Wintreath Regional Community

The Amalyan Quarter - Fun Things We Do => The Lost Village - Werewolf/Mafia Games => Topic started by: Michi on February 24, 2015, 02:43:51 AM

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on February 24, 2015, 02:43:51 AM
Episode 26: Mo money, mo card games. (

Welcome duelists, to the Battle City Tournament finals.  I hope you all found your DUEL DISK SYSTEM! (trademark).  Though if you made it this far, then that shouldn't even be a question.

The Semifinals will take place on the Kaibacorp Blimp, and duelists will be chosen by their peers.  During each break, I'll allow some of the more experienced duelists to practice...but if you get challenged to a duel and something happens, well that's just too bad for you.  Here are some of the duelists cometing:

Yugi Moto/Yami Yugi: Yugi is my arch rival and soon to be second best duelist.  He claims he's some kind of pharaoh, but I don't have time for the nonsense hocus pocus talk.  What I do know is that he holds Sleifer the Executive Producer, and it will soon be MINE.  Because he's one of the most experienced duelists here, he has two chances to prove himself.  So if he is challenged to a duel or is next in the tournament, he'll be given one last chance before he's disqualified.  Also, he'll have the chance to watch over someone or see who they really are for up to three breaks.

Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler: Now meet the future #1 duelist in the world: Me! Seto Kaiba!  Oh, and Joey Wheeler...I don't even know how that chump made it into my tournament.  But during each break, we'll be making rounds to make sure that nobody is breaking the Battle City Tournament regulations.  Joey and I will both choose someone to watch over during the break just in case someone tries anything.  We're both allowed to choose our own people, thankfully.  Though I'd be more worried about Joey getting challenged by some drooling infant.

Ishizu Ishtar: I don't know who this woman thinks she is, but she's the one responsible for this whole tournament.  Ishizu explained my ancient past and gave me one of the Egyptian God cards thinking she would get it back later.  Sucks to be her though, because I'll be keeping this card and obtaining the rest.  Using her hocus pocus, Ishizu will be able to identify one person during each break.

Marik Ishtar: So that woman decided to use my tournament for her personal family quarrels?  Well whatever, I don't know if any of this nonsense of millenium items or Marik's evil are actually true.  But I do know that this scum kidnapped Mokuba at one point, and that he holds Mega Ultra Chicken...the last Egyptian God card to complete my deck.  Because of his little mental episodes, Marik can have two chances, though I don't really know why we're allowing it.  If he loses in the tournament, he gets another chance.  Here's a kicker to add to that:  Marik can only be targeted by the other duelists and not by the other "bad guys" on this ship.  Using his hocus pocus staff, he can redirect his sister's, Yugi's, Joey's, or my target for up to one break.  He can also act as a lone wolf and challenge someone himself for up to two breaks.

Bakura/Florence and Odion: Another set of duelists that didn't even register into my tournament, and yet here they are prancing onto the finals.  Great to see my rules rubbed off on people.  During each break, these cheaters will go around trying to force someone into a duel in which they call a "Shadow" duel.  If they win, that person will be sent off to the "Shadow realm" and will be taken out of the game.

And speaking of the rules, because EVERYONE seems to be doing a fine job of listening to them so far:

1. Joey and Tristan may not defend the same person in two consecutive breaks.

2.  While beating Bakura/Florence and Odion is necessary, you must defeat Marik Ishtar for the good guys to win the game.

3.  The game will have the Tournament Selection, which will last for 48 hours, after which we will be presented with a duel if a contestant is chosen.  After the duel we will have a 24 hour break, in which the special duelists may do what they need to prepare for their duels.

4. Revealing your role publicly is not allowed, which includes alluding to your role or subtly hinting at it.  While each person outside of special roles will be assigned a Yu Gi Oh character, their name will not be revealed until their duel.  This rule does not apply to revealing the roles of others, whether truthfully or falsely.

5.  The bad guys will win if they equal the amount of good guys, while the good guys will win if they defeat ALL of the bad guys.

6.  During the first phase only may you vote not to send anyone to duel.  I imagine you'll only do this because you need the extra practice.  After this though, there must always be a contestant.

7.  If Yugi is attacked during a break and has both of his lives, his role will remain hidden from everyone.  If he's sent to a duel with both of his lives, his role will be revealed to everyone.

Anyone caught breaking these rules will be met with extreme penalties, even while I may possibly continue to allow them to be in the duel.

If anyone has any questions to these rules, take it up with someone who cares, I've no time to listen to your petty concerns while I've got some Egyptian God cards to win.

Duelists will be hearing from me fairly shortly.  But you're allowed to talk amongst yourselves until the start, which will be announced when everyone has heard from me or my associates.

Again I'd wish you all luck, but you'll need it to beat me at my own game.


(and no I won't be playing as Seto Kaiba in the game, for anyone wondering, as that'd be highly unfair. :P)

Tournament contestants:
*Aternox (Yugi Moto) - Sent to the Shadow Realm
*The Candy Lane (Jean-Claude Magnum/Duelist) - Eliminated from the Tournament.
*Wintermoot (Ishizu Ishtar) - Sent to the Shadow Realm
*Barry (Marik Ishtar) - Eliminated from the tournament.
*Colberius X
*Aaron Spector (Bakura/Florence) - Eliminated from the tournament
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on February 24, 2015, 03:15:50 AM
Hello there everyone!  Emperor Mokuba here.  This is just letting you know that my big brother Seto should have talked to all of you, so we can begin the Battle City Finals.  Just a reminder that if you received a message from my brother and he didn't acknowledge your name, then you probably weren't important enough for him to remember.  Don't sweat it though, that's just how he is.

So let's begin the Battle City finals!  We'll start the Decision process now, and we'll end it on Wednesday, February 25th at 7:30 PM PST.  After that we'll get to see our very first duel of the finals, followed by a break.

Good luck to everyone!
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: The Candy Lane on February 24, 2015, 03:44:47 AM
Well I'll Vote no duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 24, 2015, 05:52:57 AM
From what I've read in previous games, it looks like a supremely bad idea not to lynch someone. So I randomly choose to lynch Wintermoot
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on February 24, 2015, 05:55:52 AM
Wow, just wow. Since it would be in the bad guy's best interests to kill off someone early without evidence, I choose to lynch Laurentus.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 24, 2015, 06:05:02 AM
Mhm. Perhaps I should be reading something into your swift and defensive reply... :)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on February 24, 2015, 06:09:53 AM
I can be a swift and defensive person when needed. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 24, 2015, 06:30:52 AM
Well to be fair, I can't really expect someone who's innocent not to vote to lynch me to stay in the game. If there is a tie, will there be a coin toss or something?

Although from a purely statistical perspective, the odds of Wintreath not being a werewolf in consecutive games are growing slimmer.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on February 24, 2015, 06:43:57 AM
How so?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on February 24, 2015, 07:24:17 AM
As we have two people able to scan, I am going to break my habit and:

Vote: No Duel

Being able to scan people at a quicker rate means we can find the bad guys faster if we leave Ishizu Ishtar and Yugi to do their work.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 24, 2015, 07:41:46 AM
At some point, he'd have to draw the card of werewolf. And I messed up in my previous post, haha. I said Wintreath instead of Wintermoot.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on February 24, 2015, 11:01:53 AM
I can't remember who it was exactly over in XKI but they posted a comprehensive list of all the games and when there was a no lynch vote the villagers almost always won.

So going by that evidence that isn't available here :P

Vote no lynch
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on February 24, 2015, 11:51:47 AM
I've firmly been in the camp of those who believe a "No Lynch" first day benefits the Villagers by letting the seer and defenders do their jobs and doesn't try to randomly pickoff a bad guy against the huge odds of likely lynching a good guy instead....And with two scans, I'm with Ater on this for sure.

VOTE: No Duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on February 24, 2015, 01:02:01 PM
Vote lynch Laurentus

Quite frankly sir, your aggressive approach rubs me the wrong way.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on February 24, 2015, 01:05:35 PM
Since we only get to do this for the first morning phase,

Vote: No Duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 24, 2015, 01:08:48 PM
I'll take note of that. :)

I'll also go ahead and assume you're not a werewolf, just an offended villager.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on February 24, 2015, 01:37:07 PM
I like the idea of give the seers a night to scan. 

Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on February 24, 2015, 06:20:17 PM
Vote: No Lynch

Nothing new for me to say. I'm voting NL for the same reasons as everyone else. A couple of people have started the game off on a very... interesting foot.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on February 25, 2015, 02:07:44 AM
I vote No Duel.

Wednesday, February 24th at 7:30 PM PST.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on February 25, 2015, 02:25:58 AM
But of course.  I'm going to let this go for an entire year before I end the first day phase.  By the time the game itself ends, it'll be roughly around 2020 or so.

I amended the day to the 25th.  :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on February 26, 2015, 05:43:32 AM
Episode 28: Who's That Mokémon? (

May ve have your attention please!  It seems herr Mokuba has developed a case of Japanese puberty.  I'm afraid zat means zat he believes he is ein Pokemon.


Due to zis turn of events, ve will not be having ze usual duel today, but instead treat you to tea und cookies in ze dining area.  Ve thank you for your patience.  HEIL KAIBA!

Total votes:
No Duel: 8
Wintermoot: 1
Laurentus: 2

Looks like it's time to take a break!  Duelists, please remain in your quarters and get some practice in.  If you're one of the more experienced duelists, you may walk around the blimp a bit and do your thing.  Our next Tournament Selection will occur on Thursday, February 26th at 9:30 PM PST.

If you're Seto Kaiba or Joey, this is the perfect time to see if anyone needs assistance in case Bakura or Odion attempt to lure someone into a Shadow Game.  If your name is Ishizu, this is also the perfect time for you to try to find one of the rogue duelists.  And for Yugi and Marik, well, it's up to you if you want to do your thing, but remember that you only get 3 breaks to do anything out of the ordinary.

Pleasant dreams duelists, and we'll see you in the next tournament selection!
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on February 27, 2015, 05:30:57 AM
Attention Duelists, Mokuba Kaiba here.  We apologize for the delay, we're just waiting to hear back from some of our experienced duelists before we start our next Tournament Selection.  We thank you for your patience.  In the meantime, please enjoy a song presented by Joey Wheeler...even though Seto told him not to:

Joey Wheeler sings Brooklyn Rage (
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on February 27, 2015, 03:08:44 PM
Greetings Duelists! Moki here.  So last break was pretty interesting, I have to say.  When everyone else was practicing, somehow those nasty shadow duelers tricked my big brother into battling someone because of her hocus pocus powers.  After she lost, they must have did something to her since she won't wake up anymore!  Here's a recap of the battle:

Episode 44: Ishizu explains it all (

I guess that's what happens when you try to tell my big brother things like "destiny" and whatnot.  Oh well!

Anyways, Ishizu Ishtar has been eliminated from the game.  Don't worry, she's still breathing even though she's in some weird coma, and we have the best doctors looking out for her.

Ishizu Ishtar, aka Wintermoot, has been sent to the Shadow Realm.

It's time for another tournament selections, so get those votes in on who you want to see duel next!  Remember that from now on, there MUST be a duelist chosen.  This selection will end on Sunday, March 1st at 5:00PM PST.  So you'll be getting extra time since you'll have until I get off work that day (since I wake up later on Sundays and won't be here to end the phase at 7).

Pleasant voting!
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 27, 2015, 04:23:18 PM
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 27, 2015, 04:31:52 PM
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on February 27, 2015, 04:35:10 PM
Really? Again???
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on February 27, 2015, 07:53:31 PM
That is not a good start.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on February 27, 2015, 08:00:23 PM
Hope you guys enjoy having my vengeful spirit wondering around...

Daggerfall - Ghost of King Lysandus (
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on February 28, 2015, 12:45:39 AM
Day 1

Aternox votes No Lynch
The Candy Lane votes No Lynch
Wintermoot votes lynch Laurentus
Amalya votes lynch Laurentus
Barry votes No Lynch
Colberius X votes No Lynch
Sauron votes No Lynch
Sapphiron votes No Lynch
Aaron Spector votes No Lynch
Laurentus votes lynch Wintermoot
taulover votes No Lynch

No Lynch Wins

Night 1: Wintermoot is killed

Amalya and Laurentus are the only two people who voted to lynch someone in the first day phase that are still around. Neither of them could have known Wintermoot's role, so I don't know if there is anything especially suspicious about that.

We also know at least one bad guy voted for no lynch, and I would expect most or all of them would have done so to stay under the radar.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on February 28, 2015, 01:01:29 AM
Nope, no suggestions. It was clearly a coincidence that Werewolf #3 managed to have Wintermoot killed in Night 1 (Werewolf #1)  and resulting in the death of a Seer (Werewolf #2).
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on February 28, 2015, 01:43:41 AM
Nope, no suggestions. It was clearly a coincidence that Werewolf #3 managed to have Wintermoot killed in Night 1 (Werewolf #1)  and resulting in the death of a Seer (Werewolf #2).

I actually never made that connection before.  It's like those games were foreshadowing Wintermoot being the Seer and then being killed off on the first night.   :D
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on February 28, 2015, 12:22:24 PM
Nope, no suggestions. It was clearly a coincidence that Werewolf #3 managed to have Wintermoot killed in Night 1 (Werewolf #1)  and resulting in the death of a Seer (Werewolf #2).

