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From the Ashes: A Galactic Nations RP! (Factbooks)
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • The Romulan Star Empire

    Government Officials
    The rulings of the Emperor are absolute, unless vetoed by the Romulan Senate.  Emperors are chosen by a majority vote of the Senate and rule for 10 year terms, without exception.  The Emperor also nominates the Praetors of the five Fleets, and the Praetors assume their duties after approval by the Imperial Senate.
    Romulan Executive Departments
    Department of Health
      The Romulan Department of Citizen Health oversees the Romulan Universal Healthcare System as well as the Romulan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.  It also includes the Ministry of Population, which ensures that the population fertility rate remains above 3.5.  There are also lesser DOH ministries. 
    Department of Education
      The DOE regulates the education of all imperial children until they graduate from lower schooling at 19.  After this, the DOE tracks students based on their performance to careers or universities.  It's mission is "To ensure that every citizen receives a proper education and one that will help the empire thrive."  Notable DOE ministries include:  Child Services Dept, Student Hunger Prevention Agency, Curriculum Committee, Child Disease Prevention Command (joint juristiction w/DOH), etc. 
    Department of Utilities
      Ensures that all citizens have a stable, adequate supply of utilities, including water, power, oxygen and communication, and ensures that these utilities are affordable and reliable, and that oxygen is free and plentiful. 
    Department of Infrastructure
      Ensures that the infrastructure in the domains of the Romulan Star Empire is superb, safe, and constantly being improved.  Oversees many subsidiary organisations and sections. 
    Department of Colonization
      The Department of Colonisation is charged with the expansion and growth of both the Empire and of the Romulan species through the systematic colonisation and terraforming of worlds in star systems outside of the Romulan home system. 
    Departments of Environmental Stability
      Ensures that the climates of the Romulan Star Empire's worlds are clean and healthy to live in. 
    Department of Culture
      Charged with the preservation of all culture developed by the Romulan Star Empire, and ensures that no unique cultures within the empire die.  Additionally, the Dept. of Culture includes the Imperial Communications Commission, which censors advertisements and programmes on the waves to ensure that they are morally acceptable.  The Department of Culture also has the authority to revoke licenses for publication of any mass media form that encourages sexism, profanity, encouragement of laziness, as well as any other undesirable traits of low-class literature or programming in the empire that might negatively affect the society as a whole.  Books, however, cannot be censored unless they contain sensitive or secret government data that would compromise Romulan security, but that censorship falls under the Imperial Defence Department's jurisdiction. 
    Subsidium Romula Ripam et Aerarium
      The Romulan equivilent of a Treasury Department and Treasury, the Subsidium Romula Ripam et Aerarium on Romulus ensures that the economy grows at a sustainable rate.  This may be accomplished by taxing companies more during times of prosperity, as well as reduction of taxes or interest rates during times of economic recessions.  SRREA may also divert large sums of money to the DOI during recessions in order to jump-start the economy with extra infrastructure investment.  The SRREA pretty much has authority over anything "money" in the empire. 
    Imperial Defence Department
      Charged with the Protection of the Citizens of the Romulan Star Empire.  All Star Navy and Romulan Army/Air Force operations are directed out of this Department.  (The Tal Shiar is an independent government agency.)
    The central legislative body of the Empire and it's dominion, the Senate is composed of 375 Senators of the People in the Romulan Senate who then elect 25 Senators of the Empire to form the Imperial Senate.  The Imperial Senate may pass emergency measures that are active only until the full Senate may be convened to extend or alter the measures taken by the Imperial Senate in the name of the full Senate.
    Fleet Praetors
    The five Fleet Praetors are technically appointed by the Senate, but increasingly they seem to be choosing the Senate.  The Power of the Empire resides in the fleet, and any who oppose it (or its Praetors) are seen by many as enemies of the Romulan State
    Provincial Governors
    Though appointed by the senate (one chosen by each province's 25 Senators), they often are the party leader of the favoured political party of the province.  There are 15 in all, one for each province of the Romulan Empire.
    Imperial Government Buildings
    Capitoline Senatorial Complex
    The heart of the Romulan government, the site has been the capitol of the Romulan Empire for more than 20 millennia.  After the re-founding of the empire at the beginning of the Great Galactic Civil Wars, the Capitoline Senatorial Comlex was heavily reinforced, modified and upgraded.  It is guarded by the Romulan Senatorial Guard, a military unit commanded by the Capitoline Protector, a position of great respect in the Empire.  The Capitoline Senatorial Complex has the best defences in the Romulan Empire, and can survive even the largest of orbital bombardments.  It also contains the Primary Storage Center of the Senatorial Database, the Imperial Library, and the Imperial Command Relay Station (powerful long-distance comm array). 
    Senatorial Guard
      An elite military unit of 25770 Guards, each equipped with the best armour in the Empire.  They carry force pikes, deadly weapons that only the Senatorial Guard know how to craft, and any captured Guard who is interrogated would rather die than reveal the secret.

    Imperial Palace
    The residence of the reigning Emperor, it contains upwards of 2,700 rooms, including 30 courtyards, 15 formal dining halls, 15 theatres, 150 Imperial Guard offices, and the headquarters of the Tal Shiar (approximately 700 rooms in the headquarters complex within the palace—the huge complex below it does not count).  It is part of the Capitoline Senatorial Complex, but the adjacent Garden of the Emperor is not. 

    Governance Palaces
    The homes of the Provincial Governors, they also double as meeting places for the Provincial Senates.  Their external appearance and custom rooms vary greatly in appearance and function, as the Provinces are diverse places, but the central 150 rooms are nearly identical in every governance palace.  (Perhaps this phenomenon is a result of the Tal Shiar Command Centres below them?  We'll likely never know...)

    Castra Praetoria
    The central garrison for the Praetorian Guard, the elite personal bodyguard of the Emperor and the defenders of the Romulan Home System, it is located less than 15 kilometers from the Imperial Palace and the Capitoline Senatorial Complex, directly behind the Garden of the Emperor and the Imperial Palace.  It's main garrison consists of 75,000 Praetorians, with the remaining 25,570,000 housed in various barracks and complexes throughout the Romulan Home System. 
    The Romulans are a proud, scientific people, but they surprisingly have little regard for other intelligent life forms.  This xenophobia has caused them to generally shy away from most official diplomatic negotiations, preferring to employ their intelligence service, the Tal Shiar, as their "diplomatic" arm in galactic affairs.  The Romulan Empire also collects, stores and analyses all of the information that it can obtain almost religiously.  Military service is compulsory for five years after a young Romulan turns 19, but their service may be deferred by the military until after they have graduated from Academy at the age of 24.  The Romulans also have a very strong moral and ethical code, and there is little doubt or hesitation exercised in most situations as to the correct course of action.  The Romulans also enjoy paintings, sculptures and complex, traditional music.  The mentality of the people is very focused on building to last—most residential and cultural buildings in the Romulan Empire are centuries, if not millennia old. 
    Imperial Broadcasting Corporation
      A Government-Sponsored News Service, the IBC runs various imperial, provincial, planetary and local radio stations, television channels, news websites, and holonet stations.  In addition, hundreds of commercial broadcast networks exist, but they must comply with strict Imperial Communications Commission regulations regarding inappropriate, untrue, or disloyal content.  The ICC has great power and it isn't afraid to use it.
    Romulan Arts
      See Part II of Romulan Factbook Subsection "Systema Artificio" under "Important Systems/Worlds"
    Imperial Technology
    Romulan Technology is what the empire prides itself most upon, and its pre-galactic civil war technological databases are some of the most well-preserved in the galaxy.  (Will expand more in the future, but I'll just abbreviate and say Star Wars/Star Trek combo-ish if you don't want to read anything further.)
    Combat Technology
    Romulan Army Technology and Equipment
    The Romulan Army employs various methods to conquer enemy or quell unrest on occupied territory, and employ a wide range of sophisticated equipment to accomplish these goals.
    Infantry Replacements
    Battle Droids
      Often employed as overwhelming first waves of assaults, Imperial Battle Droids come in many shapes and sizes, but the most numerous and iconic would be the B5 Infantry Replacement Combat Droid.  B5 Droids are not very well armoured, and as a result may be easily produced by the tens of billions in arms workshops throughout the empire.  However, there are many other types of battle droids as well. 
    B5 (Standard) Battle Droid
      The cheapest combat droid throughout the empire and produced by the trillions in countless droid foundries, they are rather ineffective against equally large, well trained groups of living soldiers, but have proved excellent for maintaining peace on imperial worlds and subjugating technologically primitive intelligent life forms. 
    BD4 Rapid-Deployment Heavy Combat Droid
      The BD4 Heavy Combat Droids are capable of rapidly deploying by transforming into mechanical wheels, and they also carry personal shield generators, which are used to protect the droid.  They are armed with twin heavy plasma disruptor cannons, which are programmed with the shifting shield frequency to allow them to pass through the shield unimpeded.  Their one drawback is their cost: one BD4 costs approximately the price of 150 B5 Droids.
    Drone Gunship
      Employed by Robotics Command of the Imperial Romulan Army for initial invasion deployment on hundreds of occasions, the Drone Gunship is armed with 12 heavy tactical anti-vehicle missiles and capable of carrying 56 B5 Battle Droids, 16 BD4 Battle Droids, or
    DD-01 (Decoy Droid)
      Employed to great effect when the enemy has air superiority, the DD-01 Decoy Droid is equipped with four holoemitters that project life-like holographic images that appear to be vital imperial installations or reinforcements.  They are employed to draw fire away from the actual army to waste ammunition literally firing at ghosts. 
    Clone Soldiers
      With more and more Romulan Citizens deferring service to the empire or remaining in the service for as little time as possible, the Imperial Cloning Bureau (ICB) was created to ensure that the Romulan Star Empire's supply of soldiers did not run dry.  The Imperial Combat Cloning Program was created as a result.  At facilities across the empire, the ICB has built facilities capable of producing 50,000 legions (18432 soldiers and 5770 support personnel) of Cloned Soldiers per year.  These legions are expensive to create though, and generally production is closer to 9,000 legions per year.  These troopers are among the best in the quadrant though, as their entire life is devoted to gaining skills that would be necessary in combat/war. 

    In more detail, the cloning process takes approximately 10 years for a clone trooper to mature.  This is because their growth is accelerated, with the average maturation time of a Romulan being halved to 10 years, instead of the normal 20.  When they reach this age, however, the clones' ageing rate slows, and eventually one actual year of time translates into .8 years of chronological ageing for a clone.  This makes the rather expensive process of creating a clone pay off quite quickly, as clones do not have to be paid, and may accumulate almost a century and a half of service to the Romulan Star Empire before they are granted a small farm to retire on at the chronological age of approximately 130-150.
    Trooper Standard Equipment
      As the Clone Troopers are more expensive to produce than standard Romulan mandatory service conscripts, cloned soldiers have been trained from birth to be warriors, and as a result are given equipment that is more powerful than the standard issue of their less capable conscripted comrades. 

    Equipped with modified Standard Legionnaire Armour Systems that has been designed exactly for the standardised physique of the clone soldiers, the modified system includes a slot for a mission-specific backpack to carry additional equipment.  The LAS armour for clone troopers is also modified to protect the wearer from more toxic environments with an enhanced atmospheric filter and more, better stored, oxygen for use in the absence of an atmosphere (replaceable canisters capable of being employed for 18 hours of combat each).  The armour is also capable of protecting the wearer while marching through deflector shields or shrapnel.  The helmet also contains enhanced vision sensors and a more information-intense personal HUD capable of screening out smoke and other vision contaminants.  Comms range for each armour set for clone troopers was also boosed by 30% while overall weight of the comms system was decreased 10%. 

