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[PASSED]: The Right of Amendment Act
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  • Paragons
  • Duke of Wintreath
  • Quote
    In order to speed up the legislative process, it is important that the Storting be able to pass amendments to already existing Acts (excluding the Fundamental Laws) without having to go through the exhaustive Amendment process.

    1. Title
    This Act shall be styled "The Right of Amendment Act" and will be referred to in all official documentation as such.

    2. Definitions
    2.1 Amendment - An alteration to pre-existing legislation that passed both the Underhusen and Overhusen. This excludes the Fundamental Laws from Amendment though this method.

    3. Amending Pre-existing Legislation
    3.1 The Underhusen has the power, if it feels necessary, to alter Acts of Law already passed through the bicameral system without having to either re-introduce the Act in its entirety, writing a new Act for the same purpose or going through the Amendment process requiring a citizen vote.
    3.2 The Overhusen has the power to suggest alterations to already existing legislation to the Underhusen by method of an Alterations Petition.

    4. Alterations Petitions
    4.1 An Alterations Petition is a Petition requiring a majority assent by the Overhusen to alter a pre-existing Act of Law.

    5. Method of Amendment
    5.1 An Underhusen representative may introduce an Amendment Bill to the Underhusen floor for debate at any time after one week of the Act in question's passage, or at any time the Overhusen presents a Alterations Petition. The title of the Amendment Bill should be "[AMEND] Original Act Name".
    5.2 It must be made clear, with reference and citation to the original legislation, which sections of the Act require changing and what changes are to be made. It is suggested that the original text be displayed, and below it the amended text.
    5.3 Once the Amendment Bill reaches a majority, it is sent to the Overhusen, who then vote.
    5.4 Having reached a majority in both Houses, the Amendment Bill is considered passed, and the original legislation is altered.

    6. On the Fundamental Laws
    6.1 This Act does not allow the bypassing of the Amendment process for the Fundamental Laws. It is still required to pass both Houses with a super-majority and a Citizen Vote to amend the Fundamental Laws of Wintreath.

    7. Compliance with previous and future Legislation
    7.1 This Act, due to its nature, affects all laws previously passed, but will not interfere with their correct operation unless an Amendment Bill enabled under this Act is floored for debate.
    7.2 This Act, due to its nature, affects all laws passed in the future, but should not be taken into consideration in the debate of these Acts, as this Act only comes into operation on an AS-NEEDED basis.

    This debate is open for 48 hours, after which a motion to vote or a motion to extend debate may be tabled by any Underhusen member. Alterations and comments are ENCOURAGED at this stage of the debate, and NOT AFTER THE PASSAGE OF THIS BILL.
    « Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 06:49:29 PM by Denth Rowan »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Well... looks good to me...
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  • Duke of Wintreath
  • As this has been open for 48 hours, I motion to extend the debate.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
    • Duke of Wintreath
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  • Do we have a second?

    This post was made possible by contributions from viewers like you. Thank You. ~Tapatalk~

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  • I motion to vote.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • I second the motion to vote.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

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  • As the motion to vote has been seconded, and the motion to extend debate has not, this will now come to a vote.

    • Posts: 1,520
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