I'm not sure what that means, as I haven't played. But I assume either Wintermoot gets killed often, or the seer does.

By my understanding we still have another Seer to help us so all is not lost. Will need to re-read the rules but if we tie will someone still get lynched?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on February 28, 2015, 12:50:11 PM
Will need to re-read the rules but if we tie will someone still get lynched?
According to the previous game (, in the event of a tie, there will still be someone lynched (with the assistance of Randomizer).

Meanwhile, I shall Vote: Send The Candy Lane to Duel. I mean, it's common knowledge that there is nothing in this universe that is better at deception than the Candy House that Hansel and Gretel was fixated on.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on February 28, 2015, 01:45:01 PM
Really, really bad luck to lose our Seer so early two games in a row. But we overcame that last game, so not all is lost.

To our advantage, unlike last game, we still have Yugi, who can scan or defend on two nights, but who will probably want to scan rather than defend, given Wintermoot's loss. Plus, we've got the two defenders.

There's not much to go on, as usual this early in the game. I don't place much stock in Laurentus' vote against Wintermoot. Although I think he said it's his first game, so it's possibly a newbie mistake, I doubt the wolves would want to draw attention to him if he were one of them by killing Wintermoot.

Unless something pops up, I'll likely go with a random vote later.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 28, 2015, 01:51:42 PM
I'm at a loss. Had my vote succeeded in the last day phase, we would have killed the seer ourselves. I really hope I won't have to resort to a randomiser this round before a wolf betrays himself.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on February 28, 2015, 03:41:33 PM
That depends on whether Pengu will make it compulsory for everyone to post/vote in the day phases for this round of Werewolf. (Compare Werewolf #1 and Werewolf #2)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on February 28, 2015, 04:33:45 PM
I only know the XKIers here so I've done a random vote out of them.

Sorry Barry but you didn't give me any tea this game.

Lynch: Barry
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on February 28, 2015, 04:55:01 PM
I'm not ready to resort to a randomizer yet.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: The Candy Lane on February 28, 2015, 06:31:01 PM
The phase doesn't have much time left, folks.

I'll vote to send Laurentus to the duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on February 28, 2015, 06:47:05 PM
It appears you guys like to use randomizers early on in the game. I don't play much forum games of this type but when I have done, I've not found randomizers to be the best way to go.

I'd rather we lynched someone based on something rather than nothing, as it gives us more to go on in subsequent cycles. Randomizing becomes a substitute for discussion and hunting.

The only people doing anything of interest (i.e. voting for someone) day 1 were Wintermoot, Amalya and Laurentus - thanks aternox. This phase, Sapphiron, Sauron and the Candy Lane have supposedly come up with a random vote, with Barry promising to later. I'm not sure there's going to be a majority for anyone this round at this rate. I think there's still one or two people left to say something this round, and I'm sure a few will speak more over the next day or so, so I'll leave my vote til tomorrow.

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 28, 2015, 07:19:03 PM
Well. Should we be allowed to skip voting this phase, and the idea gets support, I'll vote no lynch.

For now though, I'll need to Vote: Lynch The Candy Lane
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on February 28, 2015, 08:52:56 PM

Well. Should we be allowed to skip voting this phase, and the idea gets support.

Truly a lupin way of thinking.
Very interesting.

Vote, No Lynch
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on February 28, 2015, 09:50:19 PM

Well. Should we be allowed to skip voting this phase, and the idea gets support.

Truly a lupin way of thinking.
Very interesting.

Vote, No Lynch

I'm just trying to stay alive. If I don't tip a majority in favour of no lynching, I'd really rather let the one who wants to lynch me get lynched. :)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on February 28, 2015, 11:46:25 PM
I don't think bandwagoning against one person is a good thing, so to keep things close:

Vote Lynch: Barry
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 01, 2015, 12:45:59 AM
I consider random votes to be tools that initiate conversations. It sure did, just not enough. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 01, 2015, 01:02:25 AM
That depends on whether Pengu will make it compulsory for everyone to post/vote in the day phases for this round of Werewolf. (Compare Werewolf #1 and Werewolf #2)

Remember that from now on, there MUST be a duelist chosen.

So there are no more "No Lynch" rounds.  Every round beyond the first must always have a duelist, aka someone chosen to go up next.  Much like how the previous game was (except that one was required for EVERY phase).

You did touch on something that I didn't specify though, which was non-voting.  Considering we have more active people this game, I'll keep the rule at this: If you do not vote for 2 consecutive phases, you'll be sent to duel next.

anti-non-posting rules makes people a bit lazier since they can get away with both non contributions and non voting.  Wolves can decide to take days off so that people will forget they're even playing.  Anti-non-voting rules, since they're a bit harsher, keep people more on their toes since they do have to pay attention in the thread.  Wolves actually have to make some effort to keep alive rather than fading into the shadows.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 01, 2015, 01:07:59 AM
Oh, in that case

Vote Lynch Lupintus -er- Laurentus
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 01, 2015, 02:29:55 AM
Is there any motivation for lynching either Barry or Laurentus besides bandwagoning? I feel hurt that my joke vote was ignored.  :(
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 01, 2015, 02:38:34 AM
Currently, the voting stands at:
Candy Lane: 2
Barry: 2
Laurentus: 1
No Lynch: 1

To keep things really interesting, I will Vote: Laurentus.  I see no better option at the moment.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 01, 2015, 02:41:41 AM
Currently, the voting stands at:
Candy Lane: 2
Barry: 2
Laurentus: 1
No Lynch: 1

To keep things really interesting, I will Vote: Laurentus.  I see no better option at the moment.
Nix this completely. I must not have refreshed the page, so I missed the whole fourth page of the thread.  So Candy Lane, Laurentus, and Barry all have two votes at the moment?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 01, 2015, 02:43:54 AM
Colberius, you have missed one of the votes for Laurentus. With your vote, the current vote tally will be

Laurentus: 3
Barry: 2
Candy: 2
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 01, 2015, 02:44:45 AM
It appears that you have noticed your mistake.  :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 01, 2015, 11:03:52 AM
I must also ask why I'm getting voted for here. What type of wolf would vote to lynch someone and then kill the same person at night? Also, currently I'm standing at 2 votes, since Colby drew back his vote.

By the way, thanks for voting against me Colby! Your betrayal will be remembered. It's generally not a good idea to piss off your boss. *Glares* :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 01, 2015, 11:06:25 AM
Is there any motivation for lynching either Barry or Laurentus besides bandwagoning? I feel hurt that my joke vote was ignored.  :(

For me it was a random vote on people I know and have played with before. I think it is a little too early to actually have much information at this point.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 01, 2015, 11:13:18 AM
We have to interact more so that we can Lynch All Liars. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on March 01, 2015, 07:09:10 PM
Well, a random vote is pretty much out of the question for me now since I'm in a 3-way tie to be sent to duel.

For self-preservation, I'll admit, I have to look toward either TCL or Laurentus. I see really nothing against TCL, and as I said before, basing a vote on Laurentus assumes that he made a rather bad mistake by voting to lynch Wintermoot and when that failed to do the trick, killed him off that night.. However, that seems the best we've got to go on, and since it's Laurentus' first WW game, he could have unknowingly made that blunder.

Interestingly, however, it was similar reasoning that got us our first wolf early last game, too. I'll give it a shot again. I think it's our best option at this point.

Vote: Send Laurentus to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 01, 2015, 07:26:03 PM
Gut feeling demands that I maintain equilibrium and switch my joke vote to Vote: Send Barry to Duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 01, 2015, 09:43:36 PM
In the interest of self-preservation, I change my vote to send Barry to duel. Sorry, it's nothing personal.

I should mention that although I'm a noob, I have read the previous games, and based on them, I immediately understood that it would be a terrible mistake to kill a villager at night who was nearly lynched during the day.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 01, 2015, 09:48:04 PM
One would also assume that a wolf's partner would try to forbid making such a terrible mistake.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 02, 2015, 12:28:36 AM
Just for maintaining balance... Vote: Send Laurentus to duel.

Nothing personal, my friend.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 02, 2015, 02:30:06 AM
Well I must say I'm interested in this sudden turn of events...
Episode 23: Yami of Darkness (

Hey there duelists, Mokuba here!  It's time to announce the results from our first tournament between Yugi Moto and Marik Ishtar!

For some reason this round took place in an abandoned warehouse.  Marik was hiding himself in a black cloak, and when he removed it, he was wearing some flag bandana and going on about America.

Yugi was starting to struggle in the duel against Marik, but then he began to make an unexpected lead.  Angry at this, Marik shattered Yugi's puzzle and made a quick escape.

Wait...I'm getting something from one of our security monitorers.  It seems as if the Marik Ishtar that lost against Yugi was actually a fake!  According to Yugi, the person named Bandit Keith was under Marik's mind control...but I'm not sure I really believe that magic stuff.  And if I wasn't so busy being kidnapped, I would have known who Bandit Keith was, and how he lost a duel against Maxamillion Pegasus, when Pegasus decided to bring in a child to completely wipe the floor with Bandit Keith.

So as it stands, the false Marik has been eliminated from the tournament, but I have it on good authority that the real Marik is still on board, and my big brother tells me that he's still allowed to participate!  I still think he's a rotten cheater, but whatever, it's Seto's game I guess.

Hold on!  I'm getting more feedback on the real Marik Ishtar onboard.  He has long spiky blond hair, and has a thing for telling people "Silence!" and goes by the name "Malik Blishtar."  To think he was one of Yugi's friends the entire time!

Vote totals:
*Barry: 4
*Laurentus: 4

Barry and Laurentus were tied in votes, and thus were victim of the coin toss since there must always be a duel at this point forward.  The perso

Barry was Tails, Laurentus was heads.  Whoever came up the most out of 3 would be the chosen duelist.  The results of the toss were as followed:

1st attempt: Tails
2nd Attempt: Tails
3rd attempt (for kicks): Heads
4th attempt (for kicks): Tails.

Due to being in a two-out-of-three attempt, Barry was the chosen to participate in the next duel.

Barry, aka Marik Ishtar, has lost a duel attempt and has been revealed to the crowd.

It's time for a break everyone!  So let's get back to your rooms and get some practice in before our next Tournament selection.  Experienced duelists are welcome to walk around the blimp a bit and check things out.  Everyone else is encouraged to stay in their rooms and hope that my big brother and Joey will watch over them.  And be careful of any rogue duelists on board!

We'll begin the next tournament selection on Monday, March 2nd at 6:30PM PST.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 02, 2015, 04:41:20 AM
Lucky break. Next round, let us not go on a witch hunt again, and start looking st those who were inactive.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 02, 2015, 05:02:49 AM round, let's finish what we started this round.  Marik Ishtar isn't gone yet.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 02, 2015, 05:23:44 AM round, let's finish what we started this round.  Marik Ishtar isn't gone yet.

Oh, he used his power to stay alive? Okay then, next round.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 02, 2015, 10:45:24 AM
Marik Ishtar: ... Because of his little mental episodes, Marik can have two chances, though I don't really know why we're allowing it.  If he loses in the tournament, he gets another chance.  Here's a kicker to add to that:  Marik can only be targeted by the other duelists and not by the other "bad guys" on this ship ...
Barry didn't use any power to stay alive, it's part of his role.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on March 02, 2015, 10:59:53 AM

...My first death is just the beginning.

...Sleep well tonight, me hearties!


Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 02, 2015, 11:50:19 AM

...My first death is just the beginning.

...Sleep well tonight, me hearties!


Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 02, 2015, 12:37:51 PM
 O:-) I conjure thee to leave me and be gone. O:-)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 03, 2015, 05:18:18 AM
Hello Duelists!  Mokuba here.  It seems like there's nothing to report for this break.  But I'm here to let you know of a special song that one of our main characters did.  I'd like to encourage you to watch it while we wait for the start of the tournament.

Yugi sings Pharaoh's Throne (

And it's time for the next tournament selection everyone!  So lets get those votes in for our next duel!  The selection will end on Wednesday, March 4th at 9:30 PM PST.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 03, 2015, 05:42:34 AM
It's time to finish unfinished business. Vote: Send Barry to Duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 03, 2015, 09:35:09 AM
Vote: Send Barry to duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 03, 2015, 10:38:00 AM
Vote: Send Barry to the duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 03, 2015, 12:54:51 PM
Vote: Send Barry to the duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 03, 2015, 02:22:54 PM
Vote: Send Barry to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 03, 2015, 05:29:56 PM
Vote: Send Barry to the duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on March 03, 2015, 06:26:33 PM
My sources tell me it's very possible that Pengu accidentally used a wooden nickel or other counterfeit coin to decide my fate.

Vote: Suspend the game until I get a chance to bite it.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 03, 2015, 06:38:07 PM
Vote: Send Barry to the Duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 03, 2015, 09:40:41 PM
Sorry, but your fate is sealed Marik.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 03, 2015, 10:44:03 PM
Vote: Send Barry to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 04, 2015, 01:39:43 AM
My sources tell me it's very possible that Pengu accidentally used a wooden nickel or other counterfeit coin to decide my fate.

Vote: Suspend the game until I get a chance to bite it.