    Belt Equipment:  High-tension wire, thermal detonators (2), grappling hooks (2), 1 emergency medical pack, high-stress lightweight handcuffs, a short-range communications jammer, 2 recharge cells, a spade and ration pack, and three multi-purpose additional equipment slots, for trooper personal use.  (Modified based on each trooper's preferred combat style.)
    Trooper Specialisation
    Approximately 40% of Cloned Legions are specialised for deployment in different environments, including the following biomes:
    -Air combat (Jet Troopers)
    -Air deployment (Airborne Troopers)
    -Jungle (Jungle Troopers)
    -Icy Environments (Ice Troopers)
    -Volcanic planet/oids (Magma Troopers)
    -Ocean (Aquatic Troopers)
    -Caves (Spelun Troopers)
    -Low-Gravity (Meteor Troopers)

    Personal Armour
    Legionnaire Armour
    The standard issue armour system throughout the empire, the Legionnaire Armour System is modular to allow for cheap manufacture and easy replacement of damaged parts, and may allow for survival in the vacuum of space or on a toxic planet for 12 hours, provided that they aren't recharged with new oxygen canisters.  The armour contains a holster for the standard-issue Mk. DCLX "Gladius V" plasma bolt rifle as well as a sheath for an adamantium Gladius short sword for use in close quarters combat or as a survival tool.
    Centurion Battlesuit
    Personal Battlesuit designed for better performance and enhanced firepower in combat situations, they are mass-produced in foundries on industrial worlds, the drawback being that they are not very comfortable for persons to operate.  They are built out of durasteel and are armed with a built-in heavy plasma cannon and a machine railgun.  They are operated by armoured support divisions, and are considered a cowardly way to fight by most troopers in Romulan society.
    Army Vehicles
    Imperial Romulan Army vehicles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, with the emphasis being placed on rapid acquisition of enemy/rebellious territory and then the equally rapid entrenchment of the forces to defend the newly (re)conquered ground.  A variety of Romulan Vehicles exist to fill roles required for this type of combat. 
    Light Tactical Armoured Vehicle
      The many variants of the L-TAV are nearly uncountable; configurations include utility, ambulance, reconnaissance, anti-aircraft, anti-tank, anti-infantry, and various other tactical and logistical support roles.  They are generally armoured with differing degrees of ablative durasteel.
    Modular Tactical Support Trolley
      An electric truck in service with the Romulan Army (electric because of the reduced heat signatures) capable of laying rail lines for more rapid resupply of front line combat units.  It is also capable of temporarily carrying supplies to combat units itself.  While most of the supply cars attached to it are not very armoured, the engines themselves are armed with three-inch ablative durasteel.
    Low-Altitude Assault Transport/Gunship
      The mainstay of the vehicle forces of Romulan ground offensive operations, LAAT/Gs are equipped with plasma pulse disruptors and for wing-mounted disruptor turrets.  They also carry arsenals of 24 rockets that can be used against any target (usually anti-aircraft).  They are crewed by two pilots and six gunners, and may carry up to 24 Assault Troopers into battle per flight.  They  carry two light reconnaissance speeders and two rapid-deployment multi-purpose machine pulseturrets each.
    Tesudo T-12
      The main ground-based supplementary firepower of the Romulan Army (in addition to the Centurion battlesuit) is the TT-12, which is equipped with a main, plasma explosive 125mm gun with approximately 80 rounds before requiring resupply.  The TT-12's secondary armament is two Assault railturrets, and it is crewed by four armour troopers.  Defensive systems on the TT-12 include reactive armour above 3-inch ablative durasteel armour combined with a haleron fire suppression system.
    Rapid-Deployment Multiple Rocket Launcher
      The Rapid-Deployment Multiple Rocket Launcher (RDMRL) is capable of firing 24 programmable 212-mm directable multipurpose rockets.  This capability allows the RDMRL to provide both artillery support as well as anti-aircraft protection at the same time, and the system deploys in minutes from LAAT/Cargo Gunships.
    Scultator Speeder
      Designed for short-range recon work, the Scultator speeders work quite well in their role.  Armed with one forward-firing light plasma cannon and capable of carrying two scouts, Scultators are extremely fast, and this speed is what the design relies on the most.  Their great speed comes at a cost though—though they are armed with shields, they are minimal, and may only deflect a few stray plasma bolts or metal projectiles. 
    Hovercraft Technology
    Romulan Hovercraft are generally only employed as atmospheric combat supplements, as they are cheaper to produce than the multi-purpose air and space combat vehicles. 
    AF-122 VTOL Hoverfighter
      A smaller hoverfighter that is generally employed as an escort for LAATs in combat, AF-122s are light and agile, crewed by one pilot and protected by ablative armour, but no personal shielding.  They are transported to the surface by amphibious combat air carriers and then deployed once the combat air carriers land and deploy their landing gear.  They are armed with 24 Apollo Multipurpose Missiles as well as two wing-mounted anti-personnel disruptor arrays, and a forward-firing anti-armour plasma pulse cannon.  Additionally, AF-122s carry flares to disrupt enemy targeting systems. 
    AF-12/GAV VTOL Ground Attack Hovercraft
      Crewed by two and armed with four heavy disruptor arrays, 36 Apollo Multipurpose Missiles and a manned anti-personnel/anti-armour railturret in the rear of the aircraft, the AF-12/GAVs are designed solely for attacking and disrupting enemy lines.  They also carry radio signal jammers to accomplish this, and are protected by ablative armour. 
    AF-23/HTH Heavy Transport Hovercraft
      The AF-23/HTH Transports are large Hovercraft generally deployed to pick up wounded soldiers or prisoners from the battlefield, but are also capable of being employed to carry in armour and ammunition to resupply the front lines.  They are crewed by four and are armed with two disruptor arrays and 48 Apollo Multipurpose Missiles in two side-mounted racks of 24 missiles.  They are much more armoured than the other hovercraft, though, with heavy ablative duranium armour reinforced with durasteel. 
    AF-122/U Light Combat Hoverdrone
      An unmanned variant of the AF-122, it is controlled by an onboard computer and completes the mission assigned to it before being launced from it's control carrier.  They are generally lightning fast and deployed in swarms of 20-80. 
    Amphibious Combat Air Carrier
      The AC-ACs, as they are lovingly nicknamed by their crews, are rather durable aircraft carriers that deploy from starships to the surface of worlds, and then deploy their aircraft as well as their armour contingents carried inside of them.  The generally serve as mobile command centres on a battlefield as well, as they are very efficient transfer stations of equipment and supplies from spacecraft to ground personnel.
    Romulan Fortification Systems
    To be written
    Propulsion Technology
    A technology generally employed on speeders, ground tanks and other combat vehicles operated by the Romulan Army, repulsorlifts are generally easy to use and maintain than standard wheeled vehicles, but often tanks equipped with this technology are less manoeuvrable than their wheeled counterparts. 
    Ion Engines
    Primary engines of all fighter and bomber strike craft.  They may be employed in atmospheres as well as space.  Much larger versions are employed as sublight engines for cruisers and other larger vessels.  Also, miniaturized ion engines are employed as manoeuvring thrusters.
    Transwarp Drive
      The standard drive system on all ships, these drives require very little "charging" time, but are unfortunately slower than hyperdrive; an average drive takes approximately 20% longer to travel from position to position than a Class 1.4 hyperdrive. 
      Empoyed by many ships throughout the empire in what unforgotten hyperspace lanes remain, they are most often only installed on vessels patrolling or trading along the main hyperspace route from the Romulan Star Empire to the Galactic Core and the Wintreath Remnant.  (This includes corporation vessels, many civilian craft, and the 2nd and 3rd Fleets of the Star Navy.)
    Romulan Special Technology
    A technically advanced species, the Romulans devote a massive amount of their time to the development of new technologies, particularly those that would improve the effectiveness of the Romulan Fleet or increase the capabilities of Romulan infrastructure.

    Employed both recreationally and militarily, holoemitters create lifelike facades that are in reality no more than complex creations of holographic projectors.  They have also been employed on some Romulan starship classes in order to deceive enemy forces visually.
    Cloaking Devices
    The most crucial piece of Romulan technology ever invented, cloaking devices work in close conjunction with the primary power source on Romulan starships, artificial quantum singularities. 
    Mark 1
    Original cloak, early Warbirds only. Used electromagnetic radiation shielding quite effectively to cloak only visible and near-visible radiation. Can instantaneously cloak and decloak, but required large amounts of power.  Now phased out of Romulan arsenal.
    Mark 2
    A major improvement on the Mk 1, this device cloaked all electromagnetic radiation, except high energy Gamma rays. Can instantaneously cloak and decloak, but was remarkably inefficient.  Now phased out of Romulan arsenal.
    Mark 3
    The first gravity distorting cloak. The early prototype craft had problems with energetic effects occurring inside the cloak as a result of trapped spurious thermal emissions within the cloaking field. This was overcome by giving the craft a green coloration. This tuned the thermal energy to a frequency where it could leak very slowly through the cloak without revealing the ships presence, still common practice on most cloaked vessels. This early Mk 3 had only the spherical field setting and could not be effectively wavemapped. It could not instantly cloak and decloak, but saw much use on most Romulan craft and the Bird Of Prey.  Currently being phased out of Romulan arsenal.
    Mark 4
    The most modern Romulan cloaking device, which utilizes a highly-wavemapped, adaptive, asymmetrical dispersion pattern. This cloaking device's cloaking generator coils are equipped with field actuators that change the dispersion pattern, to be most efficient in any interstellar condition, considering many variables, such as gas density, electric and magnetic fields, and fluctuations in the subspace domain. These field actuators compensate for any of these variables or active scans if the vicinity of the cloaked ship is being probed. There is no danger of a spatial ripple occurring. This would render a ship undetectable, except with a tachyon heterodyne detection grids, which, if powerful enough, could detect a ship that was cloaked in this manner.  Currently entering service with the fleet.  Full conversion expected in 7 Romulan months.
    Mark 5
    Currently in development.  For more info on Romulan cloaking devices, click here.
    Project Pollentia
      This is an ongoing Tal Shiar Special Weapons Research project led by Director Cimaka Lemarak.  The stated goal of this project is to create a hypermatter annihilation reactor capable of producing 1*1030 kJ/sec. 
    Project Pollentia (P-322TL17) is classified Top Secret Sec. 0—officially, the project does not in fact exist—and the vast majority of the staff have only a partial knowledge of the project, with the full project only known to the Emperor himself and certain members of the Tal Shiar command staff.

    Project Pollentia relies heavily on foreign scientists and engineers, as Romulan science and engineering personnel are preoccupied with pre-war and other high priority projects (although they still constitute the majority of staff working on Project Pollentia.)
    Project Perigrinus
      One of a series of doomsday projects initiated by the Romulan Star Empire, Project Perigrinus consists of several massive constructions built to ultimately form a massive, civilisation-holding space vessel capable of indefinitely supporting nearly 50 billion citizens of the Star Empire and launched in the event of catastrophe in the Star Empire.  The IRW Perigrinus is currently 80% assembled,
     and the current war is slated to slow efforts significantly, with estimated completion of the project pushed back to nearly 40 years from the present.
    Civilian Technology
      Romulan Civilian Technology is very practical and goes with their philosophy of minimalism coupled with copious redundancy.  Their vital planetary power systems are well guarded and generally run at least three separate grids, each with their own emergency systems.  Romulan water supplies are well tested and shut down to be fixed at the slightest sign of imperfection.  This goes on and on. 
    Intrastellar Communications Relay System
      The Imperial Intragalactic Holonet is a feat of Romulan Engineering and a testament to their almost irrationally long-term thinking.  Quite durable and very well maintained, it consists of hundreds of thousands of relay stations scattered across Romulan space and employs frequencies much higher than traditional ones, sacrificing range to handle greater amounts of information than normal relay nets. 

