"Hello, and welcome to the fourth game of the Arena!" the Host yelled out to the audience, which roared back with applause. "For this game, we searched far and wide to collect dozens of different creatures and monsters from all across Wintreath. Our two teams of combatants will fight off waves of these beasts until there is only one team left standing -- the classic battle of man versus beast!
"Now to our heroes! Our first team is the silver-clad Team Water Balloon Fight!"
The team rushed out from their entrance into the Arena, raising their swords and shields to the thundering shouts of the audience.
"Led by the Commander Martin Breakshield, the team includes the two Mystics Elbbsas the Reka and Hyrda as well as the Cleric Dr. Taurus Valeria
, M.D., Ph.D.!"
The audience's booming screams and whistles continued as the second team ran onto the battlefield.
"Our second team is the golden Team of the Everlasting Sun! Led by the Warrior Yvonne the Merciless, the team includes the Ranger Wintermoot, the Bard Rosashia Byrnweave, and the Mystic Mathyland!"
The two teams acknowledged each other then formed up, both facing the far end of the Arena where an ominous, large metal gate stood. The audience began to quiet down.
"For our first wave of beasts," the Host announced as the gate began to lift, "our combatants will fight a powerful Carniboar, two barbaric Wintrean Trolls, a cunning Golbinite Salthile, and a vile Mino!"
The Carniboar, Goblin, and Mino rushed onto the battlefield, while the two Trolls, one with a chest painted red and the other blue, lurched forward together and roared.
"Let us begin!"
Current Stats
Potions: H=Health, S=Strength, D=Defense, A=Agility, L=Luck
The Combat Order for Round 1 will be:
Wintrean Troll (red)
@Hydra @taulover @Lily PolisesulGoblinite Salthile
Wintrean Troll (blue)
@Aethelia Carniboar
@Elbbsas @Doc @Mathyland @Wintermoot Remember, post you actions in this thread rather than PMing them to me, using the format:
Stance, Action, Target (if applicable), Potion Action (if applicable). You may create team PMs if you want, but I'll be using everyone's action posts in this thread. Everyone will start in the stance that they include in their first-round action post. Everyone was given a health potion as well as a random other potion to start.
The first round will last roughly until
3pm ET on Thursday, October 26, so please post your actions before then.
And please let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!