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[TABLED] Examination of Wintreath Department and Ministries Act
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  • Quote
    1. Title
      1.1 This shall be titled the Wintreath Departments and Ministries Examination and Investigation Act
    2. Procedures and Rules for Starting an Examination or an Investigation
      2.1 Any Citizen who has voted in the past election, can create a Petition which shall outline the
           Department or Ministry to be Examined and Investigated along with the reason why.
      2.2 A Petition which has gathered the greater of 30% rounded down or 6 Citizens who voted in the
           previous regular election, including the petitioner, sign the petition within a 1-week time period of its
           creation. The Monarch shall verify that all signatories to a petition voted in the previous election.
      2.3 Upon gaining the required signatures the Monarch shall committee appoint a team of no less than
            three (3) and no more than six (6) citizens to perform the investigation.
      2.4 Should the petition fail the petition for examination of said department shall not occur for a period of
           One Month,  this shall also apply to after the finishing of an examination and investigation. This shall
           be excluded upon the evocation of section 4.
    3. Procedures and Rules for Carrying out an Examination and Investigation
      3.1 Examination
        3.1.1 The committee shall then Examine the Department or Ministry to be examined and shall look for
                evidence to back up the reason for Investigation, should evidence not have been presented with
                the original petition, upon finding evidence the committee shall then begin an investigation.
        3.1.2 Upon the beginning of an Investigation the committee shall then inform the public of the
                evidence. If evidence was supplied then this step is not necessary
      3.2 Investigation
        3.2.1 The committee shall then begin the investigation where it examines the claims, and looks for any
                additional wrong-doing. The committee shall have the ability to interrogate witnesses but may not
                use force or threats on the witness. The witness will have the right to not answer any questions
                presented to them.
        3.2.2 An investigation shall end 1 month after it begins or if the committee believes there is no use in
                going forward
        3.2.3 At the end of the Investigation the committee shall release its findings.
    4. Delay of Effects
      4.1 This shall be delayed until the 10th Sorting takes office, unless otherwise amended or Repealed.

    While the need for this is low I'm proposing it. Alright so this shall enter a 48-hour debate period which, after so, a motion to vote can be motioned or to extend the debate. Unless the Speaker(or speaker PT, if active) motions to expedite.
    « Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 10:10:06 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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  • A month seems like a long wait time, perhaps something shorter?
    Here's the thing about equality, everyone's equal when they're dead. -Gavroche, Les Misérables
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  • Red tape red tape red tape red tape...

    Bureaucracy for bureaucracy's sake. Do we really need a committee to evaluate a committee, which then reports back so another committee can do the job the first one didn't do properly?

    Overly complex, far too multiply redundant in and of itself, and frankly I don't see the need for half of its provisions.
    3 people like this post: Omega, Horse, Ceardia
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Mainly I'm trying to keep things in balance, and I may have gone overboard, however if you want you can correct the revivisons themselves.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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  • My concern is that this Act is entirely redundant, not just that parts of it are.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • I agree with Skrifa Weissreich.

    This act is redundant and useless. A committee for a committee for a committee? All for the suspicions that what? A Department of Ministry is doing something corrupt? I think the only corruption available to us now is the counting of votes, which Wintermoot could rig. I'm not saying he is, I trust him and I hope everyone in Wintreath does too because he has done nothing to create suspicion of him, but that's the only point of corruption I can find.

        3.2.1 The committee shall then begin the investigation where it examines the claims, and looks for any additional wrong-doing. The committee shall have the ability to interrogate witnesses but may not use force or threats on the witness. The witness will have the right to not answer any questions presented to them.

    In addition, if this is to be a bill, it should be worded as I amended 3.2.1
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

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  • This is mainly for the future, if you wish I can add a clause in there that states it takes effect in the future.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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  • Also seeing as this is past it's debate period, any Skrifa may now motion to extend Debate(and also have it extended for a specific length in time now) or may motion to vote
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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  • I motion to extend the debate.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

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  • Normal time period I assume
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Considering there's been absolutely no response to the motions/request for motions by the Speaker, I think we should allow this Act to drop.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • I second the motion to drop. Or, if needed, I motion to vote.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

    NS History
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  • The motion to drop would be a motion to table the bill.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
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    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
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  • I motion to drop. It doesn't seem all that necessary.
    Here's the thing about equality, everyone's equal when they're dead. -Gavroche, Les Misérables
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  • I second the motion to table.
    Ceardia Solstice
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