    Note:  Short-range communication, such as intra-fleet assault telemetry, is completed by high-frequency radio transmissions or by encoded subspace transmissions.  The same technology is employed for intraplanetary internets employed by non-military personnel. 
      Romulan planets generally employ high-speed rail lines much more than anything else, and personal transit vehicles generally are limited to a few electric cars or speeders.  Most imperial citizens get to work on buses and trains, which are far more efficient.  Romulan Rail Networks average a speed of 400 km/h and onboard the trains there is not a noticeable sound as a result of the train's speed.
      Most starports in the empire are located on oceans on planets near the equator, for the most energy-efficient movement of cargo to and from space.  Shipping a parcel from one end of the empire to the other generally only takes eight or ten days, depending on the transports schedules.
    Power Systems
    Most Romulan planets are powered by a series of hypermatter annihilation reactors, generally only one is needed to power an entire planet, but often enough power is created in order to power the entire grid and the planetary shielding three times over. 

    Romulan cities often have redundant Fusion Reactors, which are generally used to power all government buildings and such.  They are also well-maintained and their power may be used to bolster shield defenses around a city, but the difference is negligible when compared to the power of the Planetary Hypermatter Reactors. 

    Remnants of the great ancient power system that existed before the Romulans left their home system, the huge hydropower stations on Romulus, Vulcan and Ilúvatar still function, but they are considerably less vital infrastructure.  It should be noted that the Ilúvatari do not trust hypermatter reactors, and have refused to let any be installed on Ilúvatar.  The Star Navy and the rest of the imperial military have objected to this, but they conceded after the Ilúvatari agreed to have a system of orbital planetary shield generators, along with five hypermatter reactors, installed on the close moon of Ilúvatar, along with a planetary shield generator for that moon as well. 

    Romulan Factbook Part II: Click Here          Romulan Factbook Part III: Click Here
    « Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 03:46:46 PM by BraveSirRobin »
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    Speaker of the 16th Underhusen: 10 June 2016 - 11 August 2016
    Ambassador to Europeia: 5 December 2016 - present
    RP Guild Councillor: 23 February 2017 - present
    Ambassador to The North Pacific: 11 March 2017 - present
    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
    • My Dear Jean-Luc!
    • Posts: 6,611
    • Karma: 1,897
    • We Meet Again, Mon Capitaine!!
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
  • Citizen
  • History
    The Terrans are one of the oldest remaining governments left after the war. They were apart of the Core and joined the Frozen Realm's military alliance soon after joining. However due to conflicts with the alliance, they later left. During this period they did end up taking over some minor fringe systems. However after the disputes resolved they rejoined the alliance and began work on helping expand the Frozen Realm, with the Royal Family being brought into the Royal family of the Frozen Realm and being put in charge of the alliance. Before the war they had helped create the Frozen Realm and expand it. They had attempted to suppress and prevent the War from destroying the Realm, but they had failed. After nearly loosing the core world that their government had moved too a few years before the start of the war, they had relocated it to the fringes, knowing that most of the others would not venture out that far.

    During the war they had fought greatly, but their large military was eventually destroyed and many of their systems were lost.With that, the war nearly destroyed the Terrans, by a combination of luck and cunning they survived. They had lost most of their lands, being relegated to the fringes of the galaxy, but they survived. The core-world was able to keep itself alive and keep some minor progress, but they lacked a lot of the material. As such the Terrans fell silent. During this time the Terrans expanded on the fringes slowly, eventually being able to claim a couple systems. However it was not until recently that the Terrans were even able to be able to return to the Core. After the destruction of most of their systems they had lost contact with most of the other systems in the Galaxy, as such they had rebuilt their military to large portions and became a somewhat military-focused race, however they realized that the war had ended and many of the allies they had, also had fallen.

    While not at the level that they were at prior to the war, they are relatively close. Their technology is extremely strong in the military department with some of their non-military technology lacking.

    The current predominant culture of the Terrans is a rather new one—it focuses on the 'Arts' (Reading/Writing, Plays, Songs, etc.), Scientific Advancements, and a re-focus on their Terran History; the culture places great emphasis on rediscovering the parts of their past that they lost, and attempting to prevent new wars on the scale of the previous engagements in their history. This very recent, moderately major cultural shift that has occurred recently, no doubt a result of the death of King Vorkam Bismark Kestar, which resulted in the ascention of a new, less militaristic King, King Jochim Bismark Kestar III.  His defense cuts, combined with a rebellious youth population, formed this new Terran “enlightenment” culture. (It should be noted that this culture also places a high importance on freedom and equality and, unlike in the Military Culture, there is little additional respect for those that serve in the military.  Some even view those in the military, especially those in high-ranking positions, with disdain bordering on outright hatred and contempt.) The "enlightenment" culture's fashion focuses on a bit of flashiness with functionality.

    The Military/War Culture, while not as large or influential as it used to be, is still strong among the older population and is quite conspicuous on military bases, outposts, and in other locations where military personnel numbers are still high. This culture’s core values include a huge focus on military production, being useful, and working hard. Unlike the predominant culture, they have no issue with the use of force or war, and at times they even seem to just enjoy the thought of it. Among the people in this culture there is strong nationalism— almost all adherents are willing to go along with their orders and protect the nation at all costs. There is less of a focus on individuality, freedom, and equality and some believe that they are impediments to the success of the government. Further, serving in the Military is an easy way to gain respect within this culture, and promotion within the military hierarchy is closely correlated with the amount of respect one receives within it.  The fashions for this culture generally consist of very clean, orderly uniforms.

    Finally the 'Fringer' Culture is one of the older cultures still around and still somewhat large. Much like the military culture it is popular among the older population, although it does feature a sizable youth population as well. The 'Fringer' Culture got it's name because it first developed among the Terrans that settled on the Fringes of the Nation, and as such had to work with what they had. This became large after being pushed to the fringes of the galaxy during the war as many of the people were poor and the government had little resources. The 'Fringers', as they are called, believe in self reliance, hard work, and saving old things. They are somewhat apathetic toward war, and believe that while war may be necessary at times, that they should stay out of it for the most part. They favor isolationism on a national scale as well. The 'Fringer' Culture focuses heavily on repairing what one owns, and as such they generally are able to repair things easier, and cheaper, than many other people. They also tend to make their own food and such, only buying things when needed. They rarely buy new technology or items, only doing so when their old item can no longer be repaired; although even then they do prefer to buy used items as opposed to new. Much like the predominant culture there is not as much respect for those in the Military, but it does not go towards disdain like it does in the predominant culture. The fashion for this culture is usually older, and more functional clothes, along with a few tech items that they tend to wear with them. They don't focus as much on cleanliness so their clothes may be dirty, or they may not have taken a bath in a day or two.

    It should be noted that all of the cultures can be found on the capital planet, although the predominant culture is more visible than the others. Due to this the cultures tend to clash, although 'Fringers' do tend to keep to themselves, they do tend to clash with the 'Military culture' due to their general apathy towards orders and their attitudes against general conformity. It should be noted that 'Fringers' also clash with the predominant one as they tend to not focus as much on hygiene or consumerism things. Further the Military Culture also tends to clash with the predominant one, due to the predominant culture's beliefs towards war and the military. It should also be noted that cultures have an allegiance not only to the Terran Government, but also Wintreath and it's Crown due to historical reasons, however the Fringers and members of the military culture have lower allegiances than those in the "enlightenment" Culture.

    The Government is based off of the very old Statement and Declaration of Self-Governance and the Terran Government, forming the basis of the Terran Government around the King. However the version before the war had setup a government much like Wintreath, however due to the war/loss of power and the need of a stronger government the Statement was amended to transfer all of that power to the king; this excludes amending the document which must be accepted by all citizens.

    The current government is setup with a few members in charge of ministries, or departments, of the government. These ministries are as follows: 'Defense', 'Propaganda', 'Culture', 'Economics', 'Integration', 'Technology', and 'Commons'

    Full name: Ministry of Defense
    Summary: This ministry has been around for a while in some way or another.However they are simply in charge of the military. The current incarnation was formed by the 'Iron King'
    Previous Names: Ministry of War, Ministry of Terran and Wintreath War, Ministry of Terran and Wintrean Defense, Department of Defense
    Full name: Ministry of Propaganda
    Summary: The ministry was formed by the 'Iron King' to try and bring more people into the core systems and to try and increase nationalism. While it's since been downsized it is still used.
    Previous Name(s): Ministry of Terran Propaganda.
    Full Name: Ministry of Culture
    Summary: They are in charge of maintaining and growing the Terran Culture; they also are in charge of creating a new one if necessary. Due to the three cultures that are somewhat large, they try and keep all three going, but tend promote the 'enlightenment' culture more than the others.
    Previous Name(s): Ministry of Terran Culture
    Full Name: Ministry of Economics
    Summary: This ministry is simply in charge of managing the Economy of the Nation. Despite they were formed late in the 'Iron King's' rule, they are rather well known by most people.
    Previous Name(s): Ministry of Terran Economics
    Full Name: Ministry of Integration and Immigration
    Summary: This ministry is in charge of immigration and integrating the
    Previous Name(s): Ministry of Integration, Ministry of Terran Integration
    Full Name: Ministry of Technological Development and Scientific Advancement
    Technology: They are in charge of scientific advancements, while only recently formed, they took on a lot of the responsibilities of the other ministries' technological duties, especially those of Defense.
    Commons: A restructuring of the Ministry of the People, it aims to give the people a voice in the government and have their petitions directly given to the king. Unlike the rest of the government the Commons are essentially a council of four people, three elected from the three districts where the three cultures are the only really there. The Fourth is appointed by the King in order to act as a balance. They do have authority to issue law. The law can be overridden by the king, but does not need his signature. This is the closest to the Constitutional Monarchy of old that has been reached in several years. It should be noted that the name change, as opposed to retaining the previous name, was to escape the fact that many people distrusted it's predecessor, and as such needed a new name.

    IMPORTANT MINISTRIES (Inactive/Dissolved)
    People: The Ministry of the People, unlike it's restructured counterpart, the Ministry of the Commons, was entirely appointed. While it does have five seats, unlike the MoC's four, three are selected from the national districts, created for this Ministry, one acting as a representative of the home-world, and one acting as a representative of the king. They could present petitions of the people to the king and could pass non-binding resolutions or requests for the king to do something, but could not pass law. Near the end of it's existence a string of scandals and revealed corruption shook faith in this Ministry and lead to it being questioned. It was later restructured into the Ministry of the Commons and was granted more power.
    --more to come--

    Edit: Note that some of this may change in the next day or so as I work stuff out, however little may actually change...

