Post #80679
August 31, 2016, 07:16:02 PM
Ohh, for some reason this story is cracking me up right now.
My dad and I went to get cheeseburgers and he ordered a double cheeseburger and I ordered a single. He asked me why I got a single, and I said I was trying to be cognizant of my caloric intake and explained why. Then he said accusingly: "You're watching your figure!"
I didn't know at the time he knew I was trans and moving to Oregon to be a woman (he was helping me move).
Dunno why it's so funny to me right now, it's actually kind of terrible. Like but that makes it funnier because he was totally right, the simpler explanation was that I was watching my figure. It's just kind of a girly thing to say so I tried to avoid saying it.. But he knew it was because I was girly... Oh god.