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The Frosty Bugle #35: Wintreath's (LGBTQ+) Pride is Showing
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Frosty Bugle
    Your Chill Summary of This Week in Wintreath
    June 6, 2022

    Wintreath is On: Discord | Forums | NationStates

    Too Long; Didn't Read
    What can I do this week?

    A Word from the Monarch

    🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🌈

    None of our events are to make me one of these =[
    Check out the video from the person who did make it though!

    As a community with a large LGBTQ+ component (including this writer), Pride Month is an especially gay time in Wintreath, and this year is no exception! Our Cabinet has taken the lead with planning many games, events, and topics to celebrate the month with. Here's a few of the events that we've had or are having so far:
    • The Dungeon Masters, the branch of the Civil Service that puts on gaming events, are dedicating their events for the month to Out and Equal, an organization dedicated to fighting discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in the workplace. So far they have raised $150 for the organization!
    • The Greenlandic North is making a Countryball group photo of our LGBTQ+ nations, which is based on your nation's NationStates flag. I and others that are taking part can confirm that TGN makes super-cute countryballs, and I'm excited to see the end result!
    • Marzipan (New Montith) is running an Out&Proud Art Contest, where everyone is welcome to submit any kind of art they have created (drawings, writings, memes, anything!) that showcases Pride, LGBT experiences/issues, or the LGBTQ community.
    • Chanku (Terra cinis tonitrua et justitia) hosted a round of the TTRPG "Thirsty Sword Lesbians" a few days back, and many other games are planned as well this month. Check out the Upcoming Events section for a complete list of events scheduled so far!
    • Wintermoot is running a favourite LGBTQ+ character election, with nominations now open and voting to take place starting on June 15th. Who will be Wintreath's favourite character? We'll see at the end of the month!
    • As it happens, the winning Avatar of the Month theme is Pride Month: All are Welcome, which was nominated by Altrio (Gleamford). Everyone is encouraged to change their NationStates flags, forum avatars, and Discord pfps to reflect the theme!
    • Last, but not least, we've unfurled our Pride flag on our NationStates region page, which Emoticonius created for us several years ago. As always, thanks to him for making it for us! In this case, our pride is literally showing!
    If you are part of our LGBTQ+ community and would like to introduce yourself, we have a topic just for that. Read about some of our other LGBTQ+ members, and add your own introduction and story if you'd like! We'd love to hear from you and get to know you!

    What it's all about, yeah?

    Born in the remembrance of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, Pride Month is really several different things. It's a celebration of how far we've come in the pursuit of rights and acceptance since then, a memorial to the struggles that it took to get here, and a recognition of the progress that still needs to be made and the work that needs to be done to get there. And it's ultimately a celebration of the freedom to be yourself without judgement or discrimination, which is also one of the central principles of the Wintreath community. Let us remember and work toward that ideal this month and every month as we go into the future.

    Again, Happy Pride Month! And stay frosty!

    The Welcome Wagon
    Aloha to our new and returning Citizens!

    • Welcome to Corbin (Sangwen), who has already become a familiar face in our Discord, joined the now-running Werewolf game, and submitted an entry to the Out&Proud art contest. He’s really put himself out there to be part of our community, so please welcome him!

    If you would like to become a Citizen of Wintreath, all you have to do is join our forums and then fill out this form. Citizens gain full rights under our regional constitution, gain access to Citizen-only areas of the forums and Discord, and can participate in our government from our all-Citizen assembly to the Cabinet that runs the day-to-do operations of Wintreath.

    Upcoming Events
    All times Eastern. Check out our Discord for the latest gaming events!

    • Cards Against Humanity - June 6th, 9PM (Discord #zaphyr Channel)
    • Voting for Thane Elections Closes - June 7th (Forums)
    • Codenames and Chill - June 11th, 10PM (Discord #In-Game Voice Channel)
    • Minecraft Server Night - June 12th, 1AM (Wintreath Minecraft Server)

    What's Happening Now
    News from Wintreath

    Voting for Thane Elections Open!
    At the end of nomination, three Thane positions had more than one candidate and led to elections, which are now open: Thane of Embassies (TGN vs Altrio), Thane of Gaming (Marzipan (New Montith) vs Neon Abigail), and Thane of World Assembly Affairs (Michi (Penguin Dictators) vs Joslisonoria). All Citizens should check out the topic for instructions on how to vote!