    Edit 2: Added a lot more under culture, and reworked some things. It will probably take me a few more days as I am sick and I have to work on things for school. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Edit 3: Added this edit spoiler. I also began some work on rewriting/organizing the Government section, It is still a bit messy though and is incomplete. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    « Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 05:16:40 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
    Advisor to the Riksråd
    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
    Member of the WHR
    Speaker of the Underhusen (3rd)
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the Underhusen (1st)
    Underhusen Member (1st-3rd)
    Member of the 5th Overhusen
    Chairman of the 5th Overhusen
    6th Underhusen
    Speaker of the 6th Underhusen
    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
    Member of the 8th Storting (Underhusen)
    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    Underhusen Terms I've been a part of
    1st Underhusen
    2nd Underhusen
    3rd Underhusen
    6th Underhusen
    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
    5th Overhusen
    Families I've been a part of
    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Former Citizen
  • Hail Hydra!
  • The Allied States of Lernaea
    1. Humans 21%
    2. Asari 19%
    3. Turian 17%
    4. Salarian 18%
    5. Noghri 14%
    6. Krogan 3%
    7. Other 8%
        Andrew Graff, Human, Chancellor
    Bureau of Armoire
        Libulonia Victodas, Turian, Secretary of State
    • Family murdered by robber at young age and joined Marines at 18
    • Almost lost fellow troops to insurgents, but didn't want to lose more close friends - risked life to save them
    • Loyal to a fault
        Thomas Morrow, Human, Director of ISA
        Charles Garriot, Salarian, Director of Space Activities
        Opivius Vicuts, Turian, Admiral of Reconnoitre
        Chet Donovan, Turian, Diplomat (to Science)
        Vincent Jones, Human, Diplomat to Witchians
        Wallace White, Human, Diplomat to Aesir
        Rananyus Nosus, Asari, Diplomat to Acarians
        David Barron, Human, Diplomat to Wintreans, "Expert" on Wintreans
    The six main races adapted and developed on different planets, with the asari leading the space race. They were the first to reach the now capital planet Protheus, with the turians arriving a couple years after. The scientifically advanced salarians also arrived to the great planet shortly after. The three species formed an alliance and started spreading their borders, but when doing so, they encountered humans, who had also taken flight and made a pact with the noghri. The turians wanted to fight, wanted to expand, but the asari, who lived a millennium, had a more conservative and convivial attitude toward the humans and noghri. The turians, not wanting to face all three other races, reluctantly agreed to peace. On the way back to Protheus, they were attacked by pirates, and the humans easily fended them off, earning the turian's trust. In the meantime, a small group of krogans had taken flight and arrived at Protheus shortly after the humans did. The four races, recognizing the krogan's warrior way of life, decided not to fight, but to form an alliance, forming the Allied States of Lernaea. Together, they thrived for many years, expanding their borders, forming a strong, central government. They combined their minds and their technology to form an advanced society. Scout ships were sent out to prepare for expansion which put their borders out to fifty sectors, but the ones that went further witnessed a war and reported back. Now, news came that the war was over...
    The government of The Allied States of Lernaea is led by a chancellor, who is elected once every six years. The government is bicameral, with the Bureau of Armoire advising the chancellor, and the Senate containing representatives from each planet to vote on nationwide policies. The Bureau of Armoire consists of 15 members, each with their own specialty, combining their powers to create an effective cabinet. The Senate consists of 2 to 3 representatives from each planet, combining to best represent all the planets as a whole.
    The main part of the Lernaean Armed Forces, the standard non-droid combatants are armed with blaster rifles and thermal detonators. They are protected by Phase II armor.
    Army SpecOps
    Army SpecOps are the elite variant of normal army soldiers. They choose their own equipment, with some choosing a blaster rifle and a blaster pistol, and others dual-wielding two blaster pistols. Due to drones, they were trained to use EMP grenades and thermal detonators. Some heavy operatives chose to carry a rocket launcher, while others carried miniature railguns.
    The naval branch of the Lernaean Armed Forces had capital ships, assault ships, cruisers, shuttles, and starfighters at their disposal. The entire navy is divided into separate fleets, each composed differently to fit certain tasks. 
    Marines were the ship-to-ship assault and defense soldiers of the navy. Their main use is for boarding ships and warding off boarding parties, but were also used for ground assaults, often getting to places faster than the army. Marine's were armed with a blaster rifle, a sidearm, a rocket launcher, thermal detonators, and the occasional railgun. They would also use jetpacks to their advantage, flying through space/air to land on the target. They are also protected by Phase II armor.
    Commandos were part of the Marines and worked as a small task force of four or five troops. They would carry out covert operations on land or in space. Covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition and assassination were standard tasks for the commandos. They were armed with a DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon, a sidearm, EMP Grenades, thermal detonators, and the occasional railgun, along iwht weapons of their choice. They are protected by either kevlar armor, Phase II armor, thermoptic camoflauge suit, or no armor.

    The geth are a race of networked artificial intelligences created for defense and war that replaced the battle droid, making up the largest part of the Leraean Armed Forces (after researched). Part of the geth's success is due to their neural network. Effectively, they "share" their processing power, distributing low-level processes like motor control and visual identification to free up bandwidth for higher reasoning and complex thought. Geth can't share sensory data, but in large groups they have more to think with. An individual geth has only a basic intelligence on par with animal instincts, but in groups they can reason, analyze situations, and make tactical decisions as well as any of the organic races. An exception would be the VI subtype which is designed to operate and think on its own.
    As all geth are networked to each other, they may communicate their exact thoughts and ideas at the speed of light. They find organic methods of communication, such as body language and spoken word, to be largely inefficient; the geth are able to communicate their thoughts flawlessly without any fear of misinterpretation. Because of this they have no true form of government and no system of rank. When a matter must be decided upon, the geth communicate all viewpoints of a situation and a consensus is made, the decision being whatever benefits the geth as a whole the greatest.

    Over time, the geth have evolved into numerous sub-forms, ranging from the diminutive but highly agile Geth Hoppers, to the gigantic, lumbering Geth Armatures. All of these platforms are shielded and capable of regenerating their kinetic barriers. The geth also utilize turrets and drones (rocket, assault, recon and repair drones, specifically). It isn't clear whether these are also AIs, in the same way Geth Armatures are not just tanks but platforms for geth programs themselves, or simply controlled by the geth.

