Wednesday, February 24th at 7:30 PM PST....2016?
Nope, no suggestions. It was clearly a coincidence that Werewolf #3 managed to have Wintermoot killed in Night 1 (Werewolf #1) and resulting in the death of a Seer (Werewolf #2).
Nope, no suggestions. It was clearly a coincidence that Werewolf #3 managed to have Wintermoot killed in Night 1 (Werewolf #1) and resulting in the death of a Seer (Werewolf #2).
Will need to re-read the rules but if we tie will someone still get lynched?According to the previous game (, in the event of a tie, there will still be someone lynched (with the assistance of Randomizer).
Well. Should we be allowed to skip voting this phase, and the idea gets support.
Well. Should we be allowed to skip voting this phase, and the idea gets support.
Truly a lupin way of thinking.
Very interesting.
Vote, No Lynch
That depends on whether Pengu will make it compulsory for everyone to post/vote in the day phases for this round of Werewolf. (Compare Werewolf #1 and Werewolf #2)
Remember that from now on, there MUST be a duelist chosen.
Currently, the voting stands at:Nix this completely. I must not have refreshed the page, so I missed the whole fourth page of the thread. So Candy Lane, Laurentus, and Barry all have two votes at the moment?
Candy Lane: 2
Barry: 2
Laurentus: 1
No Lynch: 1
To keep things really interesting, I will Vote: Laurentus. I see no better option at the moment.
Is there any motivation for lynching either Barry or Laurentus besides bandwagoning? I feel hurt that my joke vote was ignored. :( round, let's finish what we started this round. Marik Ishtar isn't gone yet.
Marik Ishtar: ... Because of his little mental episodes, Marik can have two chances, though I don't really know why we're allowing it. If he loses in the tournament, he gets another chance. Here's a kicker to add to that: Marik can only be targeted by the other duelists and not by the other "bad guys" on this ship ...Barry didn't use any power to stay alive, it's part of his role.
...My first death is just the beginning.
...Sleep well tonight, me hearties!
My sources tell me it's very possible that Pengu accidentally used a wooden nickel or other counterfeit coin to decide my fate.
Vote: Suspend the game until I get a chance to bite it.
Am I right in thinking that the killing team is Odion + Bakura, and they don't know Marik, and Marik doesn't know who they are?
Laurentus, would it not be an excellent wolf defense to use a previous argument from an innocent as an excuse? Surely you can see that a smart wolf would know that they can hide behind the guise of not intentionally drawing attention to themselves, while being vocal because everyone expects wolves to lay low.
I know I am innocent, if the crowd wants to lynch an innocent woman, that's on their conscience, I certainly won't lose any sleep over it. (Because I'll be dead... get it? [emoji14])
My vote lays with Sending Laurentus to duel
except forAmalyathe werewolves
Certainly you can see the implication, m'lady. [emoji14]Why thank you, I'm happy to be your guiding light.
I must also add that I expected Amalya to be about, oh, 50 times more defensive if accused of killing Wintermoot. So far your response has been most illuminating.
... It is within the realms of possibility that on that day we would have sent to duel one of the bad guys either way. Laurentus and Sapphiron could be the wolf team ...This is definitely a justified deduction based on my seemingly protective nature of Laurentus. However, even if we were to assume that the both of us are linked by our roles, the argument fails to take into consideration that Bakura/Florence and Odion are not the only roles that are linked and are aware of each other.
By the way Colberius, why are you so astonished?
And just in case Colberius has missed my question,I was quite tired when I read Pengu's post, and failed to even consider the possibility of Pengu simply not mentioning that someone was successfully defended. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that the wolves were inactive or had taken the night off.By the way Colberius, why are you so astonished?
And just in case Colberius has missed my question,I was quite tired when I read Pengu's post, and failed to even consider the possibility of Pengu simply not mentioning that someone was successfully defended. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that the wolves were inactive or had taken the night off.By the way Colberius, why are you so astonished?
The last thing I will point out is Sauron is being a little quieter than usual, but perhaps that is because he doesn't visit this forum enough.The sudden and abrupt inclusion of Sauron into your post just seems off and forced. It seems target-ed.
I'm not so convinced on Amalya and I was leaning towards Laurentus being an innocent villager but I'm not sure.but when you decide to make another statement such as this later on in your post,
I will let people speak up before I vote, but at the moment I am leaning towards have created the clearest self-contradiction. The impression I get from reading the first statement at the start of the post and the second statement at the end of the post makes me think that you are trying to lynch innocent villagers.