I assure you that it was an authentic double tailed...Er, I mean perfectly authentic penny.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 04, 2015, 07:21:21 PM
Meanwhile, does anyone want to accuse anyone of being Bakura/Florence or Odion? I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to waste a whole day of potential discussion by merely voting for Barry.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 04, 2015, 08:24:08 PM
Am I right in thinking that the killing team is Odion + Bakura, and they don't know Marik, and Marik doesn't know who they are?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 05, 2015, 08:26:12 AM
Oh my, it seems I'm a bit late.  For some reason I thought I had the deadline at Thursday...silly me.  :P

Hiya duelists! Mokuba here.

Well it seemed like an obvious choice for this duel it seemed as Marik was voted as the next contestant once again.  Thankfully this time we know it was the real deal!

Once again, Marik's opponent was none other than Yugi Moto, and boy was this an interesting match, let's check it out again:

Episode 61: Muerte Pinata (

Well I think we can safely say that we've seen the last of that one.

Barry, aka Marik Ishtar, has been eliminated from the tournament.

It's time for a break, folks!  So please head to your quarters to get some practice in.  Experienced duelists are welcome to walk around a bit and do their rounds.  We'll begin our next tournament selection on Friday, March 6th at 12:30 AM PST.

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 05, 2015, 08:28:21 AM
Am I right in thinking that the killing team is Odion + Bakura, and they don't know Marik, and Marik doesn't know who they are?

Correct.  Barry/Marik acted as the Assassin/Hunter in this game, and the players playing as Bakura/Florence and Odion are the Werewolves.  And Barry had no idea who those two players are, and vice versa.

Barry could still attack players during the night though for up to 2 nights.  And if Bakura/Odion attacked him, it would have been as if he'd been defended.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on March 05, 2015, 10:14:35 AM

Pengu, I really like the theme and roles you put together here. I just wish I could've survived a bit longer to help the Marik role achieve a little more mischief and carnage of its potential  >:D.  Nice job.

Good game and good luck everyone.   :)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 07, 2015, 01:22:01 AM
Heya everyone, Mokuba here!

Brace yourselves for one of the biggest things to ever happen in this game since the history of this game:

No duels happened last night.

That's right!  So let's get ready for another tournament selection period.  It will run until Sunday, March 8th at 5:30PM PST.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 07, 2015, 02:00:20 AM
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 07, 2015, 02:40:20 AM
The only three possible scenarios I can think of are

1) Yugi Moto/Yami Yugi has been targeted
2) Either Seto Kaiba or Joey Wheeler have defended the target
3) Bakura/Florence and Odion are inactive
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 07, 2015, 08:09:22 AM
Interesting development. I don't suppose Pengu is allowed to elaborate on whether some good defending was done, or whether no one was targeted?

Assuming the answer is no, perhaps the prudent course of action is to try and vote off all inactive players. Of course, the wolves could be deliberately choosing not to kill someone off, but I doubt that is a sound strategy.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 07, 2015, 09:46:00 AM
I don't support the proposal to lynch the inactive players. Not only will this contribute to a lazy environment, it will also absolve the Werewolves of responsibility for any mislynch since such a strategy validates the use of "(s)he deserves it since (s)he is inactive".
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 07, 2015, 04:03:04 PM
By the way Colberius, why are you so astonished?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 07, 2015, 05:31:54 PM
The only reason I'm somewhat opposed to lynching an active player is that it isn't really a good strategy for the wolves not to kill someone during the night phase, so why would an active wolf use such a strategy?

However, if someone can come up with a piece of evidence that is indicative of a werewolf, please do so.

In the mean time, to get conversation going, it might not be a bad idea to randomise. That seems to have betrayed Barry as Marik, so maybe we'd get lucky again.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 07, 2015, 07:37:54 PM
I'm unconvinced that Bakura/Florence and Odion are inactive. Everyone said something (namely, voting to send Barry to the duel) in the last phase. I find it unlikely someone then didn't follow up in the killing phase.

There was a 3 way tie the day before we lynched Barry for the second time. The tie broke when Barry, predictably, voted for someone who was not himself: out of Laurentus and The Candy Lane, he voted Laurentus. Rather than wait to see if the remaining non-voters would vote to maintain the 3 way tie, Sapphiron switched her vote to Barry to "maintain equilibrium". This made it, I believe, a 2 way tie between Barry and Laurentus. Soon thereafter Laurentus changed his vote to Barry, which tipped the balance against Barry. This would have meant that Barry would have definitely been sent to the duel, if Colberius hadn't stepped in last minute to rebalance the vote count and thereby necessitating a coin flip - which ultimately didn't change anything as Barry was sent to the duel anyway. This is why I asked the question about Bakura and Odion knowing who Marik was. It is within the realms of possibility that on that day we would have sent to duel one of the bad guys either way. Laurentus and Sapphiron could be the wolf team.

I will admit that the conversation so far between Laurentus and Sapphiron this phase has given me some pause, yet it is reasonable to assume the wolves will not show unity to everyone else.

Besides this, I would think the reactions I get to this post will give us far more material to work with rather than randomised voting yet again, as Laurentus suggests. He has also suggested sending inactives to duel, which I'm against, for reasons I stated at the start of this post.

Vote: Send Laurentus to the Duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 07, 2015, 08:50:12 PM
*Sigh*. Here we go again. It seems I'll remain a suspect until I'm either voted of, killed by wolves, or victorious against the wolves. The wolves did a great job by killing Wintermoot on the first day, but I must say I'm alarmed that people keep thinking I'd draw this much attention to myself if I'm a wolf.

It is similar thinking that nearly got one of your innocent players killed in the first werewolf, specifically with bandwagoning from Amalya, who was the seer at that stage. I find it hard to believe that innocent villagers would make the same mistake twice. Amalya also voted at one stage to lynch Colberius X, who got killed that night by wolves, and Amalya's defence the following day was that no werewolf in his/her right mind would draw that much attention to themselves. Precisely my point. And yet Amalya has it in for me big time. No offence intended, Amalya. :)

Whatever action I now take will just solidify some people's beliefs that I'm the werewolf. It's called conjecture.

The clear problem I'm faced with is that I can't just vote to lynch Aaron Specter, as that equals guilt, nor can I vote to send people I actually suspect might be wolves to duel, as said persons could simply say: "Oh, what a werewolf thing to do."

*Sigh*. It's worth a shot: Send Amalya to duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 07, 2015, 08:51:10 PM
That's *off* obviously.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 07, 2015, 11:12:20 PM
Laurentus, would it not be an excellent wolf defense to use a previous argument from an innocent as an excuse? Surely you can see that a smart wolf would know that they can hide behind the guise of not intentionally drawing attention to themselves, while being vocal because everyone expects wolves to lay low.

I know I am innocent, if the crowd wants to lynch an innocent woman, that's on their conscience, I certainly won't lose any sleep over it. (Because I'll be dead... get it? [emoji14])

My vote lays with Sending Laurentus to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 07, 2015, 11:37:44 PM
Laurentus, would it not be an excellent wolf defense to use a previous argument from an innocent as an excuse? Surely you can see that a smart wolf would know that they can hide behind the guise of not intentionally drawing attention to themselves, while being vocal because everyone expects wolves to lay low.

I know I am innocent, if the crowd wants to lynch an innocent woman, that's on their conscience, I certainly won't lose any sleep over it. (Because I'll be dead... get it? [emoji14])

My vote lays with Sending Laurentus to duel

To a wolf that wants to play THAT aggressively, I'd say they're smart, but not as smart as they think they are. ;)

The potential benefits are far outweighed by the risks. So while I'm flattered that people think I'm a "smart" wolf, I'm not so flattered that they're trying to lynch me when I'm innocent, and then insult me by thinking I'd be THAT stupid as a wolf anyway. :P

I see it as a flimsy rationalisation to justify killing me, but oh well. Won't you all be heart-broken if an innocent old me gets killed... except for Amalya the werewolves, of course. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 07, 2015, 11:44:03 PM

except for Amalya the werewolves

You separate me from the wolves, but yet you want to kill me off for being a wolf? Seems a tad inconsistent sir.

Very interesting...
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 07, 2015, 11:50:54 PM
Certainly you can see the implication, m'lady. :P

I must also add that I expected Amalya to be about, oh, 50 times more defensive if accused of killing Wintermoot. So far your response has been most illuminating.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 08, 2015, 01:04:51 AM
Certainly you can see the implication, m'lady. [emoji14]

I must also add that I expected Amalya to be about, oh, 50 times more defensive if accused of killing Wintermoot. So far your response has been most illuminating.
Why thank you, I'm happy to be your guiding light.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 08, 2015, 01:12:07 AM
... It is within the realms of possibility that on that day we would have sent to duel one of the bad guys either way. Laurentus and Sapphiron could be the wolf team ...
This is definitely a justified deduction based on my seemingly protective nature of Laurentus. However, even if we were to assume that the both of us are linked by our roles, the argument fails to take into consideration that Bakura/Florence and Odion are not the only roles that are linked and are aware of each other.

Meanwhile, I am starting to find Amalya's behavior surprising. No, this is not because she has just voted for Laurentus or that Laurentus has just voted for her. Call me acting based on previous experience but Amalya isn't someone who will bear a grudge for an extended period of time, even if our beloved Monarch was killed during the first night phase. Her constant insistence and conviction that Laurentus is a Werewolf puzzles me. She repeats that his thought processes and behavior aligns with that of a Werewolf but she has never provided evidence. As such, I would be lying if I were to say I have never suspected Amalya.

And just in case Colberius has missed my question,
By the way Colberius, why are you so astonished?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 08, 2015, 02:31:56 AM
And just in case Colberius has missed my question,
By the way Colberius, why are you so astonished?
I was quite tired when I read Pengu's post, and failed to even consider the possibility of Pengu simply not mentioning that someone was successfully defended. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that the wolves were inactive or had taken the night off.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 08, 2015, 03:16:46 AM
And just in case Colberius has missed my question,
By the way Colberius, why are you so astonished?
I was quite tired when I read Pengu's post, and failed to even consider the possibility of Pengu simply not mentioning that someone was successfully defended. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that the wolves were inactive or had taken the night off.

This is normally a given in Werewolf, but since there has been people asking and seeming unsure:

You will never know if someone was defended or not.  If the wolves didn't attack, or if someone was defended or a role that can't be killed by a certain type is attacked by that type, or if a good role with 2 lives was attacked at night, then the result will ALWAYS be the same: You'll simply be told that nothing happened/no duels occurred/nobody was attacked during the night.

So you're left to ponder the many different possibilities.

And before anyone begins to take apart my post and think I'm hinting at anything (because it does happen), I'm not.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 08, 2015, 07:14:41 AM
I'm not so convinced on Amalya and I was leaning towards Laurentus being an innocent villager but I'm not sure.

I'm thinking the lack of wolf kills isn't because of inactivity, but that doesn't mean they aren't being quiet in the game. There have been a few players that fit this bill. In fact, I think that if TCL doesn't vote this phase he will be lynched for inactivity :/

Sapphiron said they were against lynching inactive players as it gave the werewolves a good excuse. I think this is a good point, but at the same time it means we should be lynching the active players who are more of a threat to the werewolves.

From the lynching of Barry, we can't really rule anyone out. The wolves didn't know he was the assassin, so they could have voted for him. If one of the other people likely to be lynched that phase was a WW though, the people who originally voted for Barry would be more suspect.

Laurentus, Barry and TCL were the three people with votes against them in the 2nd phase. Laurentus and Sapphiron both voted for TCL and then switched their votes to Barry later on. Laurentus seems to have done it to save himself, which doesn't really say much. Sapphiron  switched to vote for Barry. If Sapphiron is a wolf, the change of vote wouldn't make sense as an attempt to save Laurentus if Laurentus was the second wolf.

Now Laurentus has voted for Amalya and Sapphiron is agreeing that Amalya is suspicious. Even if they were working together, it is possible that they are the defenders and not werewolves but I am still a little suspect.

The last thing I will point out is Sauron is being a little quieter than usual, but perhaps that is because he doesn't visit this forum enough.

I will let people speak up before I vote, but at the moment I am leaning towards Laurentus.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 08, 2015, 08:15:53 AM
All is well until
The last thing I will point out is Sauron is being a little quieter than usual, but perhaps that is because he doesn't visit this forum enough.
The sudden and abrupt inclusion of Sauron into your post just seems off and forced. It seems target-ed.

Let me summarise the progression of your post.
First Paragraph: Stance
Second Paragraph: Flaws in Aaron's stance
Third Paragraph: Flaws in my stance
Fourth Paragraph: Providing a hypothetical situation
Fifth Paragraph: Restating events that occured in the previous day phase
Sixth Paragraph: Repeating my point on roles with links
Seventh Paragraph: Sauron (?)
Eighth Paragraph: Stance

Meanwhile, it is understandable when you make this stance,
I'm not so convinced on Amalya and I was leaning towards Laurentus being an innocent villager but I'm not sure.
but when you decide to make another statement such as this later on in your post,
I will let people speak up before I vote, but at the moment I am leaning towards Laurentus.
you have created the clearest self-contradiction. The impression I get from reading the first statement at the start of the post and the second statement at the end of the post makes me think that you are trying to lynch innocent villagers.

