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(Oh the places you'll go, and) the people you'll meet!
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☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Howdy I've been intentionally vague about my gender cause I'm currently questioning if I prefer male or female so for now I'm simply Hapi. 29 years old. Call me whatever he/she/they/just Hapi.

    I have a wife that much i know  :))

    So I'm a girl I am dating a boy and I do not have a wife. Weird. And my name is not Hapi anymore but that stuck as a nickname/is my middle name

    Am I straight? I dunno probably not but over the course of this relationship I've kind of felt I probably would much rather date a man than a woman.

    Usually people tell me I'm pansexual demiromantic or something... fuck if I know I just know I'm an international trans girl icon and this old post is all lies

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    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Guess who was wrong? It was me.

    Bi or Pan? Yes!
    Cis-female? No :-[

    Still sorting out exactly what I am, but non-binary is what I’m saying for now. Any pronouns (she, he, they) are fine, but They/Them is your safest bet.
    This is kind of where I still am with myself, though I'm perfectly fine with he/him or any pronouns used (Minus it/its, that one just sounds odd to me personally to be identified as, but respect to those that it works for).

    I've mentioned this in 2020 (though not in here), but I've grown more and more to detest labels (though yes I realize "non-binary" is technically a label, even if it's about tossing away gender labels since you don't fit in either box).  I don't entirely identify as "boy" but I don't exactly identify as "girl" either.  I like dressing in boy clothes, but I also love girl clothes beyond just a drag thing and love the idea of just wearing what I feel without the idea of gender labels attached to it.  The same goes for interests/activities and other areas of the spectrum, as well as just overall how I act/present myself.  I've always been pretty in the middle of the whole "masculinity" versus "femininity" spectrum, only a little more on the former because that's generally just how I feel people want me to act versus being equally both like I feel more comfortable being.

    Romantic/attraction wise, I'm kinda where I've always been with the exception.  By traditional definition I'm gay mainly because I'm attracted to men, have only ever been deeply romantic with men, and probably continue being deeply romantic with them by default.  By actual definition, there's been the occasional woman or so that I've also been attracted to and have thought "I'd like to date them" (celebrity wise, Anne Hathaway was always the person on my list that I'd totally date that wasn't male), so I don't entirely feel comfortable being called gay since I'm not exclusively attracted to men only, they're just usually the folks that I tend to fall for.

    And yes, as I'm sure some folks will ask if they read my previous posts, it's become a thing that's changed a bit since my 2017 post where I said I'd more than likely never fall in love with a woman.  In reality, I don't feel as comfortable taking that stance anymore since I've found more women to be really attractive and have considered what it'd be like to be romantically with them.  So yes, life has been funny that way.

    Overall though, as I said I just hate labels.  For some, they're helpful identifiers that can make up how a person is with themselves and I completely respect that.  For me though, they're more of a suffocating aspect that you're boxing yourself into.  Identify as gay to others, but find attractions to women later on after you've already established that identity? That's a hard box to switch from because it was hard enough coming out as the former, but now you've got to come out as something else which even the supportive folks on the former may critique you heavily for (or accuse you of being an attention seeker).

    So if I had to, I'd say this: I'm a person who feels equally both genders at times, more male at times, and more female at others.  I think all genders can be attractive, but I tend to have a much bigger lean towards men specifically...but there have definitely been women that I've been attracted to as well, even if the list for them has been much smaller.  If I had to absolutely throw myself a label, I'd say I'm much more getting into the vibe that I'm non-binary, and that I'm more Pan/Bi with just a largely bigger preference to males. 

    But since I hate labels, I'll just say I am, and will always continue to be just Michi.
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    « Last Edit: March 23, 2022, 03:04:08 AM by Michi »
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  • I see I never updated my own information here.

    About two years ago, I came across the term demisexual and decided it was a better fit for me than pansexual. It's not that I think I've changed...I've always been much more sexually attracted to friends and people I have an emotional connection with, it's just that I didn't know the label existed until then. I still lean heavily toward men, but perhaps not as much as I did when I originally posted here (I'd say 70/30 now vs 80/20 then), and I'm also more interested in alternate genders as well as I've come to know more people who are transgender or non-binary and I've come to notice physical traits about them that I find attractive.

