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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • So since that whole election reform thing never really went through yet:
    Hypothetically, if @Crushita decides that he'd like to accept that nomination and run for UH after all, would that be acceptable, or no?
    Proud Burner
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  • Currently writing a lab report with potatoe cubes as primary material. You have no idea how hard it is to leave out that "e" at the end...
    1 person likes this post: Laurentus
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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  • So since that whole election reform thing never really went through yet:
    Hypothetically, if @Crushita decides that he'd like to accept that nomination and run for UH after all, would that be acceptable, or no?

    I would have run, after all I promised like, 6 sessions ago or something that I would continue to run until I was no longer elected, but Uni has utterly killed my free time and my activity in this session has been inexcusable considering how active the other Skifra have been. I wish the next session the best of luck, just don't make me have to make it active by threatening to nuke it again!
    2 people like this post: taulover, Gerrick
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  • I would have run, after all I promised like, 6 sessions ago or something that I would continue to run until I was no longer elected, but Uni has utterly killed my free time and my activity in this session has been inexcusable considering how active the other Skifra have been. I wish the next session the best of luck, just don't make me have to make it active by threatening to nuke it again!
    How is Uni going? Were you able to move out from the middle of nowhere with bad internet? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I would have run, after all I promised like, 6 sessions ago or something that I would continue to run until I was no longer elected, but Uni has utterly killed my free time and my activity in this session has been inexcusable considering how active the other Skifra have been. I wish the next session the best of luck, just don't make me have to make it active by threatening to nuke it again!
    How is Uni going? Were you able to move out from the middle of nowhere with bad internet? :P

    Indeed! Its hard work, and I have no time for anything and yet still manage to get nothing done, I have 200 pages of Herodotus I haven't read for my class in 1/2 an hour, I'm 4 chapters behind in Arabic and I didn't finish reading about the Rashidun Caliphate for my class I just had!

    I also just realized that I served in 6 sessions of the Underhusen, a year, without writing a single piece of legislation.

    Turns out the key to electoral success is starting a religion around worshiping a potato.
    3 people like this post: taulover, Gerrick, Fortis Scriptor
    Held Positions
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  • Indeed! Its hard work, and I have no time for anything and yet still manage to get nothing done, I have 200 pages of Herodotus I haven't read for my class in 1/2 an hour, I'm 4 chapters behind in Arabic and I didn't finish reading about the Rashidun Caliphate for my class I just had!

    I also just realized that I served in 6 sessions of the Underhusen, a year, without writing a single piece of legislation.

    Turns out the key to electoral success is starting a religion around worshiping a potato.
    lol, the first semester is always the toughest...I know that after breezing through high school, I was shocked at how much work college was. In my experience, the only solution is to devote set amounts of time to studying, I'm afraid.

    How are things going with your NS hubby? Or is he more than just a NS hubby? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Indeed! Its hard work, and I have no time for anything and yet still manage to get nothing done, I have 200 pages of Herodotus I haven't read for my class in 1/2 an hour, I'm 4 chapters behind in Arabic and I didn't finish reading about the Rashidun Caliphate for my class I just had!

    I also just realized that I served in 6 sessions of the Underhusen, a year, without writing a single piece of legislation.

    Turns out the key to electoral success is starting a religion around worshiping a potato.
    lol, the first semester is always the toughest...I know that after breezing through high school, I was shocked at how much work college was. In my experience, the only solution is to devote set amounts of time to studying, I'm afraid.

    How are things going with your NS hubby? Or is he more than just a NS hubby? :P
    Yeah the problem is that I'm already behind, so how do I catch up now while still doing everything I want to do? I could do everything and study but catching up is a pain.
    Alas, he is dead. Pretty much left NS due to personal issues. So I am basically single once again.
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  • Yeah the problem is that I'm already behind, so how do I catch up now while still doing everything I want to do? I could do everything and study but catching up is a pain.
    Alas, he is dead. Pretty much left NS due to personal issues. So I am basically single once again.
    Oh really? ;)

    I guess it's a matter of prioritizing...what's most important to you? Which classes is it most important for you to do great at, either for continuing your program or your personal interest? Which ones would it be ok to slack a bit in? And how do the things you want factor into it? You know what they say about all work and no play...wouldn't want to see you become a dull boy. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Darn it Google, I just want references for what people look like when they drown deep underwater. Stop giving me PSAs on how surface drowning doesn't look movie drowning. >:c
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  • Now thats a story.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Darn it Google, I just want references for what people look like when they drown deep underwater. Stop giving me PSAs on how surface drowning doesn't look movie drowning. >:c
    So, what do people look like when they drown deep underwater? (And what was this search for?)
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
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    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
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    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
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  • Darn it Google, I just want references for what people look like when they drown deep underwater. Stop giving me PSAs on how surface drowning doesn't look movie drowning. >:c
    So, what do people look like when they drown deep underwater? (And what was this search for?)
    Probably very desperate, silent, too focused on getting air to breathe to do much else, and only start taking in water when they pass out from lack of oxygen. Which I figured. So, Google is unhelpful. This was the most help, and it didn't give quite the advice I wanted. I shall resort to my imagination.

    And it's for writing. I'm unhappy with the current look, and wanted to check for accuracy/descriptive words that might give me some ideas.
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  • Lol, the strange google searches of writers! A badge of honour for sure!  :P
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  • hiiiii
    i haven't been here in many, many months
    how's it goooing everyboooody
    omae uchi uyamaudearou, you friccin' weeb
    Lily Polisesul
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  • hiiiii
    i haven't been here in many, many months
    how's it goooing everyboooody
    Welcome back! I'm glad you have returned to've you been?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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