As such, I shall Vote: Send aternox to Duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 09:20:16 AM
I'm not so convinced on Amalya and I was leaning towards Laurentus being an innocent villager but I'm not sure.

I'm thinking the lack of wolf kills isn't because of inactivity, but that doesn't mean they aren't being quiet in the game. There have been a few players that fit this bill. In fact, I think that if TCL doesn't vote this phase he will be lynched for inactivity :/

Sapphiron said they were against lynching inactive players as it gave the werewolves a good excuse. I think this is a good point, but at the same time it means we should be lynching the active players who are more of a threat to the werewolves.

From the lynching of Barry, we can't really rule anyone out. The wolves didn't know he was the assassin, so they could have voted for him. If one of the other people likely to be lynched that phase was a WW though, the people who originally voted for Barry would be more suspect.

Laurentus, Barry and TCL were the three people with votes against them in the 2nd phase. Laurentus and Sapphiron both voted for TCL and then switched their votes to Barry later on. Laurentus seems to have done it to save himself, which doesn't really say much. Sapphiron  switched to vote for Barry. If Sapphiron is a wolf, the change of vote wouldn't make sense as an attempt to save Laurentus if Laurentus was the second wolf.

Now Laurentus has voted for Amalya and Sapphiron is agreeing that Amalya is suspicious. Even if they were working together, it is possible that they are the defenders and not werewolves but I am still a little suspect.

The last thing I will point out is Sauron is being a little quieter than usual, but perhaps that is because he doesn't visit this forum enough.

I will let people speak up before I vote, but at the moment I am leaning towards Laurentus.

Yeah, quite a few contradictions here, but I can't decide whether this is biased behaviour because Amalya is a fellow region-mate, or wolfish activity.

You clearly pointed out quite a few reasons I'm not a suspect, then at the end, with very little logical progression to the point, say I'm suspect.

I'm not going to say anymore. My posts thus far have made my case as clear as I can legally make it. If I get lynched, so be it. I'm really hoping logic wins the day.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 08, 2015, 09:23:31 AM
aternox isn't a Wintrean ???
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 09:37:16 AM
My apologies, then, Aternox. The rest of my statement still applies, however.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 08, 2015, 11:40:44 AM

The last thing I will point out is Sauron is being a little quieter than usual, but perhaps that is because he doesn't visit this forum enough.

I'll defend Ater here, since this seems to have gotten him in a bit of hot water. I'll say it first. Ater is correct I've been a little quiet, this isn't a forum I frequent often and joined as I enjoyed Pengu's WW game over in XKI. I often forget to check the forums here, and it appears I'm in a much different timezone to the rest of you and miss a lot of the important conversations, or join towards the natural conclusion of them, which gives the impression I'm being quiet.

Ater's had a lot of experience playing with me and probably notices any behaviour that is out of the norm that I am exhibiting. Especially after some of our more recent games I'm probably close to being suspect number 1  O:-)

Ater's post isn't too out of the norm for him. He's posting a list of people he suspects with reasons as to why he suspects them. It strikes me as a villager who is using all he has to devise a suspect list, as opposed to anything else. It's a common tactic in XKI and usually identifies werewolves in the long run by shining a spotlight on a suspect. I'd imagine Ater's shined a spotlight on a WW in that post (if for no other reason he simply named a few people).

Sapphiron's lynch vote of Ater strikes me as odd, but I'll chalk it up with the believe I don't think they've had much experience of playing with one another so probably not familiar with each others style of play.

If we have an inactive Wolf, which is a possibility still it looks like we might lose one of them today. TCL. So it'd be pointless lynching them anyway.

I think our choice comes down to Amalya or Laurentus. It is a hard one as there isn't a great deal to go on and without our seer or his army everything is a stab in the dark.

Laurentus has been the more aggressive player and I'd like to were he a wolf think he wouldn't put a target on his back. It would be a risky move that perhaps one or two other in XKI would do, especially as the seer has departed. For now I'm willing to accept him on his word.

So I shall reluctantly lynch the other option. I'm not convinced Amalya is a wolf but there isn't a whole lot to go on or too many other suspects, and if we did lynch another suspect, I think this debate would end up derailing the next couple of days anyway.

Vote Lynch Amalya
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 08, 2015, 11:53:15 AM
I see, so it's basically aternox's gaming style. However, fortunately or unfortunately, I have more than one reason to vote for aternox, with one being some sort of coincidence.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 08, 2015, 12:19:36 PM
I see, so it's basically aternox's gaming style. However, fortunately or unfortunately, I have more than one reason to vote for aternox, with one being some sort of coincidence.

Care to share? :O
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 08, 2015, 12:42:35 PM
I will break Rule 4. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 08, 2015, 04:06:10 PM
*Sigh*. Here we go again. It seems I'll remain a suspect until I'm either voted of, killed by wolves, or victorious against the wolves. The wolves did a great job by killing Wintermoot on the first day, but I must say I'm alarmed that people keep thinking I'd draw this much attention to myself if I'm a wolf.

It is similar thinking that nearly got one of your innocent players killed in the first werewolf, specifically with bandwagoning from Amalya, who was the seer at that stage. I find it hard to believe that innocent villagers would make the same mistake twice. Amalya also voted at one stage to lynch Colberius X, who got killed that night by wolves, and Amalya's defence the following day was that no werewolf in his/her right mind would draw that much attention to themselves. Precisely my point. And yet Amalya has it in for me big time. No offence intended, Amalya. :)

Whatever action I now take will just solidify some people's beliefs that I'm the werewolf. It's called conjecture.

The clear problem I'm faced with is that I can't just vote to lynch Aaron Specter, as that equals guilt, nor can I vote to send people I actually suspect might be wolves to duel, as said persons could simply say: "Oh, what a werewolf thing to do."

*Sigh*. It's worth a shot: Send Amalya to duel.

I'm not quite sure how to respond to this post, this seems to be a generally comment to us with regards to previous games. This is my first WW game here and have only briefly skimmed through the last game.

You're giving the accusation against you as reasons for not being at all productive. You're right in that whatever you say someone could reply 'that's a werewolf thing to do' but that goes for anything any of us do. You could say the exact same thing to me for my accusation. Bearing that in mind, I'd like to know who you think might be wolves and why, including Amalya.

This is definitely a justified deduction based on my seemingly protective nature of Laurentus. However, even if we were to assume that the both of us are linked by our roles, the argument fails to take into consideration that Bakura/Florence and Odion are not the only roles that are linked and are aware of each other.

Meanwhile, I am starting to find Amalya's behavior surprising. No, this is not because she has just voted for Laurentus or that Laurentus has just voted for her. Call me acting based on previous experience but Amalya isn't someone who will bear a grudge for an extended period of time, even if our beloved Monarch was killed during the first night phase. Her constant insistence and conviction that Laurentus is a Werewolf puzzles me. She repeats that his thought processes and behavior aligns with that of a Werewolf but she has never provided evidence. As such, I would be lying if I were to say I have never suspected Amalya.

I will break Rule 4. :P

Softly claiming that you're defenders and accusing the the person who accused Laurentus. That is interesting. Why would the real defenders be so obvious?

I won't quote aternox's post. I don't believe aternox was being contradictory. At the beginning he did say he was leaning towards Laurentus being a goodie, and that he was at the moment leaning Laurentus being a baddie. I think we're all allowed to change our minds. However I must ask, aternox - what do you make of the relative silences of The Candy Lane and taulover, especially with regards to Sauron?

If I've read and counted correctly, so far there is a 2 way tie between Laurentus (myself and Amalya) and Amalya (Laurentus and Sauron) with aternox receiving a vote from Sapphiron. We are yet to see votes from taulover, The Candy Lane, (both of whom are yet to speak at all this phase) Colberius (waiting to see something of substance) and aternox. We have 7 hours to go.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 05:20:28 PM
*Sigh*. Here we go again. It seems I'll remain a suspect until I'm either voted of, killed by wolves, or victorious against the wolves. The wolves did a great job by killing Wintermoot on the first day, but I must say I'm alarmed that people keep thinking I'd draw this much attention to myself if I'm a wolf.

It is similar thinking that nearly got one of your innocent players killed in the first werewolf, specifically with bandwagoning from Amalya, who was the seer at that stage. I find it hard to believe that innocent villagers would make the same mistake twice. Amalya also voted at one stage to lynch Colberius X, who got killed that night by wolves, and Amalya's defence the following day was that no werewolf in his/her right mind would draw that much attention to themselves. Precisely my point. And yet Amalya has it in for me big time. No offence intended, Amalya. :)

Whatever action I now take will just solidify some people's beliefs that I'm the werewolf. It's called conjecture.

The clear problem I'm faced with is that I can't just vote to lynch Aaron Specter, as that equals guilt, nor can I vote to send people I actually suspect might be wolves to duel, as said persons could simply say: "Oh, what a werewolf thing to do."

*Sigh*. It's worth a shot: Send Amalya to duel.

I'm not quite sure how to respond to this post, this seems to be a generally comment to us with regards to previous games. This is my first WW game here and have only briefly skimmed through the last game.

You're giving the accusation against you as reasons for not being at all productive. You're right in that whatever you say someone could reply 'that's a werewolf thing to do' but that goes for anything any of us do. You could say the exact same thing to me for my accusation. Bearing that in mind, I'd like to know who you think might be wolves and why, including Amalya.

This is definitely a justified deduction based on my seemingly protective nature of Laurentus. However, even if we were to assume that the both of us are linked by our roles, the argument fails to take into consideration that Bakura/Florence and Odion are not the only roles that are linked and are aware of each other.

Meanwhile, I am starting to find Amalya's behavior surprising. No, this is not because she has just voted for Laurentus or that Laurentus has just voted for her. Call me acting based on previous experience but Amalya isn't someone who will bear a grudge for an extended period of time, even if our beloved Monarch was killed during the first night phase. Her constant insistence and conviction that Laurentus is a Werewolf puzzles me. She repeats that his thought processes and behavior aligns with that of a Werewolf but she has never provided evidence. As such, I would be lying if I were to say I have never suspected Amalya.

I will break Rule 4. :P

Softly claiming that you're defenders and accusing the the person who accused Laurentus. That is interesting. Why would the real defenders be so obvious?

I won't quote aternox's post. I don't believe aternox was being contradictory. At the beginning he did say he was leaning towards Laurentus being a goodie, and that he was at the moment leaning Laurentus being a baddie. I think we're all allowed to change our minds. However I must ask, aternox - what do you make of the relative silences of The Candy Lane and taulover, especially with regards to Sauron?

If I've read and counted correctly, so far there is a 2 way tie between Laurentus (myself and Amalya) and Amalya (Laurentus and Sauron) with aternox receiving a vote from Sapphiron. We are yet to see votes from taulover, The Candy Lane, (both of whom are yet to speak at all this phase) Colberius (waiting to see something of substance) and aternox. We have 7 hours to go.

This post displays the clearest instance of illogical insistence to vote me off that I have seen so far.

"Why would the real defenders be so obvious?" This is, in itself, a loaded question that has to be carefully considered. Sapphiron didn't hint to us being the defending pair, she merely pointed out that this would be a logical possibility, as well as a plausibility to explain the behaviour that you found indicative of wolfishness. And then she at length gave a logical analysis of Amalya's actions, stopping just short of completely sharing my vote to lynch Amalya for being a wolf.
 This is merely logical behaviour, as she explained.

That said, a logical answer to your very loaded question of "why make it obvious," would be to avoid getting a partner lynched, as that would be something of a tragedy for the defending pair. I'm certain I don't have to elaborate on that.

Your remarks regarding Aternox's post are the most interesting. I won't make any judgments on your choice not to quote him, but it does make your argument look better than it actually is, as you then avoid having his bullet-riddled argument (if it can be called that) in the same post as yours. My observation of his contradiction isn't based ONLY on the opening sentence where he claims to have been leaning on the probability of me not being a werewolf. The contradiction comes in because he spent the entire post proving why he didn't suspect me, only to come out of left field and say that he now DOES suspect me, without providing the same methodical evidence for his latter claim, especially as it goes up against every point he had made up to that stage. Given this, I can see why Sapphiron would find his behaviour to be suspicious, and therefore her vote could be justified, as one of the ways listed of spotting wolves is precisely identifying these types of inconsistencies.

Further on to your question, my biggest suspects right now would be Aternox (for reasons already explained at length), Amalya, simply because of her insistence to kill me without evidence, and you, Aaron, because of the intentionally sneaky post you just tried to pass off as logic.

And regarding your comment about me being able to say that any challenge to my actions could also be seen as werewolf behaviour on the part of the player who challenges me, I say touché, sir. One uncomfortable addition to my situation is however that I voted to lynch the seer, and then the wolves subsequently killed him. This is however very similar to what happened with Amalya in Werewolf #1, and yet she didn't draw nearly as much fire from it, with the majority conceding that it would be a poor tactic for any wolf, and ultimately deciding to move on, which was the logical thing to do. I must therefore get suspicious when people keep using this as the basis for suspecting me, especially when the most insistent one shared very similar circumstances.

