communities adapt for people who have social issues, who are LGBTQ, who have social disabilities, who are autistic etc.
    [1:10 AM] Attero: u finally have an avatar @Wintermoot
    [1:10 AM] Govindia: while helping them become a better part of that community
    [1:11 AM] Wintermoot: Those are portions of a community, not individuals
    [1:11 AM] Govindia: it works both ways, buddy.
    [1:11 AM] Govindia: it's not one sided.  A person can only do so much to try to adapt to a community, but a community should also do their part in return, you included @Wintermoot
    [1:11 AM] Wintermoot: @Attero Yes, suprisingly enough Yuno sent me some suggestions and this was one of them. Surprising since we don't really talk. :stuck_out_tongue:
    [1:12 AM] Govindia: Please keep in mind what I said, seriously this time, @Wintermoot . Not "noted" and then throw it out the fucking window
    [1:13 AM] Govindia: would you please, @Wintermoot  ?
    [1:15 AM] Doc: I'm willing to agree that you're right, to an extent. But those times a community adapts are to a thing a person has no control over, like, as you said, differing sexualities or not being neurotypical.
    The question is, that the case for you, or is it a case of being unwilling to change a facet of your personality that it seems to me that a lot of people find troubling?
    [1:16 AM] Govindia: neurotypical?  huh?
    [1:16 AM] Govindia: your second question I don't fully understand, @Doc
    [1:16 AM] Govindia: Also why do you sound vaguely familiar.   Have we spoken on IRC / forums before?
    [1:19 AM] Doc: returning to the election thing, however; @Wintermoot - it's certainly possible that given the rough weather a lot of parts have had that people might have simply been unable to (totally not pointing at myself as an example, even though I didn't run in the first place). Can't...quite give Ashton that consideration, since he has posted on the RMB that I can see - but maybe giving an extension until the ostensible time of the electoral period might be merited
    [1:20 AM] Wintermoot: The fact of the matter is, over the years you've upset, frustrated, and pissed off a lot of people in this community, including me, and that's something you're going to have to overcome.
    [1:21 AM] Doc: and neurotypical is falling within the perceived general norms of brain or social function - so someone with autism would not be neurotypical, and if there's a better way to put that i can't think of it right now
    [1:23 AM] Doc: as for the second question, essentially its saying - do you have some disability that the community clearly should have some sort of obligation to acknowledge and adapt to (even if such issues may be more or less manageable over the internet - e.g. tourette's syndrome may not be a factor that people need to adapt to, since it's a verbal tic, not a typed one), or are you just refusing to change behavior people find troubling because it seems like a lot of effort?
    [1:23 AM] Doc: and - no, not in those cases. here, a couple of times over some things
    [1:25 AM] Wintermoot: @Doc, I don't think the weather was an issue in their cases...the fact of the matter is, the election schedule was published two weeks ago and there was plenty of time to make a campaign, which was as simple as answering a few questions.
    [1:25 AM] Govindia: @Wintermoot, my point remains.  It is a new year, and it is pointless to continue to harbour a grudge to me, just as you want me to get over things with other people assuredly.   That's why I asked you to please seriously keep in mind what I said.    I realised I have upset you and others, and I am willing to make amends, but you and others need to give me the opportunity to do so, and that does include an adaptation of attitudes.    It's not just me that has shit to work on.  It's a two way street - it's you all as well.  Some moreso than others.
    @Doc , I believe, from what others have noticed, and from my interactions with others, my form of autism, if it is Aspergers, or some blend of autism and ADHD, could be a disability, particularly with how I process things and interact with people directly, that is, moreso hard-wiring than merely a, what would you say, a change to the programming code, if you will
    [1:26 AM] Doc: yeaaaaaah...i just feel some sort of need to defend them because ashton and aragonn would be good picks and that's why i didn't run against them
    [1:26 AM] Wintermoot: Ultimately one of the purposes of the election was to restore meritocracy to the Cabinet, and I can't in good conscience feel we're doing that if we make allowances for people who didn't take the time and effort to do one thing.
