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Werewolf #3: Yu Gi Oh Abridged
Posts: 232 Views: 26103

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
    Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
    Yes, I should clarify that I mean special role sections of the forum. In other words, the wolves have their own section, the defenders have their own section, and if the seer scans the defenders, he gets added to their section, or vice versa. And this is also assuming it can remain anonymous.
    « Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 12:27:18 AM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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    Aaron Specter
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  • So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.
    Does that even make sense? If the good guys had their private forum, wouldn't they easily be able to find out who the werewolf is? Or would this hypothetical forum also be anonymous?
    Yes, I should clarify that I mean special role sections of the forum. In other words, the wolves have their own section, the defenders have their own section, and if the seer scans the defenders, he gets added to their section, or vice versa. And this is also assuming it can remain anonymous.

    I reckon that would be too burdensome on the admin - constantly making forums, altering user groups, etc.

    I want to write up more but I'll wait for the full synopsis first.

    Good game to everyone.

    We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be. We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.

    Aaron Specter
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • *High-fives all the good guys.*

    We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.

    Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.

    Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.

    So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.

    On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.

    I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.

    I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles.  I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs.  I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.

    The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example.  If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.

    So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Count of Highever
  • *High-fives all the good guys.*

    We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.

    Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.

    Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.

    So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.

    On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.

    I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.

    I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles.  I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs.  I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.

    The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example.  If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.

    So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
    Fair enough. With a bit of trial and error, it worked well enough in the end.

    But just to clarify, that part about: "(and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defence choice)" was a hypothetical, right? That didn't actually happen? Pardon my excessive need for clarity.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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    • Count of Highever
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • *High-fives all the good guys.*

    We were certainly off to a shaky start, or I was at least, with all the fingers pointing at me.

    Well played there, by the way, Barry, Aaron and Sauron. If Aaron had a bit more subtle approach to eliminate me, you guys could well have won. That's also not taking into account your troubles with the PM system, though. I had my fair share of that.

    Regarding that, while i initially had concerns over the news that Odion would be able to eliminate 2 people per turn, the news in itself narrowed the suspect list down between taulover and Sauron, as Amalya was revealed to Sapphiron and me when aternox scanned us.

    So perhaps in future games, the possibility of a section of the forum dedicated only to the bad guys and good guys respectively could be created that requires a password, and is completely inaccessible and unviewable by anyone who doesn't have said password. I don't know if such a thing is possible on these forums though. But it would certainly prevent this from happening in the future.

    On that note, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and Colby and I are both interested in becoming citizens in Wintreath.

    I figured with two defenders and their knowing of 4 people, Odion's 2-kills-for-two-nights would have balanced it out a bit, and it seemed to work out fine since he only killed one person in his first night.

    I really don't like the idea of making multiple forums as well for power roles.  I can see where you're coming from, but that's the purpose of PMs.  I think in Wintreath's case, it just has to be stressed in the intro and night-phase posts that all roles must always hit REPLY TO ALL in their PMs.

    The reason things got iffy this time is because this was only stressed to the people that were having the problems...your PMing me instead of PMing both me and Sapphiron, for example.  If Sauron/Aaron had did the same thing (and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defense choice), then it would have been a similar problem except the game would have obviously ended a bit faster.

    So if it's something that's pressed on during the game itself, then it should be much less of a problem.
    Fair enough. With a bit of trial and error, it worked well enough in the end.

    But just to clarify, that part about: "(and likewise you both forgot to reply to me with your defence choice)" was a hypothetical, right? That didn't actually happen? Pardon my excessive need for clarity.

    It was purely hypothetical, yes.  I was just saying if things were switched around and they had gotten their kill votes in, and you had your choices, but the PM never made it to me.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Day 1:
    *No Duel

    Night 1:
    *Wintermoot scanned Laurentus (failed due to Shadow Duel)
    *Barry redirected Wintermoot's scan to Amalya
    *Sapphiron protected Amalya, Laurentus protected self.
    *Aternox scanned Barry.

    Day 2:
    *Barry was chosen via coin flip.

    Night 2:
    *Aternox scanned Amalya
    *Barry attacked Aternox (Aternox was knocked to 1 life)
    *Laurentus protected Colberius X, Sapphiron protected self.
    *Sauron voted for Colberius X.

    Day 3:
    *Barry lost his second life.

    Night 3:
    *Sapphiron protected Sauron, Laurentus protected Amalya
    *Aternox chose not to use his power.
    *Sauron and Aaron's decision PM didn't make it.

    Day 4:
    *The Candy Lane was eliminated from the duel

    Night 4:
    *Aternox scanned Sapphiron, getting Laurentus as well.
    *Sapphiron and Laurentus protected themselves.
    *Sauron and Aaron's decision PM didn't make it.

    Day 5:
    *Aaron Spector was eliminated from the duel

    Night 5:
    *Sauron targeted Laurentus and Aternox, only Aternox was sent to the Shadow Realm.
    *Laurentus defended Sapphiron, and vice versa.

    Day 6:
    *Sauron was eliminated from the duel.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Congratulations to the good guys! I think we can safely say this was another successful game. :D

    I will investigate the PM issue and see how it can best be fixed...possibly as early as this weekend.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Village Drifter
  • Congratulations to the Good Guys, well played.  :)

    I kind of figured that Ater Nox had scanned me. He normally doesn't bandwagon on me in XKI games unless he has knowledge.
    I am happy I did get some revenge though. Since I guessed Ater had scanned me, I went after his first life on my way out in an attempt to help the other Bad Guys:

    Night 1:
    *Aternox scanned Barry.

    Day 2:
    *Barry was chosen via coin flip. (knocked to 1 life)

    Night 2:
    *Barry attacked Aternox (Aternox was knocked to 1 life)

    Although I didn't last long, I enjoyed the game. Nice job, Pengu.
    Barry the Butler - "Butlers with bow ties are cool."
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  • Village Drifter
  • Sign ups for the next XKI Werewolf game are open if anyone is interested
    2 people like this post: Michi, Wintermoot
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  • Thanks for letting us know! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • And I know I've said it twice now for previous games, but since I've done 3 games in a row, I'm going to let someone else take reigns for 4 if they would like.  There's past game threads, the unwritten rules, and tips and tricks to help out any future host wanting to create their own Werewolf game, and I'd be more than happy to help anyone who wants to take a shot at it.  :)
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I hope someone will take the next game on. It's a huge positive for the region!

    I would, but I've got so much other stuff I don't think I could give it proper attention...
    1 person likes this post: Michi

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I understand.  Another reason I'm backing out of next game is because I forsee things picking up a bit over here for myself, both on and off here.  :P
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Count of Highever
  • I'd be willing to give it a shot, though obviously someone who has more experience with WW would possibly be a better choice.

    Besides, I'd like to see what would happen if Pengu played for once, instead of serving as the administrator. :P
    1 person likes this post: Michi
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  • Well like I said Laurentus, I'd be happy to help you set it up/answer questions you have if you want to host it.  Even if someone else hosts and I'm one of the players, I'll still help out in any way that I can so that for first time hosts, it's much less confusing for them.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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