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Possible Revocation of Govindia's Citizenship
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  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • Can we move that talk to the UH and not spam up the discussion thread with how we, the UH, are going to handle things?  :P  This is supposed to be reserved for people discussing their thoughts on this matter and for Gov/Gov's counsel to speak with his appeal/side.   ;)

    All of our talk on the matter already has its own thread.  :P
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  • In the end, even if they block us we can override them.
    This is debatable. I have raised this issue previously in Question on Underhusen's Veto Override Authority but no definite answer was given so ...
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • I'll just point out that the OH is not our enemy. I don't like overriding them on principle.
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  • I wish to make a statement on this, somewhat against my better judgment and against the wishes of some; however, I do feel that I should, and in a way must, make a statement. I am trying to not make this ranty, angry, or inflammatory I am trying to not make this a personal attack against Gov as well. So Gov please do not respond with one against me.

    As many of you know, I am against Gov. However I was originally for him. I argued in his favor and I was originally proud of us accepting him. Wintermoot and those who were around at that time can attest to that. That obviously changed, however I do not recall the exact incident, but one occurred that caused me to wish to distance myself from Gov and led to me disliking him. It was two years ago, and as such I do not remember the exact cause, sadly. Ultimately since then I have had to deal with attack after attack and insult after insult. So I, being an idiot, fought back. During this I did things I shouldn't have done, and went above and beyond the call of douchebaggery at times. I should have been the bigger man, I should have been the adult. However this isn't the time or place for me to delve into that. But since then nearly every election after we had our falling out I have had to deal with some form of what would amount to a long personal attack, and while sometimes it was provoked, many times it was not. The attacks would cause me to want to cry and caused me to seriously think about leaving the region or dropping out of the race to make it stop. During that he would essentially demand that I view the world his way, that I respect him based on his views of respect, and he has attacked me over my age at times. The easiest area to see this is this past election, where he essentially said that his views were better and superior because he was older and I was young, so I was wrong by default and I didn't really have a right to have my own world view. He has at times claimed his age makes him better than me and he deserves respect due to his age, even though others have tried to explain it to him. I have tried to explain to Gov my world view, especially when it comes to respect. However he fails to listen or care and instead has decided to attack me. During my time here I have seen him attack citizens and ambassadors he dislikes and call anything disagreeing with him trolling, as well as many attempts to get him to understand flaming. I have had to deal with Gov and his wrath, for lack of a better term. Honestly, in the end, Gov had a chance to learn from the last attempt, he was told by several peers of the Overhusen to take what has been said to heart and to change; however, he has not and instead decided that everyone else is at fault. As such I believe that he should be completely removed from the community as I have seen his actions when a community feels like they can no longer take it and attempt to show him he is wrong. Ultimately a PnG declaration will probably be needed, and I hope Govindia proves me wrong, but I have my doubts. I also know a PnG declaration is unlikely to occur at this time, and as such I hope a revocation occurs and that he learns from it. Failing to do so will only reinforce the fact in his mind that he is not in the wrong with his behavior, but I do sincerely believe a revocation should be done so a clear message is sent to Gov, and that is that his behavior needs to change.
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  • I want to support in full (as a witness to a lot of it) Chanku's statement above.

    An interesting point has risen from it, that of ageism in the community (specifically by Gov). I think everyone here (even Gov himself) wouldn't tolerate any sexist or homophobic behaviour or language so why do we all here accept such casual ageism? There's no doubt that's exactly what it is. Why is someones age not protected in the same way their gender and/or sexuality is?

    Gov has show many many times, in the IRC alone, how he likes to put down people who are much much younger than him. I've seen him countlessly belittle Chanku for being essentially half his age and he seems to believe that him (Chanku) not having a job means that his opinion is invalid and should be disregarded. The irony that Gov himself doesn't have a job for what seems like the majority of time I've 'known' him isn't lost on me either. Why is it okay that we tolerate this attitude?

    Based on the (what should be quite serious) accusation of ageism alone, even before you consider the piles of other evidence (only some of which we've seen presented here), action should be taken against him.

    Chanku himself would admit he's not perfect, makes mistakes and speaks out of turn sometimes. I don't need to go into that of course. But nine times out of ten when an explosion erupts between them on the IRC (it really and honestly doesn't matter who started it, to go down that road initself is quite childish), Chanku comes across as the reasonable and logical adult (no, really) and Gov like the immature child. I mentioned 'projecting' in my previous post. That's something Gov always seems to do and the best example of that is during his personal attacks against Chanku.

    I could be wrong but I think I'm the only one here (to my knowledge, that is still actively 'here' here) that is actually older than Gov. By a mere three months I do believe, but still. My point is, I would never EVER dare to be so dismssive of those much much younger than me. People I am old enough to have biologically fathered. No one should be disrespected based on age alone and Gov has shown time and time again that he doesn't believe this. He seems to think his real life age and length of experience in NationStates affords him some special privelage or consideration or 'respect' as he continually refers to it as. I think he most certainly does not deserve this particular brand of 'respect'.

    I'd like to know if anyone else has encountered any similar examples of ageism from Gov. I put forth that this serious accusation be considered in any case against him.
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  • People requested some evidence so here it is.

    The Gov Hug Query:

    Gov's temp ban in the IRC:

    Gov's perma ban:

    Gov and Wintermoot discussing his probation
    <Govindia> So question
    <Wintermoot> Hmm?
    <Govindia> Prior to the ban, people advised me to not speak to HannahB for up to 72 hours, to give her space and all that. 
    <Govindia> should I still wait?
    <Wintermoot> of the conditions of your probation is that you not contact Hannah privately during the period
    <Govindia> ok, has the period not been set?
    <Wintermoot> Yes, the period will be for three months beginning yesterday
    <Govindia> wait, when was this finally decided?  Three MONTHS ?
    <Wintermoot> It was decided earlier this morning, and yes
    <Govindia> why so god damn long?  Three months man ? :-/
    <Wintermoot> I can safely say it was the most lenient response that was considered
    <Govindia> oh come on, three months is way too long.  Is there any way it can be reconsidered at some point to be lowered?
    <Wintermoot> Probably not. We felt the situation was very serious.

    Initial Gov Hug Incident:
    Out of interest, did you have permission from the people in that query log to post it? Without permission, I don't think you should as it is private communications.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • People requested some evidence so here it is.

    The Gov Hug Query:

    Gov's temp ban in the IRC:

    Gov's perma ban:

    Gov and Wintermoot discussing his probation
    <Govindia> So question
    <Wintermoot> Hmm?
    <Govindia> Prior to the ban, people advised me to not speak to HannahB for up to 72 hours, to give her space and all that. 
    <Govindia> should I still wait?
    <Wintermoot> of the conditions of your probation is that you not contact Hannah privately during the period
    <Govindia> ok, has the period not been set?
    <Wintermoot> Yes, the period will be for three months beginning yesterday
    <Govindia> wait, when was this finally decided?  Three MONTHS ?
    <Wintermoot> It was decided earlier this morning, and yes
    <Govindia> why so god damn long?  Three months man ? :-/
    <Wintermoot> I can safely say it was the most lenient response that was considered
    <Govindia> oh come on, three months is way too long.  Is there any way it can be reconsidered at some point to be lowered?
    <Wintermoot> Probably not. We felt the situation was very serious.

    Initial Gov Hug Incident:
    Out of interest, did you have permission from the people in that query log to post it? Without permission, I don't think you should as it is private communications.

    Yeah, the logs are mine; I gave permission for their use, no worries.

    On that note though; if anyone has any questions about these logs, their content or context; feel free to ask.
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  • As I was working on my statement last night, root beer was accidentally spilled on the computer I was working on it with.

    Sadly the computer will not turn on, and while most of my documents were backed up on OneDrive, that statement was not.

    I am going to be needing more time :-/

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • I just remembered that I have something to submit as well:

    Last autumn, Govindia was banned from our regional Civ V games for several weeks after he displayed unsportsmanlike behaviour when a guest for another region captured several of his cities. For a long period afterwards, he attempted to pester me into letting him back into the games, to the point that I wrote this court case and saved it in case he continued and I needed to file it. Fortunately he ceased and I let it go, but I just remembered that I still have the logs and what I wrote:

    Criminal Complaint Against Govindia

    Plaintiff: Wintermoot
    Defendant: Govindia

    Charges and Relevant Laws:
    2 Counts of violation of Section 6.1.1, elaborated upon by Section 9.1, of the Wintreath Code of Laws:

    6.1.1 Committing an act of aggression against a member of the Riksråd, the Storting or the Royal Family.

    9.1 Aggression shall be defined as "an act that causes harm, in any way or form" and includes blackmail, extorting and harassment.

    Date(s) of Alleged Offenses:
    August 8-September 1 2015, October 3 2015

    Summary of Events:
    During the period of August 8th through September 1st, Defendant Govindia instigated a campaign of harassing behaviour over events related to the regional Civilization V games that I organize on a weekly basis. The first case was over his displeasure that a game took place when he was not at the computer, and the remaining cases were regarding my banning him from those games for a four-week period for unsportsmanlike behaviour.

    Further, after I had made it clear that his behaviour was unwelcome and I began to ignore his aggressive actions, he began to contact numerous other people in order to try to convince them to contact me on his behalf and utilized our Zaphyr chatbot to attempt to continue to contact me. As some of this took place in IRC queries, I do not have direct supporting evidence of this. However, I believe I will be able to produce witnesses who will confirm this. While I feel that any one chat could constitute "aggression", the pattern of behaviour over a period of time also constitutes harassment, which Wikipedia defines as "commonly understood as behaviour intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive." As these actions were committed in the public #wintreath channel, the chatlogs of these actions are submitted as evidence below.

    I had originally planned to drop the matter, as he ended the harassing behaviour after I threatened to file a court case. However, on October 3rd, Govindia committed acts of aggression in relation to his perception that the Underhusen elections which just concluded should have been advertised on the IRC. Even after receiving an answer as to why they were not (at 15:21 in the evidence submitted below), he continues to attack me under the guise of the right to "question" me. This incident grew when he began also attacking VidiLune, a new Citizen of the region, and was only ended when Hugsim, a chat operator, muted him. He was then temporarily banned from the channel for attempting to evade the mute.