    Note: All descriptions for Geth are copied straight from the wiki (I'm too lazy to write and think of subtypes myself).
    Geth Armature
    The Geth Armature is a mobile anti-vehicle and anti-personnel unit employed in high-risk areas, often dropped directly from a Geth Dropship. The unit consists of a quadruped "tank" or "walker" and is usually accompanied by Geth Rocket Troopers. Armed with superior firepower and a Siege Pulse assault cannon, this geth is easily a match for the armored vehicles of other races. Its main armament is deadly but slow to recharge, but the Geth Armature compensates by knocking down infantry with a smaller secondary weapon which fires rapidly, making it very dangerous to engage an Armature at close range.
    Geth Colossus
    Geth Colossi are similar to Geth Armatures, but much larger with more health, stronger armor and better weaponry. They are distinctive from Armatures because their armor is brighter, somewhat platinum-silver in appearance, with ridges on the back. They are equipped with mass accelerator machine guns and a powerful Siege Pulse mass accelerator cannon. The Colossus is a monumentally dangerous foe.
    Geth Destroyer
    Geth Destroyers are one of the larger and more dangerous forms of geth infantry, frequently encountered wherever there is a notable concentration of geth. They are more durable and deadly than most geth infantry. The Geth Destroyer is a fearsome enemy, standing eleven feet tall. Their armor is dark grey with a yellow stripe down the middle of the chest, and they have a bright blue 'flashlight' eye. The Destroyer carries a Geth Pulse Shotgun, and possesses strong health and shielding.
    Geth Dreadnought
    The geth dreadnought has an intimidating array of features, from an improved main gun and ultraviolet antiship lasers to increased thruster output. The geth workforce never demands rest, wages, or autonomy, and in the creation of their flagship. They are both larger and better equipped than their organic counterparts, utilizing longer, more powerful main guns and more energy-intensive ultraviolet lasers for their point defense systems.
    Geth Dropship
    A Geth Dropship is a large, insect-like frigate capable of carrying large numbers of geth and rapid troop deployment. It appears almost organic in design, looking like an oversized hornet or wasp without wings. Geth Dropships are designed to drop geth units from overhead, often dropping Geth Armatures and Geth Colossi mid-flight. They also occasionally provide air support for the ground-based platforms in the form of a powerful projectile attack. Like most geth vehicles, a dropship acts as a "mobile platform" for geth programs. The ship itself is a sentient mechanism similar to the ground-based Geth Armatures or Geth Colossi. If a dropship is damaged, it can transfer its programs to a smaller mobile platform to enact repairs, transferring the programs back to another platform once repairs are complete.
    Geth Hopper
    The Geth Hopper is a specialized geth platform, used primarily for stealth attacks, cyberwarfare and sabotage. The Hopper's main attack is a powerful laser that comes out of its "eye". Like the Geth Sniper they also use a radar jammer. Hoppers tend to ambush in packs, using their rapid movement to cause disarray. A Hopper's body is made of a springy synthetic substance that resembles organic muscle tissue. This can be compressed and then released, allowing the Hopper to jump enormous distances. It has also tiny hooks on its hands and feet, meaning it can climb on walls and ceilings.
    Geth Hunter
    Geth Hunters are stealth troops armed with shotguns and shielding. They possess tactical cloaking devices. The Geth Hunter's combat behaviour is to close in and eliminate opponents with its shotgun. Their stealth devices mean they are capable of catching opponents off guard, particularly in the middle of combat where more visible threats are likely to be targeted first. However, the luminous 'eye' is still always partially visible, as is their bodily outline. The Geth Hunter's strong shielding and moderate health mean it can withstand a considerable amount of fire before destruction.
    Geth Juggernaut
    The Geth Juggernaut is a heavy geth infantry platform. Geth Juggernauts are recognizable by their red armor, bright red "flashlight eyes" and huge stature. Like the Geth Prime, they tower above the ground, an intimidating presence on the battlefield. They're equipped with pulse rifles modified to fire Distortion Rockets, similar to weaker Geth Rocket Troopers.
    Geth Prime
    Geth Primes are heavy geth platforms that serve as command units on the battlefield. Larger and more powerful than any other geth infantry platform, Primes are equipped with heavy armor and shields, specialized abilities and a variety of deadly weapons. They are instantly recognizable by their white armor and huge stature. Primes carry a pulse rifle - which can also launch rockets - have six levels of shielding and are incredibly resilient. They also boost nearby geth combat stats; it is this ability that sets them apart from the Geth Juggernaut.
    Geth Pyro
    The only weapon of the Pyro is an M-451 Firestorm. It has a short range, but strips the enemy shields very quickly and does considerable damage to health. The Pyro is protected by shields and armor. It moves very slowly, making it an easy target, but can take a lot of damage before it is destroyed and is able to dodge attacks like other geth.
    Geth Rocket Trooper
    Geth Rocket Troopers are geth support units that wield powerful rocket launchers. They accompany other geth troops into battle, and usually attack from afar. The Geth Rocket Trooper carries a pulse rifle modified to fire various types of rockets. They have two to three levels of shielding depending on the location and the difficulty. This class of geth is specialized to incorporate heavy firepower against groups of enemies. They are usually dispatched alongside Geth Troopers and Geth Shock Troopers. Rocket Troopers are instantly noticeable as they sport dark red armour rather than the standard dark blue and black of a Geth Trooper.
    Geth Shock Trooper
    Geth Shock Troopers are heavy geth infantry, indicated by their larger size and white armour. The Geth Shock Trooper is not only a heavy infantry unit, but also a capable engineer. They are capable of setting up and arming large explosives. On the battlefield, they typically make up nearly half of geth ground forces. They are advanced Geth Troopers armed with the Geth Pulse Rifle and Geth Barriers.
    Geth Sniper
    The Geth Snipers are geth bipedal platforms geared for long-range combat. They're dark brown with red armor details and emit a bright cyan light from their 'flashlight eye'. They're equipped with sniper rifles, shielding, and can jam radar
    Geth Trooper
    Geth Troopers are standard geth infantry. These units are lightly equipped, with no exotic weapons, and are normally found in groups of two or more. They are dark gray in color, with pale green synthetic "flesh" and a bright blue 'flashlight eye'. They lack heavy armor, resulting in a weakness to weapons fire, and their low weight makes them vulnerable to biotics or grenades. The standard geth troops equipped with Geth Pulse Rifles and Geth Barriers.
    Geth VI
    A unique geth platform designed to operate outside Lerneaea and interact with organics. While most standard platforms hold approximately 100 geth programs, the Geth VI houses 1,183 programs, the better to facilitate independent decision-making while separated from the geth consensus for long periods of time.
    Intelligence Security Agency (ISA)
    The Intelligence Security Agency is a domestic and foreign intelligence service of the Lernaean Government. It is tasked with gathering, processing and analyzing national security information from around sector and beyond, using interpersonal intelligence, signal intelligence, imagery intelligence, and measurement and signature intelligence. It is also a security service of Leraea, it leads Lernaean counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigation.
    Starships and Space Stations
    A small, one/two man vessel used for dogfighting. These light craft were designed to carry out attacks on sensitive installations and targets that required immense precision. Most starfighters work in squadrons to take out a large capital ship with precision fire directed at weak points that might otherwise be hard to target.
    Headhunter-Class Starfighter
    The Headhunter is a single-seater starfighter designed to be manned or controlled by geth. It comes in at 16.82 meters and has a Class 1.5 hyperdrive, as it was meant to fight alongside capital ships, not by themselves. It has two wingtip-mounted laser cannons, two recessed torpedo launchers, and one head mounted railgun, all protected by a deflector shield.
    Firebolt-Class Interceptor
    This is one of the fastest interceptors known to the galaxy, requiring only one man/geth to pilot. It is only 9.6 meters in length, and has a Class 0.85 hyperdrive. It is armed with 2 laser cannons and 2 concussion missile launchers, and is made with cortosis plating to withstand blaster fire, along with deflector shields.
    Cobra-Class Droid Starfighter
    This droid starfighter comes in at 3.5 meters in length and is linked to a central computer aboard its cruiser. It is armed with four blaster cannons and two heat-seeking proton torpedo launchers. They have no shields to make production cheaper and faster, and is compensated by its sheer numbers. They respond quicker than living pilots, but aren't innovative and creative in attacks.
    A modified slower starfighter equipped with bombs designed for use against well-armored, large, or immobile targets such as capital ships, space stations, and buildings.
    Thunderstrike-Class Bomber
    This modified version of the Firebolt is slightly slower and carries proton bombs and fires disruptor missiles instead of concussion missiles.
    Copperhead-Class Droid Bomber
    This modified Cobra starfighter is slightly larger at 5 meters to hold bombs, and have sturdier hulls and wings than the Cobra.
    Scout Vessels
    A small, fast starship used for military reconnaissance, scouting out an area before the main force arrives.
    Stormcrow-Class Vanguard
    This one-man/geth scout vessel is a lightly armed starfighter built for speed. It comes in at 12.5 meters and rocks a Class 1.0 hyperdrive. Unlike the Wraith, which is meant for deep undercover, surveillance, and reconnaissance, it deals mostly with areas before a battle begins. It comes with one astromech and two ID9 droids for recon. Since it isn't really meant for battle, it is only armed with 4 laser cannons and 1 railgun, and is all protected by shields.
    Aggressive ReConaissance-Class Starfighter
    This heavy starfighter is designed to carry out missions and raids in enemy territory, but is also used as a traditional starfighter, fighting alongside capital ships. It is made for three people/geth to pilot, with one pilot, one copilot, and one gunner. It also has one astromech droid. It carries many sensors, jammers, and scanners to help fill out its scouting role, and is also armed with two forward mounted laser cannons, two rear mounted laser cannons, one proton torpedo launcher, and one swiveling railgun. It has a class 1.2 hyperdrive and comes in at 14.5 meters long, along with both front and rear deflector shields.
    A starship designed to carry cargo or passengers, which were usually slow an unarmed. However, these are easily modifiable into combat vessels.
    A small vessel used to transport personnel through space.
    Shroud Infiltrator
    The personal ship of Thomas Morrow comes in at 65 meters. It is a heavily modified Star Commuter (see civilian ships), equipped with a Class 0.5 hyperdrive and a backup warp drive that approximately reaches warp 5. The Shroud is armed with 6 concealed solar ionization cannons, 4 proton torpedo launchers, and 2 disruptor torpedo launchers. This is protected by a full body molecular shield and comes with a Stygium crystal cloaking device and thrust trace dampers for stealth. The ship also has a small attack shuttle resting on top, Phantom, which is used both as a starfighter and a shuttle. The Shroud can be flown via EDI or astromech, allowing Morrow to utilize the Phantom. Along with the Phantom, Morrow keeps a MVR-3 speeder bike, a couple ID9 droids, and a couple VI assault drones handy.
    Wraith-Class Infiltrator
    This heavily modified Star Courier (see civilian ships) comes in at 26.5 meters. This standard ISA ship is used by agents all throughout Lernaea and beyond to collect intelligence. Equipped with a 1.0 class hyperdrive (some modified to a 0.5) and a backup warp 5 drive, its speed is complimented by its 5 ion engines. It is armed with 6 concealed solar ionization cannons and 2 proton torpedo launchers. It is protected by 2 deflector shield generators and comes with a Stygium crystal cloaking device and thrust trace dampers for stealth. Inside, agents get a couple ID9 droids and VI assault drones, along with whatever modifications they desire.
    Gauntlet-Class Transport
    This fighter is designed for minimal crew but carry many passengers. It is used to deploy troops (Army, Marine, Geth) onto land/sea via jetpack and quickly fly away. It is armed with two fore and two aft laser cannons, along with two disruptor missile launchers. It is 68 meters long and carries 24 marines with jetpacks, and can quickly transport troops with its Class 0.8 hyperdrive and backup warp drive with warp 5.
    Star Commuter
    A medium sized transport with a length of 65 meters and a 1.5 hyperdrive and backup warp drive of warp 5. It is armed with two laser cannons and is designed to transport people.
    Star Courier
    A small transport with a length of 26.5 meters and a 1.5 hyperdrive and backup of 10. It is unarmed and designed to deliver goods and people quickly.
    This luxury yacht is 50 meters in length and rocks a Class 5.0 Hyperdrive and a backup of 14. It is suited for travelers to get from Point A to Point B stylishly. They are normally unarmed but could be modified to accommodate them.
    The vessel was used for small troop deployment and attack carriers or for small capital ships. Typically heavily armed and armored, gunships were designed to break through whatever obstacles prohibited the completion of their mission. They were commonly used for troop carriers, supply relief ships, and escorts. Some were designed to carry large ground vehicles and drop them onto a battlefield.
    All Terrain Troop Transport
    This attack gunship is designed to transport troops to the ground and provide air-to-ground and air-to-air support. It is 17 meters long and is capable of carrying up to 30 troops. Secondary functions included reconnaissance, direct fire support, search-and-recovery, and low-altitude air-to-ground and air-to-air strikes against vehicles ranging from airspeeders to starfighters. It is armed with 3 anti-personnel laser turrets, 4 composite beam laser turrets, light air-to-air rockets, and one swiveling railgun mounted on top.
    All Terrain Vehicle Transport
    This modified attack gunship is designed to transport tanks and other ground assault vehicles.
    All Terrain Space Transport
    This modified attack gunship is designed to transport troops and vehicles to and from capital ships in space, not in the atmosphere.
    Capital Ships
    A large, armed, military starship designed for fleet warfare.
    Corsair Class Battle Cruiser
    This main cruiser comes in at 1337 meters long. It has a Class 1.0 hyperdrive and a backup Class 12 hyperdrive, along with a warp drive with a maximum speed of Warp 9.975. It is armed with 70 heavy turbolaser batteries, 15 ion cannons, 15 tractor beam projects, 100 railguns spread along the ship, 25 disruptor torpedo tubes, and 2 mega-railguns on each side of the ship. It is protected by two molecular shield generator domes. It requires 1400 crew members to operate, along with 9000 troops and 2500 battle droids. It houses 50 Headhunters, 75 Firebolts, 20 Advanced Reconnaissance starships, 40 Cobra starfighters, and 10 Copperhead bombers. It also has 40 All Terrain Troop Transports, 24 All Terrain Vehicle Transports, 15 Centurion hovertanks, 15 Lion Juggernauts, and 70 Peregrine speeder bikes, along with hangers for various other shuttles and starfighters.
    Vigil Class Corvette
    This small warship complements the many Corsair ships in the fleet. It comes in at around 255 meters and has a Class 2 hyperdrive with a backup Class 10. It also has a warp drive with a maximum speed of Warp 7. It has 3 twin turbolaser turrets, 3 twin heavy laser cannon turrets, 2 medium tractor beam emitters, and 15 railguns lining each side of the ship. It is all protected by two deflector shield domes.
    Triumph-Class Battleship
    The Triumph-Class Battleship was used as patrol and blockade starships, as well as having main duty serving as sector patrols. They were sent out in pairs or with other ships to sweep the area. They were used for deep space interdiction missions, using their ion cannons to capture enemy starships without damaging them. These vessels were often assigned to missions where the capture of the target was required for information gathering purposes. As they carried only two squadrons of starfighters, the Triumph would often be deployed in the company of fleet carriers or escort ships that carried a large number of starfighters for quick deployment. It comes in at 900 meters and is armed with 20 turbolasers, 20 double heavy turbolaser cannons, 10 heavy ion cannons, 10 tractor beam projectors, and 1 mega-railgun on each side. It has 24 Firebolt Starfighters, 10 Lions, 20 Peregrine speeder bikes, 1600 troops, and 2000 battle droids. It has a Class 1.0 hyperdrive with a backup Class 15, along with a warp drive with a maximum speed of Warp 7.
    Plaudits Class Assault Ship
    The 1000-meter-long Plaudits-class assault transport carried thousands of 8000 troops and 3000 droids into battle. These ships were armed with 4 heavy disruptor torpedo launch tubes; 24 point-defense laser cannons, rated at 6 megatons per shot; and 12 quad turbolaser turrets, each rated at a maximum of 200 gigatons per shot. They were also armed with concussion missiles. The sensor and communications suites were located at the front of the ship's command tower. The hull armor of Plaudits-class vessels was impregnated with ultra-dispersive neutronium that withstood and spread massive energy blasts. Each held 320 Peregrine speeder bikes, 80 All Terrain Troop Transports and All Terrain Vehicle Transports, 50 Firebolt interceptors, 50 Headhunter starfighters, 25 Stormcrow Vanguards, and 30 Thunderstrike bombers. This had a class 0.6 hyperdrive and a warp drive of Warp 8.
    Impeder Class Cruiser
    The Impeder Class Cruiser is a modified Plauditis that contains gravity-well projectors to pull ships out of hyperspace. This had a class 1.0 hyperdrive and a warp drive of Warp 9.975. Instead of housing many troops and ground assault vehicles, it houses a big reactor to power the four gravity well projectors. After being pulled out of hyperspace, it uses its 15 tractor beam projectors to pull in and house the ship. It armed with 15 heavy turbolaser batteries and 15 ion cannon turrets. Also, it only has one squadron of 16 Advanced ReConaissance starfigters as they can withstand ships better than other starfighters. It still does house 2500 troops and has 3000 battle droids.
    Space Stations
    An artificial structure used in orbit or deep space usually used in a defensive position.
    Standard Space Station
    The standard space station was armed with 148 laser cannons, 60 concussion missile launchers, 40 disruptor torpedo launchers, 6 ion cannons, 64 railguns, and 16 tractor beam projectors. The central section of the space station contained landing pads and hangars, while four towers pierced the platforms and rose eleven levels above and five levels below the central section. This space station could handle up to 500 passengers, and could store enough supplies for six months. It is monitored by a crew of around 250, along with housing for up to 2000 troops. It contains 1500 battle droids, 15 Headhunters, 20 Firebolts, 15 Stormcrows, and 25 Aggressive ReConnaissance starfighters.
    Ground Vehicles
    Assault vehicles were used by armies for their mobility, protection and firepower, which could be used to support, complement, and increase the mobility of infantry.
    See "Gunships" under "Starships and Spacestations."
    Centurion-Class Hovertank
    The Centurion-Class Hovertank was a hovercraft vehicle equipped with 1 laser cannon turret, 1 anti-infantry laser cannon, 2 missile launchers, and 2 railguns. It is outfitted with deflector shields to protect it from any stray bullets.
    Lion-Class Juggernaut
    This heavy tank measures 30 meters in height and 40 meters in length, supporting airspeeders and speeder bikes alike. It is armed with one heavy laser turret, one railgun, 2 medium anti-personnel laser cannons, and two twin blaster cannons. This is protected by thermally superconducting armor (capable of absorbing enemy fire and dispersing heat over a wide area) which makes its top speed at 160 km/h. The slowness required for negotiating turns encouraged the use on open terrain rather than urban battlefields.
    Peregrine-Class Speeder Bike
    This open-air repulsorlift vehicle emphasizes speed and maneuverability. This is used by scouts and comes in at 3 meters. It is armed with one forward facing blaster cannon and has jamming devices and radar. 
    Leopard-Class Airspeeder
    This craft comes in at 6 meters and is armed with 2 laser cannons and one swiveling railgun. There are two crew, one pilot and one gunner. Computerized targeting systems and displays were used by the gunner to control the lasers and railgun. However, the pilot could take control of weapons if needed. Since the speeder lacked shields, armor plating was added to the hull.
    Ship Add-Ons
    Solar Ionization Cannons
    A power hungry, high intensity beam of ionized light that could bypass conventional shields, and melt durasteel.
    Disruptor Torpedoes
    Powered projectiles with warheads that create random and unstable mass effect fields when triggered, causing a  rapid asymmetrical mass changes cause the target to rip itself apart. In flight, torpedoes use a mass-increasing field, making them too massive for enemy kinetic barriers to repulse. The extra mass gives the torpedoes a very sluggish acceleration, making them easy prey for defensive general area defense weapons. As a result, torpedoes have to be launched at very close range.
    Molecular Shield
    A type of deflector shield that absorbs incoming energy and converts it to power itself/other parts of the ship.
    Cloaking Device
    A mechanism capable of rendering an object invisible to both sensors and/or the naked eye.
    Thrust Trace Dampers
    A stealth device used to help conceal the presence of starships by capturing the exhaust gases from a ship, and waiting for them to cool before expelling them into space.
    See "Geth" under "Military"
    Enhanced Defense Intelligence is an unshackled AI that lives in the ship or in a mechanical body.
    A type of droid that served as an automated mechanic, performing a variety of repair duties and often serving as an adjunct or substitute for a nav computer on smaller starships. Astromech droids could also use the mainframes of larger ships to their advantage. Many starfighters relied on astromech copilots.
    Battle Droids
    Battle droids were used to replace organic fighting forms due to lower cost and space efficiency. Cruisers and capital ships would carry thousands. They are armed with one blaster rifle and a couple thermal detonators. They were designed to overwhelm the enemy, not out think them. They are all connected to a central computer network in a starship circling the battle area.
    The body of ID9 seekers consisted in a half-hemisphere dome with a red photoreceptor. Attached to that dome were four articulated, tentacle-like limbs that ended in pincers. The ID9s were outfitted with electro-shock prods that allowed them to harm organic lifeforms and incapacitate mechanical beings. They were capable of imitating the sounds of other droid models, and had two locomotions modes: hovering and crawling.
    Drones are small, lightly-armed combat robots equipped with very small mass effect fields that allow them to levitate. They are also equipped with basic VI programming allowing them to adapt to changing situations on the battlefield, and have a small amount of shielding.
    Combat Drones
    Combat drones tend to be deployed in wings as 'cannon fodder', creating distractions for marines to operate safely. Soldiers refer to friendly drones as 'flocks' and enemy drones as 'swarms'. Drones are small robots used to support and supplement organic soldiers on the battlefield. They have no artificial intelligence of any kind, but follow fixed, minimally adaptive programs. Most varieties employ mass effect levitation to improve mobility.
    Weapons and Shields
    A blaster was any type of ranged weapon that fired bolts of intense light energy. They came in a variety of sizes and shapes, including blaster pistols, heavy blaster pistols, and blaster rifles. They could deliver variable levels of damage intensity, from stun to kill settings. Despite their blazing concussive blasts, those ranged energized particle weapons could be countered by magnetic seals and deflector shields.
    Phase II Armor
    Phase I Armor
    Now obsolete, Phase I armor consisted of twenty form-fitting plates of lightweight plastoid-alloy composite. Those plates were sealed to a black temperature control bodysuit via magnatomic gription panels. The bodysuit was also pressurized, offering temporary protection against the vacuum of space. Despite its advantages, the Phase I armor proved uncomfortable for the troopers to fit in.
    Phase II had polarized lenses, padding, and stronger, lighter armor plates. It could also support more modular attachments, making it superior to its predecessor. The new armor incorporated a more advanced air filtration and oxygen supply system, polarized lenses, and an annunciator to make speech more comprehensible. In addition, the boots were magnetized and incorporated a grav-field alternator to ensure stability. Another useful feature was that the armor and the bodysuit could be pressurized, allowing the clones to fight longer in a vacuum environment than its predecessor.
    Thermoptic Camouflage Suits
    Thermoptic Camouflage renders the item coated in the material invisible to both thermal and optic cameras. It does not stop shadows from forming on the ground around the suit, and uses electric signals to camouflage, making it vulnerable to EMPs.
    Thermal Detonators
    Thermal detonators were small, spherical devices that were used as explosive weapons. The thermal detonator was designed to be thrown by a soldier, planted in a specific location or on a specific vessel, or dropped by a vehicle. It would then adhere to any metallic object until it detonated. The reasons for using a thermal detonator varied widely, and despite the legal restrictions of many governments, the thermal detonator saw widespread use across the galaxy.
    Geth Weapons
    Geth Pulse Rifle
    Geth pulse rifles are finely balanced with low-recoil and incredibly high accuracy. The pulse rifle fires a rapid stream of light-weight slugs which are wrapped in a phasic envelope to increase their damage. The Geth Pulse Rifle is a compact highly-accurate, high-powered, advanced energy pulse assault weapon manufactured by the Geth Armory, which when discharged manifests itself briefly as a sharp, cyan beam ending in an electrical discharge. It is the standard infantry weapon for the geth military, and is standard-issue to many of their troops, including Juggernauts, Shock Troopers, and many other geth units. The weapon shares the appearance of the geth with glowing parts, smooth rounded edges, and a shiny, chrome finish.
    Geth Pulse Shotgun
    This three-barrelled geth weapon fires miniature but potent cluster rounds of superconducting projectiles and has a longer range than standard shotguns. A two-stage trigger system allows for either quick fire-capacitors or a charge-and-release attack to electrify the projectiles as they exit the weapon. As the rounds hit the target, they fragment and electricity arcs between the pieces, flash-converting the air to conductive plasma. The resulting impact, heat, and electrical charge overloads shields and barriers and causes massive trauma to unarmored targets.
    The Allied States of Lernaea is a culturally diverse place, with many different races. The many races have grown closer of the years, and now function flawlessly as a community, ensuring domestic tranquility. The main races, Human, Asari, Turian, and Salarian, are pretty evenly spread throughout the population, with the Noghri and Krogan coming behind. The many races learned to trust and depend on each other, forming a perfect union that that operates as a whole.