Let me also once and for all address that very sequence of events in which Wintermoot got killed. True, a gutsy werewolf could try something like that, thinking that they could get away with it, but this is ultimately a stupid tactic for a wolf, since it is taking an unnecessary risk, basically just for the hell of it.

It is much better strategy to kill someone off, and then create the possibility for another active player to take the fall for it. This is also far more likely.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 06:49:12 PM
Actually, I've just had an epiphany. I change my stance to Vote: Send aternox to duel.

Wolves would most likely try to defend one another, as Aaron just tried to do with Aternox, and yet the arguments used were so inconsistent as to be highly suspicious.

I may come to regret this later, but Amalya is pretty far down my suspect list now.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 08, 2015, 07:22:55 PM
So right now we have:
Laurentus 2
Aternox 2
Amalya 1
Am I correct?

In favor of keeping things interesting (and, of course, because I am completely inexperienced with this game and have no idea what the hell I am doing):
Vote: Lynch Amalya
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 07:32:35 PM
I can't fault Taulover's reasoning, as I too am new, but it seems a bit counter-productive right now not to tip the majority to someone's detriment based on observation or solid theory, unless of course you don't think any sufficient evidence has thus far been delivered, Taulover?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 08, 2015, 08:57:12 PM
This post displays the clearest instance of illogical insistence to vote me off that I have seen so far.

The post was not all about you.

"Why would the real defenders be so obvious?" This is, in itself, a loaded question that has to be carefully considered. Sapphiron didn't hint to us being the defending pair, she merely pointed out that this would be a logical possibility, as well as a plausibility to explain the behaviour that you found indicative of wolfishness. And then she at length gave a logical analysis of Amalya's actions, stopping just short of completely sharing my vote to lynch Amalya for being a wolf.
 This is merely logical behaviour, as she explained.

That said, a logical answer to your very loaded question of "why make it obvious," would be to avoid getting a partner lynched, as that would be something of a tragedy for the defending pair. I'm certain I don't have to elaborate on that.

I expected a response from Sapphiron, having quoted her. I'm sure she can defend herself. But perhaps you felt it natural to jump to her aid? 

My point was - if you are defenders, which is the heavy implication, then it's now out. She had a few choices, like saying it was based on gut instinct, or whatever, but she deliberately pointed out that the teamwork might not be for the wolf team, but for the defender team. In additional, the Rule 4 thing. A little overkill, I think.

Your remarks regarding Aternox's post are the most interesting. I won't make any judgments on your choice not to quote him, but it does make your argument look better than it actually is, as you then avoid having his bullet-riddled argument (if it can be called that) in the same post as yours. My observation of his contradiction isn't based ONLY on the opening sentence where he claims to have been leaning on the probability of me not being a werewolf. The contradiction comes in because he spent the entire post proving why he didn't suspect me, only to come out of left field and say that he now DOES suspect me, without providing the same methodical evidence for his latter claim, especially as it goes up against every point he had made up to that stage. Given this, I can see why Sapphiron would find his behaviour to be suspicious, and therefore her vote could be justified, as one of the ways listed of spotting wolves is precisely identifying these types of inconsistencies.

"I won't judge you" -> proceeds to judge me. So much for contradictions. I kept the quote out for the sake of not turning my post into an even longer wall of text as not all of it was relevant. I won't make the same mistake next time.

I don't see how what I said about his post was inconsistent. Nor do I see your point about how he "spent the entire post" proving he didn't suspect you. Perhaps I'm missing something or being an idiot and misreading - and I'm willing to go through another interpretation of his post if he himself, or you, will provide one - but throughout his post I do not see the contradiction. It could be argued Sapphiron's two pieces of quote from his post were taken out of his post to deliberately make it look like he was 'trying to lynch innocent villagers', despite me pointing out the change in the temporal nature of the sentences. Is that how you spot wolves?

Further on to your question, my biggest suspects right now would be Aternox (for reasons already explained at length), Amalya, simply because of her insistence to kill me without evidence, and you, Aaron, because of the intentionally sneaky post you just tried to pass off as logic.

Ouch. Try to draw out some material from everyone so we can keep the conversation going, and I get called 'intentionally sneaky'.

And regarding your comment about me being able to say that any challenge to my actions could also be seen as werewolf behaviour on the part of the player who challenges me, I say touché, sir. One uncomfortable addition to my situation is however that I voted to lynch the seer, and then the wolves subsequently killed him. This is however very similar to what happened with Amalya in Werewolf #1, and yet she didn't draw nearly as much fire from it, with the majority conceding that it would be a poor tactic for any wolf, and ultimately deciding to move on, which was the logical thing to do. I must therefore get suspicious when people keep using this as the basis for suspecting me, especially when the most insistent one shared very similar circumstances.

Let me also once and for all address that very sequence of events in which Wintermoot got killed. True, a gutsy werewolf could try something like that, thinking that they could get away with it, but this is ultimately a stupid tactic for a wolf, since it is taking an unnecessary risk, basically just for the hell of it.

It is much better strategy to kill someone off, and then create the possibility for another active player to take the fall for it. This is also far more likely.

But you don't give yourself enough credit - is it not feasible that you planned it from the outset so that you could use that very defense of "too stupid to try to pull off" later on? It seems to have convinced some.

Hmm. On the one hand, Laurentus, the tone of your posts makes you out to be a goodie trying to stay alive. But on the other, your association with Sapphiron seems suspect. You just bandwagoned with her to lynch aternox thanks to your 'ephiphany'. Could you blame me for suspecting you after you do stuff like that?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 10:44:36 PM
I won't dance around it. Yes, it certainly should look odd at first, but this is not an inconsistency, as I actually explained why I suddenly suspected Ater of being a wolf. Far better than he justified going from: "here are all the reasons I didn't suspect Laurentus," "...but on the other hand [with no clear progression of logic or evidence] I do suspect him, just because, you know..." That's the sense I got from that. However, seeing your reaction to my post, Aaron, perhaps I was a bit immature in interpreting it this way, as you'll see in the next paragraph of this post.

You're also misquoting me with the ""I won't judge you" -> proceeds to judge me" quote. I explicitly said: "I won't make any judgments on your choice not to quote him, but it does make your argument look better than it actually is..." This indicates that I'm not judging your motive, as I can't know your motive. This is a comment on the post itself making your argument appear stronger, whether intentionally or not. Again, I won't judge your response to that part, because a misunderstanding of my intent could lead to defensive behaviour that would've been justified based on your interpretation of my intention. However tempted I would have been to use this defensive behaviour against you, it just isn't fair.

However, and this is again something I won't dance around, I still find it troubling that you defend Ater's post, and then don't elaborate on the major short-coming thereof, namely the inconsistent leap from "show all reasons for Laurentus not being a werewolf," to "ergo, I suspect he's a werewolf." Care to explain how he logically made this leap? Because I honestly don't see the progression in logic here.

With regards to you being hurt by my implication that your post was sneaky, I'm not completely buying your defence of "keeping the conversation going," as that is the type of behaviour befitting someone who hasn't already voted to lynch someone based on zero logical evidence, not someone who immediately voted to lynch me and then defend anyone who agrees with the assessment, even though the basis of that assessment is inherently flawed when considering that such tactics are highly improbable among wolves. This all while trying to demonise (werewolf-ise? :P) anyone who has come up for me - with logic - in the past, like you did with Sapphiron. I will concede that my tone could be considered hurtful, so I'll try to use friendlier and less accusatory language, but I'm not at all convinced by your defence.

And here we arrive at the part that has given me the greatest amount of grief again, namely an alleged strategy to be supremely aggressive, and sneakily try to hind behind that when confronted about it after allegedly killing an active player - who happened to be the seer. I feel like I should distinguish now between the meanings of the words "plausible," "probable," and "feasible," to illustrate my way of thinking about this.

First I'll answer the question that you've all been asking, but phrasing incorrectly, as seems by your thought-processes.

"Is it not possible that a wolf could use this strategy and try to get away with it?" Of course it's possible. It's just highly moronic considering the small amount of people who try to do this, and the even smaller amount of people who would avoid suspicion by this act. This is aggravated further by the fact that a perfectly safe and more intelligent, subtle strategy is proven to work so much better. Along with the fact that a wolf's partner would almost certainly advise against this.

Which leads me to the answer of the question you're all phrasing, but not asking correctly: "Is it not probable/feasible that a wolf could use this strategy and try to get away with it?"

First let me define "feasible."

feasible - /ˈfiːzɪb(ə)l/
1. possible and practical to do easily or conveniently.
2. likely; probable.

And suddenly the answer is a clear and resounding NO.

Why chase down such an improbable target, when there are more probable targets to get rid of? And as research has shown, a werewolf is identified (in the absence of a seer) by looking at small inconsistencies and slip-ups in their argument.

I also believe I've given clear reason for changing my vote to lynch aternox, so the argument that it is band-wagoning for Sapphiron's view is pretty baseless. The fact is someone needs to get lynched, and when choosing between Amalya and aternox, it is made easier when a post comes along where I can actually point to things and say: "This particular flaw here doesn't really make much sense," instead of a vague suspicion that Amalya is being way too persistent. It's the difference between telling a plausible story, and conducting an actual investigation.

I'll end my post by addressing your last point. Did you yourself not say: "I think we're all allowed to change our minds?" Am I not allowed to do so when presented with new info and a new realisation?

Man, that took forever. No regrets, whatever happens now. I've tried my best.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 08, 2015, 10:48:48 PM
However I must ask, aternox - what do you make of the relative silences of The Candy Lane and taulover, especially with regards to Sauron?

I'd take Sauron at face value and accept his inactivity is due to him not being here. I think TCL being quiet would be because of the same reason. Taulover being quieter is not surprising as they are a new players and often new players don't say much in their first game while they learn how to play.

It doesn't absolve any of them from potentially being a wolf, but it does mean that their inactivity isn't innately too suspicious to me.

Of the three people up for vote, Laurentus is the one which has the highest chance of being a wolf from my perspective.

Vote Lynch: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 10:53:13 PM
However I must ask, aternox - what do you make of the relative silences of The Candy Lane and taulover, especially with regards to Sauron?

I'd take Sauron at face value and accept his inactivity is due to him not being here. I think TCL being quiet would be because of the same reason. Taulover being quieter is not surprising as they are a new players and often new players don't say much in their first game while they learn how to play.

It doesn't absolve any of them from potentially being a wolf, but it does mean that their inactivity isn't innately too suspicious to me.

Of the three people up for vote, Laurentus is the one which has the highest chance of being a wolf from my perspective.

Vote Lynch: Laurentus

Care to elaborate?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 08, 2015, 10:55:27 PM
I didn't see Laurentus's last post before I posted.

Laurentus (and anyone else), if you are willing to switch your vote to someone who hasn't been voted for yet I will switch to them to. Colb maybe, he has been a been a bit quiet and if he saw us trying to pick between villagers it would make sense for him to lie low this phase and let us lynch one of our own.

Don't take this as me thinking Laurentus is 100% innocent, but I am willing to give him a bit of a chance for now in case he is a defender.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 08, 2015, 11:00:11 PM
When I went to bed last night, I wasn't expecting to wake up and find more walls of text. :P I can't reply to any of the posts right now thanks to school. However, since we have 2 hours and 30 minutes left to vote, I don't believe I have the time to hesitate or delay ...
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 11:01:50 PM
An interesting strategy. I'm not saying I agree, but who would be up for that? This would cast a bit of a different light on aternox.

I must still ask why your post was so inconsistent, though, as it's useless to lie about you remaining a prime suspect in my eyes until I get clarification on that.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 08, 2015, 11:06:53 PM
Which post are you referring to? My first one of this phase was just mentioning I wasn't suspect of you before, and then I was a bit. My inclusion of Sauron was just me trying to include everything I could think of.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 11:08:55 PM
Yes, I'm referring to your first one of this phase.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 11:10:33 PM
But commentary on the posts I've made regarding that post would also be welcome, as I'm trying to get a sense of how you think and react.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 08, 2015, 11:10:45 PM
My first reaction to the terms proposed by aternox was ???
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 08, 2015, 11:13:13 PM
My first reaction to the terms proposed by aternox was ???

As was mine, but perhaps we shouldn't judge him based only on his first one.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 08, 2015, 11:55:13 PM
You pointed out that I didnt have much against you when I accused you. It's harder to catch a wolf by themselves in my opinion so we are better off starting by looking at pairs of people. You and Saph seem to be working together and in general I feel defenders try to avoid making any accusations that could make them a target. It seems to me wolves are more likely to be active because they can kind of claim that a wolf would want to fly under the radar.

The two of you have kind of been hinting you are defenders and no one has directly opposed that so I'm willing to give you a bit more time so that we don't screw things up for our team.

I also don't think Amalya is a wolf which mmeans the three options currently available are all innocent. The best move in my opinion is for us to lynch someone else.

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 09, 2015, 12:03:08 AM
I don't really like this but if we are just trying to find a dummy to lynch, I will go ahead and Vote: Send The Candy Lane to Duel since he will be removed from the game either way.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 09, 2015, 12:03:43 AM
You pointed out that I didnt have much against you when I accused you. It's harder to catch a wolf by themselves in my opinion so we are better off starting by looking at pairs of people. You and Saph seem to be working together and in general I feel defenders try to avoid making any accusations that could make them a target. It seems to me wolves are more likely to be active because they can kind of claim that a wolf would want to fly under the radar.