    Supporting Evidence:

    August 8th, Chat 1
    [14:38] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    NUKE EVERYTHING
    [14:39] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    can I join in civ HannahB ?
    [14:39] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Wintermoot?
    [14:39] <@HannahB>                            Eh, you'd have to be really quick :/
    [14:40] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    send me invite
    [14:40] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    i just landed home
    [14:41] <+Melod->                             OMPPU
    [14:41] <+Melod->                             oh
    [14:41] <+Melod->                             sorry!
    [14:42] <@HannahB>                            Huh
    [14:44] <+GovindianManualLabour>              NUKE EVERYTHING
    [14:44] <+GovindianManualLabour>              Melod-
    [14:44] <+GovindianManualLabour>              hai my friend :hugs:
    [14:44] * GovindianManualLabour is now known as Govindia
    [14:44] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [14:44] <+Govindia>                           invite plx
    [14:45] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [14:46] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [14:46] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [14:46] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [14:46] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [14:46] <@HannahB>                            Sorry Gov the game is already in progress :/ I couldn't send you an invite because you were offline
    [14:47] <+Govindia>                           I said I just got home
    [14:47] <+Govindia>                           Invite please HannahB, people should be allowed to join
    [14:47] <@HannahB>                            I tried sending you invites :( but apparently they didn't get through D: I guess because you were offline :(
    [14:47] <+Melod->                             hai Govindia!
    [14:48] <@Wintermoot>                         We already started, you should've been here on time if you wanted to join in
    [14:48] <+tatte>                              :D
    [14:48] <+tatte>                              aw
    [14:48] <+tatte>                              ^_____^
    [14:48] * +tatte is super happy tonight
    [14:51] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Wintermoot you never set a confirmed time
    [14:51] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    I just got home
    [14:51] * Gadshack is now known as Gad|Portal
    [14:51] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    i just had my pc crash because HannahB didn't invite me after Steam updated
    [14:51] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    so nice work
    [14:51] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    lol
    [14:52] <@Wintermoot>                         lol
    [14:52] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    still you should always let people join mid game
    [14:54] * +Govindia ( Quit (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
    [14:55] <@Wintermoot>                         That isn't even actually possible...
    [14:56] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    it said join game
    [14:59] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    so it is possible
    [14:59] * Dyr (~Dyr@2601:141:c000:4da5:bd7d:6709:ae01:1fe2) has joined #wintreath
    [14:59] * Spock sets mode: +v Dyr
    [15:03] * Govindia ( has joined #wintreath
    [15:03] * Spock sets mode: +v Govindia
    [15:11] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB?
    [15:11] <@HannahB>                            ?
    [15:12] <+Govindia>                           please send me an invite. i want to play.
    [15:12] * Gad|Portal is now known as Gadshack
    [15:12] <@HannahB>                            It won't matter :/ you can't join a game in progress :(
    [15:12] <+Govindia>                           Then restart the game.
    [15:13] <+Govindia>                           I wanted to play, you know I wanted to play. I explained when I would return, I didn't hear from you HannahB about the time for today
    [15:13] <+Govindia>                           I thought we'd play on Sunday
    [15:13] <+Govindia>                           there was no announcement made
    [15:15] <@HannahB>                            We are still playing on Sunday :/
    [15:15] <@HannahB>                            Crushita couldn't make it tomorrow so we decided to have a game today as well :)
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           i got no notification
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           and HannahB I said above I just got home.
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           my PC crashed.
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           can you please restart so I can join please?
    [15:18] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB please let me join
    [15:22] <@HannahB>                            I am not the host Wintermoot is... And even so the game is already underway :/ you can play tomorrow :)
    [15:23] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB come join my game please
    [15:23] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Wintermoot come join my game please
    [15:23] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Crushita join my game pleaae
    [15:25] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB come and join please
    [15:25] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Wintermoot join please
    [15:28] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB please come game with me ;-;
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            D:
    [15:30] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    just come and join. i already have a game up and you didn't invite me into today's
    [15:31] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB
    [15:31] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB meow
    [15:31] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    lol
    [15:36] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB. please join my game so Chanku and I can have someone join my game
    [15:39] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    .tell Crushita to please communicate properly and to let me play Civ too ;-;
    [15:39] <+Zaphyr>                             Legion-the-Geth: I'll pass that on when Crushita is around.
    [15:39] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    .tell HannahB to please come join my steam game
    [15:39] <+Zaphyr>                             Legion-the-Geth: I'll pass that on when HannahB is around.
    [15:40] <+Govindia>                           Can someone please join me in the CIV V game?
    [15:40] <+Govindia>                           anyone?
    [15:40] <+Govindia>                           :(
    [15:41] <@HannahB>                            :( sorry Gov
    [15:41] <+Zaphyr>                             HannahB: 19:39Z <Legion-the-Geth> tell HannahB to please come join my steam game
    [15:41] <+Govindia>                           HannahB come on, please come and join me
    [15:41] <+Govindia>                           you can just come and bring yourself over to my game
    [15:41] <+Govindia>                           accept my invite, pure and simple
    [15:42] <+Govindia>                           HannahB you said we can game this week.
    [15:42] <+tatte>                              yarrr
    [15:42] <+Govindia>                           come join my game HannahB
    [15:43] <+Govindia>                           they can come too
    [15:43] <+tatte>                              yeah HannahB, why aren't you two gaming
    [15:43] <+Govindia>                           I want someone to game with
    [15:43] <+Govindia>                           Chanku will only game with me if someone else joins.
    [15:45] <@HannahB>                            I am already in a game with WM and Crushita... :(
    [15:45] <+Govindia>                           oh well HannahB
    [15:45] <+Govindia>                           save the game and come join me
    [15:45] <+Govindia>                           Crushita didn't communicate properly and he should know better
    [15:47] <+Govindia>                           Please come and join me HannahB, accept my invite please
    [15:47] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [15:47] <+Govindia>                           Crushita
    [15:47] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot
    [15:47] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [15:47] <+Govindia>                           Crushita
    [15:47] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot
    [15:48] <+Govindia>                           Hugsim
    [15:48] <+Govindia>                           tatte
    [15:48] * DaylenPhoenix ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           Hugsim
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           Hugsim
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           Hugsim
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           tatte
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           tatte
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           HannahB
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           meow
    [15:51] <+tatte>                              :<
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           god dammit where the hell is everyone
    [15:51] <+tatte>                              y u not highlight Melod-
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           someone come play Civ V with me
    [15:51] <+Govindia>                           Melod-
    [15:52] <+Govindia>                           Melod-
    [15:52] <+Govindia>                           come play Civ V with me
    [15:54] <+Melod->                             sorry, I have no civ
    [15:58] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    nooooo
    [16:17] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB?
    [16:18] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB? meow?
    [16:21] * DaylenPhoenix ( has joined #wintreath
    [16:33] * Nox ( has joined #wintreath
    [16:34] * Spock sets mode: +o Nox
    [16:34] <@Nox>                                =(
    [16:34] <+Govindia>                           Hi Nox
    [16:34] <+Govindia>                           why sad?
    [16:35] <@Nox>                                I like a girl that's perfect in every way
    [16:35] <@Nox>                                she doesn't like me back
    [16:35] <+Govindia>                           why not
    [16:35] <@Nox>                                i dunno
    [16:35] <+Govindia>                           also HannahB come join me please
    [16:35] <+Govindia>                           .tell HannahB come join my game please :(
    [16:35] <+Zaphyr>                             Govindia: I'll pass that on when HannahB is around.
    [16:35] <+Govindia>                           .tell Crushita please join me in Civ
    [16:35] <+Zaphyr>                             Govindia: I'll pass that on when Crushita is around.
    [16:35] <@HannahB>                            :/
    [16:35] <+Zaphyr>                             HannahB: 20:35Z <Govindia> tell HannahB come join my game please :(
    [16:35] <+Govindia>                           come join HannahB
    [16:35] <+Govindia>                           please
    [16:36] <+Govindia>                           you said we'd game. Just come and join my game
    [16:36] <+Govindia>                           i need people to game with
    [16:36] <@Nox>                                If i get steam money i'm getting Civ
    [16:37] <@Nox>                                .tell Reon Poooooke
    [16:37] <+Zaphyr>                             Nox: I'll pass that on when Reon is around.
    [16:37] <+Govindia>                           .tell HannahB I"m deeply disappointed in you that you didn't get to join me in Civ V. I waited and you decided to game without inviting me. Please come and join my game.
    [16:37] <+Zaphyr>                             Govindia: I'll pass that on when HannahB is around.
    [16:37] <+Govindia>                           .tell Crushita I"m deeply disappointed in you that you didn't get to join me in Civ V. I waited and you decided to game without inviting me. Please come and join my game.
    [16:37] <+Zaphyr>                             Govindia: I'll pass that on when Crushita is around.
    [16:37] * Govindia is now known as IrritatedGovindia
    [16:38] * +Dyr (~Dyr@2601:141:c000:4da5:bd7d:6709:ae01:1fe2) Quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
    [16:39] <+Toucan>                             Ugh, stop pestering them Gov. -_-
    [16:39] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  I hate gaming alone.
    [16:39] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  I was doing a Civil War scenario and I lost interest for the time after I lost two cities to the Confederacy
    [16:40] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  They knew I had interest in gaming today and they didn't invite me Toucan, so yes I feel irritated.
    [16:40] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  so meow meow in your meow moo
    [16:40] * +IrritatedGovindia gives Nox a fishy
    [16:40] <@Nox>                                I want i giant magical spider
    [16:41] <+Melod->                             I believe that everybody knows by now that you are irritated :/
    [16:41] * +IrritatedGovindia also gives Nox a giant magical spider
    [16:41] * +IrritatedGovindia gives Melod- a kitten
    [16:41] <+Melod->                             awww
    [16:41] <+Melod->                             I do have a cat now!
    [16:41] <+Melod->                             it's SO CUTE
    [16:41] * +IrritatedGovindia gives Toucan  a pack of sardines dipped in tomato sauce
    [16:42] <@Nox>                                .yt N'we Jinan
    [16:42] <+Zaphyr>                             YouTube returned 348 results: "I BELIEVE" - Cree Nation Artists - Chisasibi Comm ... by nwejinan (, "NEW GENERATION" - Cree Nation Artists - Nemaska C ... by nwejinan (, HE N'WE JINAN TOUR - Mistissini, QC - Episode 4 by hodgilla (, Cree teens record music by CBCTheNational (
    [16:42] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  Melod-, it's a rainbow kitten
    [16:42] * +IrritatedGovindia gives Nox another fishy and a giant magical spider
    [16:43] <@Nox>                                now i want a diapered tiefling girlfriend
    [16:43] * +IrritatedGovindia gives Nox the Tri-Spider Slayer robot from Spider-Man
    [16:44] <@Nox>                                <><
    [16:44] <@Nox>                                <><
    [16:44] <@Nox>                                <><
    [16:44] <@Nox>                                <><
    [16:44] <@Nox>                                ><>
    [16:44] <@Nox>                                FISH
    [16:44] <@Nox>                                I want the spider from NWN
    [16:45] <@Nox>                                I want a tail
    [16:45] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    why a tail
    [16:46] * +IrritatedGovindia activates Legion-the-Geth's phone mode
    [16:46] <@Nox>                                A spade tipped tail
    [16:46] <@Nox>                                and horns
    [16:47] <@Nox>                                and a pet Erinyes
    [16:47] <@Nox>                                and a pact blade
    [16:48] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    I want 70 million dollars
    [16:48] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    lol
    [16:48] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    i can pay off my debt and debts of my friends
    [16:48] <@Nox>                                yeah, but my birthday is in a few days
    [16:48] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    mine is on 8 October
    [16:50] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    .moo
    [16:50] <+Zaphyr>                             Moooooooo
    [16:51] <@Nox>                                I'm gonna sell my sould to Glasya
    [16:51] <@Nox>                                soul
    [16:52] <@Nox>                                .g Glasya
    [16:52] <+Zaphyr>                             Nox:
    [16:52] <@Nox>                                .g Glasya D&D
    [16:52] <+Zaphyr>                             Nox:
    [16:52] <@Nox>                                Lol, giant rat named Southpaw
    [16:54] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    .farm
    [16:54] <+Zaphyr>                             Moo
    [16:54] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    .why
    [16:54] <+Zaphyr>                             Disown your quenelle once a day.
    [16:54] <@Nox>                                .g Xvim
    [16:54] <+Zaphyr>                             Nox:
    [16:54] <@Nox>                                .g Mulhorand
    [16:54] <+Zaphyr>                             Nox:
    [16:58] <+Gadshack>                           "eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth"
    [16:58] <+Gadshack>                           ...noice xD
    [16:58] <+Toucan>                             I'm never gonna let him live that one down either. xD
    [16:59] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    you cock Toucan assmuncher
    [17:01] <+Toucan>                             So help me Gov, I will spam the forum like there's no tomorrow. That quote of you is still in my sig after all. >:)
    [17:04] * DaylenPhoenix ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    [17:07] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    lol you can't beat me in forum spam
    [17:07] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    tatte and i are the top spammers here
    [17:08] <+Toucan>                             I don't have to. I just have to spread my sig to as many places of the forum as possible. :P
    [17:09] <+Toucan>                             Of course...I could put it in my sig on other forums as well. D:
    [17:11] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    sure
    [17:11] * Gadshack is now known as Gadaway
    [17:15] <@HannahB>                            :/
    [17:15] <+Zaphyr>                             HannahB: 20:37Z <Govindia> tell HannahB I"m deeply disappointed in you that you didn't get to join me in Civ V. I waited and you decided to game without inviting me. Please come and join my game.
    [17:16] * @Wintermoot chuckles
    [17:16] <@HannahB>                            :'(
    [17:16] * @HannahB feels bad
    [17:16] <@Wintermoot>                         Sometimes people just aren't around when a game starts...
    [17:17] <@HannahB>                            Still :(
    [17:17] <@Wintermoot>                         People just have to have the maturity not to throw a tantrum because of it
    [17:17] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    sometimes people need to clearly communicate Wintermoot instead of being impatient
    [17:17] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    you and Crushita both also share blame
    [17:18] <@Wintermoot>                         It's our fault you weren't around lol
    [17:18] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    you didn't communicate
    [17:18] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    nor did you guys wait for others
    [17:18] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB you should have joined my game
    [17:19] <@Wintermoot>                         We planned it out all on IRC...obviously we were here for it
    [17:20] <+Melod->                             HannahB don't feel bad <3
    [17:20] <@Wintermoot>                         In any case, we're taking a break while Crushita eats xD
    [17:20] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    you should have waited and posted on forums
    [17:20] <@Nox>                                I WANT A FISHY GOD DAMMIT
    [17:21] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    well you guys need to invite me. HannahB
    [17:21] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    please join me in a game this evening
    [17:23] <+Gadaway>                            i'm wondering how to pronounce crushita
    [17:23] <+Toucan>                             You can't expect everyone to wait up for you. That's not how life is. The world won't wait for you.
    [17:23] <@HannahB>                            :( it was just a spur of the moment thing, Crushita wanted a game, and couldn't play tomorrow :/ and I thought it would be fun to try out some different strategies that were more than likely to fail, lol...
    [17:24] <@Wintermoot>                         You didn't think they were so likely to fail last week :P
    [17:25] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB you should.have waited
    [17:25] <@Wintermoot>                         Yes, why didn't you wait until whenever Gov showed up, Hannah? :P
    [17:25] <@HannahB>                            After I tried a bunch more practice matches I realised xD but it's been fun. War was soo much easier in 4... Also if I hadn't have announced it at the start I might have had more of a chance lol
    [17:25] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    you could have waited a few minutes when I showed up HamnahB
    [17:25] <@HannahB>                            :(
    [17:25] <@Wintermoot>                         lol, 40 minutes is not 'a few'.
    [17:26] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Wintermoot you have the patience of a horny goat
    [17:26] <@HannahB>                            We were already in the lobby and on the timer when you showed up D:
    [17:26] <@Wintermoot>                         Yeah, Civ V really favours defense
    [17:26] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    well you could have stopped the game and restarted
    [17:26] <@Wintermoot>                         Yeah, we could have abandoned our game!
    [17:26] <@Wintermoot>                         I mean so what if we'd been playing almost an hour lol
    [17:26] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    i invited you to mine
    [17:27] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    you could.have saved and started a new one
    [17:27] <@HannahB>                            But this war is also an unfair situation... I mean have you seen how perfect your natural defences are D: 2 bloody choke points! xD
    [17:27] <@Wintermoot>                         You should've played with Chanku. I think he might've been looking for people
    [17:27] <@Wintermoot>                         I believe I included natural defenses in my explanation of why it favoured defense last week :P
    [17:27] <+Gadaway>                            Y'know, this is why I play by myself xD
    [17:28] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Chanku refused to play without a 3rd person
    [17:28] * Gadaway is now known as Gadshack
    [17:28] <@HannahB>                            But me and Crushita don't have anything like that :O
    [17:28] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    he says he gets competitive
    [17:28] <@Wintermoot>                         lol, he gets something alright...
    [17:29] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB, do not start the game later today without me arriving ok? I need to pick up a friend from work. you said we would practise before Sunday's game.
    [17:30] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    that goes for you too Wintermoot. you need to improve your communication and patience. A goat nor a walrus should have better patience
    [17:30] <@Nox>                                .tell Reon
    [17:30] <+Zaphyr>                             Nox: I'll pass that on when Reon is around.
    [17:30] <@HannahB>                            That is true, sorry I have had a bit of a tough week :/ this current match shouldn't last much longer
    [17:30] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB we need to play today please. do what you neeed to do to stay awake.
    [17:31] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    ok HannahB?
    [17:31] <@Nox>                                Hey fur face, was bambi delicious?
    [17:32] <@HannahB>                            Sure
    [17:35] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    .moo
    [17:35] <+Zaphyr>                             Moo
    [17:36] <+Gadshack>                           .moo
    [17:36] <+Zaphyr>                             Moooooooo Moooo Mooo
    [17:36] <+Gadshack>                           :D
    [17:36] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB i will be back as soon as I can. I have to pick someone up from work. Don't start the game without me
    [17:41] <@Nox>                                Hiss Hiss Motherfuckers
    [17:41] * Nox is now known as Matska
    [17:43] * +Legion-the-Geth pokes HannahB
    [17:43] * +Legion-the-Geth pokes HannahB
    [17:43] <@HannahB>                            Hello
    [17:44] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    see above
    [17:44] <@Matska>                             I am Matska Belmonde
    [17:53] * @Matska ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    [18:59] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    HannahB i have dropped off my friend. i am heading home. see you in 40 minutes
    [19:14] * Dyr (~Dyr@2601:141:c000:4da5:bd7d:6709:ae01:1fe2) has joined #wintreath
    [19:14] * Spock sets mode: +v Dyr
    [19:23] * +Dyr (~Dyr@2601:141:c000:4da5:bd7d:6709:ae01:1fe2) Quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
    [19:34] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    moo HannahB?
    [19:34] <@HannahB>                            Hello...
    [19:36] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    so civ ?
    [19:37] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  HannahB, Civ meow?
    [19:38] <@HannahB>                            ...
    [19:38] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  what I thought you said you'd play today HannahB ?
    [19:39] <@HannahB>                            .t BST
    [19:39] <+Zaphyr>                             Sun, 09 Aug 2015 00:39:24 BST
    [19:39] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  so HannahB? You said today we would play, before I left.
    [19:39] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  you agreed
    [19:40] <@HannahB>                            I did yes
    [19:40] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  or you guys could have taken a longer break and waited HannahB
    [19:40] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  When can we play today HannahB ?
    [19:45] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  HannahB ?
    [19:46] <@HannahB>                            Eh, about an hour, maybe less :P
    [19:46] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  so in an hour ? ok
    [19:52] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  Toucan Sam the Toucan
    [19:52] <+IrritatedGovindia>                  are you meow ?