    [1:26 AM] Doc: well i might suggest getting that shit diagnosed and then getting help with managing it, because i can sit here and diagnose people with cancer all day and it won't mean they've actually got it
    [1:27 AM] Govindia: i would have loved to be an RP Thane had I been a citizen, but I don't think I have the time right now and I'm just starting to get my financial shit in order.
    [1:27 AM] Wintermoot: I agree they would be good picks, but they have to be motivated and be willing and able to put in the time
    [1:27 AM] Govindia: @Doc , I have to go through the state for that.   My insurance does not let me diagnose it with their specialists as an adult, they only do that with kids.
    [1:28 AM] Govindia: and to get a diagnosis from the state requires 50+ pages of paperwork, and an interview, and something else :confused:
    [1:28 AM] Doc: i mean i don't wanna be shady or anything, but people make allowances generally to meet people halfway, not pick them up and sprint across the finish line with them
    [1:29 AM] Govindia: and yes, all I'm asking here is people to meet me halfway on my shit.   I have not seen that happen.      Only half-attempts.
    [1:29 AM] Doc: i don't really have an answer for that then. but there's only so far most people are willing to reach out, and from what i've seen it seems that people have reached out pretty dang far and gotten burned for their trouble. once bitten, twice shy, all that shit
    [1:29 AM] Govindia: and mind you I have gone out of my way to be supportive of other people when they were down.
    [1:29 AM] Doc: @Wintermoot yeah fair. dangit i shoulda run
    [1:29 AM] Govindia: I went out of my way to get Nox a Comic Con Exclusive plushy to help when she was really depressed.
    [1:30 AM] Govindia: I offered to help someone buy their meds, someone who still accused me of bigotry becauise of my  affiliation.
    [1:30 AM] Govindia: I donated at least 100 to the region.
    [1:30 AM] Wintermoot: If you're interested, you could always contact Gerrick.
    [1:30 AM] Wintermoot: What? lol
    [1:30 AM] Wintermoot: You donated $10 to the region
    [1:31 AM] Wintermoot: http://wintreath.com/donate/
    [1:31 AM] Doc: look, i get that you feel you've made the effort to reach out. maybe you genuinely have. but thus far from what i've seen, i've seen a lot of unprovoked hostility towards Chanku and Tatte
    [1:31 AM] Govindia: @Doc , not many people reached out well.    Like I said, they tried, but they didn't do a full attempt.
    [1:31 AM] Govindia: I could have sworn I donated more than 10
    [1:31 AM] Wintermoot: See? That's the shit that pisses me off...you exaggerate or downplay things you've said or done to make yourself look good
    [1:32 AM] Doc: so, shit, if you want people to say 'new year, clean slate' - maybe lead by example and others will follow
    [1:32 AM] Govindia: tatte not so much, Chanku yes, because Chanku has been an asshole to me to the point that as a base human, he thinks I'm beneath any form of basic decency when he promised in writing to the region he will respect everyone
    [1:32 AM] Govindia: and then he cherry picks who he shows basic courtesy too.  That arrogance and snootiness angers me.
    [1:33 AM] Govindia: especially a betrayal of a promise.   I take people's word as their bond
    [1:33 AM] Govindia: so if they say they will do something, I expect them to do it, just as it is expected of me by others.
