Alright, I'm getting very nervous now.
Doc where you at? You've been more active than most others, and with what seems to me to be good reasoning, why keep silence now? The fact that both tau AND you are keeping quiet seems like a bad sign to me.
Ah. Shit, my b, the game got really boring without Lau and LoS driving activity and constantly spamming shit and I
kinda sorta just forgot about it. Good job pinging me or I'd have just straight up probably have wound up inactivity lynched TBH. Kinda shittily ignominious way to go.
That said, today has basically nothing new to work off of, aside from one noteworthy point that basically nobody has brought up: there was no lynch last night, meaning scum targeted
either Hydra or Vro (i.e. the two Sapph flagged as Seer and Squad Member),
and whichever of the two they targeted was probably the Actual Seer,
and the defenders caught the block (unless both succumbed to the exact same WIFOM reasoning of 'I'm going to block/target whoever is
probably not the Seer as a defender dodge/to stop the defender dodge'. With that in mind, one of them is going to wind up dead tonight, because now that we're down a defender and given the fact that defenders can't defend the same target consecutively, they only have to hit the target again and they're dead.
Either way, that tells me the 'let the Seer solve' strat is now dead in the water, because the likeliest possibility is the Seer dies tonight.
Vote Tracker:Vroendal: Doc
Sapph: Cozmikrae
Cozmikrae: Sapph
Vote Count:Doc - Vroendal (1)
Cozmikrae - Sapphiron (1)
TGN - BSR (1)
Sapphiron - Cozmikrae (1)
At present, I've no need for an OMGUS vote
or a 'you're not in my POE but better you than me' vote to save myself because it's a four-way tie,
and it's been established there's no RNG tiebreaker lynch.
That said, at present my readlist is as follows:
Essentially Mechanically Cleared:
Vro, Hydra
Town Core:
BSR, Cozmikrae, Nyght
Anubhav, Taulover, TGN
The only reason I'm not basically entirely convinced Sapph is scum is that, as noted, his move
was TWTBAW and 'could' be considered basically the definition of a derp clear, but considering his experience, I'm also not convinced that he can
be derp cleared outside of a 'wow, I
straight up was not thinking, I must have been high or something, holy shit'.
But the 4 names at the bottom end of the list give a reasonably clear POE; the only question is which of the two presently on the chopping block would be more useful.
We're reaching the point at which warm bodies are at a premium (we're at 10 people rn and 3 scum; assuming an NK goes off tonight, we'll be at 8 people tomorrow, which means if we mislynch then, we probably lose (unless the defender
absolutely clutches it out)). Complicating the matter/worsening it, an IL is...likely, given the time of day it presently is and what time EoD is (both Nyght and TGN are up for it, as is Hydra but I assume he's Seer-lurking to make his vote count properly), meaning we may
actually be at lynch-or-lose tomorrow.
Thus, in the absence of any certitude one way or the other (though now would be a great time to point it out if you have it, non-Seer), I have to vote for the IL candidate.
Vote: TGN