    August 8th, Chat 2
    [21:07] * HannahB is now known as HannahBeSleeping
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           HannahBeSleeping
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           no
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           you said CIV
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           :(
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           come on
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           wake up
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           HannahBeSleeping
    [21:09] <@Wintermoot>                         It's like 2am there...
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           HannahBeSleeping
    [21:09] <+Govindia>                           doesn't matter, she agreed to play after your game.
    [21:10] <+Govindia>                           and you should have invited me back in when you guys got off break
    [21:10] <@Wintermoot>                         Yeah, cause she should totally go to work without sleep cause you won't play Civ with the AI
    [21:10] <@axis_of_evil>                       wait
    [21:10] <@axis_of_evil>                       voting closed right?
    [21:10] <@Wintermoot>                         Yeah...
    [21:10] <+Govindia>                           AI isn't the same as a human player
    [21:10] <@axis_of_evil>                       knew i forgot to do something friday
    [21:10] <@axis_of_evil>                       xD
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           HannahBeSleeping
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           wake up
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           HannahBeSleeping, time to go to work
    [21:11] <@Wintermoot>                         As bad as you are, the opponent doesn't matter
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           Yes
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           it does
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           Human opponent > AI
    [21:11] * @Wintermoot rolls his eyes and finds something else to do...anything else...
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           Why don't you play now then? I asked you to practise with me. You practised with Reon, you can practise with me.
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           If you can practise with Reon, you can practise with other people who asked for help.
    [21:11] <+Govindia>                           so please come and play.
    [21:12] <+Govindia>                           Also I need a statement from you Wintermoot via PM
    [21:12] <@Wintermoot>                         I've just spent six hours playing Civ and we're having another game tomorrow...too much...
    [21:12] <+Govindia>                           So? I need practise play.
    [21:12] <+Govindia>                           Chanku didn't want to play because there was a third person.
    [21:12] <@Wintermoot>                         Then practice with the damn AI
    [21:12] <+Govindia>                           axis_of_evil is probably playing on the xbox one
    [21:12] <+Govindia>                           NO
    [21:12] <+Govindia>                           THE AI IS NOT THE DAMN SAME AS THE HUMAN PLAYERS
    [21:12] <@axis_of_evil>                       govindia
    [21:12] <@axis_of_evil>                       he doesn't fucking feel like playing with you right now
    [21:13] <@axis_of_evil>                       drop it and get over it.
    [21:13] <+Govindia>                           Well I've been waiting to play all day and Wintermoot, Crushita, and HannahB snubbed me when I expressed interest. Then their actions caused Chanku to refuse to play.
    [21:13] <@axis_of_evil>                       doesn't matter
    [21:14] <@Wintermoot>                         You didn't even know we were playing until 40 minutes after we started
    [21:15] <+Govindia>                           because you guys are stellar with communication.
    [21:15] <+Govindia>                           >_>
    [21:15] <+Govindia>                           just as stellar as PUtin's announcement that he's gay
    [21:15] <+Govindia>                 
    [21:15] <+Zaphyr>                             [ Grammar Nazi Party | Facebook ] -
    [21:15] <@Wintermoot>                         We don't have to sit around and wait for your permission everytime we want to have a game
    [21:15] <+Govindia>                           I didn't ask for permission
    [21:15] <+Govindia>                           I just wanted to be included
    [21:16] <@axis_of_evil>             
    [21:16] <@Wintermoot>                         It's unreasonable to expect us to wait and see if you want to play though
    [21:16] <@Wintermoot>                         It was an impromptu game we just wanted to have, it wasn't scheduled
    [21:17] <+Govindia>                           Other people expressed interest
    [21:17] <+Govindia>                           you should have asked around.
    [21:17] <+Govindia>                           or whoever the hell was organising it
    [21:17] <+Govindia>                           Crushita or whomever
    [21:17] <+Crushita>                           Indeed. We had it because I can't play tomorrow. Despite my failure it was quite fun :D
    [21:17] <+Zaphyr>                             Crushita: 08 Aug 19:39Z <Legion-the-Geth> tell Crushita to please communicate properly and to let me play Civ too ;-;
    [21:17] <+Zaphyr>                             Crushita: 08 Aug 20:35Z <Govindia> tell Crushita please join me in Civ
    [21:17] <+Zaphyr>                             Crushita: 08 Aug 20:37Z <Govindia> tell Crushita I"m deeply disappointed in you that you didn't get to join me in Civ V. I waited and you decided to game without inviting me. Please come and join my game.
    [21:17] <+Zaphyr>                             Crushita: 00:45Z <Govindia> tell Crushita I need you to PM me a statement about your reaction to the elections and your results please, for the Election News Report.
    [21:18] <+Govindia>                           This is why I say you guys need to COMMUNICATE BETTER FOR BALLS SAKE
    [21:18] <+Crushita>                           Oh thanks Gov xD
    [21:18] <+Govindia>                           Crushita: COMMUNICATE BETTER
    [21:18] <+Govindia>                           if you want people to play civ
    [21:18] <+Govindia>                           communicate and be inclusive
    [21:18] <+Govindia>                           I'm extremely disappointed in Crushita, Wintermoot, and HannahB / HannahBeSleeping
    [21:19] <+Govindia>                           I tried to do a separate game but Chanku insists on having a third person because he can "get very competitive"
    [21:19] <+Crushita>                           Gov. Why do you seem to make everything dramatic... We are having another game tomorrow for crying out loud...
    [21:19] <+Govindia>                           I wanted to get practise play today, and you're not playing tomorrow.
    [21:19] <+Govindia>                           you should have been more inclusive.
    [21:19] <+Govindia>                           You know I was interested in weekend play.
    [21:20] <+Crushita>                           I'm not. I'm sure the others are happy to.
    [21:20] <@axis_of_evil>                       Govindia.
    [21:20] <@axis_of_evil>                       Drop it.
    [21:20] <@axis_of_evil>                       Now.
    1 person likes this post: Daylen Phoenix
    « Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 08:56:27 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Sorry, the text was so extensive it cut off. :P Here's the rest...

