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Mage Wars 2: The Masters of Men Expansion Game
Posts: 276 Views: 35037

Current Gameboard (Turn 48)
Mage Wars

Imaginative Kane
Game Posts
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Action Log
    Action Log
    You teleport Tasold to 18,7, revealing a barren tile.
    You cast Shinedown at 19,8. It strikes the tower long-abandoned by Dawsinian!
    Dawsinian is removed from the game, and Gerrick receives the benefit of his mana pool (+1 AP/round).
    Tasold moves south to 18,8, revealing a Scroll of Fireball.
    Tasold collects the Scroll of Fireball.
    Tasold casts Summon Scorpion at 18,9, summoning a scorpion to that location and revealing a barren tile.

    Tonwar moves north to 24,10, revealing a barren tile.
    Hiloc moves east to 4,23, revealing a barren tile.
    Chroom moves east to 5,2, revealing a barren tile.
    You cast Shinedown at 4,22, revealing a barren tile.

    @Imaginative Kane
    You teleport Wisent to your tower.
    You teleport Zaen to your tower.
    Wisent deposits the Scroll of Heal to your tower.
    Wisent constructs a portion of Living Quarters (20/30 portions complete).
    Zaen constructs a portion of Living Quarters (21/30 portions complete).
    Orca constructs a portion of Living Quarters (22/30 portions complete).
    Apprentices can only take one action per turn. The order to create a mana potion is cancelled.

    NPC Moves
    The Banished moves west to 16,23, which has already been explored.

    No new apprentices arrived this turn.

    Player Stats
    Player Stats
    Red Mones
    @Red Mones
    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: None
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Heron at Your Tower
    Health: 29/29 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 4
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items
    Sekim at Your Tower
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 7 | Summoning: 6
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items
    Timiz at Your Tower
    Health: 30/30 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 11
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items
    Action Points (AP): 3
    Inventory: Shrine Plans
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 2 - 0/40 portions constructed), Tower Walls(Lvl 0), Shrine(Lvl 0 - 1/10 portions constructed)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Tasold at 18,8
    Health: 26/26 | Mana: 43/43 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 8 | Clerical: 11 | Summoning: 12
    Spells: Summon Scorpion
    Inventory: Scrying Stone 8/4/1, Mana Potion, Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Scroll of Fireball, Common Blue Basilisk Fragment, Mana Charm (+7MP), Mana Charm (+7), Scroll of Fireball
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Mana Potion, Use Scroll of Fireball, Cast Summon Scorpion
    Scorpion at 18,9
    Health: 14/15 | Movement: 1 | Damage: 6 | Turns Remaining: 6
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Melee Attack (Any Adjacent Tile)
    Imaginative Kane
    @Imaginative Kane
    Action Points (AP): 2
    Inventory: Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Sanctuary, Scroll of Heal, Self-Building Construct, Scroll of Heal
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1 - 22/30 portions constructed), Mana Pool(Lvl 2 - 0/40 portions constructed), Tower Walls(Lvl 1 - 0/7 portions constructed), Transcribe: Freezing Touch(Lvl 0 - 1/10 portions constructed), Transcribe: Spark(Lvl 0 - 1/10 portions constructed)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Zaen at Your Tower
    Health: 27/27 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 10
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-1 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West
    Wisent at Your Tower
    Health: 37/37 | Mana: 40/40 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 7 | Clerical: 12 | Summoning: 5
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Vitality Charm (+7HP), Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Mana Charm (+6), Scroll of Heal
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West
    Orca at Your Tower
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 4 | Clerical: 8 | Summoning: 7
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West
    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: None
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Arina at Your Tower
    Health: 34/34 | Mana: 29/29 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 7 | Summoning: 12
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items
    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: Graveyard Plans, Rage Revenant Essence, Vitality Charm (+7HP)
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1 - 2/10 portions constructed), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Chroom at 4,2
    Health: 32/32 | Mana: 26/26 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 15 | Summoning: 17
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Vitality Charm (+7HP), Mana Potion, Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage), Self-Building Construct, Rage Ravenant Essence, Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Summon Scorpion, Font of Knowledge, Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments, Tome of Mana-Rune, Tome of Beating Essence, Tome of Summon Scorpion, Tome of Fireball
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Mana Potion, Use Scroll of Heal, Use Scroll of Summon Scorpion, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall
    Tonwar at 24,10
    Health: 27/27 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 4 | Clerical: 9 | Summoning: 7
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments, Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall
    Hiloc at 4,23
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 11 | Clerical: 8 | Summoning: 10
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-1 Magical Damage), Common Blue Basilisk Fragment, Tome of Blink, Algamic Cross (+5)
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall

    Round 40 Ends Friday, February 18th at 9AM or once all active players have moved.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Round 40
    Scorpion move to 18,10
    Teleport Tasold to tower
    Tasold construct shrine
    Cast Shinedown at 19,9
    Cast Shinedown at 19,10

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
    Curriculum Vitae
    Citizen: 15 November 2015 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: December 2015
    Recruitment Contest Winner: January 2016
    Secretary of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 24 February 2017
    Recruitment Contest Winner: April 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: April 2016
    Ambassador to Nesapo: 5 July 2016 - 13 March 2017
    Jarl of Culture: 30 November 2016 - 13 September 2019
    Wintreath's Finest: November 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: February 2017
    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
    Wintreath's Finest: September 2019
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of the Year: 2019
    Commendation of Wintreath: 27 June 2020
    Citizens' Council Member: 14 September 2020 - 8 March 2021
    Skrifa of the 43rd Underhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021 🔥

    Alder of the Riksraad: 7 June 2021 - 17 June 2021
    Jarl of Culture: 17 June 2021 - 14 November 2021
    Alder of the Riksraad: 14 November 2021 - 1 March 2022
    Regional Stability Squad: 27 February 2023 - present
    • Posts: 4,104
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    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
    Imaginative Kane
  • Citizen
  • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
  • Wisent and Orca: Construct Living Quarters.
    Tower: Teleport Wisent to 2,2 and Teleport Orca to 2,1.
    Wisent and Orca: Collect anything.
    Zaen: Construct Living Quarters

    So our apprentices can cast a spell after moving on the same turn? Thought casting was a separate action on that front and so it would have to be done on a different turn.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    « Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 10:26:42 PM by Imaginative Kane »
    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
    Oldies are goodies.
    Travel the world

    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
    • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
    • Posts: 4,551
    • Karma: 872
    • Young pessimistic technologically challenged somewhat ignorant animal and especially cat loving idiot.
    • Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Seeker of Knowledge
  • Turn 4:

    Tonwar: Move north

    Tonwar: Collect (if possible)

    Hiloc: Move east

    Hiloc: Collect (if possible)

    Chroom: Move east

    Chroom: Collect (if possible)

    Tower: Cast Shinedown on 5,24

    So our apprentices can cast a spell after moving on the same turn? Thought casting was a separate action on that front and so it would have to be done on a different turn.
    Same question here, this is my understanding of the rules also.
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
    From the Ashes RP Game Master: 29 November 2015 - 24 July 2018
    Skydande Vakt Marshal: 29 November 2015 - 28 February 2017
    Skrifa of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 6 March 2018
    Ambassador to Lovely: 23 February 2016 - 17 August 2016
    Werewolf VII co-host: 11 May 2016 - 5 June 2016
    Skrifa of the 18th Underhusen: 8 October 2016 - 7 December 2016
    Ambassador to Balder: 1 December 2016 - 1 March 2022
    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
    Werewolf XIV host: 20 January 2018 - 23 February 2018
    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
    Speaker of the 28th Underhusen: 10 June 2018 - 7 August 2018
    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
    Commendation of Wintreath: 24 September 2020
    Peer of the Overhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021
    Vice Chancellor of the Landsraad: 26 May 2021 - 15 September 2022
    Arena Game 8 Host: 10 June 2021 - 19 July 2021
    June 2021 Wintreath's Finest: 5 July 2021
    Regional Stability Squad: 28 February 2023 - present
    Minecraft Server Admin: 8 March 2023 - present

    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
    Plebeian: 16 April 2014 - 21 July 2014
    Patrician: 21 July 2014 - present
    Adeptus Mechanicus: 24 October 2014 - 16 November 2014
    Co-founder of New Hyperion: 29 October 2014 - present
    Lord of Propaganda: 16 November 2014 - present
    Mapmaker for Official Region RP: 27 November 2015 - present
    WACom Delegate: 11 November 2017 - present
    Other positions: Hyperian Guardsman, Hyperian Marine (Rank: Scout)
    • Seeker of Knowledge
    • Posts: 13,242
    • Karma: 4,263
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Whoops.