The two of you have kind of been hinting you are defenders and no one has directly opposed that so I'm willing to give you a bit more time so that we don't screw things up for our team.

I also don't think Amalya is a wolf which mmeans the three options currently available are all innocent. The best move in my opinion is for us to lynch someone else.

Suppose I agreed with your assessment (which I don't completely, as it's still light on motivation for ruling Amalya out, and doesn't point out why your original post seemed so contradictory), who would you want to lynch, and why?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 09, 2015, 12:05:12 AM
1 hour and 25 mins left.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 09, 2015, 12:08:28 AM
1 hour and 25 mins left.

In that case. Vote: Send The Candy Lane to duel

I still expect a satisfactory answer in the next day phase, but we'll have more time to debate then. So if you'll vote to lynch The Candy Lane right now, then we have a deal. For now.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 09, 2015, 12:11:16 AM
I really hope Yugi gets more involved in the next day phase, and uses his night phase to scan wisely now.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 09, 2015, 12:15:43 AM
[bVote: Send The Candy Lane to duel[/b]
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 09, 2015, 12:25:38 AM
I don't really think that lynching inactive players is a good strategy, but I don't see a concrete reason to lynch Amalya or Laurentus, either.  Therefore, I will Vote: Send The Candy Lane to duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 09, 2015, 02:02:56 AM
Hiya Duelists, Mokuba here!

I must say that was quite a tournament selection there.  It was almost like being in a Phoenix Wright game, to where I was waiting for someone to stand up and shout "OBJECTION!"  But I guess it won't be happening anytime soon.

After watching some of the matches that have happened so far, this one will pale in comparison, I'm sure.  For this next match, it looks like it's Mai Valentine versus some creepy stalker guy known as Jean-Claude Magnum.

Let's watch, shall we?!

Episode 38: Magnum Farce (

Well I guess that settles that, and Mai Valentine emerges as the victor!

The Candy Lane, aka a Duelist by the name of Jean-Claude Magnum, has lost the duel and has been removed from the tournament.

It's time for a break duelists!  Please return to your quarters and take the time to practice.  Experienced duelists are welcome to walk around and do their rounds.  We'll begin the next tournament selection on Monday, March 9th at 6PM Forum Time/7PM PST.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 10, 2015, 02:39:57 AM
Attention Duelists, Mokuba here.  Another break has came and went, and it seems that no duels happened during the last one.  Are you guys finally deciding to play according to the rules or something?

Well, it's time for another tournament selection.  So please get those votes in on who you believe should duel next.  This tournament selection will last until Wednesday, March 11th at 6:30 FT/7:30 PST.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 10, 2015, 03:21:20 AM
Okay, let's make this count. No witch hunts. Today we ask questions first and shoot second.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 10, 2015, 03:32:02 AM
Clearly my way of doing things is not working, so I guess I'm willing to try it your way.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 10, 2015, 04:57:24 AM
So, Aternox, let's start with you. Why do you consider me suspicious?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 10, 2015, 06:36:56 AM
So, Aternox, let's start with you. Why do you consider me suspicious?

Your voting pattern was a bit strange, as it was very similar to another player.

I'd also like to hear the thoughts of the quieter players like Colb, Sauron and taulover. I've seen that in past games wolves will lay low while the villagers whip themselves into a frenzy. I don't know if that is happening here, but I am always a bit paranoid.

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 10, 2015, 10:34:28 AM
I think we have two options, either we have very good defenders we've ever seen or inactive wolves. I don't really have much idea what is going on.

It cannot be inactive wolves as everyone has contributed something in the past day phase, so we know everyone is paying some kind of attention to this game. What I did find note worthy, Amalya, Ater and Laurentus were all potentially on the chopping block but a late swing saw us kill an inactive player. It could be one of two things a smart play that most of us could get behind and allowed another day where those 1 of those players remained another day 'under the radar' (or the best they could). Or that they are simply 3 villages and I'm not really buying that. I think we'll find a wolf in one of the 3 there.

It would be quite easy to convince the others to get behind a TCL lynch as it saves the other two from leaving it up to chance. And since we have already drawn a link between Sapphiron and Laurentus... and Sapphiron was the one to suggest the dummy vote, I think potentially we could of found our wolves.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 10, 2015, 12:01:34 PM
The only reason why I had agreed to accept aternox's proposal to shift the vote to a player who would be modkilled by the end of the day phase was because I wanted to ensure minimal chance of mislynch in the face of time constraint. To be honest, if we still had around a day or so for discussion, I would never have agreed to change my vote that was made after much hesitation. Alas, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 10, 2015, 01:12:25 PM
I found Aaron's behaviour the most odd yesterday, and I'm glad that Aternox suggested what he suggested. I'm not ruling anyone out, but I'm fairly certain that neither Amalya or Aternox are the wolves.

@Sauron: Why do you suspect Sapphiron and me? What do you base this on?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 10, 2015, 02:17:08 PM
@Sauron: Why do you suspect Sapphiron and me? What do you base this on?

Similar voting patterns, following each others lead in arguments and I got the impression you were vouching for each other, but might have been misremembering as can't quite see anything where you do it in this thread. Or the thought was planted in my head by another player and now I'm seeing patterns. It could be you are defenders, which is a possibility.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 10, 2015, 02:46:17 PM
Sauron, name a few possible reasons that you could be a wolf, and a few possible reasons that you aren't.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 10, 2015, 02:49:54 PM
Is that self-evaluation? :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 10, 2015, 02:53:42 PM
Just a little test I've cooked up to generate conversation and analyse everyone without going on a witch hunt. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 10, 2015, 02:56:20 PM
In fact, let's make this a group activity. Everyone answer the same question. Failure to comply will be met with raised eyebrows. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 10, 2015, 03:14:58 PM
I could be a wolf because of my aggressive behaviour, no one expects the wolves to be so boisterous. I could also be a wolf because of my bandwagoning.

I could not be a wolf because no wolf in their right mind would be so boisterous. I could also not be a wolf because I faint at the sight of blood.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 10, 2015, 03:32:15 PM
Follow Amalya's example, people. It's enlightening and entertaining at the same time. :)

I could be a wolf because of that unfortunate series of events at the beginning, and also because of my very aggressive attitude. I could also be a wolf because I'd do just about anything to stay alive and win, and because I'm very much immune to the faint-inducing properties of blood.

I could not be a wolf because I'm much too obsessed with research and strategy to go for such an aggressive strategy while I'm a wolf and hope to get away with it, knowing subtlety would work better. I'm also not a wolf because I'd do just about anything to stay alive and win.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 10, 2015, 03:49:56 PM
Sauron, name a few possible reasons that you could be a wolf, and a few possible reasons that you aren't.

A few possibilities erm...

Reasons for:

I've not been as active as I usually am. I started a bandwagon against Barry. My names Sauron, it's a pretty evil name.

Reasons against:

I'm trying to be helpful. Active when called upon. Offering suggestions as to potential evil. Trying to offer analysis and reason where applicable. 
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 10, 2015, 04:56:09 PM
I could be a wolf because I am apparently very concerned about the survival of Laurentus. Some wolves try their best to avoid seeing their partners in crime lynched.

I am not a wolf because I do not jump on the bandwagon without a valid reason.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 10, 2015, 05:49:12 PM
I could be a wolf because I am not doing much besides voting.

I am not a wolf because a smart wolf would be more aggressive than I have been, and I have not been doing much simply because I am a newcomer and inexperienced at this game.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 11, 2015, 01:46:48 AM
Just a friendly reminder that you guys have about 25 hours left.

Also, some of you aren't going to like this, but something has happened to where I'm going to have to implement a little rule tweak for the game.  So be prepared to see what it is at the end of this phase.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 11, 2015, 02:00:34 AM
I could be a wolf because I have a habit of not posting, just reading.

I am not a wolf because, if I were, I'd have gotten someone else killed by now.  :P Also, I'd have no qualms about selling out the other wolf "prove" my innocence.  And, after getting the Knightman killed because of something I said in my first game of Werewolf, quietness is my Werewolf style.

(A rule tweak? Oh joy.)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 04:04:27 AM
Just a friendly reminder that you guys have about 25 hours left.

Also, some of you aren't going to like this, but something has happened to where I'm going to have to implement a little rule tweak for the game.  So be prepared to see what it is at the end of this phase.

That sounds ominous.

Also, Vote: Send Aaron Spectre to duel. He hasn't yet complied, and his behaviour was a bit odd, although I'd be willing to change my vote if he does comply and someone is able to come up with a better suspect at this time.

The little test was interesting, but it may be a bit slow.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 11, 2015, 08:32:54 AM
Alright, I'll bite.

Vote: Send Aaron Spectre to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 11, 2015, 11:16:06 AM
Well, there has been an inconsistency in terms of behavior, if one were to take into account that Aaron had been very vocal the previous day phase but have nothing to comment now. I am still suspicious of aternox but it seems that the rest do not follow my chain of thought so I guess I may be wrong in analyzing aternox's inclusion of Sauron into his post as a sign of Werewolf activity.

Oh well, I shall Vote: Send Aaron Specter to Duel.

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 11, 2015, 11:26:02 AM
It does seem odd that Aaron Specter has been active the past day phase but has been largely absent this round.

Would like to hear from him, but will leave my vote incase I don't get on again.

Vote: Lynch Aaron Specter
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 01:02:58 PM
Alright, I'll bite.

Vote: Send Aaron Spectre to duel

You'll "bite?" Welcome back to the suspect list. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 11, 2015, 03:08:39 PM
Ohh! Bandwagoning! This is what I do best!

Vote send Aaron Spectre to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 11, 2015, 05:08:25 PM
Eh, whatever.
Vote: lynch Aaron Spectre to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 11, 2015, 05:12:50 PM
Ohh! Bandwagoning! This is what I do best!
I just noticed that three of us bandwagoned with Laurentus's misspelling of Aaron Specter's name. Thought that was funny.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 11, 2015, 05:23:26 PM
Clearly, Laurentus has asserted his dominance over this game.  That makes him the alpha male... He must be a wolf.  :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 05:36:57 PM
Were you expecting anything else, Colby? I went from plebeian to Chancellor in less than 2 months, after all! :P

I hereby declare that Wintreath belongs to me, and any resistance to my coup liberation will be met with severe consequences. :P

Oh, and Tau, because you just corrected me, you'll be on my dinner plate tonight. *mouth starts to water as I start giving a wolfish grin*
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 11, 2015, 06:06:35 PM
I apologise for not being more active this round. Clearly I've made a commitment to the game and should be seeing it through the best I can. Most of you will see this as a lame excuse but I'm still in education and my exams are fast approaching so usually weekdays are more stressful for me than weekends, where I have more spare time.

In fact, let's make this a group activity. Everyone answer the same question. Failure to comply will be met with raised eyebrows. :P

You weren't kidding about those raised eyebrows.

I'm pretty suspicious due to my apparent aggression seen in the last phase. There was some logical inconsistency in my wolf hunting ways, allegedly, so I guess there's that.

In my defence I'd like to say that I was being aggressive because I didn't want us to slide into 'random vote, let's see where that gets us'. Instead I wanted to work off the material given to us if some logic was thrown in. If you look back, a lot of the argumentation that came up last phase stemmed from my initial post.

I don't know if this counts, but I enquired about the technicalities of the wolf team earlier. Why would I have done that if I was a wolf, since I'd already know how it works? And even if I wasn't sure, as a wolf, I could have just asked via PM? The truth is I've been trying to suss out the wolves from Day 1.

I'm not the one who chose to change his vote in a blitz in the final few hours of the last phase. I'm not the one blindly following the lead of one of the blitzers who lynched TCL. Why isn't anyone questioning why aternox, Sapphiron and Laurentus did what they did, especially after aternox and Sapphiron in particular explicitly said they did not want to lynch inactive players?

Sapphiron said they were against lynching inactive players as it gave the werewolves a good excuse. I think this is a good point, but at the same time it means we should be lynching the active players who are more of a threat to the werewolves.

I don't support the proposal to lynch the inactive players. Not only will this contribute to a lazy environment, it will also absolve the Werewolves of responsibility for any mislynch since such a strategy validates the use of "(s)he deserves it since (s)he is inactive".

I doubt there's long enough for people to switch their vote even if they wanted to, but here's my theory. Either Laurentus and Sapphiron are the wolf team (look again at their team efforts this phase) or it's Amalya and aternox. Besides Laurentus and Sapphiron, Amalya and aternox have been the most suspicious players, in my opinion, especially when you look at Amalya's bandwagoning record. I wouldn't mix one pair of players with another because of the fact there's been a lot of cross-voting and accusing between the two of them. I guess Sapphiron's rule 4 hint could be to show that she as a seer scanned Laurentus and knows he's OK so has trusted him since. Amalya and aternox have both acted as opportunists in certain ways throughout the game, just more quietly than Laurentus and Sapphiron.

Out of all of them I'm not sure who's most likely to be a wolf, but because I'm sure this'll be a symbolic vote anyway, I'm voting aternox, purely for the antics pulled at the end of last phase.