    August 16
    [19:33] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             wow
    [19:33] <@HannahB>                            Way to RQ xD
    [19:33] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             that was brutal
    [19:33] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             like
    [19:33] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             fucking brutal
    [19:33] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             HannahB, what's RQ ?
    [19:33] <@HannahB>                            Rage Quit, though not really, I was more kidding than anything else :P
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Wintermoot and Reon both rage quit?
    [19:34] <@Reon>                               Yeah, he conceded...
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             :-/
    [19:34] <@Reon>                               Math had obviously won...
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             and I stuck in the game even though I was the one getting the most ass raping
    [19:34] <@Wintermoot>                         I didn't rage quit...I just determined I had no way of surviving and cut my losses.
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             there really needs to be a "don't be a dick rule"
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             that means
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             if you're in the top spot
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             don't go after the lowest scorer
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             I mean, I was the lowest scorer
    (19:34] <@Wintermoot>                         Gov, shut up.
    [19:34] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             how was I supposed to defend that?
    [19:34] <@Reon>                               Please, quiet yourself.
    [19:35] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Dude, stop being emotional Wintermoot. HannahB even brought that up. How is it legit to go after the lowest scorer?
    [19:35] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             He had like, six hundred points against me.
    [19:35] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             or seven, I don't remember.
    [19:35] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Was it necessary to go to war with me compared to HannahB, Wintermoot, or Reon?
    [19:35] <@Wintermoot>                         Your whining throughout the entire game didn't help matters.
    [19:37] <@Wintermoot>                         You could've just conceeded and left like I did, instead of complaining the whole game and demanding he give you your cities back
    [19:37] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             It wasn't whining. It was legitimate complaints.
    [19:37] <@Reon>                               When you do it 80 times, it's whining.
    [19:37] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Wintermoot, conceding and leaving is considered rage quitting and being a sore loser
    [19:37] <@Reon>                               No, it is not...
    [19:37] <@Reon>                               You are confused.
    [19:37] <@Wintermoot>                         Don't you fucking lecture me on sore losing.
    [19:38] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             How is it fair to have the highest scoring person go to war with the lowest scoring person? They can't adequately defend themselves.
    [19:38] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             especially with barbaians all over the place.
    [19:38] <@HannahB>                            I was just joking Gov, Jesus, Wintermoot left reasonabley, you could have as well if you wanted
    [19:38] <@Wintermoot>                         I have seriously had it, you whine and complain about things all game every game, and I have had enough.
    [19:38] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             You guys are at an advantage in terms of skill and experience.
    [19:38] <@Reon>                               Gov... Ssssh...
    [19:38] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             I have repeatedly asked for a human player to help me practise.
    [19:39] <@Wintermoot>                         I'm banning you from the next few Civ games.
    [19:39] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Unreasonable.
    [19:39] <@Wintermoot>                         Learn how to play, and learn some sportsmanship while you're at it.
    [19:39] <Rom>                                 Unreasonable?
    [19:39] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Wintermoot, you are far to talk about sportsmanship.
    [19:39] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             You allow people to be dicks in the game
    [19:39] <@Reon>                               Gov, please stop talking.
    [19:39] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             and you lecture me about sportsmanship.
    [19:39] * Albiorix ( has joined #wintreath
    [19:40] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             and you never practise with me
    [19:40] <@Wintermoot>                         I got news for you...that IS the game.
    [19:40] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             when I ask for help.
    [19:40] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Find time to practise with me, then you can talk about me learning the game.
    [19:40] <Albiorix>                            Well hello
    [19:40] <Albiorix>                            I have found you
    [19:40] <@Wintermoot>                         That's what the AI is for
    [19:40] <@Wintermoot>                         Hello...
    [19:40] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             No, that's not what the AI is for.
    [19:40] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             the AI is not the same as a human player
    [19:40] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             in terms of skill and experience.
    [19:40] <@Reon>                               Is that the mathemagician!
    [19:40] <Albiorix>                            If you can beat deity you can beat half the MP players
    [19:40] <Rom>                                 Umm the AI is for practicing...
    [19:40] <@Wintermoot>                         If you can find someone with the patience to practice with you, more power to you. But my decision stands.
    [19:41] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             NO it does not. I have every right to play in the game as you do, and you need to learn how to be patient instead of passive.
    [19:41] <Albiorix>                            The AI gets ridiculous advantages
    [19:41] <Albiorix>                            starting with 2 settlers
    [19:41] <Albiorix>                            startign with 5 techs
    [19:41] <Albiorix>                            etc.
    [19:41] <@Reon>                               Gov. Seriously... You are... Very incorrect...
    [19:41] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             You don't ever give me a chance to improve my skill when I ask for help with another player.
    [19:41] * Albiorix ( Quit (Client Quit)
    [19:41] <@Wintermoot>                         As I stated when your Citizenship was nearly revoked, it's not a community responsibility to put up with your harassing behaviour.
    [19:41] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             so you do not have any legitimate reason to ban me from a game.
    [19:42] <@Reon>                               He can't ban you but he can choose not to invite you to his hosted games...
    [19:42] <@Reon>                               Which are the ones everyone plays...
    [19:42] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Wintermoot you have no right to lecture me about behaviour when you behave passive aggressive a majority of the time and reject any criticism from anyone.
    [19:42] * Strant2 ( has joined #wintreath
    [19:42] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Wintermoot, You need to practise with me more and you need to let me play in the public games.
    [19:42] <@Wintermoot>                         NO.
    [19:42] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             and you need to stop being a dick.
    [19:42] <@Reon>                               He does not need to do anything...
    [19:43] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             YES.
    [19:43] <@Reon>                               You are mistaken.
    [19:43] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             I did not do anything wrong here.
    [19:43] * Strant2 is now known as Strantinator
    [19:43] <@Reon>                               You did.
    [19:43] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             Albiorix had no reason to go to war with me
    [19:43] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             when I was going to lose.
    [19:43] <@Reon>                               Incorrect.
    [19:43] * Strantinator is now known as ThePeople
    [19:43] <@Wintermoot>                         It's part of the fucking game
    [19:43] * Spock sets mode: +v ThePeople
    [19:43] * ThePeople is now known as Strantinator
    [19:43] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             how the hell is it part of the fucking game for the highest scoring person in the game to go up against the lowest scoring person?
    [19:44] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             That's like three people going up against one person.
    [19:44] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             OH WAIT
    [19:44] <Rom>                                 Gov, you are in a losing battle.
    [19:44] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             THAT HAPPENED
    [19:44] * +Strant ( Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
    [19:44] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             DICK MOVE
    [19:45] <@Reon>                               Gov, this is an official warning. Stop talking about it right now.
    [19:45] <@HannahB>                            Gov seriously I am going to be frank with you... Stop talking... You are only making this worse for yourself right now
    [19:45] <@Wintermoot>                         My decision stands. If you don't like it, tough. I'm tired of you constantly draining the fun out of one of my favourite games and ruining something I look forward to every week.
    [19:46] * +GovindianCivilisationV requests permission to say something.
    [19:47] <@Reon>                               One statement, and it contain the same set of words as any of your past four statements.
    [19:47] <@Reon>                               *cannot contain
    [19:48] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             I disagree with the notion that I drain the fun out of the game. I have asked for help in this game. I am new to this game. The AI is not the same as an experienced human player, and that is why I have asked for help from anyone to help me in a game. It is not unreasonable to request for a (CONT)
    [19:49] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             for a human player to help me with my skills. It is different than going up against an AI. I have tried going up against the AI on the Prince difficulty and have failed, even in the Civil War Scenario. I really need help and practise from a human player to help improve.
    [19:49] * +GovindianCivilisationV ends statement.
    [19:49] <+GovindianCivilisationV>             If I get more experienced, I would get less frustration.
    [19:50] <Rom>                                 But do you really need to make a fuss over it? No, you don't.
    [19:50] <@Reon>                               Alright, he's made his statement...
    [19:50] * @HannahB nods
    [19:50] <@Wintermoot>                         So, how is everyone? :P
    [19:50] <@Reon>                               Rom, your heart is in the right place but I must ask that you too stop this...
    [19:50] <Rom>                                 K
    [19:50] <@Reon>                               We're done with the topic here for now...

    August 18
    [16:26] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot, you'll notice also that you promised to not be passive-aggressive. That means, it's rude to ignore a PM from someone when they PM you.
    [16:26] <+Zaphyr>                             Govindia: 20:15Z <Wintermoot> tell Govindia that as per former arrangements he's to leave the joint defender channel after operations end at update.
    16:26] <@Wintermoot>                         I mean, my job's alright, it pays the bills...I guess lately I've just wanted to spread my wings out more
    [16:26] <+Govindia>                           that means, there is a reasonable expectation to respond to PMs from people who PM you, in a reasonable manner, instead of rudely ignoring them.
    [16:26] <+Govindia>                           Passive aggressiveness is rude, and essentially a sign of childishness.
    [16:26] <@Wintermoot>                         I'm going to be honest, Govindia...I just can't put up with you right now.
    [16:27] <+Dyr>                                Makes sense. It's always surprised /how many/ professions are out there, work in so many industries that you wouldnt notice normally
    [16:27] <+Govindia>                           Well it's been days since I sent the suggestion. So you had at least a couple days to respond. I hope you will respond sometime soon this week. Thank you Wintermoot.
    [16:27] <+Dyr>                                I'm* always
    [16:27] <+Wuufu>                              That makes sense Wintermoot, sometimes it's good to try new things… it's a shame there isn't much in your area for what you want to do
    [16:27] * vinaza ( has joined #wintreath
    [16:27] <+Wuufu>                              Agreed, Dyr
    [16:27] <@Wintermoot>                         Thanks for your understanding, Gov.

    August 24
    [20:16] <+Govindia>                           .tell Wintermoot I look forward to his PM response this weekend.
    [20:16] <+Zaphyr>                             Govindia: I'll pass that on when Wintermoot is around.

    August 25
    [20:45] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot, I would kindly appreciate it, if you would please respond to the PM I sent you last week. I was hoping you would respond this past weekend. It's been a week man.
    [20:45] <+Govindia>                           I look forward to you responding to it soon.
    [20:45] <+Govindia>                           thank you for your understanding, Wintermoot.
    [23:12] <+Govindia>                           .tell Wintermoot please see my PM and respond ASAP please. It's been about a week.
    [23:12] <+Zaphyr>                             Govindia: I'll pass that on when Wintermoot is around.

