Section I: Basic Information1) Please take a moment to introduce yourself to us! What led you here, what your interests are, what you hope to get out of being a part of our community as a Citizen, and anything else you would like us to know.
I decided to take a look at the forums one day from the link on the Wintreath home page and it looked like there was some fun stuff there. I am a young adult whose main hobbies are reading, playing games, and traveling. I have been to almost half of the United States and also been to Haiti, Jamaica, Canada, Mexico, and New Zealand. I am a college student and have finals next week so I probably will not be around to do much at first. I am interested in spreading myself out to new areas, mostly because I am a history major who plans to teach in the future. Hopefully being a community member will allow for other ways to spend my free time especially in terms of playing games. My main question is: when are the next games are starting? I will say that I have no interest in having any kind of governmental position.
2) What timezone are you in?
Pacific Time in the United States
3) Would you like a mentor to help you learn your way around Wintreath?
Sure depending on how much there is to look at.
4) How did you find out about Wintreath? If you received a telegram, please include the nation that sent it so they can receive credit!
Geramundo sent me the telegram this time as Command and Conquer Players. I do not remember who sent me the telegram when I was Maori Warriors but that is how I first found out about Wintreath. That was about a year ago give or take a few months.
5) What interested you in becoming a member of the community?
The games are mainly what interested me in becoming a member of the community here at Wintreath. I am generally not much of a chatterbox though.
Section II: NationStates (You can skip this if you are not involved with NationStates)
5) What is the name of your Wintreath nation in Wintreath?
My current nation in Wintreath is Command and Conquer Players. Last year, I had a nation called Maori Warriors but that got deleted because I stopped playing Nation States for quite a long time.
6) Do you have nations in any other regions? If so, where? Also, do you serve in any official roles in any of them? If so, what are they?
N/A because I only have Command and Conquer Players. Command and Conquer Players does not have any kind of roles in any regions outside of just living there.
7) Are you new to NationStates?
Sort of. As Maori Warriors, all I did was solve issues. As C&C Players, I have been somewhat more active. I have completely ignored the raiding and government sides though.