Vote: Send aternox to the Duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 11, 2015, 06:13:21 PM
Why isn't anyone questioning why aternox, Sapphiron and Laurentus did what they did, especially after aternox and Sapphiron in particular explicitly said they did not want to lynch inactive players?
I will respond to this portion before I go to bed. Indeed, I have explicitly stated that I have no intention to lynch inactive players. However, you are not an inactive player. Everyone have witnessed you displaying high levels of activity in the previous day phase, which is exactly the reason why I labelled it as "an inconsistency in terms of behavior".

By the way, don't worry about the time factor as of yet. We still have 7 hours to go.

Edit: Nevermind, I think I have just confused myself. If you were referring to me switching my vote to lynch The Candy Lane, I believe I mentioned earlier that it was because I wanted to ensure minimal chance of mislynch in the face of time constraint. An added bonus would be that Laurentus would be lynched instead if whatever happened the previous day phase had not occurred.

Quote from: Sapphiron
The only reason why I had agreed to accept aternox's proposal to shift the vote to a player who would be modkilled by the end of the day phase was because I wanted to ensure minimal chance of mislynch in the face of time constraint. To be honest, if we still had around a day or so for discussion, I would never have agreed to change my vote that was made after much hesitation. Alas, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 11, 2015, 06:21:58 PM
~Double Post~
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 06:24:15 PM
If you are a villager, I'll be sorry to see you go, and take some of the things you said into consideration. I am however about 70% certain that neither Amalya, Sapphiron or Aternox are werewolves.

Also, just a question, Aaron, but why do you think everyone is going along with this vote, and why is there relative peace between Aternox and me? I also find it ironic that you now say Aternox and Amalya are suspicious when you rejected that idea quite heavily yesterday.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 11, 2015, 06:58:27 PM
Clearly my reasons for not being a wolf were not good enough I guess :(
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 11, 2015, 07:05:32 PM
If you are a villager, I'll be sorry to see you go, and take some of the things you said into consideration. I am however about 70% certain that neither Amalya, Sapphiron or Aternox are werewolves.

Also, just a question, Aaron, but why do you think everyone is going along with this vote, and why is there relative peace between Aternox and me? I also find it ironic that you now say Aternox and Amalya are suspicious when you rejected that idea quite heavily yesterday.

Bandwagon for bandwagon's sakes? aternox, tau and Amalya offered little to no indication of even caring about their vote, and it looks like you or someone else could've started a wagon on any person and they would have gone along with it in the same way. This is the same reason I'd give for aternox not particularly caring about you - if he is a wolf he's getting a free lynch here. Sapphiron, as you know, I believe to be in cahoots with you in some way, so not completely surprised there. Sauron, not sure how to read, since he's had maybe one or two posts of substance in this game, but they're the same general reason stated previously, namely, my comparative inactivity this phase.

I'm not sure I remember 'rejecting' the idea that aternox and Amalya were suspicious yesterday. But I've noted Amalya has gone along with just about any lynch that seems to be gathering momentum, and adding nothing to overall conversation. aternox only got into the spotlight for me at the end of the last phase (2 days ago?) with the blitz on TCL, the main thing that changed my mind. I did appear to 'defend' him on one count, but that's only because I seem to (still) be interpreting his post in a different way to everyone else. And anyway, we don't need to go through the whole 'allowed to change your mind' thing again, do we?

This game overall has been too weird. I'd put it on the fact that some goodies knowing each other and some wolves knowing each other puts a very awkward dynamic into the game, particularly for goodies with no powers. On top of that, for whatever reasons, there haven't been kills during breaks which could be used to point fingers at certain people and stuff. I work best with fresh material.

If you do take some things 'into consideration', Laurentus, or anyone else for that matter: I'd note that Colberius didn't immediately jump on my wagon as a reassuring sign.

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 08:35:20 PM
So, Aaron, if given the opportunity where I could convince the others to switch all votes to Colberius X, would you endorse it? I mean, you know you're innocent right? What if I told you that Colby happens to be a suspect?

And what would you have to say to that, Colby?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 11, 2015, 08:57:26 PM
So, Aaron, if given the opportunity where I could convince the others to switch all votes to Colberius X, would you endorse it? I mean, you know you're innocent right? What if I told you that Colby happens to be a suspect?

My first thought is that this is a meaningless hypothetical. But I'll humour you anyway.

Why is Colberius a suspect? How could he even be a suspect at this stage of this phase when everyone's already clearly fixed on one person? The only way you could definitively confirm that he's a suspect would involve you breaking Rule 4. If he was, it doesn't explain why he hasn't hopped on my wagon yet today. If I go back through the previous days I doubt there's much in there for you to claim he's been suspicious. It doesn't explain why he hasn't hopped on my wagon yet for an easy lynch.

I know I'm innocent - that doesn't mean I want to potentially be the cause of the death of another good guy instead of me. If he's a seer/defender, that'd make it even worse.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 11, 2015, 09:03:17 PM
I'd say that you'd all be fools not to consider me to be a suspect. 

Except that I'm not going to vote for Aaron just yet. Maybe not at all.  I don't like the idea of casting a vote with NO new evidence to go on, just to avoid an inactivity duel.  I'm not convinced either way about Aaron, and I'm not ready to condemn him.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 09:15:38 PM
That has been your stance throughout pretty much the entire game, Colby. How would you suggest we spot the Wolf? Has anyone stood out that you could point to?

And also remember that you have to vote at some point. :P

Aaron, besides Colby, myself, Amalya, Aternox and Sapphiron, who would you consider to be suspicious and why?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 11, 2015, 09:38:02 PM
That has been your stance throughout pretty much the entire game, Colby. How would you suggest we spot the Wolf? Has anyone stood out that you could point to?

And also remember that you have to vote at some point. :P

Aaron, besides Colby, myself, Amalya, Aternox and Sapphiron, who would you consider to be suspicious and why?

I'm not sure if this was intentional, but you only left me with 2 people: taulover and Sauron.

To be honest, I don't know. The drama has been centred around the handful of us who've been the most active throughout this game, I haven't given sufficient time to those who were less active.

I'd perhaps lean tau for his willingness to go with any lynch and it's possible his vote for Amalya last phase, rather than for the sake of 'equilibrium' was possibly to save a wolf mate, namely, you. The whole 'newbie' thing could be a clever excuse, but I'm just not sure. I'd say he was an innocent newbie. With Sauron it's a different scenario since his vote for Amalya had some reasoning in it but it seemed empty, almost like he was taking the opportunity to vote someone since everyone else was doing it, like everyone in this phase. I can't see strong indication of associations of either with any other player in particular (possible wolf mate) as much as I do with my already stated suspects.

For both of them, there's some evidence that they acted like a wolf would in their positions, but nothing close to vote-worthy, given everything else. I don't think either of them are wolves.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 09:55:07 PM
That has been your stance throughout pretty much the entire game, Colby. How would you suggest we spot the Wolf? Has anyone stood out that you could point to?

And also remember that you have to vote at some point. :P

Aaron, besides Colby, myself, Amalya, Aternox and Sapphiron, who would you consider to be suspicious and why?

I'm not sure if this was intentional, but you only left me with 2 people: taulover and Sauron.

To be honest, I don't know. The drama has been centred around the handful of us who've been the most active throughout this game, I haven't given sufficient time to those who were less active.

I'd perhaps lean tau for his willingness to go with any lynch and it's possible his vote for Amalya last phase, rather than for the sake of 'equilibrium' was possibly to save a wolf mate, namely, you. The whole 'newbie' thing could be a clever excuse, but I'm just not sure. I'd say he was an innocent newbie. With Sauron it's a different scenario since his vote for Amalya had some reasoning in it but it seemed empty, almost like he was taking the opportunity to vote someone since everyone else was doing it, like everyone in this phase. I can't see strong indication of associations of either with any other player in particular (possible wolf mate) as much as I do with my already stated suspects.

For both of them, there's some evidence that they acted like a wolf would in their positions, but nothing close to vote-worthy, given everything else. I don't think either of them are wolves.
It was intentional, as I'm forcing you in a sense to see things from my perspective and tell me what you think.

Regarding Colby, do you not concede that he has also thus far been very quiet, and has kept his voting pattern very close to what you're describing was wrong with tau's? Namely, voting to maintain equilibrium, choosing between choices that everyone else is already considering and so forth?

Another question for both you and Colby to consider is this: Supposing you knew with absolute certainty that Amalya, Sapphiron, myself and Aternox were not wolves, who would you consider to be the likeliest candidates of those remaining (including yourselves) to be wolves?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 11, 2015, 10:17:45 PM
Isn't that situation a bit far-fetched? :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 11, 2015, 10:19:46 PM
It was intentional, as I'm forcing you in a sense to see things from my perspective and tell me what you think.

Regarding Colby, do you not concede that he has also thus far been very quiet, and has kept his voting pattern very close to what you're describing was wrong with tau's? Namely, voting to maintain equilibrium, choosing between choices that everyone else is already considering and so forth?

Another question for both you and Colby to consider is this: Supposing you knew with absolute certainty that Amalya, Sapphiron, myself and Aternox were not wolves, who would you consider to be the likeliest candidates of those remaining (including yourselves) to be wolves?

Yes, I suppose, he has been very quiet. I'd group him along with tau too if he wasn't excluded from the question beforehand.

I don't think I can answer your second question with much sincerity since I don't have anywhere near as much to go on as I did for you 4.

But I guess I'd pick taulover and Colberius. Based on votes yesterday, Sauron could have easily wagon'd on Laurentus but instead went for Amalya. Assuming both of these are innocent as you've told me, it would have made more sense to pass the whole 'aggressive' thing to vote Laurentus, but he didn't. tau could have voted to 'maintain equilibrium' knowing that either way an innocent was going to be lynched and better not to draw attention by not equalising. Colberius maintaining radio silence for the phase, hopped in at the end to join in you guys with your shenanigans with regards to TCL. Also, the 'Woah' from Colberius which Sapphiron picked up on could have been a knee-jerk reaction to a failed kill again, which he later had to explain away. That seems far-fetched, but it could happen.

That could be plausible. But it's not plausible to assume you 4 are innocent. Take from that what you will.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 11, 2015, 10:24:18 PM
Of course it is. :P

I'm using some conversation tactics that we law students like to employ very much in debates, just to see what a person would reply, even though the scenario is completely ridiculous, to gain new insight, or reinforce existing theories.

EDIT: Regardless of whether you turn out to be a wolf (in which case yay) or not (in which case I'll pray for your soul to be accepted into the afterlife of your choosing), your contribution has been monumental here, and I thank you.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 11, 2015, 10:30:26 PM
We still have three hours left to vote though. Don't pass the death sentence that quickly.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 11, 2015, 10:48:53 PM
Indeed, you guys pulled that blitz in about half that time.

Though I doubt the possibility of that being a recurring event.

Remember what I said in my posts today, it'll be important, I tells ya!

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 12, 2015, 01:15:58 AM
I personally doubt that he's a wolf, but we shall see quite soon.

And I'm really curious about what the rule tweak is.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 12, 2015, 03:04:30 AM
Hey there everyone, Mokuba here!  And here comes our next duel of the day...Yugi Moto (he seems to be a popular choice for the game!) against Bakura/Florence!  Let's watch, shall we?

Episode 8: El Juegos De Tarjeta (

What an interesting duel that was, folks.  But I'm glad to see that nobody got seriously hurt!  Stay tuned for our next duels!

Bakura/Florence, aka Aaron Spector has been eliminated from the tournament.

It's time for a break duelists!  So please return to your quarters and get some much needed practice in.  Experienced duelists are encouraged to walk around, but be careful about being pulled into a duel!  This break will last until Thursday, May 12th at 7PM FT/8PM PST.

Attention duelists!  My hair is telling you of an important announcement!

Announcing will be the previous duel monsters' tournament host, Maxamillion Pegasus!

Hello duelists, my name is Maxamillion Pegasus.  I'm here to announce a new change to the rules...temporarily of course.

It seems that some of our more experienced duelists have been experiencing problems with their...well for lack of a better word, "skills".  It seems that certain actions were requested, but the duelists had failed to check to make sure that it had actually gotten to us.

Unfortunately, that does extend to our rogue duelists as well.  It seems for the past two breaks, they had attempted to challenge people to duels...but their requests never made it public to our current host's or his brother Mokuba's ears.

Let me remind you all once again that when you send in your requests, you must always make sure that it is sending to everyone included in the conversation.  In the future if one forgets to see if the tournament host is even getting the reply (and in fact they are not), it will count as being inactive.

However...for now we remain in a charitable mood.  Well, less charitable towards many of you.  Due to the fact that these technical error requests were made before this little clarification, we are willing to make a compromise.

To make up for the two duels that failed to happen due to messaging error, we will allow the rogue duelists to challenge two people for two breaks.

Now what does this mean exactly?  It means exactly what it says.  They can choose two people to engage in a shadow duel for the next two nights.  However, don't mistake these in being automatic wins for our rogue friends.  The lovely Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler still have their power to protect duelists, and they can get lucky and protect either one or both of the duel choices.

But keep in mind this is only for two nights.

Oh, and again, in the future please make sure that the host is included in the message.

And on that note to the power roles:  Remember that in a PM on here: When you hit REPLY, it will only send to the person you hit reply to.  However, if you hit REPLY TO ALL found at the very bottom of the PM, it will send to everyone in the PM.