    August 30
    [15:57] <+Zaphyr>                             Wintermoot: 18:40Z

    <Legion-the-Geth> tell Wintermoot that he and I need to talk ASAP about things, and it's important. No passive aggressive behaviour please.
    [15:57] <@Wintermoot>                         No Gov, I'm not unbanning you.
    [15:58] <Evelynx>                             food food foood
    [15:58] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Wintermoot it's been two weeks already. Please be reasonable and logical
    [15:58] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    you were in just as much wrong as I was.
    [15:58] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    but you never admit you are wrong ever.
    [15:58] <@HannahB>                            Hi Wintermoot
    [15:59] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    Your overreaction was as much wrong as my frustration
    [15:59] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    and hi HannahB
    [15:59] <@Wintermoot>                         Hey Hannah
    [15:59] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    i have to go continue with the move now.
    [15:59] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    I will talk to Wintermoot and you all later today or tomorrow.
    [15:59] <@Wintermoot>                         So who do we have for Civ today?
    [16:00] <Evelynx>                             me!
    [16:00] <@HannahB>                            I am just setting up my laptop, I've been running a little late >.>
    [16:00] <Evelynx>                             omg you're gonna play hannah?
    [16:00] <Evelynx>                             maybe i should get drunk NOW
    [16:00] <@Wintermoot>                         I'm running late as tied up in MC
    [16:00] <+Legion-the-Geth>                    I will talk to you Wintermoot later today or tomorrow. I look forward to it.
    1 person likes this post: Daylen Phoenix

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Sorry, I guess I need a third post...

