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  • So I began my port of my last game over to python...

    I haven't even began to delve into the actual code for the game...however I did have to take a look over it...and it's a bit of a doozy. The game itself was badly written (although for the time constraint and my general lack of knowledge in that area, I did decently), due to the general structure of the code. :\
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I did some screwing today, man am I sore.

    Actually it can be interpreted more than one way

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  • @Chanku, our own little tool for chess tournaments would definitely be welcome.
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  • Alright. I'll try and get something together when I get to it :)
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • CoronTorak porting is going well. Game already has one UI improvement, and that is the inclusion of boundaries around the tiles.

    In things that don't really affect gameplay, but moreso behind-the-scenes, is that the unit placement and board/grid is created on the fly, when the game loads. So the board/grid can be made larger or smaller. The unit placement is rather nice, as it's designed to be somewhat flexible.

    Gamplay itself has yet to be re-implemented in this port/rewrite, along with controls. As such you also can not save or load games yet. Hopefully I can make it compatible with the save files.

    There are also a few implementation differences, like the unit ID isn't a thing anymore, as that was used for a bit of a hack-ish way to deal with things.

    More in-depth explanation  of Unit Placement
    The way the units are added is using a function (place_units()) takes one argument minimum. This argument is a list of lists. The list of lists represents the board. The lists inside represent a row, and each index is a column.

    You can then supply a team (orange or blue), and either use invert, true_invert or not.  Invert merely adds 5 to the index for the rows. true_invert actually inverts the entire index values. So index 0 is row 6, index 1 is row 5, and so on and so forth.

    This allows for a rather nice flexibility that allows for a team to be declared and setup in a few different ways, depending on style.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Dear Dad,

    I have shown respect, gratitude, and appreciation for all the help you have provided to me over the years, including recently with helping me into the new apartment.

    It is not "lip service" when I say that.  I actually mean it.  I am doing my best to find work, and it's not easy, anywhere. 

    You have promised to be patient, respectful and to not pester me.  When you leave disrespectful text messages to me, and then call me five times a day and leave two angry voicemails, it is not conducive to me wanting to pick up the phone after you already disrespect me and make me feel like I'm worthless and a piece of shit.   

    You add stress and anxiety to it and you only care about me following your orders without argument.  You want me to act like an obedient Indian child and not like a "white American" even though you and Mum raised me in America.

    You then get upset when I vent to Facebook and call you out on your behaviours, saying that's "derogatory".  I do not have you on Facebook - in fact I think I have you blocked - and it is disappointing to know that friends of mine, possibly also of my sister's, are snitching to you.  I have a right to vent how I feel, and that content is for friends only.  You do not have the right to tell me what I can say on my own social media accounts. 

    You may think that just because you have helped me, it gives you the right to speak down to me, call me "fucker" repeatedly, and tell me repeatedly to "fuck off" when I disagree with you.   You think that because you do that, I do not have the right to express my feelings with how I disagree with you.  That all I'm supposed to do is follow your orders blindly and never question them, and carry on and keep my mouth shut. 

    You do not think to care how I feel, only that I fulfill your obligations to you.   When I call you out on your flaws, you say I have attention deficit disorder and should get checked.  For someone who has done 25 years in clinical R&D in the fields of neuropharmacology, psychopharmacology, and pharmacology, I would expect better.

    How Mum would think how you are if she were still alive?  What, I'm not allowed to express that? She may have been your wife of at least 25 years, but she was my mother.  I cared about her, and she at least showed she cared about my feelings.   You want to talk about how my time was at RIT after her passing, how about the fact that you spent the first nine months when I got back to RIT after her death, taking out your grief on me, blaming her suffering on me?  I communicated with her while managing a difficult courseload at university, and still continuing to try to keep my grades up.  You mocked me for seeking counselling for my grief, like I'm supposed to just go forward like nothing's happened. 