I'll be adding this as reference for future games so that people won't forget.

And after that, I'll remind once again that Aaron Spector was Bakura/Florence, and that our next break will end on March 12th at 7PM FT/8PM PST
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 12, 2015, 03:20:03 AM
Well, good call, Laurentus.

And that certainly explains the odd quiet of the past couple nights.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 12, 2015, 05:16:04 AM
So long wolfy! Your partner shall be joining you shortly! :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 12, 2015, 04:41:33 PM
Fantastic result.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on March 12, 2015, 08:33:37 PM
I wasn't aware there was an issue with the PMs...I take it someone was hitting reply instead of reply to all? I'll try to fix this soon...
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 12, 2015, 08:53:46 PM
You... want to help the people who killed you... for the second first round in a row... while you were the seer..? You're a better man than I! :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 13, 2015, 06:09:00 AM
Well, this is interesting.

...And we continue to misspell Aaron's name! Since I'd already pointed it out once, I suppose I'll point it out again.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 13, 2015, 06:47:34 PM
We're quite a bit past the dead-line for the night phase now.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 14, 2015, 02:26:08 AM
Pengu's in the midst of a move, if I remember correctly. Not sure when he'll be back, but it shouldn't be more than a day.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on March 14, 2015, 02:28:32 AM
You... want to help the people who killed you... for the second first round in a row... while you were the seer..? You're a better man than I! :P

My responsibilities as Founder and developer of this forum supersede my gameplay grudges. :P

I know Pengu was working to get internet-connected in his new apartment and planned to continue this with his phone even if he didn''s Friday night, give him a bit of time. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 14, 2015, 05:32:22 AM
Actually, I got the internet turned on last night at about 11:30PM PST.  I just went to bed crazy early to see how long it'd take me to get to work this morning...and I literally went from work to shopping all this is my first moment at home getting the chance to relax from the day.  Though I did have a friend with me the entire time, so it was good time, and I got a few new things for my apartment.

ANYWAYS...back to the game.

Hey duelists!  Mokuba here.  It looks like we had some action last night between Odion, and Yugi Moto!

Unfortunately, we don't have any video footage of this particular duel, but we'll share some of the highlights.

In the first round, Yugi found a trap card and placed it face down on the field.  Odion however, removed Yugi's trap card with a dispel, leaving him wide open to attack.  He then placed a monster on the field, and attacked Yugi's life points directly.

Yugi placed his own monster on the field, but Odion seemed as if he knew already, using a magic card to remove his monster from the field and take another bite of his life points.

Odion then played another monster on his turn as well as a Meteor card, completely wiping Yugi out.

I wish I had better news...but it seems like we've lost Yugi to the Shadow Realm.  I...I really don't know what to say at this point.

Aternox, aka Yugi Moto has lost both of his lives and has been sent to the shadow realm.

It's time for another tournament selection folks!  So let's get those votes in and decide who should duel next!  This tournament selection will last until Sunday, March 13th at 9:30PM FT/10:30 PM PST.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 14, 2015, 05:43:28 AM
*cough cough* Avenge me....

Good luck good guys :)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 14, 2015, 06:40:24 AM
Based on Aaron Specter's subtle defence of Sauron by pointing out potential werewolf behaviors coming from taulover and Colberius, I shall Vote: Send Sauron to Duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 14, 2015, 06:57:18 AM
*Sniff.* I will make you pay for this, Odion!

I look more towards other evidence. Colby knows this forum well, and has had a special role in WW in the second game. Therefore, he wouldn't have made the mistake of not Replying to All. That disqualifies him as a suspect, in my eyes

Taulover was absent for the duration of the night phase as it was originally scheduled, so the possibility that he is the WW is slim.

That leaves Sauron then. Sorry, nothing personal, Sauron. Vote: Send Sauron to duel.

EDIT: Would anyone object to a shorter day phase if all the votes are in by tonight at 6, Forum Time?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sauron on March 14, 2015, 11:32:07 AM
I'm quite familiar with forums Laurentus and have been on many different types in my 7 year NS history. So it's not really a mistake I'm likely to make.

Why Aaron didn't have me high on his suspect list, I don't know it's possible he put it in reverse order knowing he was for the chop. It's what I would do personally.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 14, 2015, 11:40:02 AM
Laurentus's metagaming is actually very accurate though.

Colberius being familiar with our messaging system severely reduces the possibility of him having issues. I am going to trust Laurentus on Taulover being absent during the duration of the night phase since he can cross reference with both Wintreath and New Hyperion forums. As such, chances are that Sauron is Odion, our final baddie.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Colberius X on March 14, 2015, 12:09:06 PM
Seems to be quite logical.

Vote: Send Sauron to duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 15, 2015, 01:38:22 AM
The arguments by Sapphiron and Laurentus seem convincing enough.

Vote: Send Sauron to duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Amalya on March 15, 2015, 06:04:28 AM
I have a reputation to uphold, Send Sauron to duel
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on March 15, 2015, 11:48:31 AM
*cough cough* Avenge me....

Good luck good guys :)
Hee-hee  :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Sapphiron on March 16, 2015, 06:30:43 PM
And after that, I'll remind once again that Aaron Spector was Bakura/Florence, and that our next break will end on March 12th at 7PM FT/8PM PST
It's time for another tournament selection folks!  So let's get those votes in and decide who should duel next!  This tournament selection will last until Sunday, March 13th at 9:30PM FT/10:30 PM PST.
Was there a typo error?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 16, 2015, 11:24:00 PM
And after that, I'll remind once again that Aaron Spector was Bakura/Florence, and that our next break will end on March 12th at 7PM FT/8PM PST
It's time for another tournament selection folks!  So let's get those votes in and decide who should duel next!  This tournament selection will last until Sunday, March 13th at 9:30PM FT/10:30 PM PST.
Was there a typo error?

Yes.  Day wise, it would have been the 15th...I don't know why my mind said the 13th.  But it was Sunday nonetheless...I just forgot to end the game.  :P

And on that note...

Hey there everyone, Mokuba here!  It looks like we're down to an exciting duel between Joey Wheeler, and Odion!  Let's check it out!

Episode 42: So Long & Thanks For All The Trading Cards (

And it looks like Odion has been defeated and eliminated from the tournament.

Odion, aka Sauron, has been eliminated from the tournament.

That's game, folks!  Well done to everyone who played, and here's everyone's roles:

Aternox: Yugi Moto
Sauron: Odion
Aaron Spector: Bakura/Florence
Barry: Marik Ishtar
Wintermoot: Ishizu Ishtar
Sapphiron: Joey Wheeler
Laurentus: Seto Kaiba
The Candy Lane: Jean Claude Magnum (Duelist)
Amalya: Mai Valentine (Duelist)
Colberius X: Weeble Underwood (Duelist)
Taulover: Rex Raptor (Duelist)

I'll post a nightly synopsis shortly.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 17, 2015, 12:09:16 AM
*High-fives all the good guys.*

We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.

Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.

Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.

So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.

On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: taulover on March 17, 2015, 12:13:04 AM
So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 17, 2015, 12:18:50 AM
So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
Yes, I should clarify that I mean special role sections of the forum. In other words, the wolves have their own section, the defenders have their own section, and if the seer scans the defenders, he gets added to their section, or vice versa. And this is also assuming it can remain anonymous.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Aaron Specter on March 17, 2015, 12:55:40 AM
So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
Yes, I should clarify that I mean special role sections of the forum. In other words, the wolves have their own section, the defenders have their own section, and if the seer scans the defenders, he gets added to their section, or vice versa. And this is also assuming it can remain anonymous.

I reckon that would be too burdensome on the admin - constantly making forums, altering user groups, etc.

I want to write up more but I'll wait for the full synopsis first.

Good game to everyone.

Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 17, 2015, 01:14:13 AM
*High-fives all the good guys.*

We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.

Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.

Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.

So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.

On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.

I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.

I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles.  I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs.  I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.

The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example.  If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.

So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 17, 2015, 01:30:37 AM
*High-fives all the good guys.*

We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.

Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.

Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.

So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.

On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.

I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.

I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles.  I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs.  I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.

The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example.  If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.

So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
Fair enough. With a bit of trial and error, it worked well enough in the end.

But just to clarify, that part about: "(and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defence choice)" was a hypothetical, right? That didn't actually happen? Pardon my excessive need for clarity.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 17, 2015, 02:36:08 AM
*High-fives all the good guys.*

We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.

Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.

Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.

So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.

On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.

I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.

I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles.  I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs.  I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.

The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example.  If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.

So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
Fair enough. With a bit of trial and error, it worked well enough in the end.

But just to clarify, that part about: "(and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defence choice)" was a hypothetical, right? That didn't actually happen? Pardon my excessive need for clarity.

It was purely hypothetical, yes.  I was just saying if things were switched around and they had gotten their kill votes in, and you had your choices, but the PM never made it to me.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 17, 2015, 03:15:28 AM
Day 1:
*No Duel

Night 1:
*Wintermoot scanned Laurentus (failed due to Shadow Duel)
*Barry redirected Wintermoot's scan to Amalya
*Sapphiron protected Amalya, Laurentus protected self.
*Aternox scanned Barry.

Day 2:
*Barry was chosen via coin flip.

Night 2:
*Aternox scanned Amalya
*Barry attacked Aternox (Aternox was knocked to 1 life)
*Laurentus protected Colberius X, Sapphiron protected self.
*Sauron voted for Colberius X.

Day 3:
*Barry lost his second life.

Night 3:
*Sapphiron protected Sauron, Laurentus protected Amalya
*Aternox chose not to use his power.
*Sauron and Aaron's decision PM didn't make it.

Day 4:
*The Candy Lane was eliminated from the duel

Night 4:
*Aternox scanned Sapphiron, getting Laurentus as well.
*Sapphiron and Laurentus protected themselves.
*Sauron and Aaron's decision PM didn't make it.

Day 5:
*Aaron Spector was eliminated from the duel

Night 5:
*Sauron targeted Laurentus and Aternox, only Aternox was sent to the Shadow Realm.
*Laurentus defended Sapphiron, and vice versa.

Day 6:
*Sauron was eliminated from the duel.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on March 17, 2015, 05:53:20 AM
Congratulations to the good guys! I think we can safely say this was another successful game. :D

I will investigate the PM issue and see how it can best be fixed...possibly as early as this weekend.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Barry on March 17, 2015, 10:08:00 AM
Congratulations to the Good Guys, well played.  :)

I kind of figured that Ater Nox had scanned me. He normally doesn't bandwagon on me in XKI games unless he has knowledge.
I am happy I did get some revenge though. Since I guessed Ater had scanned me, I went after his first life on my way out in an attempt to help the other Bad Guys:

Night 1:
*Aternox scanned Barry.

Day 2:
*Barry was chosen via coin flip. (knocked to 1 life)

Night 2:
*Barry attacked Aternox (Aternox was knocked to 1 life)

Although I didn't last long, I enjoyed the game. Nice job, Pengu.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: aternox on March 22, 2015, 12:09:10 AM
Sign ups for the next XKI Werewolf game are open if anyone is interested (
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on March 22, 2015, 03:01:07 AM
Thanks for letting us know! :)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 22, 2015, 04:01:27 AM
And I know I've said it twice now for previous games, but since I've done 3 games in a row, I'm going to let someone else take reigns for 4 if they would like.  There's past game threads, the unwritten rules, and tips and tricks to help out any future host wanting to create their own Werewolf game, and I'd be more than happy to help anyone who wants to take a shot at it.  :)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on March 22, 2015, 04:15:06 AM
I hope someone will take the next game on. It's a huge positive for the region!

I would, but I've got so much other stuff I don't think I could give it proper attention...
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 22, 2015, 04:31:43 AM
I understand.  Another reason I'm backing out of next game is because I forsee things picking up a bit over here for myself, both on and off here.  :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 22, 2015, 07:45:47 AM
I'd be willing to give it a shot, though obviously someone who has more experience with WW would possibly be a better choice.

Besides, I'd like to see what would happen if Pengu played for once, instead of serving as the administrator. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 22, 2015, 05:20:52 PM
Well like I said Laurentus, I'd be happy to help you set it up/answer questions you have if you want to host it.  Even if someone else hosts and I'm one of the players, I'll still help out in any way that I can so that for first time hosts, it's much less confusing for them.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 23, 2015, 05:21:12 AM
Then I'd be happy to do it. :)
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 23, 2015, 06:26:25 AM
Then welcome aboard and I look forward to playing your game.  :)   I'll send you a PM right now.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 23, 2015, 03:25:48 PM
After some consideration, how would people feel about a Monty Python and the Holy Grail themed game of werewolf?
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Wintermoot on March 23, 2015, 03:36:10 PM
I know nothing about that...but then again, I knew nothing about Yu Gi Oh either. :P
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 23, 2015, 04:28:05 PM
Monty Python and the Holy's like you just spoke to my heart right now.
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Laurentus on March 23, 2015, 05:17:47 PM
Another pythonite! I say well met!
Title: Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Post by: Michi on March 23, 2015, 08:09:29 PM
Another pythonite! I say well met!

Well my favorite musical in existence is Monty Python's Spamalot.  :-D