    Svipjoth Wins May Wintreath’s Finest!
    After an absence of several months, Svijoth reclaimed the title of Wintreath’s Finest for her work in resurrecting Wintreath’s long-dead RP guild, as detailed in The Frosty Bugle #33. In the process, Svipjoth won 2 krone (our regional currency) and the use of a custom Wintreath’s Finest title on the forums and Discord for the month. Congratulations to her!

    Wintermoot Wins CAHpocalypse, Arenado Is Runner-Up
    At the end of the month-long CAHpocalypse tournament and many Cards Against Humanity games in the process, Wintermoot led the tournament board with Arenado (North Gralend) close behind. The two actually tied on participation points, but Wintermoot pulled slightly ahead when counting game victories. For winning, Wintermoot won 2 krone and for coming in second Arendo won 1 krone! Congrats to Aren on such a competitive tournament!

    Thanks to Our Supporters!
    As always, thanks to the people who supported Wintreath in May: Neon Abigail, Stigya (The Stigyan Triumvirate), trader, Gerrick, HannahB, Crushita (Newvanada), Dawsinian, Gantar180, DarchAngel (Khaos Batman), and Marzipan (New Montith)! What an incredible list, and I am always deeply humbled and appreciative when I put it together. Thank you guys again!

    Read More About It!
    Publications from Wintreans about anything and everything

    Teach Me the News!
    In the inaugural edition of this weekly gaming news roundup, Neon Abigail discusses how similar Sonic Frontiers looks compared to Breath of the Wild, a new Pokemon that has taken the internet by storm, and the announcement of Resident Evil 4.

    New Forum Discussions

    Here are the new discussions on our off-site forums! If one of them interests you, why don’t you add to it with a reply? As we have a few things going on at the moment, the list has been broken down by category!

    Pride Month

    Thane Elections


    Everything Else

    Looking for Group

    The Hearthkeepers: Wintreath's Welcome Wagon
    The Hearthkeepers help keep Wintreath a warm and welcoming community! They welcome and help new members, post daily questions for the community to discuss, create weekly events, and more. Would you like to help keep Wintreath a warm place? Check out the link and contact Michi / Penguin Dictators to join!

    Winbassadors: Wintreath’s Face to Other Communities
    Ambassadors (named Winbassadors on the Discord because ambassador was already taken) represent Wintreath to other communities. This involves joining their forums and Discord, keeping track of what’s going on there, posting our dispatches and information, and contributing to our foreign dispatch, the Auora Borealis. If you’re a Citizen and would like to join the Winbassador program, contact Ruguo on Discord!

    The Dungeon Masters: Wintreath's Gaming Leaders
    Dungeon Masters help organize and run gaming nights: everything from Discord games like Cards Against Humanity to video games like Jackbox and Among Us. This is a great way to help contribute to Wintreath’s community that doesn’t involve NationStates, for those Citizens who have moved on from the NS side. If you’re interested in becoming a Dungeon Master, contact Thane of Gaming Marzipan on Discord.

    Rollspelskra: Wintreath's Roleplaying Guild
    Rollspelskra is where the best roleplaying in Wintreath happens, with a focus on well-organized and moderated RPs that follow good etiquette. Join by showing you know the RP fallacies and how to avoid them, then once in propose and vote on monthly official RPs or create and join other RPs created by members. Check the link to explore Rollspelskra and join in on the fun!

    Thanks for Reading!

    Did you like this edition of The Frosty Bugle? Be sure to upvote/like this post so that I know people are getting something out of this publication and be encouraged to write more! Also, thanks to our subscribers who are listed below!

    @TGN @Marzipan
    3 people like this post: taulover, Marzipan, TGN

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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