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Registration of Houses
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  • Pfft. If stark wants to be with best, he is welcome. If we wants to dribble in the rest, well that's his choice.

    Glad I don't need to argue my case, you've done it for me ;)
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • Fighting over me... interesting thought.  :P
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  • As fascinating as it is, this isn't really the topic to fight over members. :P
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  • This is the topic that the House of Martok gets accepted in.
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  • The House of Romanov is recognized.

    Reon, for now I'm going to have to decline to recognize that house, due to the fact that it appears to have no members using its name. While I recognize that you may have a point about non-Western house names, the fact of the matter is if I were to accept your claim I would then have to accept practically any claim made. I don't believe it's unreasonable to expect people to actually use the name of the house they're a part's really a minimum requirement.

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  • The rogue house of Martok remains unrecognized then...
    Unfortunately I still disagree with you. The minimum requirement is to have at least two people to be in that house, really... And because the character name functionally changes nothing the worry about having to accept any claim for a house where they had not changed they're name is unreasonable and, in application, useless... I still hold that the house of Martok is in every way as advisable and legitimate a any of the houses that have been officially recognized.
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  • Reon that is not even logical.  What sense are you talking?

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  • To which point do you speak, my dear Govindia?
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  • What is wrong with registering house of Martok with residents?

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  • It functionally changes nothing right now.

    However, a family name if a very specific's something a group of people share in some sense to show a relation to each other. Neither you or Nox utilize the name of the house you're attempting to register, so it doesn't show a familial relationship. In fact, you both utilize surnames that imply a relationship with other families other than the one you're attempting to register. If we were registering guilds or parties this wouldn't matter, but because these are specifically familial houses, I feel that it does.

    I could claim to be Inric Kestar of the House of Stark, but that wouldn't make much sense, would it?

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  • Not even my real life family has all the same last name... But we have a house name much like this... It makes perfect sense to me and I would posit that it only doesn't make sense to you because you've simply never run into it before...
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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
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    11:22:45 <@Vidarr> Take the example of my Grandmother
    11:22:48 <@Reon> Yes, I'll shut up while you translate.
    11:22:56 <@Vidarr> Her maiden name was Cowan
    11:23:05 <@Vidarr> Yet she belonged to the Scottish Clan Murray
    11:23:15 <@Vidarr> She was a Murray but had the name Cowan
    11:24:04 <@Vidarr> I believe Reon is suggesting a similar thing
    11:24:54 <+WorldofGovindianTanks> from what you're telling me, Vidarr, your grandmum was part of two different families, her original family Cowan, and her new family Murray when she married ?
    11:25:03 <@Vidarr> No no no no
    11:25:11 <@Vidarr> Her married name was Martin
    11:25:18 <@Vidarr> Her maiden name was Cowan
    11:25:23 <@Vidarr> But she belonged to the Murray Clan
    11:25:57 <@Vidarr> Because in her familial history there was a member of the Murray Clan and she could claim to be a descendant
    11:26:10 <@Vidarr> I could make a claim to the Murray Clan
    11:26:16 <@Vidarr> Even though my last name is Ortiz
    11:26:18 <@Reon> The idea is this Govindia... A house name does not have to be the same as a family name because family names change a lot... House names are who you pledge to and who you descend from.
    11:26:45 <+WorldofGovindianTanks> sometimes clan IS family though
    11:26:49 <@Vidarr> Yes
    11:26:51 <@Vidarr> but not always
    11:27:08 <@Vidarr> I mean, look at half of the European Monarchies
    11:27:14 <@Vidarr> They're all technically Hapsburgs
    11:27:23 <@Vidarr> But they don't carry the Hapsburg name
    11:27:28 <+WorldofGovindianTanks> yeah don't get me started with all those jumbling family trees
    11:27:29 <+WorldofGovindianTanks> lol
    11:27:36 <@Vidarr> But that's the point!
    11:27:46 <@Vidarr> Family trees are jumbled

    11:54:21 <@Vidarr> So wait
    11:54:30 <@Vidarr> Reon, you guys don't have a patriarch then
    11:55:03 <@Reon> They're long dead... I am current Patriarch.
    11:55:11 <@Vidarr> Okay :P
    11:55:15 <@Reon> In the house of Martok it is more of a title.

    I'll just leave this here.
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    « Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 09:59:22 AM by Alterra »
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
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    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

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  • That's a self-defeating argument: if this were registration of Clans, it would be valid, but as this is registration of - Western Style - House names, unfortunately it is not.

    The point Moot is trying to get across is that we are using a specific naming system and we're asking people to stick with it for both ease of understanding and because most people will easily understand this system. As you can see, the system you're asking to use is somewhat more complicated.

    If we make an exception for this we'd have to make an exception for anyone, I believe is Mootles' chief argument. For convenience, can you not simply accept the word of the Founder? :)

    EDIT for clarity: We'll be using House names in the same way as most people understand them - if you 'marry' someone from House Avestrii, you become a member of that House and take their last name. Should two individuals from separate Houses marry, they'll decide which name to take and the other will become part of that House, merely referred to as a Scion of their original House, and not as an actual member - they've married out of the Family.

    Taking a House name was a big deal in medieval Europe and not something undertaken lightly. If we're using the system I think we are, your argument is unfortunately invalid. :/
    « Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 10:57:58 AM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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