I'm not so convinced on Amalya and I was leaning towards Laurentus being an innocent villager but I'm not sure.
I'm thinking the lack of wolf kills isn't because of inactivity, but that doesn't mean they aren't being quiet in the game. There have been a few players that fit this bill. In fact, I think that if TCL doesn't vote this phase he will be lynched for inactivity :/
Sapphiron said they were against lynching inactive players as it gave the werewolves a good excuse. I think this is a good point, but at the same time it means we should be lynching the active players who are more of a threat to the werewolves.
From the lynching of Barry, we can't really rule anyone out. The wolves didn't know he was the assassin, so they could have voted for him. If one of the other people likely to be lynched that phase was a WW though, the people who originally voted for Barry would be more suspect.
Laurentus, Barry and TCL were the three people with votes against them in the 2nd phase. Laurentus and Sapphiron both voted for TCL and then switched their votes to Barry later on. Laurentus seems to have done it to save himself, which doesn't really say much. Sapphiron switched to vote for Barry. If Sapphiron is a wolf, the change of vote wouldn't make sense as an attempt to save Laurentus if Laurentus was the second wolf.
Now Laurentus has voted for Amalya and Sapphiron is agreeing that Amalya is suspicious. Even if they were working together, it is possible that they are the defenders and not werewolves but I am still a little suspect.
The last thing I will point out is Sauron is being a little quieter than usual, but perhaps that is because he doesn't visit this forum enough.
I will let people speak up before I vote, but at the moment I am leaning towards Laurentus.
The last thing I will point out is Sauron is being a little quieter than usual, but perhaps that is because he doesn't visit this forum enough.
I see, so it's basically aternox's gaming style. However, fortunately or unfortunately, I have more than one reason to vote for aternox, with one being some sort of coincidence.
*Sigh*. Here we go again. It seems I'll remain a suspect until I'm either voted of, killed by wolves, or victorious against the wolves. The wolves did a great job by killing Wintermoot on the first day, but I must say I'm alarmed that people keep thinking I'd draw this much attention to myself if I'm a wolf.
It is similar thinking that nearly got one of your innocent players killed in the first werewolf, specifically with bandwagoning from Amalya, who was the seer at that stage. I find it hard to believe that innocent villagers would make the same mistake twice. Amalya also voted at one stage to lynch Colberius X, who got killed that night by wolves, and Amalya's defence the following day was that no werewolf in his/her right mind would draw that much attention to themselves. Precisely my point. And yet Amalya has it in for me big time. No offence intended, Amalya. :)
Whatever action I now take will just solidify some people's beliefs that I'm the werewolf. It's called conjecture.
The clear problem I'm faced with is that I can't just vote to lynch Aaron Specter, as that equals guilt, nor can I vote to send people I actually suspect might be wolves to duel, as said persons could simply say: "Oh, what a werewolf thing to do."
*Sigh*. It's worth a shot: Send Amalya to duel.
This is definitely a justified deduction based on my seemingly protective nature of Laurentus. However, even if we were to assume that the both of us are linked by our roles, the argument fails to take into consideration that Bakura/Florence and Odion are not the only roles that are linked and are aware of each other.
Meanwhile, I am starting to find Amalya's behavior surprising. No, this is not because she has just voted for Laurentus or that Laurentus has just voted for her. Call me acting based on previous experience but Amalya isn't someone who will bear a grudge for an extended period of time, even if our beloved Monarch was killed during the first night phase. Her constant insistence and conviction that Laurentus is a Werewolf puzzles me. She repeats that his thought processes and behavior aligns with that of a Werewolf but she has never provided evidence. As such, I would be lying if I were to say I have never suspected Amalya.
I will break Rule 4. :P
*Sigh*. Here we go again. It seems I'll remain a suspect until I'm either voted of, killed by wolves, or victorious against the wolves. The wolves did a great job by killing Wintermoot on the first day, but I must say I'm alarmed that people keep thinking I'd draw this much attention to myself if I'm a wolf.
It is similar thinking that nearly got one of your innocent players killed in the first werewolf, specifically with bandwagoning from Amalya, who was the seer at that stage. I find it hard to believe that innocent villagers would make the same mistake twice. Amalya also voted at one stage to lynch Colberius X, who got killed that night by wolves, and Amalya's defence the following day was that no werewolf in his/her right mind would draw that much attention to themselves. Precisely my point. And yet Amalya has it in for me big time. No offence intended, Amalya. :)
Whatever action I now take will just solidify some people's beliefs that I'm the werewolf. It's called conjecture.