    [1:33 AM] Doc: chanku was also, up until very recently, not an adult. generally speaking, those same allowances you spoke of are made for adolescents. that's sort of the tradeoff you implicitly make when you do a thing where a large proportion of the people involved are pretty young, like NS
    [1:34 AM] Govindia: @Wintermoot  I apologise I wasn't trying to exaggerate, but I thought I honestly donated more than 10
    [1:34 AM] Wintermoot: I keep very meticulous donation records...the only four people to donate more than $100 are North, HannahB, Evelynx, and Sachem
    [1:34 AM] Govindia: @Doc  Hugsim is younger than Chanku when I first met them both, and Hugsim has never been an asshole to me.  He knows how to respect people as human beings
    [1:34 AM] Govindia: so age isnot an excuse
    [1:35 AM] Govindia: when I see people who were younger than CHanku and more mature
    [1:35 AM] Doc: from what he's told me, though, you consistently belittled him for his age, rather than giving him the modicum of respect members of a community generally provide each other. so it seems to cut both ways here
    [1:35 AM] Doc: and it absolutely is
    [1:35 AM] Doc: sure, there's occasions in which we see that someone is 'mature for his age' - but the key element is 'for his age'
    [1:35 AM] Wintermoot: In fairness, Chanku has really matured over the last year, but you two have this rivalry and you both inflame it
    [1:35 AM] Govindia: Even when Chanku saw me here, he didn't change two years later.  He pretty much attacked me for my presence here, attacked Wintermoot, and got in a feud with tatte over it.
    [1:35 AM] Doc: relative maturity or immaturity are not grounds by which a judge decides to try a minor as an adult, for example
    [1:36 AM] Govindia: I call bullshit on maturity.  If he really matured, he would have been nicer to me when he saw me back in the channel.
    [1:36 AM] Doc: pause.
    [1:36 AM] Doc: are you legitimately telling me that after you've seen someone you had a strong dislike for once upon a time you'd just say 'eh, let bygones be bygones' and let it go?
    [1:37 AM] Govindia: I have tried to be reasonable with him, but he just keeps on shitting on me to the point that he's a dick.  With his behaviour, it makes tatte look like a decent guy, and tatte even admits he's an asshole.
    [1:37 AM] Govindia: Yes, if he really got the fuck over himself and was civil with me.
    [1:37 AM] Govindia: because why the fuck would I harbour a grudge over him?
    [1:37 AM] Wintermoot: Doesn't sound like you're being civil with him...even here you're calling him a dick and an asshole
    [1:38 AM] Govindia: it's not like he accused me of being a child molestor supporter because I'm a Republican
    [1:38 AM] Govindia: or made jokes about my dead mother
    [1:38 AM] Doc: well, if that's the case, lead by example. be civil. you catch more flies with honey and shit.
    [1:38 AM] Govindia: or attacked my family
    [1:38 AM] Doc: i've certainly not seen that. admittedly i haven't exactly looked too hard, but that doesn't seem to sound like him from what i know of him
    [1:38 AM] Govindia: I'm fucking direct, I have no filter.  I call it as I see it.  If it looks like a dick, walks like a dick, fucks in the ass like a dick, it's a dick.
    [1:39 AM] Doc: well probably amend that
    [1:39 AM] Wintermoot: Maybe he's direct and has no filter too lol
    [1:39 AM] Doc: because i've been filtering a great deal in this conversation and i could be a lot more blunt
    [1:39 AM] Doc: but i don't, because of, like you said, the respect that community members should provide each other as a baseline.
    [1:39 AM] Govindia: I've tried to mend fences with him, but he wants to make excuses for not showing respect to me.
    [1:39 AM] Govindia: and I'm sorry, but there's no excuse for not showing basic civility to other people, citizen or no citizen.
    [1:40 AM] Doc: and, what, having no filter constitutes basic civility?
    [1:40 AM] Govindia: and he has never been punished for his behaviour as I have.
    [1:40 AM] Govindia: You can still be civil and be a pottymouth
    [1:40 AM] Wintermoot: I'm not aware of any actionable behaviour on his part recently. He was tempbanned several times on IRC for thigns he said towards you
    [1:41 AM] Doc: there is a significant difference between someone (realistically, me) using 'fuck' as an interstital word, and actively insulting someone
    [1:41 AM] Govindia: he had lesser bans than I had, and  he didn't get his citizenship stripped?
    [1:41 AM] Wintermoot: You got your Citizenship stripped for a number of reasons
    [1:42 AM] Doc: As I recall from my admittedly brief overview of the...process, he also wasn't indicted for harassment of multiple people.
    [1:42 AM] Govindia: And I tried to respond to those things, but my lengthy response was ignored.
