Episode 26: Mo money, mo card games.Welcome duelists, to the Battle City Tournament finals. I hope you all found your DUEL DISK SYSTEM! (trademark). Though if you made it this far, then that shouldn't even be a question.
The Semifinals will take place on the Kaibacorp Blimp, and duelists will be chosen by their peers. During each break, I'll allow some of the more experienced duelists to practice...but if you get challenged to a duel and something happens, well that's just too bad for you. Here are some of the duelists cometing:
Yugi Moto/Yami Yugi: Yugi is my arch rival and soon to be second best duelist. He claims he's some kind of pharaoh, but I don't have time for the nonsense hocus pocus talk. What I do know is that he holds Sleifer the Executive Producer, and it will soon be MINE. Because he's one of the most experienced duelists here, he has two chances to prove himself. So if he is challenged to a duel or is next in the tournament, he'll be given one last chance before he's disqualified. Also, he'll have the chance to watch over someone
or see who they really are for up to three breaks.
Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler: Now meet the future #1 duelist in the world: Me! Seto Kaiba! Oh, and Joey Wheeler...I don't even know how that chump made it into my tournament. But during each break, we'll be making rounds to make sure that nobody is breaking the Battle City Tournament regulations. Joey and I will both choose someone to watch over during the break just in case someone tries anything. We're both allowed to choose our own people, thankfully. Though I'd be more worried about Joey getting challenged by some drooling infant.
Ishizu Ishtar: I don't know who this woman thinks she is, but she's the one responsible for this whole tournament. Ishizu explained my ancient past and gave me one of the Egyptian God cards thinking she would get it back later. Sucks to be her though, because I'll be keeping this card and obtaining the rest. Using her hocus pocus, Ishizu will be able to identify one person during each break.
Marik Ishtar: So that woman decided to use my tournament for her personal family quarrels? Well whatever, I don't know if any of this nonsense of millenium items or Marik's evil are actually true. But I do know that this scum kidnapped Mokuba at one point, and that he holds Mega Ultra Chicken...the last Egyptian God card to complete my deck. Because of his little mental episodes, Marik can have two chances, though I don't really know why we're allowing it. If he loses in the tournament, he gets another chance. Here's a kicker to add to that: Marik can only be targeted by the other duelists and not by the other "bad guys" on this ship. Using his hocus pocus staff, he can redirect his sister's, Yugi's, Joey's, or my target for up to one break. He can also act as a lone wolf and challenge someone himself for up to two breaks.
Bakura/Florence and Odion: Another set of duelists that didn't even register into my tournament, and yet here they are prancing onto the finals. Great to see my rules rubbed off on people. During each break, these cheaters will go around trying to force someone into a duel in which they call a "Shadow" duel. If they win, that person will be sent off to the "Shadow realm" and will be taken out of the game.
And speaking of the rules, because EVERYONE seems to be doing a fine job of listening to them so far:
1. Joey and Tristan may not defend the same person in two consecutive breaks.
2. While beating Bakura/Florence and Odion is necessary, you must defeat Marik Ishtar for the good guys to win the game.
3. The game will have the Tournament Selection, which will last for 48 hours, after which we will be presented with a duel if a contestant is chosen. After the duel we will have a 24 hour break, in which the special duelists may do what they need to prepare for their duels.
4. Revealing your role publicly is not allowed, which includes alluding to your role or subtly hinting at it. While each person outside of special roles will be assigned a Yu Gi Oh character, their name will not be revealed until their duel.
This rule does not apply to revealing the roles of others, whether truthfully or falsely.5. The bad guys will win if they equal the amount of good guys, while the good guys will win if they defeat ALL of the bad guys.
6. During the first phase only may you vote not to send anyone to duel. I imagine you'll only do this because you need the extra practice. After this though, there must always be a contestant.
7. If Yugi is attacked during a break and has both of his lives, his role will remain hidden from everyone. If he's sent to a duel with both of his lives, his role will be revealed to everyone.
Anyone caught breaking these rules will be met with extreme penalties, even while I may possibly continue to allow them to be in the duel.
If anyone has any questions to these rules, take it up with someone who cares, I've no time to listen to your petty concerns while I've got some Egyptian God cards to win.
Duelists will be hearing from me fairly shortly. But you're allowed to talk amongst yourselves until the start, which will be announced when everyone has heard from me or my associates.
Again I'd wish you all luck, but you'll need it to beat me at my own game.
(and no I won't be playing as Seto Kaiba in the game, for anyone wondering, as that'd be highly unfair.

Tournament contestants:
*Aternox (Yugi Moto) - Sent to the Shadow Realm*The Candy Lane (Jean-Claude Magnum/Duelist) - Eliminated from the Tournament.*Wintermoot (Ishizu Ishtar) - Sent to the Shadow Realm*Amalya
*Barry (Marik Ishtar) - Eliminated from the tournament.*Colberius X
*Aaron Spector (Bakura/Florence) - Eliminated from the tournament*Laurentus