The clear problem I'm faced with is that I can't just vote to lynch Aaron Specter, as that equals guilt, nor can I vote to send people I actually suspect might be wolves to duel, as said persons could simply say: "Oh, what a werewolf thing to do."
*Sigh*. It's worth a shot: Send Amalya to duel.
I'm not quite sure how to respond to this post, this seems to be a generally comment to us with regards to previous games. This is my first WW game here and have only briefly skimmed through the last game.
You're giving the accusation against you as reasons for not being at all productive. You're right in that whatever you say someone could reply 'that's a werewolf thing to do' but that goes for anything any of us do. You could say the exact same thing to me for my accusation. Bearing that in mind, I'd like to know who you think might be wolves and why, including Amalya.This is definitely a justified deduction based on my seemingly protective nature of Laurentus. However, even if we were to assume that the both of us are linked by our roles, the argument fails to take into consideration that Bakura/Florence and Odion are not the only roles that are linked and are aware of each other.
Meanwhile, I am starting to find Amalya's behavior surprising. No, this is not because she has just voted for Laurentus or that Laurentus has just voted for her. Call me acting based on previous experience but Amalya isn't someone who will bear a grudge for an extended period of time, even if our beloved Monarch was killed during the first night phase. Her constant insistence and conviction that Laurentus is a Werewolf puzzles me. She repeats that his thought processes and behavior aligns with that of a Werewolf but she has never provided evidence. As such, I would be lying if I were to say I have never suspected Amalya.I will break Rule 4. :P
Softly claiming that you're defenders and accusing the the person who accused Laurentus. That is interesting. Why would the real defenders be so obvious?
I won't quote aternox's post. I don't believe aternox was being contradictory. At the beginning he did say he was leaning towards Laurentus being a goodie, and that he was at the moment leaning Laurentus being a baddie. I think we're all allowed to change our minds. However I must ask, aternox - what do you make of the relative silences of The Candy Lane and taulover, especially with regards to Sauron?
If I've read and counted correctly, so far there is a 2 way tie between Laurentus (myself and Amalya) and Amalya (Laurentus and Sauron) with aternox receiving a vote from Sapphiron. We are yet to see votes from taulover, The Candy Lane, (both of whom are yet to speak at all this phase) Colberius (waiting to see something of substance) and aternox. We have 7 hours to go.
This post displays the clearest instance of illogical insistence to vote me off that I have seen so far.
"Why would the real defenders be so obvious?" This is, in itself, a loaded question that has to be carefully considered. Sapphiron didn't hint to us being the defending pair, she merely pointed out that this would be a logical possibility, as well as a plausibility to explain the behaviour that you found indicative of wolfishness. And then she at length gave a logical analysis of Amalya's actions, stopping just short of completely sharing my vote to lynch Amalya for being a wolf.
This is merely logical behaviour, as she explained.
That said, a logical answer to your very loaded question of "why make it obvious," would be to avoid getting a partner lynched, as that would be something of a tragedy for the defending pair. I'm certain I don't have to elaborate on that.
Your remarks regarding Aternox's post are the most interesting. I won't make any judgments on your choice not to quote him, but it does make your argument look better than it actually is, as you then avoid having his bullet-riddled argument (if it can be called that) in the same post as yours. My observation of his contradiction isn't based ONLY on the opening sentence where he claims to have been leaning on the probability of me not being a werewolf. The contradiction comes in because he spent the entire post proving why he didn't suspect me, only to come out of left field and say that he now DOES suspect me, without providing the same methodical evidence for his latter claim, especially as it goes up against every point he had made up to that stage. Given this, I can see why Sapphiron would find his behaviour to be suspicious, and therefore her vote could be justified, as one of the ways listed of spotting wolves is precisely identifying these types of inconsistencies.
Further on to your question, my biggest suspects right now would be Aternox (for reasons already explained at length), Amalya, simply because of her insistence to kill me without evidence, and you, Aaron, because of the intentionally sneaky post you just tried to pass off as logic.
