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Wintreath Minecraft
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Drexyl Nox
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  • I wish I had minecraft, oh well, if wishes were fishes
    Drexyl Nox
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  • It's just $26...isn't that like half a plushie? :P

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  • Would you mind giving the users gale50000000 (myself) and Karthanax (my friend) Creative for the purposes of building spawn?
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  • That makes for an interesting topic...what permissions should people have? What kind of server are we going to have?
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  • I think we should do a modded server similar to Civcraft. The modded server would ideally be using a technic pack, for the mods. Also the server should have mods, but they are only there to uphold basic rules, such as no hacking. Griefing would be allowed, technically, but players can take their own brand of justice, and enforce their own rules, much like civcraft. Obviously some plugins, like Prision Pearl would be needed though.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • On the other hand, I personally wouldn't want something that was too modded. I actually enjoy the basic Minecraft experience, although I would appreciate a few things, such as not having creepers blow huge holes everywhere. >_> Also yeah, no griefing.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Moot, look at Civcraft, they don't really have huge griefer problems. For a few weeks(like 1-2 if that) there will be anarchy, but after a while, things will calm down. I prefer something like Tekkit, where it's modded enough for you to automate things and have new things to explore, while at the same time, allowing users to do what they want in a sense.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Tekkit is a pretty heavy set of mods... It changes how the world itself is generated... And it changes the gameplay experience entirely...
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  • Yes, but in my opinion, default minecraft gets boring after awhile (especially when you aren't a great builder), so I like modpacks, however it doesn't change that much. Last I checked it mainly changes Ore Gen, and adds like one other kind of tree(excluding DD, which generates rifts and stuff....). ALso while it changes the gameplay, players can choose to ignore it and play it like Vanilla Minecraft.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • :shrug:

    Having had Minecraft since indev, I'll post up a few thoughts.

    Modded minecraft? Bad. In general, bad. Most people play Minecraft vanilla, without going through the long and complicated process of installing mods. The modpacks make the process easier but also increase the strain on your computer by a ridiculous amount. Steer clear of running servers with mod-packs.

    The best half-way point is Bukkit. Simple to install, simple to run, simple to customise. There's plugins to do almost anything you want (excluding actual game-altering, such as new objects, weapons etc) and it also keeps server load reasonably level in contrast to a modded server.

    I for one cannot be bothered to have to install Tekkit or Technic or FtB just to play this server. I'd like a good world map in which people can choose to play survival or creative (mainly because I like doing massive builds) and that's that. As for Chanku saying it doesn't change the game - unfortunately it does, even if you want to play like vanilla you're forced to run all the many add-ons and alterations that the modpack includes. It makes everything so much slower and laggier, and the server itself isn't all that great in terms of lag anyway (I went on and it takes me 2 minutes for anything to show up in chat). Bad idea to add to the strain.

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    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • (I went on and it takes me 2 minutes for anything to show up in chat)

    On our server? I've been on probably more than anyone else, and I haven't had any problems with lag thus far.

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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • I agree with Weissreich. Mods are not optimised in Minecraft and can really slow down both clients and servers. I have not used the server yet I do admit... but I do plan to once my laptop is repaired. However, I think I have a say in this as a hopeful future user. I do not want a laggy server nor to have to muck around with mods and files when I could be playing.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
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    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

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  • What ever happened to the good old simple vanilla creative/survival servers? I think it'd be neat just to make a complete world of Wintreath in MC, or hell, just a random world full of awesome community-made builds. And I'm with Weissreich, there's no way I'm installing anything for just one MC server on my comp, to me it's a big pain in the ass to manage and update it all. Not to mention the lag that would occur and the hardware needed to keep the whole thing running.
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  • Actually with SP and MP being merged mods are rather stable and don't slowdown servers that much, especially when there are only 12 people on at a time. Besides using modpacks it takes the requirement of making sure the user updates the mods(or the server-owner) out of their hands. Which is why I suggested a Technic pack. However for me vanilla minecraft is too boring, even on MP. I've played it since before there were maps(sometime back in Beta). So maybe that's why it's boring to me. However adding mods can change up the world, and can give new and useful blocks to build with. Not only that, but you can move away from torch light to electrical lights, have elevators or computers, have factories and double/triple the ore output. There is a reason mods exist, because there are things missing from gameplay in Vanilla Minecraft.

    BTW I'm able to play modded minecraft(on 1.6.4 which is the update Technic is on ATM IIRC), on 512 MB of RAM and a Pentium M processor. I'm sure most computers(even laptops) have better specs and should be able to run an optimized modpack like Technic(which is why I didn't suggest FTB...)
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • The reason that mods exist isn't necessarily that there are things 'missing' from the game, but because the vanilla game is made to appeal to as broad an audience as possible and it isn't possible to include some things that certain subsets would like. I personally enjoy the social and building aspect, so I'm happy with vanilla. I've played since 1.2 beta, and it's a game that's never gotten boring for me, but I do think it's more fun when there are others in the world interacting. :)

    I'm not necessarily against mods, but I think care should be taken as to which ones are added.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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