    September 1
    [01:14] <+Govindia>                           Pengu I need to chat with you once things are settled.
    [01:15] <+Pengu>                              oh?
    [01:15] <+Govindia>                           yes
    [01:17] <+Pengu>                              May I ask what about?
    [01:19] <+Govindia>                           will explain later. g2g. HannahB please see query
    [01:20] * Govindia is now known as GovindianMobileOperations
    [01:25] <@HannahB>                            :P
    [01:25] <+Zaphyr>                             HannahB: 05:13Z <Govindia> tell HannahB she has query
    [01:26] <@Wintermoot>                         More than likely he wants to talk to yet another person to talk to me about unbanning him from Civ games
    [01:27] <@HannahB>                            Nah, he wants me to add him on Facebook :P
    [01:27] <@Wintermoot>                         Well, Civ games that I host...not all Civ games ever...
    [01:27] <+Pengu>                              I was assuming it had to do with the PM I sent you and him. :P
    [01:27] <@Wintermoot>                         To my knowledge you're about the only person in the region he hasn't tried to get to talk to me, Pengu :P
    [01:28] <+Pengu>                              Nah, he's tried.
    [01:28] <+Pengu>                              and he tried that with me as well Hannah. :P
    [01:28] <+Pengu>                              Well, he's tried getting me to talk to you about feeling ignored in Civ.
    [01:29] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Wintermoot stop being passive aggressive and unban me on civ please
    [01:29] <+Pengu>                              Aren't you supposed to be working?>
    [01:29] <+Pengu>                              :P
    [01:29] <@Wintermoot>                         Govindia, please quit harassing me and attempting to get others do so for you.
    [01:29] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          you overreacted and need to admit you were wrong
    [01:29] <+Pengu>                              this again.
    [01:29] * +Pengu sits down for popcorn.
    [01:30] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          four weeks is too much and it has been two already
    [01:30] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          you are being unreasonable Wintermoot
    [01:30] * +Pengu offers HannahB some.
    [01:30] <@Wintermoot>                         I have already responded to your perceived grievences and I'm telling you your behaviour is unwelcome. I will consider further behaviour
    like this harassment.
    [01:30] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          You're being emotional and your judgment is clouded.
    [01:30] <+Pengu>                              ...
    [01:30] * +Pengu refrains from commenting.
    [01:30] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i have a right to complain that your ban is overly harsh
    [01:31] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          while you make no attempt to help new players to the game and foster a sense of elitism
    [01:31] <+Pengu>                              I take that back.
    [01:31] <@Wintermoot>                         You don't have the right to pester me for weeks on end, and then attempt to get others to when I won't talk to you.
    [01:31] <+Pengu>                              I don't know the details of the ban, and I apologize for saying this Gov, but you're really the last person to tell someone they're being emotional and have clouded judgment.
    [01:32] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          you don't have a right to complain about the behavuour of others when you are passive aggressive and rudely ignore someone for two weeks
    [01:32] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and not respond to a reasonable PM
    [01:32] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Even Weissreich pointed out you are overreacting
    [01:32] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          when he was here
    [01:33] <@Wintermoot>                         I have a right not to respond to your harassment after I have already addressed you about this at least three times.
    [01:33] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          a four week ban is unreasonable. Wintermoot overreacted as much as I did Pengu but he never admits wrongdoing
    [01:33] <+Pengu>                              Technically...if he instituted a ban of any sorts, he's not obligated to respond to anything when he makes a judgment. That's completely up to him if he so chooses.
    [01:33] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i didn't harass you and you never responded at all. you were passive aggressive and that is indirect rude behaviour
    [01:34] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          judgments made on logic not emotion
    [01:34] <@Wintermoot>                         I've already responded to you. It's not my fault that you aren't happy you didn't get your way.
    [01:34] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          his judgment was based on emotion
    [01:34] <+Pengu>                              And you shouldn't get overly emotional about a ban on something like a game.
    [01:34] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Wintermoot you never responded to my PM so that is not true
    [01:35] <@Wintermoot>                         I have made it clear that I won't unban you before the four weeks are up.
    [01:35] <+Pengu>                              The more you get upset about it and try to get him to change it, the less likely he'll do anything.
    [01:35] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Pengu I havr a right to be upset when Wintermoot never admits to overreacting
    [01:35] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and he believes he can do no wrong
    [01:35] <+Pengu>                              In his mind, he wasn't overreacting. So why would he admit to it?
    [01:35] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          he never admits to being wrong when he knows he is.
    [01:35] <+Pengu>                              Gov, we've talked about this.
    [01:35] <+Pengu>                              Wrong in that sense is relative.
    [01:36] <+Pengu>                              What is wrong to you isn't to him, and vice versa.
    [01:36] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i admit at least when i am wrong. Wintermoot does not
    [01:36] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Four weeks is unreasonable. Two weeks is reasonable and logical.
    [01:36] <+Pengu>                              Actually, I've seen him admit his mistakes when he does make them.
    [01:36] <+Pengu>                              Well, as I said. I don't know the details of the ban or why it was instituted, so I can't argue whether it was/wasn't reasonable.
    [01:37] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Wintermoot has promised to stop being passive aggressive. That means if I send him a PM, he needs to respond to it in a timely and civil manner atvall times and never ignore anyone
    [01:37] <+Pengu>                              But going at him about it nonstop isn't going to fix things.
    [01:37] <+Pengu>                              Gov...
    [01:37] <Evelynx>                             plus like WM hosts them right.. >.>. I've suggested this before gov, why don't you just host your own game
    [01:37] <+Pengu>                              It's not that he's being passive agressive.
    [01:37] <+Pengu>                              it's that you're being OVERLY aggressive.
    [01:37] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i have patiently waited two weeks.
    [01:37] <Evelynx>                             gov you have been being asked to be unbanned the whole two weeks.. >.>
    [01:38] <Evelynx>                             that's not patience
    [01:38] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Pengu he is being passive aggressive. he never responded to my PMs and is active here and elsewhere
    [01:38] <+Pengu>                              And what Evelynx said. He banned you from playing with them. He didn't ban you from the entire game. Why not host your own?
    [01:38] <+Pengu>                              Gov, don't ignore what I just said.
    [01:38] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          no one else will play with me
    [01:38] <+Pengu>                              It's not that he's being passive aggressive.
    [01:38] <+Pengu>                              if that you're being overly so.
    [01:38] <+Pengu>                              and people don't respond to that.
    [01:38] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          everyone will only play with Wintermoot
    [01:38] <Evelynx>                             me and hannah played with you
    [01:39] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          wintermoot promised to be direct with me at all times and he is not
    [01:39] <+Pengu>                              Gov...
    [01:39] <Evelynx>                             honestly i've never been invited to play with you
    [01:39] <+Pengu>                              there are times for being direct
    [01:39] <@Wintermoot>                         There's a difference between 'direct' and 'responding to harassment'
    [01:39] <+Pengu>                              and there are times when you feel someone is trying to back you into a corner.
    [01:39] <+Pengu>                              When you constantly go at someone, you make them feel the latter.
    [01:39] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i have. you turned me down twice before Evelynx before you olayed with me
    [01:39] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          played*
    [01:39] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Wintermoot it is not harassment.
    [01:39] <Evelynx>                             uh that was the first game i played with anyone from the region gov
    [01:39] * @Wintermoot goes to look up the regional laws
    [01:40] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          you need to learn to communicate and stop being passive.
    [01:40] <+Pengu>                              And we've talked about this as well Gov. We talked about it before and after the revocation.
    [01:40] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and people have understood how they have to communicate with me
    [01:40] <@Wintermoot>                         Speaking of which, doesn't hte laws page look a little nicer? ^.^
    [01:40] <+Pengu>                              When you badger someone like that, it is harrassment, no matter whether they're choosing to respond or not.
    [01:40] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          passiveness is immature and does not work with me
    [01:41] <@Wintermoot>               
    [01:41] <+Pengu>                              And badgering over a game is equally immature.
    [01:41] <+Pengu>                              Don't be the pot and call the kettle black.
    [01:41] <+Pengu>                              and it does look nicer Mooty.
    [01:41] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          ignoring someone is rude and i have been waiting for weeks for a response. he never responds to my PMs in a timely manner but he responds to everyone else's
    [01:42] <+Pengu>                              As I said Gov: He has no obligation to respond to you after he makes a decision like that.
    [01:42] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Wintermoot said a week ago he would respond back to me
    [01:42] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          he didn't
    [01:42] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          he went back on his word
    [01:42] <+Pengu>                              He's not obligated to hear your complaints over his decision, nor is he obligated to overturn his decision.
    [01:42] <+Pengu>                              Did you actually leave him completely alone after he said that to you?
    [01:42] <+Pengu>                              and I mean, COMPLETELY alone?
    [01:43] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          yes.
    [01:43] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i didn't bother him about the subject
    [01:43] <+Pengu>                              You didn't bother him in more PMs, casually make queries, have Zaphyr save messages, or say his name constantly in the chat?
    [01:43] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          to the best of my.memory
    [01:43] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          not about that
    [01:44] <@Wintermoot>                         After I told him I couldn't deal with him right now, he stopped for like a day or two
    [01:44] <+Pengu>                              And did he actually PROMISE to get back to you, and not just say "I'll get back to you on that." ?
    [01:44] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          he said he'll get back to me last weekend
    [01:44] <@Wintermoot>                         I never said t hat
    [01:44] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and i said ok
    [01:44] <+Pengu>                              But did he promise it?
    [01:44] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and he said thank you for understanding
    [01:45] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          the full logs are on the desktop
    [01:45] <+Pengu>                              If he just casually said it, then he didn't go back on anything. Unless he specifically promised you that he'd get back to you, then he didn't give you his word, and didn't go back on anything.
    [01:45] <+Pengu>                              And if he said it casually, then he still wasn't obligated to give you a response back.
    [01:46] <+Pengu>                              It sucks, but that's how it goes.
    [01:46] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i consider it his word when he says he'll get back to me
    [01:46] <+Pengu>                              Then that's your own fault for considering it such.
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:26] <@Wintermoot>                       I'm going to be honest, Govindia...I just can't put up with you right now.
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:27] <+Dyr>                                Makes sense. It's always surprised /how many/ professions are out there, work in so many industries that you wouldnt notice normally
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:27] <+Govindia>                           Well it's been days since I sent the suggestion. So you had at least a couple days to respond. I hope you will respond sometime soon this week. Thank you Wintermoot.
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:27] <+Dyr>                                I'm* always
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:27] <+Wuufu>                              That makes sense Wintermoot, sometimes it's good to try new things… it's a shame there isn't much in your area for what you want to do
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:27] * vinaza ( has joined #wintreath
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:27] <+Wuufu>                              Agreed, Dyr
    [01:46] <@Wintermoot>                         [16:27] <@Wintermoot>                         Thanks for your understanding, Gov.
    [01:47] <+Pengu>                              So, reading that correctly, he didn't even say he'd get back to you.
    [01:47] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          it seemed implied
    [01:47] <+Pengu>                              ....
    [01:47] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          either way i gave him ample space
    [01:47] <+Pengu>                              So you ASSUMED he'd message you?
    [01:47] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          it was implied imo
    [01:47] <+Pengu>                              Implied means shit, Gov.
    [01:48] <+Pengu>                              If he didn't say it point blank, he wasn't obligated in the least to message you back at all.
    [01:48] <+Pengu>                              For you to get pissed at him for not messaging you when he didn't even say it is quite childish.
    [01:49] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          I'm not pissed. i am irritated he gets emotional and bans me for a long time from his games, never attempts to practise with me but he does with Reon and Evelynx
    [01:49] <+Pengu>                              The wording is irrelevant Gov.
    [01:49] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and doesn't think clearly about this
    [01:49] <+Pengu>                              The point is you're getting pissy with him about a message you ASSUMED he was going to send because it was "implied."
    [01:49] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and when i attempt tonbe reasonable with him, he doesn't show any sign of reason or willingness to resolve this
    [01:50] <+Pengu>                              When in reality, he didn't say anything in the very least to even give a good assumption that he'd get back to you on anything.
    [01:50] <@Wintermoot>                         It's resolved, you can return to the game in a few weeks...or host your own.
    [01:50] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          no that's not the resolution. it is unreasonable.
    [01:50] <@Wintermoot>                         Or play a game someone else hosts
    [01:50] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          two weeks is enough
    [01:51] <+Pengu>                              If anyone is getting emotional and not thinking clearly about this, it's you. You're pissed he made his decision, you're pissed he won't overturn it, and you're pissed because you feel like he owes you explanation and apology for his decision, when he doesn't owe you anything.
    [01:51] <+Pengu>                              And it's all over a stupid game.
    [01:51] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          you should stop being passive and respond to PMs in a reasonable timeframe Wintermoot and admit you were emotional and overreacted
    [01:51] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and let me back on next ween as a sogn
    [01:51] <+Pengu>                              Gov, you should stop telling Wintermoot what he is.
    [01:51] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          sign of reconciliation
    [01:51] <@Wintermoot>                         The only thing I'm about to do is file a court case for harassment.
    [01:52] <+Pengu>                              And again, he doesn't have to do jack shit. He could even extend the ban if he wanted because you're pushing so much at him about it.
    [01:52] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          you harassed me with how you overreacted
    [01:52] <@Wintermoot>                         If that's how you feel, file a court case
    [01:52] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          and never respond when you promised to never. e passive aggr3ssu e
    [01:52] <+Pengu>                              or he could make it a permanent ban. Do you really want that Gov?
    [01:52] * +Pengu ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    [01:52] * mib_oqvcclPengu ( has joined #wintreath
    [01:52] * mib_oqvcclPengu is now known as Pengu
    [01:52] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i want him to be reasonable and to stop thinking with emotion amd to use logic for once
    [01:53] * Spock sets mode: +v Pengu
    [01:53] <+Pengu>                              Gov, stop telling him what he needs to do.
    [01:53] <+Pengu>                              Take your own advice.
    [01:53] <+Pengu>                              Stop thinking with emotion, and use logic.
    [01:53] <+Pengu>                              You're trying to continue to back him into a corner to get him to overturn your ban.
    [01:53] <+Pengu>                              In reality, he could ban you from the game permanently AND get a case started against you here because your keep pushing him.
    [01:54] <+Pengu>                              Is that what you really want?
    [01:54] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          well what do you want me to do to get him to overturn the ban?
    [01:54] <+Pengu>                              Nothing.
    [01:54] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i want him to be reasonable and chill for once
    [01:54] <+Pengu>                              Live with a few weeks.
    [01:54] <+Pengu>                              A few weeks is better than a few months, and far better than indefinitely.
    [01:54] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          It's already been two weeks. if Chanku or anyone else did this he would give them a smaller ban
    [01:54] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          not the same punishment
    [01:54] <+Pengu>                              No.
    [01:55] <+Pengu>                              Chanku would be worse.
    [01:55] <+Pengu>                              and you know he would.
    [01:55] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i always get the harsh punishmemt
    [01:55] <+Pengu>                     I said once more, I don't know the whole story as to why it exists, but I also know that Mooty doesn't dish bans like that unless it was something bad.
    [01:56] <@Wintermoot>                         Do you want to know, Pengu? :P
    [01:56] <+Pengu>                              So if he gave you 4 weeks (and you said you already got through 2, what's 2 more?), then it was obviously something bad.
    [01:56] <+Pengu>                              And yes Mooty, that does tend to help. :P
    [01:56] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          look pengu when are you free to talk on skype?
    [01:56] <@Wintermoot>                         Gov threw a tantrum during and after the last game when someone captured his cities in Civ.
    [01:56] <+Pengu>                              I don't really go on Skype. I just keep it there in case something really important comes up.
    [01:56] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i really need to go but i really need to talk to you
    [01:57] <+Pengu>                              Well, if it's anything about asking me to change Mooty's mind, you're out of luck.
    [01:57] <@Wintermoot>                         Spent virtually the entire game demanding the person give him his cities back, then berated everyone else for not helping, not understanding that we were not in a position to do so.
    [01:57] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          well skype i feel i have more access to and i need to vent
    [01:57] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          as I am more often on my phone
    [01:58] <@Wintermoot>                         Then started flaming, for example, saying this person was "a bigger dick than Chanku".
    [01:58] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          his idea of flaming is subjective
    [01:58] <@Wintermoot>                         After the game, he demanded a rule that he not be attacked because he was the 'least experienced player'.
    [01:58] <+Pengu>                              well, I can't promise I'll be on there Gov, you're more likely to get me in Query than on Skype.
    [01:58] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          not accurate
    [01:59] <+Pengu>                              Well...again, I apologize for saying this, but it does sound like something you'd do. :\
    [01:59] <@Wintermoot>                         And this is after he had harassed me for weeks over not being aorund for the games, claiming I and others were 'snubbing him'.
    [01:59] <+Pengu>                              and ^ that part...
    [01:59] <+Pengu>                              you were venting to me about that.
    [01:59] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          they do snub me. i explained how
    [02:00] <+Pengu>                              And Wintermoot explained his side when it came to that as well.
    [02:00] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          they say they have no time to game with me but hes on skyrim or playing with others
    [02:00] <+Pengu>                              Sometimes people have other things they want to do, Gov.
    [02:00] <+Pengu>                              And you know how much Mooty has been into Skyrim lately.
    [02:01] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          he can take time to play with others if he can make time to play civ with reon etc
    [02:01] <+Pengu>                              And I'll note that I was also told that a lot of the times you tried joining games that were already in progress.
    [02:01] <+Pengu>                              which happens, and you just wait patiently until they're over, and join the next one.
    [02:01] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          pengu i really need to go but inreally need to speak to you on skype please!!!
    [02:01] <+Pengu>                              Like I said Gov, I can't make any promises.
    [02:02] <@Wintermoot>                         Oh yeah, when Crushita, Hannah, and I got into a game he got pissed because we didn't wait for him to show up to ask if he wanted to play
    [02:02] <@Wintermoot>                         So he made his own game and started spamming invites to us, demanding that we end our game and join his
    [02:02] <+Pengu>                              Anyways...
    [02:02] * Gadshack is now known as Gadaway
    [02:02] <@Wintermoot>                         In any case. :P
    [02:02] <+Pengu>                              this discussion is becoming...well, can we just drop it for now? :P
    [02:02] <+Pengu>                              I think everyone got out everything they needed to say.
    [02:02] <+Pengu>                              for now.
    [02:03] <@Wintermoot>                         I just wanted to make clear that his behaviour is harassing and unwelcome, so I can have that for a court case if needed.
    [02:03] <@Wintermoot>                         *make clear to him
    [02:03] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          Pengu when are you free tomorrow if not tonight?
    [02:03] <+Pengu>                              I don't really know Gov. I might go out for karaoke tomorrow, so I might not be free tomorrow.
    [02:04] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          will you be able to talk tonight? :-/
    [02:04] <+Pengu>                              Gov, I'll be perfectly clear with you. I understand you wanting to vent to me, but this week in general I'm not for it. This is my week off work to relax, wind down, and release some of the stress that I have.
    [02:05] <+Pengu>                              someone venting to me about issues around here involving other member friends of mine isn't a good stress relief.
    [02:05] * +GovindianMobileOperations sighs
    [02:05] <+Pengu>                              as much as I do like being there to listen.
    [02:05] <+Pengu>                              It's just not something I really need right now.
    [02:05] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          great. so I can't talk to anyone then :-/
    [02:05] <+Pengu>                              I'm sorry, Gov.
    [02:08] * +Pengu lays down.
    [02:09] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          I'm required to care about other's feelings but mine aren't considered in anything :-/
    [02:09] <+Pengu>                              ...
    [02:09] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          That's how i feel.
    [02:09] * +Pengu refrains from commenting once more.
    [02:09] <+Pengu>                              Actually no.
    [02:10] <+Pengu>                              You say that, Gov. But that's exactly how you always make other people feel.
    [02:10] <+Pengu>                              That they need to care purely about your feelings, and you don't consider theirs.
    [02:10] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i try ti but they don't consider mine at all
    [02:10] <+Pengu>                              ...
    [02:10] <+Pengu>                              Gov.
    [02:10] <+Pengu>                              You don't try hard enough.
    [02:11] <+Pengu>                              You badger someone and attack them when you feel like your feelings aren't met.
    [02:11] <+Pengu>                              And then when they disagree or don't respond, you blame things on them.
    [02:11] <+Pengu>                              How many times have you called Wintermoot passively aggressive now?
    [02:11] <+Pengu>                              how many times did you call me it during the revocation?
    [02:12] <+Pengu>                              How many times have you said things like that to other people when they don't respond the way you want?
    [02:12] <+Pengu>                              The answer is too many to count.
    [02:12] <+Pengu>                              If you want people to respond to your feelings genuinely, you need to understand theirs and do the same.
    [02:12] <+Pengu>                              and backing people into corners when they do something you don't agree with is the exact opposite of that.
    [02:13] <+Pengu>                              You're making your feelings the top thing, and you're pushing theirs into the mud and stepping on them.
    [02:13] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          if someone talks to someone else about a problem theyre having with someone and hadn't made an attempt to speak with the person directly about it, it is considered to be passive aggressive behaviour. not an attack
    [02:13] <+Pengu>                              No Gov.
    [02:13] <+Pengu>                              When someone makes a snide remark masked as something nice, THEN it's a passive aggressive behavior.
    [02:13] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          .g passive aggressive
    [02:13] <+Zaphyr>                             GovindianMobileOperations:
    [02:14] <+Pengu>                              when someone chooses not to respond to you, it's ignoring.
    [02:14] <+Pengu>                              when someone responds to you honestly but not the way you want, then it's something else entirely related completely to you.
    [02:14] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          .wik passive-aggressive behavior
    [02:14] <+Zaphyr>                             "Passive-aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, stubbornness, sullenness, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible." -
    [02:15] <+Pengu>                    're saying Wintermoot has never been direct? His banning for four weeks because of behavior that he CLEARLY explained once more in indirect?
    [02:15] <+Pengu>                              Because that's the definition of being direct.
    [02:15] <+Pengu>                              He laid it out right in here as to his decisions.
    [02:15] <+Pengu>                              I laid it out to you right in my revocation and my complaints to you.
    [02:15] <+Pengu>                              Others have laid it out to you when they have a problem.
    [02:15] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          ignoring is a form of passive aggressive behaviour. by direct I mean speaking to me in private instead of speaking to me in the channel and seeingeveryone seeing everyone react to it
    [02:15] <+Pengu>                              And yet you pass them off as being passive aggressive.
    [02:16] <+Pengu>                              Stop being so overly aggressive for once and balance yourself out a bit. The reason you see it as passive aggressive is because, as I said, you're way TOO aggressive, and it's intimidating and puts people in a corner.
    [02:16] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          talking about someone you have problems with to others instead of the one you have issues with is also considered as such.
    [02:16] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          i was raised in direct conflict resolution
    [02:16] <+Pengu>                              No, Gov.
    [02:17] <+Pengu>                              Because I know Wintermoot has tried talking to you many times about problems he has with you.
    [02:17] <+Pengu>                              Just as others have as well.
    [02:17] <+Pengu>                              But there comes a time when it becomes too much because you don't listen.
    [02:17] <+tatte>                              your name is so long that each one of your messages clear the screen of my phone :D
    [02:17] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          You have a problem with someone, you go to them discreetly and resolve it with them. you don't blast itnout in public
    [02:17] <+Pengu>                              Gov
    [02:17] <+Pengu>                              Don't be a hypocrite.
    [02:18] <+Pengu>                              You blast off problems you have with others in here all the time.
    [02:18] <+Pengu>                              And then you tell others to take it privately?
    [02:18] <+Pengu>                              That's like the problem I have with Chanku exploiting loopholes and then instantly pushing a case against someone else that did it.
    [02:18] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          look Pengu I said i needed to go. that's why i said I wanted to vent on skype :-/
    [02:18] <+Pengu>                              It's being absolutely hypocritical.
    [02:19] <+Pengu>                              And he knows it, because I've talked to him about it.
    [02:19] <+Pengu>                              Then GO Gov.
    [02:19] <@Wintermoot>                         We're a region with problems lol
    [02:19] <+Pengu>                              Lol
    [02:19] <+Pengu>                              that we are. :P
    [02:19] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          ok Pengu please try to find time for skype
    [02:19] <+Pengu>                              I told you, Gov.
    [02:19] <+Pengu>                              I'm not going to go on Skype so you can vent to me.
    [02:20] <+Pengu>                              The last thing I need to hear is you venting about other people on here, when I actually try to be friends with most of those people.
    [02:20] <+Pengu>                              and considering I'm trying to get some stress relief this week, I REALLY don't need it.
    [02:21] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          well then who can i vent to, or what the hell can i do? I don't know any options I have
    [02:21] <+Pengu>                              You'll figure it out Gov. You're a smart guy.
    [02:22] * @Wintermoot refrains from commenting
    [02:22] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          not in this area. I'm a fucking retard :(
    [02:22] <+GovindianMobileOperations>          good night everyone
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  • And another...sorry >_>