    The following are short descriptions of each race copied/modified from their respective wikis.

    Humans are generally seen to be very intelligent, abnormally ambitious, highly adaptable, individualistic and thus, unpredictable. They have a powerful desire to advance and improve themselves.
    The asari live a millennium, using their wisdom gained over the hundreds and thousands of years to their advantage. Due to their long lifespan, they more conservative but convivial to other races. They favor cooperation and compromise over conflict. Because of their long lifespan, asari tend to have a "long view" not common in other races. When they encounter a new species or situation, the asari are more comfortable with an extended period of passive observation and study than immediate action.  They invite new species of advanced development to join the galactic community, knowing that their ideals and beliefs will inevitably influence the existing culture.
    Turians are known for their militaristic and disciplined culture. They believe in self-sacrifice and public service, and are very have a strict work ethic and discipline. They are willing to do what needs to be done and always follow through. They aren't easily spurred into violence, but when it is inevitable, they do not believe in skirmishes or battles, using large fleets to completely remove any threat of having to fight their opponent more than once. Turians are taught to own every decision they make, good or ill. The worst sin they can make in the eyes of their people is to lie about their own actions. Turians who murder will try to get away with it, but if directly questioned, most will confess the crime.
    Salarians are known for their observational capability and non-linear thinking. This manifests as an aptitude for research and espionage. They are constantly experimenting and inventing, and it is generally accepted that they always know more than they are letting on. Salarians excel at invention, preferring to use cutting-edge technology rather than settle for anything less. They embrace the dictum that "knowledge is power."
    Noghri were notable for being fearsome warriors. They were extremely dedicated fierce fighters and they never showed any moment where they demonstrated humor, even in their most relaxed state. Furthermore, they had a tendency to prefer the use of more primitive weaponry—such as knives—as well as unarmed combat. Their greatest strength, however, was their secrecy, as they were only ever off-world when called upon for a mission. Once deployed, a Noghri was single-minded in the completion of their task, which completely consumed them until their mission objective was accomplished. Noghri were notorious assassins. They also made outstanding bodyguards. In battle, they were exceptional in hand-to-hand combat. They possessed a clan-based society that was made up of close-knit family groupings that had many different forms of customs and rituals. They respected honor above all else.
    The harsh krogan homeworld conditioned the krogan psychology for toughness just as it did the body. Krogan have always had a tendency to be selfish, unsympathetic, and blunt. They respect strength and self-reliance and are neither surprised nor offended by treachery. Their worst insult is to call someone "not worth killing".
    « Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 05:48:35 AM by xXTheHydraXx »
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
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  • The Laurentian Empire


    Long before the Laurentian Empire came into existence, it was a peaceful part of the Wintrean galactic community. It was thus not surprising when they were almost completely wiped out when the wars began.

    The Asari, whose numbers once made up most of the Laurentian people, were hit the hardest. The few who remained decided that it would be best to retreat deep into space, and so they organised an exodus of no more than 20 000 civilian-class ships into the region of space where they planned to rebuild.

    Unbeknownst to the Asari however, was that the war-loving Qunari had occupied much of the region, and weren't about to share the space.

    It was this war that decimated all the technology, and left the various races stranded on their planets. Having no choice but to work together for their shared survival, all the races were forced to a agree to a truce, or else they would face extinction.

    The Asari, capable of living for a thousand years, retained the knowledge of the technology that they had lost, and led the charge back into the space era.

    They had thought to reunite with others of their kind once more when the Laurentian sectors began re-establishing contact, but it wasn't long before the Qunari once more sought to conquer the sector.

    The Asari, being a peace-loving race, didn't know how to respond to the threat the qunari posed, and so most of them left the territories altogether.

    War raged on bitterly between the other races who remained, and it seemed inevitable that the Qunari would conquer the systems, until Judicael Laurentus began spreading dissension within the ranks of the Qunari, by spreading rumours of a powerful artefact that the Qunari leadership was hiding on its capital planet that would give the users unimaginable power. This artefact, Judicael claimed, was being hoarded by the Arishok for his own selfish gain. The Arishok denied this vehemently, but doubt ebbed away in the Qunari ranks until they too began fighting amongst themselves. Some even broke off from the way of the Qun altogether, becoming the first of the Tal-Vashoth. Their children became known as the Vashoth, and many found their way into the ranks of the Laurentian defenders.

    As Judicael saw it, what gave the Qunari their strength was the fact that they were united behind one common goal, while the other races remained distrustful of one another even as war enveloped their systems. By driving a wench into the Qunari war machine, the other races were finally able to gain a foothold in the struggle, and Judicael, being a natural leader, began uniting more and more races to beat back the qunari threat.

    The fractured Qunari could not fight both the Laurentian defenders and the Tal-Vashoth, and were finally forced to end the conflict when their capital world was invaded.