    My intention was to say that attacks would go first, so there wasn't a situation where a player could move to ambush an apprentice and kill them on the same turn. However, the wording in the manual does say that it applies to all actions. By that reasoning, I should be applying summons and Shinedown abilities first when I have not.

    I'm open to proceeding either way, if anyone has input.

    Action Log
    Action Log
    Scorpion moves south to 18,10, revealing a Scroll of Heal.
    You teleport Tasold to your tower.
    Tasold constructs a portion of Shrine (2/10 portions complete).
    You cast Shinedown at 19,9, revealing a barren tile.
    You cast Shinedown at 19,10, revealing a barren tile.

    @Imaginative Kane
    Wisent constructs a portion of Living Quarters (23/30 portions complete).
    Orca constructs a portion of Living Quarters (24/30 portions complete).
    You teleport Wisent to 2,2, revealing a barren tile.
    You teleport Orca to 2,1, revealing a barren tile.
    Zaen constructs a portion of Living Quarters (25/30 portions complete).

    Tonwar moves north to 24,9, revealing a barren tile.
    Hiloc moves east to 5,23, revealing a Scroll of Heal.
    Hiloc collects the Scroll of Heal.
    Chroom moves east to 6,2, revealing a barren tile.
    You cast Shinedown at 5,24, revealing a Scroll of Fireball.

    NPC Moves
    The Banished moves west to 15,23, which has already been explored.

    No new apprentices arrived this turn.

    Player Stats
    Player Stats
    Red Mones
    @Red Mones
    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: None
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Heron at Your Tower
    Health: 29/29 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 4
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items

    Sekim at Your Tower
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 7 | Summoning: 6
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items

    Timiz at Your Tower
    Health: 30/30 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 11
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items

    Action Points (AP): 3
    Inventory: Shrine Plans
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 2 - 0/40 portions constructed), Tower Walls(Lvl 0), Shrine(Lvl 0 - 2/10 portions constructed)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Tasold at Your Tower
    Health: 26/26 | Mana: 43/43 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 8 | Clerical: 11 | Summoning: 12
    Spells: Summon Scorpion
    Inventory: Scrying Stone 8/4/1, Mana Potion, Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Scroll of Fireball, Common Blue Basilisk Fragment, Mana Charm (+7MP), Mana Charm (+7), Scroll of Fireball
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items, Cast Summon Scorpion

    Scorpion at 18,10
    Health: 14/15 | Movement: 1 | Damage: 6 | Turns Remaining: 5
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Melee Attack (Any Adjacent Tile)

    Imaginative Kane
    @Imaginative Kane
    Action Points (AP): 2
    Inventory: Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Sanctuary, Scroll of Heal, Self-Building Construct, Scroll of Heal
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1 - 25/30 portions constructed), Mana Pool(Lvl 2 - 0/40 portions constructed), Tower Walls(Lvl 1 - 0/7 portions constructed), Transcribe: Freezing Touch(Lvl 0 - 1/10 portions constructed), Transcribe: Spark(Lvl 0 - 1/10 portions constructed)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Zaen at Your Tower
    Health: 27/27 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 10
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-1 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West

    Wisent at 2,2
    Health: 37/37 | Mana: 40/40 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 7 | Clerical: 12 | Summoning: 5
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Vitality Charm (+7HP), Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Mana Charm (+6), Scroll of Heal
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Scroll of Heal, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West

    Orca at 2,1
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 4 | Clerical: 8 | Summoning: 7
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West

    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: None
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Arina at Your Tower
    Health: 34/34 | Mana: 29/29 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 7 | Summoning: 12
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items