    Otherwise, I still identify as male. It's just that I have a feminine voice, that's all. :P
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  • Hello hello hello! Well, if we're sharing our identities, then here we go: I'm asexual and non-binary/genderfluid. I'm romantically attracted to guys. My pronouns are she/her and they/them. It makes me happy to know that Wintreath welcomes people from all across the board (as far as identities go). Nice to meet you all! ^^
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  • Hello hello hello! Well, if we're sharing our identities, then here we go: I'm asexual and non-binary/genderfluid. I'm romantically attracted to guys. My pronouns are she/her and they/them. It makes me happy to know that Wintreath welcomes people from all across the board (as far as identities go). Nice to meet you all! ^^
    Nice to meet you as well! Welcome to the LGBTQ+ portion of our community. ^-^

    Out of curiosity, when did you decide that you were non-binary/genderfluid? Was there a journey of self-discovery that led you to that point like with some of our members, or is it just something you've always known?

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  • Nice to meet you as well! Welcome to the LGBTQ+ portion of our community. ^-^

    Out of curiosity, when did you decide that you were non-binary/genderfluid? Was there a journey of self-discovery that led you to that point like with some of our members, or is it just something you've always known?
    Ah, good question! No, it's not something I've always known. It was more sudden. I figured it out about a year ago, but I questioned it a little before then. Specifically for the genderfluid part, I thought, "Sometimes I feel like a girl/woman (my assigned gender) and I enjoy it, but other times I feel very different." When I found out that I didn't have to be strictly a boy or a girl, it clicked. I realized that my gender changes/fluctuates, and there you have it!
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  • Hello I'm non-binary (they/them plz ☺️) and Also pansexual And  currently single (just throwing it out there) if you have any questions plz ask
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  • @Sprinkles257: That's very much how I felt when I learned about demisexuality. I had identified as bi, then pan, but when I read about being demi, it just clicked. The way that you put it though sounds awesome, you can enjoy whichever you feel like at any point in time. ^-^

    @Thejoker😐: Welcome to the LGBTQ+ portion of our community! Would you like to share your journey on how you came to identify as pansexual and non-binary? lol, I know all about being single, being the forever alone type. :P
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  • Howdy folks, my name is Kaylum - I am a fairly masculine 21 year old cis-male.
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  • @Dawcreeke: Why, hello again. :P

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  • @Dawcreeke: Why, hello again. :P
    Hello, my dear. ^-^

    I'll edit that post at a later time to include my update. I just happened to click save on accident. :P
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  • Hello, my dear. ^-^

    I'll edit that post at a later time to include my update. I just happened to click save on accident. :P
    Those things happen. :P I look forward to reading your update ^-^

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Hello I'm non-binary (they/them plz ☺️) and Also pansexual And  currently single (just throwing it out there) if you have any questions plz ask
    Hey! I was writing something up about you for the new Citizen article in The Frosty Bugle, and I realized that you specify they/them here, but he/him in your forum profile. I'm going to use they since you specifically point it out here, but just thought I'd poke you on that in case you want to change your profile. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Hello I'm non-binary (they/them plz ☺️) and Also pansexual And  currently single (just throwing it out there) if you have any questions plz ask
    Hey! I was writing something up about you for the new Citizen article in The Frosty Bugle, and I realized that you specify they/them here, but he/him in your forum profile. I'm going to use they since you specifically point it out here, but just thought I'd poke you on that in case you want to change your profile. :)
    Oh yeah Im recently non-binary so and also sexuality change from pan to skoliosexual (attraction to only trans and non-binary ppl) 
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  • I'm an aeromantic(meaning that I don't feel romantic attraction) and bisexual(meaning that I am sexually attracted to men, women, and non-binary people).
    I'm also a guy.
    Recap: I am an Aero-Bi Guy. -dabs in LGBTQ+-
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    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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