    Judicael was a hero to many, and faced little resistance as he proclaimed himself the king of a good number of predominantly human sectors.

    It was King Judicael Laurentus' daughter, Acantha, who seized upon the opportunity of the division within the other races' ranks to finish what the Qunari had started, and bring all 23 sectors of their known galaxy under Laurentian rule, although she did so with a massive fleet made up of various different races, and for fundamentally different reasons than the Qunari previously had. She proclaimed
    herself as Empress, and her descendants put forth the tradition she had established as a conqueror to bring ever more sectors of space into the family's fold.

    According to some, the Laurentuns are cold-hearted conquerors, but most people within the empire now look upon them with admiration, claiming
    that the facts speak for themselves, and that the Laurentuns bring prosperity with them whenever they expand.

    Cultural and Racial Information

    Racial demographics
    1. Humans 44%
    2. Qunari 10% + Vashoth 12%
    3. Salarians 17%
    4. Turians 10%
    5. Asari 5%
    6 Other 2%

    Laurentun Heartland Culture and Race Information
    The people of the capital are generous spirits who generally look down on inequality. They firmly believe that the future of the universe is brightest if all the races can unite behind a common cause. They are made up mostly by humans and Asari, so while the Asari make up only 5% of the empire's population, they are over-represented in the sectors directly under Laurentun rule to make up about 33% of the population. The humans make up about 60%, and various other races make up the remaining 7%.
    New Hatfield Culture and Race
    The New Hatfield systems were the first to fall under Laurentian rule, but are also the last remaining stronghold for the true Qunari. The Qunari resent the Laurentus family to this day, as their code dictates that true peace and prosperity will only take flight in the galaxy once all races have been inducted into the Qun, their collection of ancient philosophies. The Qunari view themselves as a single body as an organisation, and every follower of the Qun is thus given the importance of a cell within that body. The Qunari don't live for themselves, but live to keep the body healthy and strong. Their only true possessions are their weapons. For a Qunari to lose the weapon given to them when they come of age, is to become a Tal-Vashoth, a soulless one, a deserter.

    The Qunari make up 33% of these systems' population, but the true rulers of the system are the Vashoth, who make up another 37%. The remaining 30% are made up of various other races.

    New Hatfieldians as a people are generally callous and unforgiving. They are driven by duty, not love, and thus contribute the most troops to the Imperial Fleet.
    Government Structure
    The Laurentian Empire has a strict imperial structure, with the Emperor and his family ruling over the heads of the empire, and being the direct rulers of the capital planet Luminera.

    The Laurentuns (plural of Laurentus, the royal family name) rule over the leaders of the New Hatfieldian, Kuncachean and Hatorian systems fairly, but don't tolerate dissent. Each vassal government is in turn headed by a monarch of their own, and although the people in the empire may advance through a strict meritocracy and they enjoy great personal freedoms, no democracy is to be found.

    Notable characters
    The royal family

    The Emperor

    Age: 51 years old

    Emperor Laurentus, previously known as Imperial Prince Maximus Laurentus Senior, is the eldest son of the Honoured Emperor Julius Laurentus. Due to Laurentian imperial custom, he gave up his first name to signify his allegiance to the realm and to his family when he ascended to the throne.

    He is a fiendishly intelligent man, and prefers to deal with his subjects with tact and diplomacy. This doesn't mean he is afraid of war, however. He would prevent it at all reasonable cost, but when he does decide to go to battle, his strategic mind is a force to be reckoned with. Even so, he is never as heartless as his younger brother, but will still kill if he or his family is threatened.

    The emperor is a bookish man, and even though he is as tall as his brother, he has a slight frame. He shaves his hair completely to hide the fact that he began suffering from hair loss at the age of 23, but grows his beard to a decent yet professional length to look more intimidating.

    Imperial Prince Marinia Laurentus

    Age: 40

    Laurentus' younger brother, the title Imperial Prince signifies his status as heir to the throne. Laurentian imperial law of succession is not decided by birth order, but by the current emperor's judgment, unless no heir has been named, in which case it passes to the emperor's eldest child upon the his death or permanent incapacitation. Marinia was trained in the art of war from a young age, and thoroughly revels in his work. He heads the Laurentian Intelligence Agency, as well as the military and its three generals. He is completely ruthless, and is often involved with very dirty business to weaken his enemies and make them ripe for defeat.

    Emperor Laurentus knows this about his younger brother, but also knows that Marinia's loyalty is beyond question, and knows that he needs his brother's ruthlessness in certain situations.

    Marinia has short hair, and a trimmed beard and moustache. He is 1.88 meters tall, and has a powerful yet agile frame. He is excellent with close quarters combat.
    Military and Tech
    The Laurentian military is a force to be reckoned with, although the Laurentian Empire prefers to spread discontent among the enemy's generals and weaken the enemy's position from the inside.

    Although the bulk of its power lies with the Laurentian Imperial Fleet for reasons of conquest, the vassal kingdoms possess considerable forces to defend their homelands.

    The military exists solely to conquer ever more territories in order to expand Laurentian rule to many sectors of the galaxy.

    To this end, the military uses a variety of weapons, which include plasma, laser and rail guns, but makes use of many different bombs and missiles. The military is currently researching Element Zero propelled weapons tech, and finding the basic premise to be similar to that of rail tech, but with the possibility to reach far greater velocities due to the nature of mass effect tech.

    One weapons technology the emperor does not permit to use in terrestrial warfare is nuclear, since he does not wish to destroy worlds, but conquer them for their resources and manpower.

    There are tens of thousands of ships in the fleet, but few flagships. The Laurentian mindset is that it's better to hit fast than hard, and for this reason the fleets mainly consist of smaller ships that are equipped with anti-matter missile launchers and plasma cannons. Thanix cannons are the first Element Zero propelled technology to bear fruit for Laurentian war machines, but due to the cost, unpredictability, and scarcity of Element Zero at the present time, only three ships are currently equipped with them, and these don't belong to the military, but one to the royal family and the other two to top Laurentian
     infiltration units. All three models are equipped with Element Zero cores to test their viability for interstellar travel, and although the theoretical possibilities of the technology are near limitless, in practice, they are still slower than the technologies already available.

    Laurentian ground forces are equipped with the typical weaponry one can expect of this day and age (rail, plasma, laser and other), but two infiltration teams have already started using prototypical Element Zero weaponry. How viable these will prove in combat remains to be seen.

    I will update this when I have more time.
    « Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 01:16:02 AM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
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  • Updated mine a bit. You get to see what the army looks like.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

    • Aesir Warrior
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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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  • The Democratic Empire of Rationalist Science
    AKA: Empire of Science, Science, Democratic Empire

    The Empire of Science was created when a group of Wintrean scientific explorers were crash-landed on an unpopulated planet, Clausius. They were confronted by a lack of metal deposits and other necessary materials in the small continent where they landed. Canoe-based, island-hopping expeditions colonized the other continents, and it took centuries to return to the Space Age. By the time space travel was restored, a government had been established to further the interests of science, and the Empire of Science evolved into an emerging power. Fortunately, most scientific knowledge from the Wintrean Golden Age was preserved, first by the initial scientists and then by the government, allowing for Science to innovate off of a stronger base.

    The redevelopment of the warp drive led to the Civil War between the initial star systems that Science colonized. The conflict was resolved after researchers on the capital planet Clausius successfully developed a hyperdrive based on centuries-old plans and new innovations. The near-instantaneous travel between the rather close star systems allowed the Clausius faction to reunite the Democratic Empire and begin a new era of colonization. Entering the greater galactic world in the aftermath of the collapse of Wintreath, the Democratic Empire has made significant progress in colonizing nearby systems and establishing an interstellar civilization.
    The people of Science often jokingly refer to its government as “a scientific theocracy.” The government is dedicated to increasing its technological and scientific capacities. Although the de jure emperor is Science, the actual government is led by the First Consul, who also holds the title of Lord Steward and Regent of Science.

    The legislature is bicameral, consisting of a technocratic Imperial Senate and a General Assembly. Senators represent their particular field and are elected by others working in the same field. The General Assembly serves as a representative democratic legislature. There are also direct democracy elements in effect to allow citizens to directly propose new laws.

    The Empire of Science places a high focus on education for its citizens, and the public education system is highly valued.

    •  William Xavier, First Consul of the Democratic Empire of Rationalist Science, Lord Steward and Regent of Science
    Xavier is an influential figure in the political field. As the culture of Science revolves highly around knowledge, most political figures, including Xavier, are highly educated.

    •  George Wheeler, Minister of Colonization
    Wheeler, the Minister of Colonization, oversees the governance of colonized systems and organizes the colonization of new systems.

    •  Helia Baker, Minister of State
    Baker, the Minister of State, is one of the main figures in foreign diplomacy.

    •  Richard Feynman, President of the University of Rationalist Science, Vivaldi, Chief Advisor on Education and Science in Practice
    Professor Feynman is President of one of the most prestigious universities in Science, this one in the capital city of the Empire. Because of the high focus on education, nearly all universities are publicly funded.

    •  Harry Smith, Director of the Scientific Intelligence Agency (SIA)
    The SIA is generally used for surveillance of criminal suspects and pirates, and has legal power to conduct espionage on foreign nations.

    •  James Sherman, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Fleet
    Grand Admiral Sherman commands the military force of the Empire of Science. This force is used to protect systems from attack and maintain order in the Empire.

    •  Kenne Bailey, Director-General of the Scientific Exploration Fleet
    The Scientific Exploration Fleet leads the Democratic Empire in exploration of unknown territory. Its team of high-profile scientist explorers help observe potential colonization sites and conduct experiments. Bailey commands the Fleet's flagship, the cruiser SES Actualization.

    •  Tobo Mott, Captain in the Imperial Fleet
    Mott is currently commanding the Observation Task Force to the Aesir.

    •  Robert Forrester, Ambassador to the Laurentian Empire

    •  Morris Glass, Ambassador to the Aesir Empire

    •  Roger Murphy, Ambassador to the Wintrean Remnant
    As Science has not officially opened relations with Wintreath, Murphy currently officially holds the position of ambassador-at-large.

    •  Jessica Rogers, Ambassador to the Allied States of Lernaea
    Imperial Fleet and Scientific Exploration Fleet
    The Imperial Fleet serves as the main military for Rationalist Science. Many of the starships are new colony ships and guard/patrol ships, while older ones are remnants from the Civil War. The flagship, Aphelion, is about 900 meters long; larger ships in the fleet tend to be around 500 meters in length. Despite knowledge of larger ships, the Fleet Command has decided on a policy of smaller but more nimble ships, rather than larger and more cumbersome ones. The ships tend to use railguns, energy weapons (lasers, ion cannons, etc), and missiles (nuclear, antimatter, kinetic, conventional, and proton), along with smaller fighters, particularly drones. The starships often double as police (against uprisings and pirates) and facilitation for colonization and trade. Due to improvements in hyperdrive designs, some ships are now equipped with hyperdrives with a class under 1.0, though most are only Class 2.0.