    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: Graveyard Plans, Rage Revenant Essence, Vitality Charm (+7HP)
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1 - 2/10 portions constructed), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Chroom at 6,2
    Health: 32/32 | Mana: 26/26 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 15 | Summoning: 17
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Vitality Charm (+7HP), Mana Potion, Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage), Self-Building Construct, Rage Ravenant Essence, Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Summon Scorpion, Font of Knowledge, Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments, Tome of Mana-Rune, Tome of Beating Essence, Tome of Summon Scorpion, Tome of Fireball
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Mana Potion, Use Scroll of Heal, Use Scroll of Summon Scorpion, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall

    Tonwar at 24,9
    Health: 27/27 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 4 | Clerical: 9 | Summoning: 7
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments, Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall

    Hiloc at 5,23
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 11 | Clerical: 8 | Summoning: 10
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-1 Magical Damage), Common Blue Basilisk Fragment, Tome of Blink, Algamic Cross (+5), Scroll of Heal
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Scroll of Heal, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall

    Round 41 Ends Sunday, February 27th at 9AM or once all active players have moved.
    « Last Edit: February 26, 2022, 10:20:07 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Imaginative Kane
  • Citizen
  • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
  • Looks like you missed Zaen's action from last turn on the log.

    Orca and Wisent: Move West and Collect anything.
    Tower: Return Wisent to Tower. Teleport Wisent to 4,24.
    Wisent: Collect anything
    Zaen: Construct Living Quarters.
    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
    Oldies are goodies.
    Travel the world

    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
    • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
    • Posts: 4,551
    • Karma: 872
    • Young pessimistic technologically challenged somewhat ignorant animal and especially cat loving idiot.
    • Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Round 41
    Scorpion move to 18,11
    Teleport Tasold to 18,10 and collect
    Tasold move to 17,10 and collect if possible
    Cast Shinedown at 17,9
    Cast Shinedown at 17,11

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
    Curriculum Vitae
    Citizen: 15 November 2015 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: December 2015
    Recruitment Contest Winner: January 2016
    Secretary of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 24 February 2017
    Recruitment Contest Winner: April 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: April 2016
    Ambassador to Nesapo: 5 July 2016 - 13 March 2017
    Jarl of Culture: 30 November 2016 - 13 September 2019
    Wintreath's Finest: November 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: February 2017
    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
    Wintreath's Finest: September 2019
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of the Year: 2019
    Commendation of Wintreath: 27 June 2020
    Citizens' Council Member: 14 September 2020 - 8 March 2021
    Skrifa of the 43rd Underhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021 🔥

    Alder of the Riksraad: 7 June 2021 - 17 June 2021
    Jarl of Culture: 17 June 2021 - 14 November 2021
    Alder of the Riksraad: 14 November 2021 - 1 March 2022
    Regional Stability Squad: 27 February 2023 - present
    • Posts: 4,104
    • Karma: 3,269
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Looks like you missed Zaen's action from last turn on the log.
    Whoops! I have edited it in...sorry about that. :)
    1 person likes this post: Imaginative Kane

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
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  • Whoops.

    My intention was to say that attacks would go first, so there wasn't a situation where a player could move to ambush an apprentice and kill them on the same turn. However, the wording in the manual does say that it applies to all actions. By that reasoning, I should be applying summons and Shinedown abilities first when I have not.

    I'm open to proceeding either way, if anyone has input.
    Am just concerned because with this change, it greatly alters what sorts of moves I would have done in the past.

    Turn 4:

    Tonwar: Move north

    Tonwar: Collect (if possible)

    Hiloc: Move east

    Hiloc: Collect (if possible)

    Chroom: Move south

    Chroom: Collect (if possible)

    Tower: Cast Shinedown on 23,8
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
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    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
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    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
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  • @taulover, it's not really a change...just something that I don't think was noticed until now. I'm a bit hesitant to change it now, especially since it would impede move then teleport orders such as the one Kane executed on this turn (since teleport is a tower ability and should be done before any apprentice moves).

    The entire mechanic probably needs to go back to the drawing board.

    Action Log
    Action Log
    @Imaginative Kane
    Orca moves west to 1,1, revealing a barren tile.
    Wisent moves west to 1,2, revealing a barren tile.
    You teleport Wisent to your tower.
    You teleport Wisent to 4,24, revealing a Self-Building Construct.
    Wisent collects the Self-Building Construct.
    Zaen constructs a portion of Living Quarters (26/30 portions complete).

