
Do you want to start lynching by majority this round?

7 (87.5%)
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: February 24, 2021, 10:57:44 AM

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Werewolf 24: Attack on Titan
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  • Why would wolf-Gerrick kill cozmik over Nyght?
    Comparative likelihood of one being protected than the other?
    Having a higher-viability mislynch target is good for scum, but being able to actively kill someone vs the chance of having it blocked is better.
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    Ok so Vro actually answered a lot of these questions I think:

    Defenders in contact - No, Vro suspected Anubhav Anubhav strongly in one of his final posts.

    One collective action - Presumably not because the defenders were not in contact.

    Informed of successful block - I think Vro explicitly confirmed this early on into the game where he was hinting and said he asked Lau for role details on the defender.
    Yeah then I'll double down on the PoE we have.

    The reason I was asking those question is because it's an unfortunate truth that in games where 1) I'm scum and 2) Gerrick isn't, that we generally 3) attempt to kill him as quickly as physically possible. The fact that he has survived until now indicates that at least one of those things isn't true.
    What clinches for me that Gerrick is likely scum, however, is that in his PoE, he pins Nyght - who he's previously townread and who's basically collectively towncleared at this point - below Moot, for whom the exact opposite holds true. If he'd bussed Moot, or, hell, even attempted to pin it on me, I'd have felt a lot less sure, but he didn't, so here we are.

    So the thing is at present we have 4 votes (at least theoretically, since there's 4 matching PoEs, unless someone gets paranoid and develops cold feet). Thing is, I don't think we should hammer at least until we give Red a chance to weigh in, just on the off-chance we've missed something. Not like there's much harm in waiting even a whole-ass 24 hours, since there's still 80% of the day phase left.
    Agree with not hammering until Red agrees to it at the earliest. Looking for potential w/w links in the PoE, particularly those between Moot and others. There are a few people who I think might be mutually exclusive due to the way they voted.
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  • hansidhsnjdigkg
    that’s low man don’t discredit me like that ; -;
    I mean, that seems to be the majority of why people think I'm scum, because I keep being on mislynch wagons, then conveniently forgetting that every fucking wagon except one so far has been a mislynch when it comes time to examine themselves.

    As it stands, my scumreads right now have crystallized.
    IMO it's Moot, Gerrick, and (unknown third party); my instinct was 'whoever the 4th vote on BSR was', but it was ExLight and despite some...disagreeable reasoning today, I continue to townread him. (Unknown Third Party) for me is essentially a coinflip on either Wischland or Michi; I favor Wischland a little more just on the basis of the early push on Michi but it could still go either way for me.
    Still working on the vote analysis but it's been a bad couple days for my sanity. Been limited to Discord because I refuse to browse the forums on my phone. I'll try to get at least D2 and D3 out today, but for now since I didn't vote the last time round I'm gonna register one early.

    Vote: Wintermoot
    I just want to point out the fact that Doc might have name dropped the entire scumteam here. If the team is Moot/Gerrick, why don't they kill Doc and play it off as a pity kill? Going to check to see if Moot/Gerrick were trying to lynch Doc this day.
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    The last thing when you are having a cold and you are high on hypnotic tablets and antibiotics , supported over alcohol-based syrup , is uttering the word Werewolf , my first game with this issue gave me enough insight to become a preacher of positive thoughts about werewolf

    As of now , I have infected the Titan that gulped me down whole , and I do feel satisfied just by the fact that I am giving it pneumonia .
    5 people like this post: Legacy of Smiles, Doc, Sapphiron, cozmikrae, Vroendal
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Here's my count.