    [1:42 AM] Wintermoot: It wasn't ignored, it just paled on comparison with your actions
    [1:42 AM] Govindia: no one wanted to hear what I said, despite me being allowed time to write it.
    [1:42 AM] Govindia: no one addressed anything I said in it.
    [1:43 AM] Doc: As I further recall from that, multiple extensions were given to you, suggesting that people were willing to give you a fair shake. If nobody gave a shit, they'd just say 'eat a dick time's up'.
    Since we're doing 'no filter'.
    [1:43 AM] Govindia: perhaps they were being nice, but did they actually take time to read what I said?   To understand what I wrote?
    [1:44 AM] Doc: shit, i dunno, like i said i skimmed it
    [1:44 AM] Govindia: their responses, did not seem to indicate it.  They were still focused ontheir emotions towards me, none of which were positive.
    [1:44 AM] Govindia: "skimmed it".   Thanks @Doc  for proving my point
    [1:44 AM] Wintermoot: If I recall, many members of the Storting either responded to or mentioned your post in their response
    [1:44 AM] Doc: i probably shouldn't read it any deeper, since it would likely be prejudicial, since all the people involved have, to my mind, been pretty fair about things
    [1:44 AM] Govindia: I don't know what they said in the STorting, I'm not sure if that area was viewable to me when it happened.
    [1:45 AM] Doc: and i didn't say i skimmed your post in particular - I said I skimmed the whole topic
    [1:45 AM] Govindia: Maybe some were fair, some were definitely not impartial.
    [1:45 AM] Wintermoot: It's viewable to Citizens and non-Citizens
    [1:46 AM] Doc: i don't mean about your trial in particular, because, again, skimmed it, but the people i'm aware of who were involved have been, if not unimpeachable, then certainly unimnectarineable, in their conduct as i've seen it
    [1:46 AM] Doc: i will pause now to go feel smug about my shitty wordplay for a minute
    [1:47 AM] Govindia: unimnectarineable?   huh?
    [1:47 AM] Wintermoot: chuckles
    [1:47 AM] Govindia: is that even a word?
    [1:47 AM] Doc: peach. nectarine. come on
    [1:47 AM] Doc: WORK WITH ME
    [1:47 AM] Govindia: oh
    [1:47 AM] Govindia: lol
    [1:47 AM] Govindia: i see now
    [1:48 AM] Govindia: yeah this subtlety thing here I don't understand  as part of my whole direct nature thing
    [1:48 AM] Doc: it's not subtlety though it's literally just shitty wordplay
    [1:48 AM] Govindia: i didn't pick up on it at first
    [1:48 AM] Govindia: also, yeah, I'm direct, always.  I struggle with tact
    [1:49 AM] Govindia: like i said guys, I am willing to make amends, but people need to meet me halfway and work with me.   It's a two way street.
    [1:49 AM] Govindia: Please, can you at least keep in mind what I have explained here, @Wintermoot ?
    [1:53 AM] Doc: i mean, make that plea all you want, man. i'm just saying that if you make clear your intention to meet people halfway, by getting to that halfway point first (or, who knows, the 60% marker even), you're a lot more likely to get people to think 'huh, perhaps this is a genuine change that i should encourage' instead of 'how suspicious should i be'
    [1:54 AM] Wintermoot: We'll see...I haven't seen much in the way of actual change
    [1:54 AM] Govindia: again, i've had civil conversations with some people, others tried to stir the pot, which you apparent'y didn't realise.
    [1:55 AM] Govindia: and hell tatte seems to stick up for me, which I appreciate, and was surprised.  Before he gave zero fucks
    [1:55 AM] Wintermoot: What I realize is that you still default to blaming other people for anyting involving you
    [1:56 AM] Govindia: Not everything involving me is for me to get blame for. That's something you need to work on.   Holding other people accountable and not scapegoating me as the cause just because I was in the conversation.
    [1:56 AM] Govindia: "Oh he was talking about something with others, and people got upset?  It must have been Gov who started it"
    [1:57 AM] Wintermoot: But that's the thing, you think everything against you is unfair...you really don't feel you've done any wrong.
