Post #175057
January 23, 2024, 10:01:15 PM
Who do you think are the last 2 mafia and why?
I don't know...if I had any concrete ideas on certain people, would I be in this position? 
But it seems to me that there are a few different categories of people at this point: people who voted and stuck with Projekt Red (myself and Bellapi), people who voted and stuck with Sugar Moon (you), people who changed their vote between the two (Rem, ExLight, Oricorio, and and Abbi), and people who didn't do day one and suddenly showed up today (Grace and RondoDimBuckle).
I asked about enforcement of the minimum post requirement in part because I'm wondering if there was host pressure on those two to come to the game or be removed from it, which would at least explain why they suddenly showed up. If there was no enforcement then it just looks like they suddenly showed up when it was more convenient to start playing, and that's not a good look.
Of those who switched votes, some seem to have had compelling reasons to do so, but most of that was the musical chairs played at the end of the round and it's mostly happenstance that they ended up landing where they did. Hard to know one way or another from that, but what good cover to be able to say that you voted for both of them to keep things nearly tied up?
As I mentioned before, Bellapi and I seem to have been in agreement about Sugar Moon, but I don't think that's suspicious, and I'll take him at his word that he's sick and that's why he hasn't been around since. Though given how things have gone that might be naive...I can say in Wintreath games that would be accepted without question, but there's obviously serious disconnects between how we played the game and how most people here do. In that at least this game has been illuminating.
And then there's you, the fortunate one who stuck with Sugar Moon most of the game. 
If I were forced to rank suspicion, I'd start with the people who suddenly showed up, then look at the people who switched votes repeatedly at the end of the last round.
Right here I see several paragraphs of nothing. Can you actually give me two GTH wolf reads here?
Actually, I take it back, but also kinda not. Its very late in the day to try and effect the lynch. But I guess its important to know who his wolf reads are if he flips town