And regarding your comment about me being able to say that any challenge to my actions could also be seen as werewolf behaviour on the part of the player who challenges me, I say touché, sir. One uncomfortable addition to my situation is however that I voted to lynch the seer, and then the wolves subsequently killed him. This is however very similar to what happened with Amalya in Werewolf #1, and yet she didn't draw nearly as much fire from it, with the majority conceding that it would be a poor tactic for any wolf, and ultimately deciding to move on, which was the logical thing to do. I must therefore get suspicious when people keep using this as the basis for suspecting me, especially when the most insistent one shared very similar circumstances.
Let me also once and for all address that very sequence of events in which Wintermoot got killed. True, a gutsy werewolf could try something like that, thinking that they could get away with it, but this is ultimately a stupid tactic for a wolf, since it is taking an unnecessary risk, basically just for the hell of it.
It is much better strategy to kill someone off, and then create the possibility for another active player to take the fall for it. This is also far more likely.
However I must ask, aternox - what do you make of the relative silences of The Candy Lane and taulover, especially with regards to Sauron?
...However I must ask, aternox - what do you make of the relative silences of The Candy Lane and taulover, especially with regards to Sauron?
I'd take Sauron at face value and accept his inactivity is due to him not being here. I think TCL being quiet would be because of the same reason. Taulover being quieter is not surprising as they are a new players and often new players don't say much in their first game while they learn how to play.
It doesn't absolve any of them from potentially being a wolf, but it does mean that their inactivity isn't innately too suspicious to me.
Of the three people up for vote, Laurentus is the one which has the highest chance of being a wolf from my perspective.
Vote Lynch: Laurentus
My first reaction to the terms proposed by aternox was ???
You pointed out that I didnt have much against you when I accused you. It's harder to catch a wolf by themselves in my opinion so we are better off starting by looking at pairs of people. You and Saph seem to be working together and in general I feel defenders try to avoid making any accusations that could make them a target. It seems to me wolves are more likely to be active because they can kind of claim that a wolf would want to fly under the radar.
The two of you have kind of been hinting you are defenders and no one has directly opposed that so I'm willing to give you a bit more time so that we don't screw things up for our team.
I also don't think Amalya is a wolf which mmeans the three options currently available are all innocent. The best move in my opinion is for us to lynch someone else.
1 hour and 25 mins left.
So, Aternox, let's start with you. Why do you consider me suspicious?
@Sauron: Why do you suspect Sapphiron and me? What do you base this on?
Sauron, name a few possible reasons that you could be a wolf, and a few possible reasons that you aren't.
Just a friendly reminder that you guys have about 25 hours left.
Also, some of you aren't going to like this, but something has happened to where I'm going to have to implement a little rule tweak for the game. So be prepared to see what it is at the end of this phase.
Alright, I'll bite.
Vote: Send Aaron Spectre to duel
Ohh! Bandwagoning! This is what I do best!
I just noticed that three of us bandwagoned with Laurentus's misspelling of Aaron Specter's name. Thought that was funny.
In fact, let's make this a group activity. Everyone answer the same question. Failure to comply will be met with raised eyebrows. :P
Sapphiron said they were against lynching inactive players as it gave the werewolves a good excuse. I think this is a good point, but at the same time it means we should be lynching the active players who are more of a threat to the werewolves.
I don't support the proposal to lynch the inactive players. Not only will this contribute to a lazy environment, it will also absolve the Werewolves of responsibility for any mislynch since such a strategy validates the use of "(s)he deserves it since (s)he is inactive".
Why isn't anyone questioning why aternox, Sapphiron and Laurentus did what they did, especially after aternox and Sapphiron in particular explicitly said they did not want to lynch inactive players?I will respond to this portion before I go to bed. Indeed, I have explicitly stated that I have no intention to lynch inactive players. However, you are not an inactive player. Everyone have witnessed you displaying high levels of activity in the previous day phase, which is exactly the reason why I labelled it as "an inconsistency in terms of behavior".
The only reason why I had agreed to accept aternox's proposal to shift the vote to a player who would be modkilled by the end of the day phase was because I wanted to ensure minimal chance of mislynch in the face of time constraint. To be honest, if we still had around a day or so for discussion, I would never have agreed to change my vote that was made after much hesitation. Alas, desperate times call for desperate measures.
If you are a villager, I'll be sorry to see you go, and take some of the things you said into consideration. I am however about 70% certain that neither Amalya, Sapphiron or Aternox are werewolves.
Also, just a question, Aaron, but why do you think everyone is going along with this vote, and why is there relative peace between Aternox and me? I also find it ironic that you now say Aternox and Amalya are suspicious when you rejected that idea quite heavily yesterday.