    [1:57 AM] Govindia: not "Oh Chanku and  Emil  were trying to troll me and even after tatte told them to not be asses they still did shit."
    [1:57 AM] Wintermoot: You even just pretty much said your revocation of Citizenship was unfair
    [1:57 AM] Govindia: where did I just say that?
    [1:57 AM] Wintermoot: When you said Chanku didn't have his Citizenship revoked
    [1:58 AM] Wintermoot: And then when you said nobody considered your post
    [2:00 AM] Govindia: in other regions, chanku's actions would have gotten his citizenship lost, and I feel that his treatment towards me, when it came to it, was lenient in terms of how he was dealt with
    [2:00 AM] Govindia: and I don't know how much people actually took what I said seriously
    [2:01 AM] Wintermoot: The problem is, you were just as bad as he was...you were doing it to each other.
    [2:01 AM] Govindia: I still have mixed emotions about the revocation
    [2:01 AM] Wintermoot: You're not blameless in your ongoing feud with Chanku
    [2:01 AM] Wintermoot: You've both been punished before for your actions towards each other
    [2:02 AM] Govindia: i never stated iwas, i stated I made attempts to directly make peace with him.
    [2:02 AM] Wintermoot: However, your revocation had nothing to do with Chanku
    [2:02 AM] Govindia: and it was rejected
    [2:02 AM] Wintermoot: And Chanku hadn't pestered and harassed multiple members of the community
    [2:07 AM] Govindia: Chanku did troll and harass me multiple times
    [2:07 AM] Wintermoot: And he was punished for it
    [2:07 AM] Wintermoot: There's not an equivalency between your actions and his actions
    [2:08 AM] Govindia: all I saw was you  removed him from family, and banned him for a few hours where you deliberately kept me banned for longer despite my ban length being the same time as he was, and the excuse you had was you were "busy"
    [2:08 AM] Wintermoot: I saw the chat logs that led to your probation and ban from IRC, and I know what it was like when I banned you from Civ games...your actions were much, much worse
    [2:09 AM] Wintermoot: Emotionally abusing someone != someone saying 'fuck you' a hundred times
    [2:09 AM] Govindia: emoltional abuse?
    [2:09 AM] Wintermoot: Like I said, I read the chat logs
    [2:11 AM] Govindia: Being direct with someone  is not emotionally abusive
    [2:11 AM] Govindia: not everyone in there knows apparently how to be direct with someone when they have an issue
    [2:12 AM] Govindia: this is basic conflict resolution 101 that you get taught about in school
    [2:12 AM] Govindia: if you have a problem with someone, be assertive and talk to them about it in a mature manner, and talk that shit out to find a peaceful resolotuion
    [2:12 AM] Govindia: don't be passive aggressive about it
    [2:16 AM] Wintermoot: shrugs
    [2:16 AM] Wintermoot: I just realized this is a conversation right out of three years ago
    [2:18 AM] Wintermoot: I'm honestly tired of hearing about how people need to adapt to you being 'direct', after three years it reads like an excuse.
    [2:21 AM] Wintermoot: I allowed you on this Discord server because I was going through a lot of shit at the time and I was feeling mercifcul...I hoped that you had changed your behaviour after two years, but it's becoming clear now that not only have you not changed, you still believe that there was nothing wrong with the behaviour that led to getting banned from IRC or your Citizenship revoked to start with.
    [2:21 AM] Govindia: it isn't an excuse
    [2:21 AM] Govindia: I never said I didn't regret my actions.
    [2:22 AM] Govindia: Don't put words in my mouth, please.
    [2:22 AM] Wintermoot: And if we're being 'direct', I'm tired of having to deal with you here and deal with the shit that comes with the region that 'harbors Govindia'. I've put up with both for far too long.
    [2:23 AM] Govindia: It's not a lot to ask for when it comes to asking people to be direct.
    I have said I am willing to work on my end.