    Scorpion moves south to 18,11, revealing a Scroll of Heal.
    You teleport Tasold to 18,10, which has already been explored.
    Tasold collects the Scroll of Heal.
    Tasold moves west to 17,10, revealing the decrypted tower of TGN!
    TGN is removed from the game, and Gerrick receives the benefit of his mana pool (+1 AP/round).
    You cast Shinedown at 17,9, revealing a barren tile.
    You cast Shinedown at 17,11, revealing a barren tile.

    Tonwar moves north to 24,8, revealing Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments!
    Tonwar collects the Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments.
    Hiloc moves east to 6,23, revealing a barren tile.
    Chroom moves south to 6,3, revealing a barren tile.
    You cast Shinedown at 23,8, revealing a barren tile.

    NPC Moves
    The Banished moves west to 14,23, which has already been explored.

    No new apprentices arrived this turn.

    Player Stats
    Player Stats
    Red Mones
    @Red Mones
    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: None
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Heron at Your Tower
    Health: 29/29 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 4
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items
    Sekim at Your Tower
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 7 | Summoning: 6
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items
    Timiz at Your Tower
    Health: 30/30 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 9 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 11
    Spells: No Learned Spells
    Inventory: None
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items
    Action Points (AP): 3
    Inventory: Shrine Plans
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 2 - 0/40 portions constructed), Tower Walls(Lvl 0), Shrine(Lvl 0 - 2/10 portions constructed)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Tasold at 17,10
    Health: 26/26 | Mana: 43/43 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 8 | Clerical: 11 | Summoning: 12
    Spells: Summon Scorpion
    Inventory: Scrying Stone 8/4/1, Mana Potion, Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Scroll of Fireball, Common Blue Basilisk Fragment, Mana Charm (+7MP), Mana Charm (+7), Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Heal
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Mana Potion, Use Scroll of Fireball, Use Scroll of Heal, Cast Summon Scorpion
    Scorpion at 18,11
    Health: 14/15 | Movement: 1 | Damage: 6 | Turns Remaining: 5
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Melee Attack (Any Adjacent Tile)
    Imaginative Kane
    @Imaginative Kane
    Action Points (AP): 2
    Inventory: Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Sanctuary, Scroll of Heal, Self-Building Construct, Scroll of Heal
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1 - 26/30 portions constructed), Mana Pool(Lvl 2 - 0/40 portions constructed), Tower Walls(Lvl 1 - 0/7 portions constructed), Transcribe: Freezing Touch(Lvl 0 - 1/10 portions constructed), Transcribe: Spark(Lvl 0 - 1/10 portions constructed)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Zaen at Your Tower
    Health: 27/27 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 5 | Summoning: 10
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-1 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to a Tile (Cost 1AP), Build Tower Component, Make Mana Potion, Collect Items, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West
    Wisent at 4,24
    Health: 37/37 | Mana: 40/40 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 7 | Clerical: 12 | Summoning: 5
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Vitality Charm (+7HP), Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Mana Charm (+6), Scroll of Heal, Self-Building Construct
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Scroll of Heal, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West
    Orca at 1,1
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 4 | Clerical: 8 | Summoning: 7
    Spells: Fireball
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage)
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West
    Action Points (AP): 1
    Inventory: Graveyard Plans, Rage Revenant Essence, Vitality Charm (+7HP)
    Tower: Academy(Lvl 0), Library(Lvl 1 - 2/10 portions constructed), Gym(Lvl 0), Living Quarters(Lvl 1), Mana Pool(Lvl 1), Tower Walls(Lvl 0)
    Can: Cast Shinedown (Explores the tile on the grid that you specify, Cost 1AP)
    Chroom at 6,3
    Health: 32/32 | Mana: 26/26 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 12 | Clerical: 15 | Summoning: 17
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Vitality Charm (+7HP), Mana Potion, Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage), Self-Building Construct, Rage Ravenant Essence, Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Summon Scorpion, Font of Knowledge, Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments, Tome of Mana-Rune, Tome of Beating Essence, Tome of Summon Scorpion, Tome of Fireball
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Mana Potion, Use Scroll of Heal, Use Scroll of Summon Scorpion, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall
    Tonwar at 24,8
    Health: 27/27 | Mana: 32/32 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 4 | Clerical: 9 | Summoning: 7
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Rare Blue Basilisk Fragments, Elemental Rod (-2 Magical Damage), Elemental Rod (-3 Magical Damage), Rare Blue Basilisk Fragment
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall
    Hiloc at 6,23
    Health: 25/25 | Mana: 28/28 | Movement: 1 | Sorcery: 11 | Clerical: 8 | Summoning: 10
    Spells: Fireball, Summon Mana-Rune, Summon Briar Wall
    Inventory: Elemental Rod (-1 Magical Damage), Common Blue Basilisk Fragment, Tome of Blink, Algamic Cross (+5), Scroll of Heal
    Can: Teleport to Your Tower (Cost 1AP), Move North/South/East/West, Use Scroll of Heal, Cast Fireball North/South/East/West, Cast Summon Mana-Rune, Cast Summon Briar Wall