So, Aaron, if given the opportunity where I could convince the others to switch all votes to Colberius X, would you endorse it? I mean, you know you're innocent right? What if I told you that Colby happens to be a suspect?
That has been your stance throughout pretty much the entire game, Colby. How would you suggest we spot the Wolf? Has anyone stood out that you could point to?
And also remember that you have to vote at some point. :P
Aaron, besides Colby, myself, Amalya, Aternox and Sapphiron, who would you consider to be suspicious and why?
It was intentional, as I'm forcing you in a sense to see things from my perspective and tell me what you think.That has been your stance throughout pretty much the entire game, Colby. How would you suggest we spot the Wolf? Has anyone stood out that you could point to?
And also remember that you have to vote at some point. :P
Aaron, besides Colby, myself, Amalya, Aternox and Sapphiron, who would you consider to be suspicious and why?
I'm not sure if this was intentional, but you only left me with 2 people: taulover and Sauron.
To be honest, I don't know. The drama has been centred around the handful of us who've been the most active throughout this game, I haven't given sufficient time to those who were less active.
I'd perhaps lean tau for his willingness to go with any lynch and it's possible his vote for Amalya last phase, rather than for the sake of 'equilibrium' was possibly to save a wolf mate, namely, you. The whole 'newbie' thing could be a clever excuse, but I'm just not sure. I'd say he was an innocent newbie. With Sauron it's a different scenario since his vote for Amalya had some reasoning in it but it seemed empty, almost like he was taking the opportunity to vote someone since everyone else was doing it, like everyone in this phase. I can't see strong indication of associations of either with any other player in particular (possible wolf mate) as much as I do with my already stated suspects.
For both of them, there's some evidence that they acted like a wolf would in their positions, but nothing close to vote-worthy, given everything else. I don't think either of them are wolves.
It was intentional, as I'm forcing you in a sense to see things from my perspective and tell me what you think.
Regarding Colby, do you not concede that he has also thus far been very quiet, and has kept his voting pattern very close to what you're describing was wrong with tau's? Namely, voting to maintain equilibrium, choosing between choices that everyone else is already considering and so forth?
Another question for both you and Colby to consider is this: Supposing you knew with absolute certainty that Amalya, Sapphiron, myself and Aternox were not wolves, who would you consider to be the likeliest candidates of those remaining (including yourselves) to be wolves?
You... want to help the people who killed you... for the second first round in a row... while you were the seer..? You're a better man than I! :P
*cough cough* Avenge me....*STILL QUITE DEAD*
Good luck good guys :)
And after that, I'll remind once again that Aaron Spector was Bakura/Florence, and that our next break will end on March 12th at 7PM FT/8PM PST
It's time for another tournament selection folks! So let's get those votes in and decide who should duel next! This tournament selection will last until Sunday, March 13th at 9:30PM FT/10:30 PM PST.Was there a typo error?
And after that, I'll remind once again that Aaron Spector was Bakura/Florence, and that our next break will end on March 12th at 7PM FT/8PM PSTIt's time for another tournament selection folks! So let's get those votes in and decide who should duel next! This tournament selection will last until Sunday, March 13th at 9:30PM FT/10:30 PM PST.Was there a typo error?
So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
Yes, I should clarify that I mean special role sections of the forum. In other words, the wolves have their own section, the defenders have their own section, and if the seer scans the defenders, he gets added to their section, or vice versa. And this is also assuming it can remain anonymous.So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
Yes, I should clarify that I mean special role sections of the forum. In other words, the wolves have their own section, the defenders have their own section, and if the seer scans the defenders, he gets added to their section, or vice versa. And this is also assuming it can remain anonymous.So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
*High-fives all the good guys.*
We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.
Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.
Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.
So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.
Fair enough. With a bit of trial and error, it worked well enough in the end.*High-fives all the good guys.*
We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.
Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.
Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.
So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.
I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.
I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles. I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs. I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.
The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example. If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.
So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
Fair enough. With a bit of trial and error, it worked well enough in the end.*High-fives all the good guys.*
We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.
Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.
Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.
So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.
I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.
I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles. I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs. I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.
The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example. If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.
So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
But just to clarify, that part about: "(and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defence choice)" was a hypothetical, right? That didn't actually happen? Pardon my excessive need for clarity.
Another pythonite! I say well met!