    [2:23 AM] Govindia: but I am asking people to be realistic too, it is atwo way street.   Tatte pointed it out when he spoke to you
    [2:23 AM] Wintermoot: So if you feel you're treated unfairly here, then I'm sorry, but I think you've been treated very fairly and even graciously. If you're not happy with things here, you're free to go to another region.
    [2:24 AM] Govindia: You had just said you would keep in mind what I was saying.
    [2:25 AM] Govindia: I said I was willing to make amends and work on what I need to do on my end.  I would like people to cooperate and work with me as well please.
    [2:25 AM] Wintermoot: I said, 'we'll see'. That was contingent on seeing actual change from you.
    [2:26 AM] Govindia: it's not going to happen instantly.   i also have shit to deal with too.
    [2:26 AM] Govindia: you're not the only one that has stuff going on outside of NS.
    [2:27 AM] Wintermoot: From where I stand, you have a long, long way to go. I'm not optimistic
    [2:28 AM] Wintermoot: Especially in light of this discussion.
    [2:28 AM] Govindia: Like I said, it's a two way street, but Iwill do what I can to keep my side in order.
    [2:29 AM] Wintermoot: I certainly hope so
    [2:31 AM] Govindia: and same with you
    [2:36 AM] thechurchofsatan: So I decided against the desktop I had my eye on and bought a gaming laptop the other day. I can resume my former internet presence at long last!
    [2:36 AM] Govindia: wb @thechurchofsatan
    [2:37 AM] Govindia: Happy Mew YEar
    [2:37 AM] thechurchofsatan: Even better, Allods Online is still around after all these years and I can play where I left off!!!!!!!
    [2:37 AM] Govindia: Happy Mew Year @thechurchofsatan
    [2:37 AM] thechurchofsatan: Happy New Years Gov. :smiley:

        [2:39 AM] thechurchofsatan: I started playing runescape yesterday again too. Wish I could have got into my old account but it might be best that I start over anyways. So much of it has changed since I last played.
    « Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 02:07:52 AM by Laurentus »
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  • I'm certainly not going to be against it, it's been nearly a year and yet he has learned nothing from it. It's unfortunately, really, I did have some small sliver of hope he would have improved in some way.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I would like to post a second-post with an update from the Underhusen, a bill is now within the Underhusen halls, which is located here
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • With the bill being proposed, I highly encourage all citizens to give their opinions on the matter. This is not an act that should be taken lightly, and all citizens should have the opportunity to give their opinion on the matter.
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  • While I don't especially want him gone, neither do I especially want him around, and at the least this is a clean resolution to his status.
    As in my thread on the subject, though, I think it would be wise for the UH to take a closer look at Revocation, and see if that and PNG status should be tied together, or else some path to probation is made available (or even both, if its deemed possible that some people may be toxic, but other people need a legal slap upside the head as step one of redemption) so that we don't have people in these grey areas of being non-citizens who still have free run of both a large part of the forums and the Discord.
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  • While I don't especially want him gone, neither do I especially want him around, and at the least this is a clean resolution to his status.
    As in my thread on the subject, though, I think it would be wise for the UH to take a closer look at Revocation, and see if that and PNG status should be tied together, or else some path to probation is made available (or even both, if its deemed possible that some people may be toxic, but other people need a legal slap upside the head as step one of redemption) so that we don't have people in these grey areas of being non-citizens who still have free run of both a large part of the forums and the Discord.
    Just a heads up, all non-citizens have access to the same areas of the forums and Discord. Literally every single one of them.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • While I don't especially want him gone, neither do I especially want him around, and at the least this is a clean resolution to his status.
    As in my thread on the subject, though, I think it would be wise for the UH to take a closer look at Revocation, and see if that and PNG status should be tied together, or else some path to probation is made available (or even both, if its deemed possible that some people may be toxic, but other people need a legal slap upside the head as step one of redemption) so that we don't have people in these grey areas of being non-citizens who still have free run of both a large part of the forums and the Discord.
    Just a heads up, all non-citizens have access to the same areas of the forums and Discord. Literally every single one of them.
    And this is done intentionally, as a reflection of Wintreath's openness, especially compared to other regions and communities.