    You had no idea how depressed I was, how friends at RIT abandoned me because I was trying to socialise with people when I was handling with grief.  How, when people told me "I'll be here if you need anything", they weren't.  I pretty much went near suicidal.   

    You don't want me to talk about how Mum would have felt and then threaten to cut me off, or cut off my phone, etc., forcing me to just blindly obey to you and apologise for standing up for myself.  You can't admit that you know I'm right.  You have pride deep in you to admit you're ever wrong to anyone but our God himself.  Even then I wonder if you would ever admit to Him if you were wrong.

    Respect does not mean blindly following you just because you're my parent, Dad.  I'm your only son, you're my only Dad.  The only reason I am still trying to talk to you, to keep the relationship going since 2004 is out of respect for her, because that's what she would want.  The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because solely of her spirit. 

    However, you don't know that.  You don't ask how I'm feeling personally.  You criticise my attempts at having a social life because you think everyone here is trying to corrupt me and give me bad influence and screw me over.  Then you wonder why I don't have a girlfriend, much less been married by now. 

    It took me 20 minutes to calm down from a panic attack after all this.  I still have not even eaten anything since I woke up.  I picked up the phone because you had to tell me something about Mum's ceremony that I have to do, and then proceeded to make me feel like shit for 21 minutes and argue with me.

    Maybe someday you'll learn how I really felt between 2004 and now.  Unfortunately, that will not be likely anytime soon, and the only people that will know, since I have friends of my sisters apparently reporting my posts to my Dad, will be anyone here on this forum that gives a fuck to listen, much less to read this post.

    Please know Dad, that while you may disrespect me and treat me like shit, I still respect and love you.

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  • So I finished linting through my python code a there's that. I've also decided to play some Mafia games elsewhere while I wait for our Mafia game to start :P

    I'm also excited about tomorrow ^.^
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • @Govindia - May I ask what RIT stands for?

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  • @Govindia - May I ask what RIT stands for?

    @Colberius X:
    That's what I thought you were referring to! I attend U of R, and have numerous friends at RIT.
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  • @Govindia - May I ask what RIT stands for?

    @Colberius X:
    That's what I thought you were referring to! I attend U of R, and have numerous friends at RIT.

    We did band concerts (RIT Concert Band) and choir performances (RIT Singers) there, and at SUNY Geneseo.   SUNY Geneseo, where I learned there was shitty beer worse than Bud Light, like Milwaukee's Best......Navy ROTC does all their stuff at U of R. 

    In other news, I had another conversation with my Dad.  No condescension bullshit, he just wanted to tell me what he needed from me and a status update. 

    I fucking swear to God I wish I was in the French Foreign Legion or some branch of an allied military.  I can handle their shit than this.

    Thanks Colberius X and others who actually cared to read how I felt :-/
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  • Alright so I've begun to implement more things into the port!

    I have movement working, along with a form of attacking (the unit advantages are not yet applied and certain checks aren't applied.

    However the game does include numerous improvements and additions, such as a configuration file/configuration that the user can change, which is currently only used for keybindings.

    Currently you can:
    • Pass the turn
    • Skip the use of a unit
    • Attack
    • Move through clicks

    The pass the turn is actually an improvement as in the previous/original version, you had to manually pass each unit (which was cumbersome, as you had to click on the unit, click on the move button, then type in pass for each unit on each team).

    You can change from selecting a unit to attacking by clicking on a unit twice. This will be changed in the future though.

    Currently it's a much better game than the original ever was, IMO, as the game, while barren, is much more friendly and easier to use than the last/original version was.

    Screenshot of the game included (is at 490x490 resolution for the time being)

    (For those that haven't seen the original, it is listed below)
    Old Version

    (Thanks to hugsim for the screenshot!)
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • The game is getting closer to completion, just need to get loading/saving implemented and implement the unit 'buffs' as they are called :P
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Welp the rest of the game, excluding saving and loading, has been implemented (for the most part). The game no longer uses buttons or anything like that. I'm now going to work on the UI a bit...
    See you later space cowboy.
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