    Doc (4): Wintermoot, Legacy, Doc, Wischland
    Vroendal (4): Nyght, Gerrick, Red Mones, ExLight
    Wischland (3): Michi, Vroendal, Anubhav
    Gerrick (1): cozmikrae

    If the living team was Michi/Gerrick/Wintermoot and Doc just name dropped them, this is not how I would expect them to act at all. Doc is also not killed in the night.
    Legacy of Smiles
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    The last thing when you are having a cold and you are high on hypnotic tablets and antibiotics , supported over alcohol-based syrup , is uttering the word Werewolf , my first game with this issue gave me enough insight to become a preacher of positive thoughts about werewolf

    As of now , I have infected the Titan that gulped me down whole , and I do feel satisfied just by the fact that I am giving it pneumonia .
    This is the best post of the game and if you disagree you are wrong.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • If the living team was Michi/Gerrick/Wintermoot and Doc just name dropped them, this is not how I would expect them to act at all. Doc is also not killed in the night.
    I've curated some relevant quotes and will let them do the talking.

    Relevant quotes from Ex
    Moot gives little information compared to Vro, and isn’t nearly as scummy in my opinion. Moot flipping scum clears Vro and that’s it. Vro flipping scum likely clears Gerrick, Moot, and Michi. It’s not hard to see which one is better here.
    townie vro means scummy moot and townie abnuv(?)

    does scum even vote if doc and vro are town

    vro and doc flipping town = moot/gerrick/??
    Relevant quote from Vroendal
    Yup. That is where we are. I would be up for investigation and subsequent lynching of Michi, Moot, Gerrick, and Anubhav.
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  • If the living team was Michi/Gerrick/Wintermoot and Doc just name dropped them, this is not how I would expect them to act at all. Doc is also not killed in the night.
    I've curated some relevant quotes and will let them do the talking.

    Relevant quotes from Ex
    Moot gives little information compared to Vro, and isn’t nearly as scummy in my opinion. Moot flipping scum clears Vro and that’s it. Vro flipping scum likely clears Gerrick, Moot, and Michi. It’s not hard to see which one is better here.
    townie vro means scummy moot and townie abnuv(?)

    does scum even vote if doc and vro are town

    vro and doc flipping town = moot/gerrick/??
    Relevant quote from Vroendal
    Yup. That is where we are. I would be up for investigation and subsequent lynching of Michi, Moot, Gerrick, and Anubhav.
    Ok well if it's a Moot/Gerrick team then they're probably just crying in a corner by this point in the game.
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • I'm really glad Red got cleared because I was starting to tinfoil him really hard.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • That list wasn't a poe, I was just listing people as I thought of them...
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    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • That list wasn't a poe, I was just listing people as I thought of them...
    And I'm leaning towards the latter two.
    I'll just kinda let these two posts get juxtaposed.

    Ok well if it's a Moot/Gerrick team then they're probably just crying in a corner by this point in the game.
    They really shouldn't be, this game for the most part was a master class in demonstrating just how rapidly town can eat itself alive; it kind of highlights that the spectre of a powerwolf is arguably more effective than an actual fucking powerwolf, because then scumhunting can be twisted into 'OMG POWERWOLF', twisted back at the first accuser, and spiral downwards, all while scum just hops aboard two various mislynch wagons and never does anything to accrue suspicion.
    Frankly, the only thing to cry about is their abominably bad luck of Michi winding up ILed/modkilled; without it, there's the very strong likelihood that with 3/8 votes, they could have tinfoiled and chaffed enough to make it 4:4 or 3:3:2, then let RNGesus decide the winner, or worse luck actively drive a mislynch.
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  • The fact that Wintermoot is on the bottom of everyone's list is pretty well confirming to me that he's the armored titan. The fact that I'm the second bottom of everyone's list should tell you all that I'm being framed as the other titan. You'll all come back to this post and cry when we lose.

    And yes Doc, weird that the two people who spoke the least were the latter two who I thought and yet were also who I ended up thinking were scum at this point.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • And if Ex is scum after all that pinkie promise drama or Doc is scum after that "I'm quitting" drama, then y'all are really messed up people. XD

    So I'm left with Wintermoot and Nyght. And since I think Wintermoot is likely the armored titan, I'm assuming that Nyght is the other titan.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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    Tfw you realize you still haven't made a death post because despite the time you've had because you have yet to find an adequately funny AoT meme... -->

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  • BTW, if we look back at Sapphiron for a moment are we all fine to conclude that he checked Mel and then Red?
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