    Round 42 Ends Sunday, February 27th at 9AM or once all active players have moved.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • @taulover, it's not really a change...just something that I don't think was noticed until now. I'm a bit hesitant to change it now, especially since it would impede move then teleport orders such as the one Kane executed on this turn (since teleport is a tower ability and should be done before any apprentice moves).
    I don't see how you're getting this. Your rulebook says:
    Actions for each round will occur via combined action/move phase, meaning that all units (including towers) will use their attacks and abilities in order of the player who posted first that round to the player who posted last that round, in turn going in order of units action provided by the player in the post.
    So it would be allowed already under the existing rules.

    I do believe that not treating moves as an action would be a change since both Kane and I have been refraining from both moving and doing an action by the same apprentice in the same round, because it is/was against the rules.
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
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    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
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  • Turn 4:

    Tonwar: Move north

    Tonwar: Collect (if possible)

    Hiloc: Move north

    Hiloc: Collect (if possible)

    Chroom: Move east

    Chroom: Collect (if possible)

    Tower: Cast Shinedown on 23,7
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
    From the Ashes RP Game Master: 29 November 2015 - 24 July 2018
    Skydande Vakt Marshal: 29 November 2015 - 28 February 2017
    Skrifa of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 6 March 2018
    Ambassador to Lovely: 23 February 2016 - 17 August 2016
    Werewolf VII co-host: 11 May 2016 - 5 June 2016
    Skrifa of the 18th Underhusen: 8 October 2016 - 7 December 2016
    Ambassador to Balder: 1 December 2016 - 1 March 2022
    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
    Werewolf XIV host: 20 January 2018 - 23 February 2018
    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
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    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
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    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
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    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
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    Patrician: 21 July 2014 - present
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  • @taulover: Hmm. I think I see what the issue is. I left the part about movements out of the description of combined action/move phase, although it is stated in the example given later on:
    However, players should pay attention to players subsequent post to insure that actions posted will not impact their movement (for example, a case where a player posts a move to a tile and then another player summons mana-runes at that location, which will damage the unit because abilities are cast before movements are made).

    The intention was that abilities would be done in order of posts, then all movements done in the order of posts, so there wasn't a situation where one player could move multiple apprentices to ambush and kill another player's apprentice before they had a chance to respond. However, it seems we quickly got off the rails on that one, and half-way through the game we're not even on the same page on what the process is supposed to be. That's a sure sign that the mechanic isn't intuitive and needs to be changed for future games.

    But this is a development of the points is to find out what new things are working and what aren't. :P
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • I just noticed that I even messed up the deadline date. xD

    It should have been yesterday, but instead I put that it was the day before the round started, lol. Since I said it would end on a Sunday, I'll extend this round to Sunday (or once all active players have moved). Sorry for the mess-up!
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    Imaginative Kane
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  • Tower: Return Orca to Tower, Teleport Orca to 5,24.
    Orca: Collect Scroll of Heal, Move East, Collect anything
    Wisent: Move West, Collect anything
    Zaen: Construct Living Quarters
    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
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    Travel the world

    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
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