    The Scientific Exploration Fleet is a primarily civilian exploratory force used for scouting uncharted systems and preparing them for colonization. They primarily use Vivaldi-class corvettes and Rationality-class shuttles for exploration, though they generally employ ships less armed than their military counterparts. Their flagship is a modified Carpe Diem-class cruiser, the SES Actualization.
    Aphelion-class battleship
    At 890 meters long, Aphelion-class ships have been constructed extremely few times: Aphelion, the flagship, and Perihelion are the only two currently in operation, though some are in reserve. Originally constructed at the end of the Dalton Civil War to prevent further uprisings, the ships have proven quite successful at their job. Aphelion-class ships are armed with 72 railguns spread evenly on all parts of the ship and 2 mega-railguns that run the entire length of the ship. They also contain 92 turbolaser batteries, 10 ion cannons, 20 torpedo launch tubes, and 10 tractor beam projectors. Aphelion-class ships are equipped with a Class 1.2 hyperdrive with a backup Class 15 hyperdrive, and a warp drive with a maximum speed of Warp 9.975. The 10 ion engines on all sides of the ships help increase maneuverability, and the ship is shielded by 2 shield generator domes. Aphelion-class ships can also carry up to 6,000 crew, 2,000 troops, 256 Humanism drones, 12 Scarlatti starfighters, 16 Vivaldi-class corvettes (in docking bays), and 10 Rationality-class shuttles.
    Carpe Diem-class cruiser
    Functioning as the main ship of the Imperial Fleet, Carpe Diem-class cruisers are also used for colonization and intra-empire trade. These 510-meter long ships have speeds and armaments that vary depending on the usage. The military-grade cruisers are generally equipped with a Class 2.0 hyperdrive or lower and a backup warp drive that can reach Warp 8 or higher. They are armed with up to 1 mega-railgun, 48 smaller ones, 54 turbolasers, 2 ion cannons, 14 torpedo launch tubes, 4 tractor beam projectors, and 8 ion engines. Civilian Carpe Diem ships have significantly less armament. These cruisers are generally protected by at least one shield generator. Carpe Diem-class cruisers can carry up to 2,500 crew, 750 troops, 128 Humanism drones, 6 Scarlatti starfighters, 6 Vivaldi-class corvettes (in docking bays), and 6 Rationality-class shuttles.
    Precision-class interdictor cruiser
    Precision-class interdictor cruisers are heavily modified Carpe Diem-class cruisers. Most are equipped with Class 1.0 hyperdrives or lower, and their warp drives can reach Warp 9.975, allowing them to bypass their own interdiction fields. In addition to standard armament, these interdictor cruisers are equipped with at 4 gravity well projectors and at least 6 tractor beam projectors.
    Carpe Noctem-class assault ship
    Carpe Noctem-class assault ships are used for Army troop transport. At 510 meters long, they are somewhat based on the Carpe Diem-class cruiser, but are streamlined for speed and transport capabilities. They are equipped with a Class 0.75 hyperdrive, and a few have warp drives that reach Warp 9.975. Each ship is armed with 36 turbolasers, 8 railguns, and 4 torpedo launch tubes. They have a crew of 500 and can carry 14,000 troops. They carry 60 Rationality-class dropships, 24 Oppenheimer-class gunships, and 72 military-grade speeders. The dropships and gunships carry a total of approximately 24 Gargantua vehicles, 120 Sabre-class fighter tanks, 360 Spatha hovertanks, and 1024 Rapier drones. The number of troops is often decreased in favor of larger numbers of battle droids and/or Rapier drones. Each ship is protected by a shield generator dome and 12 Humanism drones.
    Carpe Vitam-class carrier
    Carpe Vitam-class carriers are heavily modified Carpe Diem-class cruisers, used as starfighter carriers. They are armed with 48 turbolasers, 36 railguns, and 4 torpedo launch tubes. These ships generally carry 576 Humanism drones, 18 Scarlatti starfighters, and 20 Rationality-class shuttles. Most are equipped with Class 1.0 hyperdrives.
    Vivaldi-class corvette
    At 130 meters long, Vivaldi-class corvettes are the smallest and nimblest ships of the fleet. They are used for many purposes, and more poorly armed versions are often used commercially by smaller or independent companies. The military-grade versions have 12 ion engines arranged in configuration for optimal speed, and they are equipped with a class 1.5 or lower hyperdrive. Most also have a warp drive that can reach Warp 8 or higher, though blockade runner variants can travel faster than Warp 9. They can hold up to 200 crew and 700 passengers depending on configuration, and contain 1 docking bay that can hold several Humanism drones or other starfighters. They are armed with 8 turbolasers, 6 railguns, and 5 torpedo launch tubes, and are protected by a shield generator.
    Rationality-class shuttle
    Rationality-class shuttles and Scientific exploratory vehicles are used for transport and exploration. At 45 meters long, the shuttles can carry up to 300 people, depending on configuration, though a standard shuttle holds around 60 passengers. The Rationality-class shuttles are highly agile in both sublight and supralight speeds, with 3 or more ion engines and a Class 1.0 hyperdrive or lower. They often have no backup warp drive, but those that do usually can travel up to Warp 5.5. The shuttles are armed with 6 laser cannons (though some military variants have up to 12 laser cannons) and 2 torpedo launch tubes and are protected by shields. These shuttles are often used to transport people and explore planets pre-colonization, as they can land on undeveloped planetary terrain.
    Empiricism-class blockade runner
    Empiricism-class blockade runners are modified Rationality-class shuttles used as personal transport of the First Consul and other important government officials, as well as for use in special operations and the SIA. They are powered by 5 ion engines and their custom-designed hyperdrives are Class 0.6, with a backup Class 8.0 hyperdrive. Their warp drives can reach Warp 6. They have 4 torpedo launch tubes, and are often equipped with a shroud to help circumvent tractor beams, as well as a sensor jammer, if not a cloaking device outright.
    Feynmann-class shuttle
    The Feynmann-class shuttle is smaller than the Rationality-class shuttle, at 20 m long. They are usually equipped with 2 ion engines and Class 1.0 hyperdrives. These ships usually are not warp-capable, though some can reach up to Warp 5. They are armed with 4 laser cannons, though some military variants are armed with 10 cannons and a torpedo launch tube. Unlike Rationality-class shuttles, these ships are used almost exclusively for transport of people.
    Humanism drone starfighter
    True to Science's strong value of life, most of the starfighters used by the Fleet are drones. The Humanism drone is 3.5 meters long and equipped with 4 laser cannons and 2 missile launchers. A bomber variant is 4.0 meters long and is armed with proton bombs. These drones are sometimes not shielded to improve agility and reduce costs. Science's drone starfighters have both built-in AI and ability to connect with a central computer. Furthermore, large numbers of drones can connect with each other to create a supercomputer network, allowing for more streamlined swarm-based tactics.
    Acuity long-range drone starfighter
    The Acuity drone starfighter is a hyperspace-capable variant of the Humanism drone. At 5.0 meters long, it is equipped with a Class 1.5 hyperdrive. These drones are strongly shielded, yet still agile. They also contain stronger AI than Humanism drones, and have hyperwave transceivers to connect with distant computers.
    Scarlatti manned starfighter
    The Scarlatti starfighter is Science's primary manned all-purpose starfighter. It is 11 meters long and contains a Class 1.0 hyperdrive. The Scarlatti is armed with 4 laser cannons, 2 missile launchers, and 1 railgun, and is protected by relatively powerful shields; bomber variants are armed with proton bombs as well.
    Imperial Army
    The Imperial Army is the primary planetary military force of the Democratic Empire. It operates heavily in conjunction with the Fleet.
    Standard non-droid soldiers are armed with blaster rifles and thermal detonators (and/or concussion grenades), and are protected with kevlar body armor.
    Battle droid
    Battle droids often take the place of troops, due to lower costs, smaller storage space, and less loss of life in combat. For example Carpe Noctem-class cruiser can carry up to 64,000 battle droids in place of troops; in reality, the number of organics and droids are mixed. As with all of Science's military droids, these droids can connect with one another to form a supercomputer network and with a central computer to receive direct commands. Standard droids are armed with built-in blaster rifles and thermal detonators; heavy droids are armed with blaster cannons.
    Rapier drone airspeeder
    The Rapier drone airspeeder is a light unmanned combat airspeeder. Only 2.0 meters long, it is armed with 3 laser cannons and 1 missile launcher. It contains an AI that connects into both the droid supercomputer network and the central computer, if available. It is unshielded, with 2 repulsorlift engines to improve agility. These drones are used in reconnaissance and patrol, and are deployed in large numbers if used in combat. Due to the military's preference for small, fast, and agile units, these drones are often used instead of battle droids.
    Sabre-class fighter tank
    The Sabre-class fighter tank is a light, fast-attack hovertank, more akin to a starfighter than a ground tank vehicle. At 6.0 meters long, it is armed with 5 laser cannons, 2 missile launchers, and 1 railgun. It is protected by 2 shield projectors and propelled by 2 repulsorlift engines. Most are droid-controlled, and contain AIs that connect into the AI supercomputer system and the central computer. An 9.0-meter manned variant has a crew of 2 people.
    Spatha hovertank
    At 14 meters long, the Spatha is a general battle hovertank. It is armed with 6 laser cannons, 2 missile launchers, and 3 railguns. It is protected by 3 shield projectors and physical armor, and is propelled by 4 repulsorlift engines. It has a standard crew of 8.
    Gargantua heavy assault vehicle
    The Gargantua is a large wheeled tank often used as a ground troop transport. It is 25 meters long and can carry up to 150 troops, 1 Spatha Hovertank, 4 Sabre Fighter Tanks, and/or 10 Rapier drones, depending on internal configuration (eg: may carry more vehicles if fewer troops and vice versa), and has a standard crew of 12. The Gargantua is armed with 8 laser cannons and 4 railguns. It is heavily armored and may be modified to be protected by a shield generator.
    Oppenheimer-class attack gunship
    The Oppenheimer-class attack gunship is a specialized gunship used for aerial support and infantry transport. It is 20 meters long, and carries up to 30 troops, 1 Sabre Fighter Tank, and 8 Rapier Drones, and has a standard crew of 2-4. The gunship is armed with 6 laser cannons, 4 railguns, and 4 missile launchers, and is moderately shielded.
    Rationality-class dropship
    Rationality-class shuttles have been adapted for use by the Army as dropships. These modified ships are usually not hyperspace or warp capable, allowing for more troops to be carried aboard. A standard dropship is armed with 14 laser cannons and 2 missile launchers, and is heavily shielded. It can carry 300 troops, 1 Gargantua Assault Vehicle,  2 Spatha Hovertanks, 6 Sabre Fighter Tanks, and/or 18 Rapier drones, depending on internal configuration.
    Scientific Self-Defense Forces
    The Self-Defense Forces receive similar equipment as the Fleet and Army, but exist primarily as a defense and reserve force. It is divided into the Ground Self-Defense Force and the Space Self-Defense Force.
    Standard garrison base
    At least one garrison base is present on each inhabited planet, though they may vary from minor outposts to large bases. A standard garrison contains 3000 base personnel from the Ground Self-Defense Force, and 1400 troops from both the Ground Self-Defense Force and the Army, depending on the base and its location. It also contains 96 Humanism drones and 64 military-grade speeders. They are defended by 8 turbolasers, 3 railguns, and 2 ion cannons, are shielded, and are equipped with 2 tractor beams. Garrison bases also often contain planetary shield generators to protect the planet.
    Standard space station
    Space stations are often placed in orbit around inhabited planets. A standard space station is 720 meters in length. They are armed with 64 railguns, 86 turbolaser batteries, 6 ion cannons, 8 torpedo launch tubes, and 16 tractor beam projectors. Each space station is protected by 2 shield generator domes. A standard space station is crewed by 3000 personnel from the Space Self-Defense Force, and 500 Fleet personnel. They contain 224 Humanism drones, 8 Scarlatti starfighters, and 10 Rationality-class shuttles, and contain various docking bays and docking rings.
    « Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 12:38:02 AM by taulover »
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  • May I start using element zero for my weapons, tech and ships yet? But the lower technologies that won't give me an edge over anyone else.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Element zero?
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Look up the Mass Effect games for info on element zero.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

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  • That explains why I have never heard of it...I have never played any of the Mass Effect games.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I will probably need Google a lot during this....
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Does anyone else think that my titans are a bit much?
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

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  • I'm not ready to have an opinion yet. :)
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
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  • Let me know when you have formed an opinion. I'll be working on other parts of the factbook.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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