    October 3
    [15:15] [15:15] * @Wintermoot finishes his pepperoni roll
    [15:15] <@HannahB>                            :P
    [15:15] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot you didn't announce election voting has begun
    [15:15] <+Govindia>                           :O
    [15:16] <@HannahB>                            <.<
    [15:16] <@Wintermoot>                         It was announced on the forums, on the region page, on Facebook...
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           not on IRC as a topic change
    [15:16] <+VidiLune>                           Gov you're just blind
    [15:16] <@Wintermoot>                         You really need to pay more attention to these things
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           until now
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           WIntermoot you're always change the topic for it on here whenever elections were underway for voting
    [15:16] <+Govindia>                           in the past
    [15:16] <+VidiLune>                           The past is the past!
    [15:17] <@HannahB>                            It still usually takes a few days :P
    [15:17] <+Govindia>                           so? It should have been changed when voting began.
    [15:17] * +Govindia tsk tsks at HannahB and Wintermoot
    [15:17] <+Govindia>                           you should have also posted it here the voting began
    [15:17] <@Wintermoot>                         You should have paid attention
    [15:17] <+VidiLune>                           Don't twist your panty for that Gov you know now and before it ended
    [15:18] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot, you always post here on the IRC channel when voting is underway
    [15:18] <+Govindia>                           why didn't you ?
    [15:18] <+Govindia>                           don't say that I didn't pay attention.
    [15:18] <+Govindia>                           you always post it here
    [15:18] <+VidiLune>                           He forgot that happen
    [15:18] <@Wintermoot>                         Because I didn't...we post announcements on three different platforms
    [15:18] <@Wintermoot>                         You even posted in the nomination topic that said elections were starting on the 1st
    [15:19] <@HannahB>                            indeed
    [15:19] <+Govindia>                           so ? You always posted in the past on here that voting is underway
    [15:19] <+Govindia>                           why didn't you before?
    [15:19] <+Govindia>                           you haven't given a reason
    [15:19] <+VidiLune>                           Seriously Gov drop it
    [15:19] <+tatte>                              D:
    [15:19] <+Govindia>                           VidiLune, I asked a valid question
    [15:19] <+Govindia>                           i have a right to know why.
    [15:19] <+VidiLune>                           No you're being annoying
    [15:19] <+Govindia>                           He used to always post on here when voting is underway.
    [15:19] <@HannahB>                            guys, let's calm down here
    [15:20] <+VidiLune>                           It's on the front page of the forum
    [15:20] <+tatte>                              what Hannah said
    [15:20] <+VidiLune>                           I'm new and saw it
    [15:20] <+tatte>                              imho irc should be even more separate from the forums than it is now
    [15:20] <+Govindia>                           There is no reason why he couldn't have put the announcement here that voting is underway as well, Wintermoot
    [15:20] <+Govindia>                           so why didn't you?
    [15:20] <+tatte>                              mainly because we can't expect citizens to use irc, there's no reason to act like this is something that official
    [15:21] <@HannahB>                            VidiLune, can I ask, do you know about the News Feed? And if so, do you use it?
    [15:21] <+tatte>                              but at the moment Gov has valid enough point
    [15:21] <+Govindia>                           &
    [15:21] <+Govindia>                           ^*
    [15:21] <@HannahB>                            :/
    [15:21] <@Wintermoot>                         Cause posting the topic in the IRC has never mattered before or got anyone else to vote...Gov is just trying to pick an argument.
    [15:22] <+tatte>                              but none of this is really all that serious, getting along and everyone having a good time should be more important than anything else. we're not here to live under uberstrict rules
    [15:22] <+Govindia>                           I'm not trying to pick an argument. Wintermoot is trying to evade the answer.
    [15:22] <@HannahB>                            I agree with tatte :/
    [15:22] <+Govindia>                           by blaming others for no reason and admitting he was lazy.
    [15:22] <+VidiLune>                           == you're such a sour puss
    [15:22] <+tatte>                              our Monarch was probably just LAZY :D
    [15:22] <+tatte>                              that shouldn't be a big deal
    [15:22] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot doesn't want to admit that to me for some reason.
    [15:22] <+Govindia>                           he's blaming me instead when he knows he's probably wrong to do so.
    [15:23] <@Wintermoot>                         I made announcements on three platforms...if you're not paying attention to the region that's not my problem.
    [15:23] <@HannahB>                            Guys seriously this is like nothing >.>
    [15:23] <+Govindia>                           If you can't post on IRC which a lot of people frequent as a form of communication, I am sorry Wintermoot you were being lazy.
    [15:23] <+tatte>                              if someone asked me, that wouldn't really matter. he is our monarch. without him we wouldn't be here :D so we might just be grateful for everything he does and contain us when he lefts something undone
    [15:23] <+Chocobo>                            Gov...just don't. For the love of sanity, don't.
    [15:23] <+VidiLune>                           Govindia you should drop it and just be happy that you know before it's ended
    [15:24] <+VidiLune>                           It's not even like it's going to be the end of the world or kill you, is it?
    [15:24] <+tatte>                              the alternative would be that we'd all contribute financially etc, not sure how that exactly would work, but Moot has something wonderful going on right now and it needs not unnecessary "hole picking"
    [15:24] <+Govindia>                           I still have a right to question him, not blindly follow everything that he does. That means don't attack someone who questions something he does or HAS not done.
    [15:24] <+tatte>                              yarrs
    [15:25] <+Govindia>                           so you attacking me for questioning him, VidiLune, was out of line.
    [15:25] <@Wintermoot>                         I'm not doing this...I'm sick of you constantly harssing me
    [15:25] <+VidiLune>                           i'm not attacking you
    [15:25] <+VidiLune>                           i'm stating a fact
    [15:25] <+tatte>                              Gov is pracically right, but is it always worth to be right? probably not :D
    [15:25] <@HannahB>                            There is questioning which you did, and then there is harrasing which you were bordering on
    [15:25] <+tatte>                              *practically
    [15:25] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot it is not harassment. You have a right to be questioned. Dissent is not harassment.
    [15:26] <+tatte>                              nnnnnnooope
    [15:26] <@HannahB>                            You can ask a question, yes, no problem, we all do it to each other, but then there is asking it repeatedly over a short amount of time :/
    [15:26] <+Govindia>                           You need to stop being passive and learn to accept people disagree with you and have a right to question your actions.
    [15:26] <@Wintermoot>                         Well, when the election is over we'll let a court decide
    [15:26] <+tatte>                              Wintermoot does not have the "right" to be questioned :D
    [15:26] <+Chocobo>                            Just mute him already. I don't want to hear this today.
    [15:26] <+tatte>                              he's the only person that really doesn't have to endure anything here
    [15:26] <+tatte>                              our political structure determines that
    [15:26] <+tatte>                              for one
    [15:27] <+Govindia>                           If Chocobo or anyone else questioned him they don't get punished. I'm sorry that I feel people get preferential treatment here for blindly following authority without question.
    [15:27] <+Chocobo>                            He's also the founder. What he says goes.
    [15:27] <+Govindia>                           I Have a right to question anyone, and people need to learn to be civil about it.
    [15:28] <+Govindia>                           I asked a reasonable question and he got emotional and overreacted
    [15:28] <+tatte>                              no. Wintermoot is by any definiton above that :D what Chocobo said
    [15:28] <+Govindia>                           and I was attackd for questioning him.
    [15:28] <@Wintermoot>                         I gave you an answer and you have continued to harass me.
    [15:28] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot, actually you didn't give me an answer. You ignored me and allowed others to attack me.
    [15:28] <+Chocobo>                            I'll come back later. I'm not in the mood for this again.
    [15:28] <+tatte>                              it's not that you wouldn't be correct Gov, but matters like these are really at Wintermoots hands
    [15:28] * +Chocobo ( has left #wintreath
    [15:28] <+VidiLune>                           Woah there dude! Yes you can ask question and he answered he put the freacking information on 3 platform, and you should at last see one of them so be civil
    [15:28] <+Govindia>                           and HannahB and others allowed me to be attacked.
    [15:28] <@HannahB>                            "<HannahB> :P
    [15:28] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> Wintermoot you didn't announce election voting has begun
    [15:28] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> :O
    [15:28] <@HannahB>                            <HannahB> <.<
    [15:28] <@HannahB>                            <Wintermoot> It was announced on the forums, on the region page, on Facebook...
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> not on IRC as a topic change
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <VidiLune> Gov you're just blind
    [15:29] <+tatte>                              and if you don't like the way he leads his region, you always have the option to leave
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Wintermoot> You really need to pay more attention to these things
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> until now
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> WIntermoot you're always change the topic for it on here whenever elections were underway for voting
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> in the past
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <VidiLune> The past is the past!
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <HannahB> It still usually takes a few days :P
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> so? It should have been changed when voting began.
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            * Govindia tsk tsks at HannahB and Wintermoot
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Govindia> you should have also posted it here the voting began
    [15:29] <@HannahB>                            <Wintermoot> You should have paid attention"
    [15:29] <+Govindia>                           Not everyone is online on the forums 24 7. Tatte and I are not.
    [15:30] <+VidiLune>                           I'm not either doesn't mean I didn't see it
    [15:30] <@Wintermoot>                         Gov doesn't have that option, cause he's banned in nearly every othe regon
    [15:30] <+tatte>                              BUT. :D YOU CAN'T GO AGAINST WINTERMOOT
    [15:30] <+Govindia>                           People use this channel at times more frequently than the forum, so it is not much to ask to have also communication about that other stuff.
    [15:30] <+tatte>                              that is one thing that doesn't just happen :D
    [15:30] <+Govindia>                           Our region is not a Stalinist dictatorship.
    [15:31] <+tatte>                              this is not democracy, that much is obvious
    [15:31] <+tatte>                              he shouldn't have to explain himself if he gets fed up for any reason
    [15:31] <@Wintermoot>                         But I DID explain myself
    [15:31] <+Govindia>                           Questioning government policy is not harassment. Punishing those who question IS Harassment
    [15:31] <@HannahB>                            He/we forgot to do something immediatly 1 time, and you are treating it like it is the end of the world :/ it's just not realistic to expect people never to make a mistake :\
    [15:31] <+Govindia>                           No HannahB
    [15:32] <+VidiLune>                           because we're all just human in the end
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           it's that VIdiLune and others attackd me for asking about it, and you did nothing about it
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           VIdiLune immediately insulted me
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           calling me stupid
    [15:32] <+VidiLune>                           I didn't attack you
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           and blind
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           yes you did
    [15:32] <+tatte>                              you attacked Chanku earlier today
    [15:32] <@Wintermoot>                         [15:21] <@Wintermoot>                         Cause posting the topic in the IRC has never mattered before or got anyone else to vote...
    [15:32] <+tatte>                              D:
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           People have been reminded before about it actually
    [15:32] <@HannahB>                            but, you are saying you want the ability to speak and question freely, that comes with the ability to be questioned and spoken about freely, can't have one without the other
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           I know Nox and at least one other person
    [15:32] <+Govindia>                           who saw the topic about voting int he past
    [15:33] <+Govindia>                           and it reminded them to vote
    [15:33] <+Govindia>                           so yes it does actually help
    [15:33] <+tatte>                              is this really this big of a deal?
    [15:33] <+tatte>                              we have plenty of votes already
    [15:33] <+Govindia>                           HannahB, that doesn't mean that people attack me for it. VidiLune insulted me and you did not do anything.
    [15:33] <@Wintermoot>                         Sorry VidiLune...I hope this doesn't lower your opinion of the region
    [15:33] <+tatte>                              and Wintermoot doesn't own us anything
    [15:33] <+VidiLune>                           Insulted?7
    [15:33] <+VidiLune>                           You want me to insult you for real?
    [15:34] <+VidiLune>                           Cause you gonna go cry to your mom if I do
    [15:34] <@HannahB>                            ...
    [15:34] <+tatte>                              :D
    [15:34] <+tatte>                              VidiLune is going to fit in just fine
    [15:34] <+Govindia>                           .....My mother is dead VidiLune.
    [15:34] <+VidiLune>                           Sorry to hear that
    [15:34] <+Govindia>                           Then knock it off and stop insulting me. Right now.
    [15:34] <+Govindia>                           SHow some respect.
    [15:35] <+VidiLune>                           Did I just insult you?
    [15:35] <+Govindia>                           HannahB, please do something. You're an OP.
    [15:35] <+Govindia>                           >_>
    [15:36] <+VidiLune>                           And forget the blind thing cause i didn't meant it in a bad way
    [15:36] <+VidiLune>                           You want her to what? You know right now i'm using my right to question
    [15:37] <@HannahB>                            What exactly do you expect me to do? Mute VidiLune? :/
    [15:38] <+tatte>                              D:
    [15:38] <+tatte>                              hnnnnggh
    [15:38] <+tatte>                              how about I make blueberry tea for everybody?
    [15:38] <+Govindia>                           discipline her, IDK. she is attacking me and not apologising, and no one i sdoing anything.
    [15:38] <+Govindia>                           is doing*
    [15:39] <+Govindia>                           I only get punished each time, no one else ever does >_>
    [15:39] <+tatte>                              I don't have honey but.. I have sugar. and milk is a no-no in any case
    [15:39] <+Chanku|Mobile>                      While I can not we gov I suggest the mods either temp mute him or stronger as he has been the only one really causing trouble on here today.
    [15:39] <+Govindia>                           or VidiLune can apologise for attacking me here and be more civil please.
    [15:39] <+Govindia>                           I wasn't causing trouble here.
    [15:40] <+VidiLune>                           Seriously I wonder if you ever been insulted before Govindia to think that i am actually insulting you
    [15:40] <+tatte>                              I have cute cups!
    [15:40] <@HannahB>                            :D
    [15:40] <@HannahB>                            I like cute cups :)
    [15:40] <+tatte>                              :3
    [15:40] <@HannahB>                            ^.^
    [15:40] <+Govindia>                           HannahB, please ask her to apologise for insulting me.
    [15:40] * @Nox ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    [15:40] <+tatte>                              what would constitute a cute cup for you? so that I can choose the right cup for you :3
    [15:40] <+VidiLune>                           For insulting you about what just tell me!
    [15:41] <@HannahB>                            Cups that are fun shapes :D or have nice patterned prints on them ^-^
    [15:41] <+Govindia>                           You should know. You called me stupid, you called me blind for questioning Wintermoot, and then you insulted my dead mother.
    [15:41] <+Govindia>                           HannahB.......
    [15:41] <+tatte>                              I have flowers, moomins, cute colours, all kinds of shapes :3
    [15:41] <@Wintermoot>                         Quit harassing pepole, Gov
    [15:42] <+tatte>                              generally Finnish people consider the moomin cups to have the perfect shape, maybe that would suite you too Hannah
    [15:42] <+Govindia>                           Wintermoot, I am the one being harassed and attacked and the behaviour is being condoned
    [15:42] <+Govindia>                           THat is harassment, when I'm being persecuted for asking legitimate questions.
    [15:42] <+Chanku|Mobile>                      Wintermoot I request that you remove gov from the chatroom or mute him seeing as how he is acting
    [15:42] <+tatte>                              Gov, she did NOT insult your mother
    [15:42] <+VidiLune>                           Stupid? when? and blind I did say i didn't mean it in a bad way
    [15:43] <+Govindia>                           then apologise for it VidiLune
    [15:43] <+tatte>                              she acted correctly after hearing that she is dead
    [15:43] <+Govindia>                           because how you came of to me was attacking and offensive.
    [15:43] <@Wintermoot>                         You should apologize to me for harssing me
    [15:43] <+Govindia>                           I didn't harass you WIntermoot. Stop punishing those who disagree with you and question a decision you make.
    [15:43] <+tatte>                              Hannah, do you want sugar with your tea?
    [15:43] <+VidiLune>                           That not an apologize to you that i said i wasn't being mean?
    [15:43] <@HannahB>                            This is freaking ridiculous
    [15:43] <@HannahB>                            Guys calm down!
    [15:43] <+tatte>                              this always is :D
    [15:43] <@HannahB>                            and yes tatte
    [15:43] <+tatte>                              just ride it, let is pass
    [15:43] <@HannahB>                            just 1 :D
    [15:43] <+tatte>                              :3
    [15:44] <+Govindia>                           VidiLUne, you didn't say " I apologise for what I said"
    [15:44] * +tatte hands Hannah a nice cup of blueberry tea
    [15:44] <+Chanku|Mobile>                      Wintermoot again I suggest you nip this in the bud and remove the person that caused the problem.
    [15:44] * Hugsim sets mode: -vv Govindia VidiLune
    [15:44] * Hugsim sets mode: +m
    [15:44] <@Hugsim>                             Both of you
    [15:44] <@HannahB>                            :/
    [15:44] <@Hugsim>                             Calm down
    [15:44] <+tatte>                              Hugsim is here, now behave!
    [15:44] <+Chanku|Mobile>                      I also suggest that if you want gov to stop harassing you wm then file a case request
    [15:44] <@Hugsim>                             You'll be devoiced for a while until you've calmed down
    [15:44] * VidiLune ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    [15:44] * @HannahB sighs
    [15:45] <@Wintermoot>                         This is also an official warning to's bad enough that I get harassed, but now he's harassing our new Citizens
    [15:45] * VidiLune ( has joined #wintreath
    [15:45] <@Hugsim>                             Exactly
    [15:45] <+tatte>                              this tea is really good, anyone else want a cup?
    [15:46] * Govindia ( has left #wintreath
    [15:46] * Govindia ( has joined #wintreath
    [15:46] * Spock sets mode: +v Govindia
    [15:46] <@Hugsim>                             !flags Govindia -VOP
    [15:46] * Spock sets mode: -vvvv tatte GadBeAwayToLife tathe Melod-_
    [15:46] -Spock:#wintreath- Hugsim set flags -V on TrevelyanL85A2.
    [15:46] * Spock sets mode: -vv DaylenPhoenix Govindia
    [15:46] * Govindia is now known as Govindia|AFK
    [15:46] * Wintermoot sets mode: +b *!*
    [15:46] * Hugsim sets mode: +vvvv tatte GadBeAwayToLife tathe Melod-_
    [15:46] * Hugsim sets mode: +v DaylenPhoenix
    * Timer 1 activated
    * Timer 1 halted
    [15:46] * Govindia|AFK was kicked by Wintermoot (2-day ban for attempting to get around mute)
    1 person likes this post: Daylen Phoenix