    1 person likes this post: BraveSirRobin
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  • I suppose what I mean then is 'maybe there should be a different 'Revoked Citizen' mask for them so that such people are even more restricted than non-citizens', because if people went to all the trouble to get a revocation done in the first place, the community clearly doesn't want the person around.
    Unless the suggestion is that the only real concern is said individuals being able to run for office, which strikes me as absurd.
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  • Such a mask and the application of such would be up to administration and is not an area where the Storting has authority.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I suppose what I mean then is 'maybe there should be a different 'Revoked Citizen' mask for them so that such people are even more restricted than non-citizens', because if people went to all the trouble to get a revocation done in the first place, the community clearly doesn't want the person around.
    Unless the suggestion is that the only real concern is said individuals being able to run for office, which strikes me as absurd.
    As I believe I've said earlier today, IIRC the citizenship revocation was intended as merely a warning and small light punishment, not much more.
    1 person likes this post: BraveSirRobin
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • Did something happen because really, any context or evidence would help at this point ... is this a preemptive strike to eliminate the possibility of Govindia regaining his citizenship or did Govindia commit something horrendous again to warrant a PNG? I am not sure what to think of this.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Did something happen because really, any context or evidence would help at this point ... is this a preemptive strike to eliminate the possibility of Govindia regaining his citizenship or did Govindia commit something horrendous again to warrant a PNG? I am not sure what to think of this.

    Govindia's Behavior has yet to change, and it is becoming increasingly obvious that he won't change and refuses to do so. I believe @Laruentus can explain more as to why he decided to move for this himself. However I would also like to point out that Govindia has actually began to make comments stating others (primarily myself) should have their citizenship revoked so that they can feel how he feels.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
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    Positions I've held
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    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
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    Royalty of Wintreath
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    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Citizen
  • See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
    Advisor to the Riksråd
    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
    Member of the WHR
    Speaker of the Underhusen (3rd)
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the Underhusen (1st)
    Underhusen Member (1st-3rd)
    Member of the 5th Overhusen
    Chairman of the 5th Overhusen
    6th Underhusen
    Speaker of the 6th Underhusen
    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
    Member of the 8th Storting (Underhusen)
    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
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    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
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    Families I've been a part of
    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Citizen
  • The Potato Pope
  • As the person who felt that this request was warranted enough to have a bill proposed to the Underhusen with haste, I should give my opinion on the matter.

    I personally feel rather then any one incident that has triggered this, its been the sheer lack of change in his behavior since the revocation was brought down. Nothing has changed about him, he shows all of the behaviors that brought the revocation on him in the first place. He is still extraordinarily unpleasant to deal with in all respects, shows little to no respect for other people and is a detriment to the regional community as long as he is around. We have given him chance after chance and plenty of time to deal with his problems and show a better side and yet he has not. The revocation was supposed to be a wake up call, yet its done nothing. Any other region would have long seen him run out with all of the transgressions he's committed, its time we ought to as well.
    2 people like this post: Chanku, Laurentus
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    Formerly His Royal Highness, the Viscount Telcontar of Whitby
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  • Did something happen because really, any context or evidence would help at this point ... is this a preemptive strike to eliminate the possibility of Govindia regaining his citizenship or did Govindia commit something horrendous again to warrant a PNG? I am not sure what to think of this.

    Govindia's Behavior has yet to change, and it is becoming increasingly obvious that he won't change and refuses to do so. I believe @Laruentus can explain more as to why he decided to move for this himself. However I would also like to point out that Govindia has actually began to make comments stating others (primarily myself) should have their citizenship revoked so that they can feel how he feels.
    Where have comments like that been made, may I ask?  I have been seeing the discord chat and have not seen anything like that.  The "drama" that I have seen so far has just been in my opinion blown out of proportion.  This is just based off of what I have seen I will emphasize.  However I do know about the drama so I can not speak for the history.
    Peace through Power!!!
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    Travel the world

    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
    • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
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    • Young pessimistic technologically challenged somewhat ignorant animal and especially cat loving idiot.
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