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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • I'm going to be trying to make some stuff sous vide soon.. I got a sous vide water circulation machine for myself for christmas and a vacuum sealer.

    I also bought one of those fancy little blowtorches that chef's use.

    And a fire extinguisher.
    I got a nice pan for my mother in law for christmas, and caramel popcorn for my father in law. I'm too late to get my parents something by Christmas, they said all they want is framed pictures.

    Sigh, I think I'm so out of touch, I wonder if all my attempts to stabilize are just sinking me deeper and deeper into some sort of existential pit that I will be unable to escape from. But I just know it's not true...

    I'm just so out of touch with less fortunate people, what have I really done to deserve all this luxury. I am just.. ugh, I'm just terrible. I don't deserve any of this.

    Ohhhh first time in high in awhile, I'm thinking of writing some short stories and trying to get them published.

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  • Ah man, I remember when I got moved up to supervisor at my old work the extra pay was really handy but I ended up hating that job more than anything :-\

    It was retail in a supermarket, so when they said supervisor they meant doing all the tasks I already did, as well as keeping inventory and reviewing my colleagues :( it really stressed me out, and I ended up quitting soon after...

    I don't mean to be a downer though Pengu :) I doubt every supervisor position is like that and I guess it depends a lot on the people around you and the organisation :D I hope you do get the promotion ^-^ and I hope it all goes well! Just reminded me of my old experience and I thought I'd share. :P

    It's not exceptionally difficult as far as I know.  Mainly line balancing, scheduling breaks, overseeing WIC, helping cashier (aka occasionally cashing out a line if it's busy), doing key turns when a cashier needs it, and being responsible for giving change when a cashier needs it.  They oversee cashiers as well every so often and do have other tasks occasionally, but those are the main ones.
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  • I understand that this is the "Say What's on your Mind" thread, but is it possible to tone down the anti-left/anti-right political rantings a bit?  There's a forum dedicated to that type of discussion known as the Hall of Great Discussions.
    4 people like this post: HannahB, Barnes, taulover, Hydra
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  • I understand that this is the "Say What's on your Mind" thread, but is it possible to tone down the anti-left/anti-right political rantings a bit?  There's a forum dedicated to that type of discussion known as the Hall of Great Discussions.

    What Pengu said ^
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  • Christmas is in about 2 hours, 40 minutes where I am. I'm tempted to stay up until midnight and spam everyone I know with "Merry Christmas!" but... I like sleeping.

    Since I'll probably be too busy tomorrow to say it, I'll say it now.

    Merry Christmas to all those that celebrate it! And even if you don't, I hope you have a good day! (And that the celebrations around you don't get on your nerves!)
    6 people like this post: Gerrick, Hydra, Wuufu, Michi, HannahB, taulover
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  • Idk tbh
  • Christmas is in about 2 hours, 40 minutes where I am. I'm tempted to stay up until midnight and spam everyone I know with "Merry Christmas!" but... I like sleeping.

    Since I'll probably be too busy tomorrow to say it, I'll say it now.

    Merry Christmas to all those that celebrate it! And even if you don't, I hope you have a good day! (And that the celebrations around you don't get on your nerves!)

    My family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.

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    End of Time

    I remember there in the dawn,
    When the suns rose and rose,
    That never could I know,
    A sight more grand than this.

    Now I sit here in the dusk,
    While the suns die and die,
    That never will I see a sight more sad,
    Or a sight more beautiful.
    • Idk tbh
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  • Damn it all I had another seizure yesterday morning. I just couldn't go 3 months without. Looks like I'm starting over again. >_>
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • My family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.

    Have a good day, everyone! =D
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  • I'm not really a big fan of Chinese food...I do like the Japanese steakhouses here, but I very highly doubt that's true Japanese food. If it were, Japanese would be even fatter than Americans. xD

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Trust me, American chinese food is nothing like chinese chinese food.
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    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • My family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.

    Have a good day, everyone! =D
    >Implying there aren't any chinese christians
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • My family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.

    Have a good day, everyone! =D
    >Implying there aren't any chinese christians

    Oh, my apologies. I didn't intend to offend. Especially considering half my family are that and we're going to have potluck together in a few hours. Thankfully, they don't stalk me on the internet, so I'm safe.
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • My family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.

    Have a good day, everyone! =D
    >Implying there aren't any chinese christians

    Oh, my apologies. I didn't intend to offend. Especially considering half my family are that and we're going to have potluck together in a few hours. Thankfully, they don't stalk me on the internet, so I'm safe.
    There's no need to apologize. It's a free region, post whatever you want.
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah everyone!

    Mazel tov and don't be chutzpahs this weekend! 

    I'll start posting something after this weekend.

    Got to cook curry for a potluck tomorrow, and I'm going to a pyjama party tonight with at least four girls! 


    « Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 07:40:24 PM by Wintermoot »
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  • I can't believe I'm saying this but...

    @Gerrick, @Sapphiron, could one of you please close the topic? That should give everyone a nice little time-out while they consider their words.
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