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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • So I was browsing through the book of faces the other day when I noticed a friend of mine had shared and commented on a post holding up Vladmir Putin as an icon of sorts for boosting up the Russian economy. I asked him how he felt about the fact that such gains were made along with the suppression of and violence against sexual and religious minorities. His response was litterally, "sometimes the few have to suffer for the many to prosper" Now I'm not really sure how I feel about this friend. He also responded with, "That'll never happen in the USA." I find it concerning that people are okay looking the other way as long as an issue doesn't harm them. I mean, does anyone else think that's an awful way to think? Or am I just crazy?

    Think of it like this.

    Oh, its ok about the native americans, sometimes people need to suffer for the greater good.

    Oh, dont worry about the jews, sometimes people need to take one for the team.

    I have no problem with this argument, that few have to suffer for the greater good, so long as it genuienly benefits the greater good and so long as you would be willing to suffer to. Since most would not or are lying when they say that, I dislike that argument. Also, his argument is flawed in another sense. Russia's economy is in the toilet abd its Putin's fault.
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  • I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here in the Hall of Great Discussions.

    But it's still on my mind.. AAHHHHHH

    Was that a pun?

    Yes, it was. On the name of the topic.. >.>
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  • Think of it like this.

    Oh, its ok about the native americans, sometimes people need to suffer for the greater good.

    Oh, dont worry about the jews, sometimes people need to take one for the team.

    I have no problem with this argument, that few have to suffer for the greater good, so long as it genuienly benefits the greater good and so long as you would be willing to suffer to. Since most would not or are lying when they say that, I dislike that argument. Also, his argument is flawed in another sense. Russia's economy is in the toilet abd its Putin's fault.

    As long as the few is informed of the purpose of their sacrifice, the few may suffer for the many. Otherwise, using people as a means to an end is immoral, and we all know why.

    Also, in this case, in no way did the suffering of homosexuals or transexuals in Russia benefit anyone. So, it's just a major fail of an argument, I expect further questioning would reveal that every piece of shit that Putin touched turned into gold. Just a Russian version of a Trump supporter.

    EDIT: They also have to agree to be used to benefit the many. Informed consent. If you have a society of moral individuals, they will hopefully agree.
    « Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 11:11:29 AM by Evelynx »
    • Queen of Love and Beauty
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  • So there's this guy that I've thought was cute for awhile now...he's the geeky, nerdy sort I tend to go for, and it's obvious he's into computers and stuff. By coincidence he and his friend were outside yesterday when I was on one of my walk breaks, and his friend invites me into the discussion...well, let's just say that he makes @Justinian Ezkantion look like a bleeding-heart liberal (:P), and he states his opinion loud and proud, punctuated with curse words every so often. The looks being cast our way every so often from people as he was discussing how liberals want to impose Sharia law in America were...interesting, lol.

    Still, that won't stop me from finding him physically attractive. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • So there's this guy that I've thought was cute for awhile now...he's the geeky, nerdy sort I tend to go for, and it's obvious he's into computers and stuff. By coincidence he and his friend were outside yesterday when I was on one of my walk breaks, and his friend invites me into the discussion...well, let's just say that he makes @Justinian Ezkantion look like a bleeding-heart liberal (:P), and he states his opinion loud and proud, punctuated with curse words every so often. The looks being cast our way every so often from people as he was discussing how liberals want to impose Sharia law in America were...interesting, lol.

    Still, that won't stop me from finding him physically attractive. :P

    Well, you dont need to listen to him to fuck him.....
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Well, you dont need to listen to him to fuck him.....
    I was thinking threesome with him and his friend, who also isn't harsh on the eyes at all. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Well, you dont need to listen to him to fuck him.....
    I was thinking threesome with him and his friend, who also isn't harsh on the eyes at all. :P

    This is what ball gags are made for!
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • This is what ball gags are made for!
    You do have a point...:P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • So there's this guy that I've thought was cute for awhile now...he's the geeky, nerdy sort I tend to go for, and it's obvious he's into computers and stuff. By coincidence he and his friend were outside yesterday when I was on one of my walk breaks, and his friend invites me into the discussion...well, let's just say that he makes @Justinian Ezkantion look like a bleeding-heart liberal (:P), and he states his opinion loud and proud, punctuated with curse words every so often. The looks being cast our way every so often from people as he was discussing how liberals want to impose Sharia law in America were...interesting, lol.

    Still, that won't stop me from finding him physically attractive. :P
    I refuse to be outdone in my conservatism!
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • He's giving you a run for your money! And the funny thing is you wouldn't expect it at all from him because he's like this geeky, tiny I'd be shocked if he weighed 120. But then he's got like no volume control and curses like a sailor. Before I was drawn into the discussion, he was cursing cause his tablet wasn't working, and I could hear him clearly like...200 feet away. And mind you we were in a public courtyard outside a college.

    It's really something to behold, really. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • He sounds like the twinks for trump guy. Lucian....somethingorother. But I doubt he'd be much fun. From my experience repubs are kinda selfish and boring in bed.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Ehhh...I wouldn't write anyone off for their political affiliation. That tiny guy could have an incredible dick for all I know. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • You know what's funny? I'm a mild conservative. I believe in the death penalty for certain crimes, I personally don't support elective abortions, I believe some authoritarianism in government is necessary, I support the police, I support limited restrictions on immigration, I support balanced budgets, I support taxes and I support punitive sentences for recidivist criminals. Thing is, I'm a mild conservative by Singaporean and European standards. In the states, I would be a rabid commie loon. I support full gay and transgender rights, including the right to marry and adopt children, I believe in the separation of church and state, I'm against the proliferation of firearms among the public, I'm against military intervention in foreign countries, I'm not against raising taxes, I'm not against universal healthcare and expanding social security and I most certainly do not believe Islam is a cancer or is inherently dangerous or that Muslim people must be treated with suspicion.

    I like having people I disagree with. I like passionate debates and arguments based on honest disagreement. Thing is, and I would say that people on both sides of the aisle are guilty of this, when people argue nowadays there is no respect. Only the assumption that everyone who does not fully and completely agree with your philosophy in it's entirety is not only wrong and stupid, but has sinister and evil intentions. There is to much emphasis on simply 'winning' any debate at all costs, throwing any compromise to the wind as weakness, on making the other side look and feel idiotic and stupid. And that's just plain disappointing. It used to be that people who vehemently disagreed on everything could be the best of friends or even lovers despite, or even because, of their differing opinions. And it worked because even if the other person held a different opinion to yours, at the end of the day you both knew that the other person truly wanted what was best for the country, just had a different opinion on how to achieve that.
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  • In other news, hearing Shakespearean lines recited by someone using Donald Trump's speaking mannerisms (and gestures and expressions) is really freaking weird. Hilarious, but weird.
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  • I'll take people who don't get it for $500, Alex.

    So @North, this conservatism of does it affect you in bed? :P
    « Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 04:30:01 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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