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Say What's On Your Mind
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Colberius X
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  • It might be more practical to give people the ability to follow certain threads, rather than the ability to stop following certain threads. But overall, I like the idea, @Gerrick. And you might be onto something.

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
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  • It might be more practical to give people the ability to follow certain threads, rather than the ability to stop following certain threads. But overall, I like the idea, @Gerrick. And you might be onto something.
    Right, but what if new threads had also been created? New threads are created all the time. You'd miss out on those if you only followed certain threads unless you then went to find them. I'd then argue that it's more practical to unfollow threads you don't want than to try to find and follow ones you do want.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • This isn't personally a problem for me, but perhaps people feel like they need to stay up-to-date on every topic and thread. So if they had been away for a few days, then that might be a lot that they feel like they need to read. Plus, until a few months ago, I did't know you could click the "New Posts" symbol next to each subforum to list each thread with new posts -- I just thought it meant there are new posts somewhere in that subforum, which was a minor inconvenience to have to dig to find. Perhaps some people also don't know you can do that.

    Maybe there could be a button which does a similar thing to that but lists all of the threads with new posts? If it's possible, also include the number of new posts in each thread (so people could decide if it's worth reading through at the time) as well as an "X" button next to each thread to remove from the list if they don't want to read it (maybe even give the ability to completely bar certain threads from showing up on this list -- for example, spam game threads). And have the threads not get removed from the list if the person clicks on a subforum board as the symbols mentioned above do -- they'd have to either click the specific thread or remove it with the "X" button on the list. That would put everything in one place, reducing the amount of "work" they need to do.

    Like this? :P

    Honestly, I didn't even know about the New Posts symbol. I checked that out and played with the URL to get that, which seems to do most of what you mentioned. Chances of implementing this are high since all I seem to have to do is put a link to it somewhere. :P

    Following certain topics might be a way to go too...I remember back in 2002 on the Linkin Park boards the front area of your UserCP was a list of topics you had posted in with all the relevant data and an option to unfollow them. Thinking back, it really helped keep track of whether anyone had replied to topics you had posted in or if you were still the last poster...but of course, some of those topics gained hundreds of posts a day, and they weren't even spam threads. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Wow, that was fast. Essentially, yeah that. :)

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Now that I've been reminded of the Glorious Past™, I'm going to be going through old forum things for at least the next few hours. :)) <--first forum I ever ran, back when I was 17. <--same forum but earlier :D
    « Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 06:09:36 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • For me, there was just always this feeling of inefficiency. If I wanted to do something new in New Hyperion, I just had to go ahead and do it, and afterwards clear it with Zander. Here, there's too much red tape, which definitely limits abuse, but is still unappealing.

    So I'm pretty much focused on RPs and forum games for now.
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  • I think I'm in an abusive relationship.. ?
    I mean.. emotionally abusive.. ?
    I was talking to my therapist and sometimes it's hard to tell what she's thinking about, but I realized that the conclusion i've been being guided towards is i'm being abused? And it makes me wonder if she's not wrong.

    I have this idea now that maybe I'm being abused, and I'm holding it like something precious to my chest, not telling anyone.
    I mean, what if she found out right? I have to keep it secret. I'm scared to even post it here for fear that maybe she spies on me and reads the forums. I made a logical deduction on that point though, if she finds out I said this from spying on what I say here then I'm almost certainly right and it doesn't much matter what she thinks of me. There's some logic for you ..bitch...

    I am so scared, I'm so scared...

    I've realized that what I've thought of myself has been slowly eroded away.. my relationship with my ex-wife deteriorated at the same time. The hurt I feel is immense and indescribable, and nobody IRL seems to care at all except my therapist.

    It's hard to isolate these feelings.. I changed jobs to a completely different career path, moved to a new state, came out to my conservative family, got divorced and transitioned to another gender all within the space of 6 months.  Which factor .. is making me feel this way? A combination of factors? I used to think it was me transitioning, but laying the factors out like that let me rank them, most impactful to least impactful:
    1. Divorce
    2. Career
    3. Moving
    4. Coming out & Transition are about the same.

    So.. not the transition.

    I, in a fit of very out of character irrationality, impulsively got on my knees and prayed to God that I was making the right decision. I haven't done that in .. years and years. I don't even remember the last time.. it's so silly..
    It didn't help. Sometimes I wish I believed in God.

    Despite that silliness, I think that I've begun making a reasonable course of action. Anyway.. wall of text, I think I'm coming to something pretty momentous. It'll all be fixed soon with any luck.
    « Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 10:29:56 AM by Evelynx »
    • Queen of Love and Beauty
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  • You're a great person, @Evelynx, and you always have been. You've gone much further in discovering yourself and being who you are than even I thought you would have in the first years we met. You just seem to have this one thing where you fall for people who don't seem to care for you as a person...but hey, maybe a result of this discovery you're going through is that you will be more aware and resistant of people like that, and the future relationships you get into will be with people that care for you as a person and that deserves someone great like you to be with. :)

    I'm not a therapist...I'd be much wealthier if I were...but if you want to talk to someone else about anything, you know where to find me.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I was talking to someone from here the other night, and I ended up having the same thoughts I had with Ashton Mercer when he left. For some reason people feel like being a part of the community is a big commitment that takes a lot of time, and I don't completely understand why...yeah, there are elements that would take up time like being a part of government, but anyone could still take a few minutes a day and completely engage with people here and get good things out of it.

    I would appreciate thoughts on why people feel this way or suggestions for how to make being on the forums quicker or easier to use for people without much time on their hands.
    I just want to add to this, Tapatalk has a feature I use all the time called "Unread". It shows all unread topics in a big long list with the ability to mark any topic as read by holding on the topic. This lets me bounce through topics that don't interest me while reading topics that do, and makes it far easier to quickly go through all the new stuff that's happened since I was last here.

    It actually makes the forums a lot less daunting, as there are a lot of places to go and when you have been away for a few days every forum has the 'new posts in here' icon, which is great as it showcases a lot of activity, but is also rather... overwhelming. An unread topics list with the ability to mark as read and have it fade off the screen would be awesome.


    Like this? :P
    Nearly exactly like that. Teaches me for posting without reading the next page.

    But where did you find that? I can't find a link to that anywhere? Could it be placed in the box at the bottom?
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    « Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 10:19:42 PM by Wuufu »
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  • Cleared, thankfully, but with an official reprimand. Oh well, better than being charged.
    What happened!? You OK?

    I was being investigated for excessive use of force.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Okay seriously WTF is going on in the UK right now with censorship and privacy laws?
    Typical government limpdicks trying to destroy the rights of the working man so the plebs don't get uppity and expel them and their cabal of leeches.
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