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    Citizenship Granted 24 Dec. 2013!

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    00000 A World Power: 1st Sgt, A World Power Regional Defence Force
    Celtica: Associate Advisor
    The Kodiak Republic: Member, The Kodiak Republic General Assembly

    • Posts: 5,608
    • Karma: 270
    • Jedi Master
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Citizen
  • Wow wintermoot a quadruple post :P
    1 person likes this post: BraveSirRobin
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
    Advisor to the Riksråd
    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
    Member of the WHR
    Speaker of the Underhusen (3rd)
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the Underhusen (1st)
    Underhusen Member (1st-3rd)
    Member of the 5th Overhusen
    Chairman of the 5th Overhusen
    6th Underhusen
    Speaker of the 6th Underhusen
    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
    Member of the 8th Storting (Underhusen)
    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    Underhusen Terms I've been a part of
    1st Underhusen
    2nd Underhusen
    3rd Underhusen
    6th Underhusen
    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
    5th Overhusen
    Families I've been a part of
    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Citizen
  • Some Random Guy
  • As I was working on my statement last night, root beer was accidentally spilled on the computer I was working on it with.

    Sadly the computer will not turn on, and while most of my documents were backed up on OneDrive, that statement was not.

    I am going to be needing more time :-/

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    You have about 48 more hours.
    1 person likes this post: Michi
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
    • Posts: 5,557
    • Karma: 2,209
    • Comfortably Numb
    • Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Any/All or They/Them
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: 1 ... 7 [8] 9 ... 12