
Do you want to start lynching by majority this round?

7 (87.5%)
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: February 24, 2021, 10:57:44 AM

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Werewolf 24: Attack on Titan
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  • I believe Laurentus is asleep right now, but here's what I count:

    Imaginative Kane (3): Legacy of Smiles, Vroendal, cozmikrae
    cozmikrae (1): Gerrick
    Vroendal (1): ExLight
    Gerrick (1): Minish
    No vote: Doc, Red Mones, Imaginative Kane, Wintermoot, BraveSirRobin, Michi, Wischland, Anubhav Ghosh, NyghtOwl
    4 people like this post: Vroendal, ExLight, Imaginative Kane, Legacy of Smiles

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  • Hey loves. I'm trying to catch myself up. Been a rough day. Been spending it with my fiance. Got the vaccine today. Been feeling rather like crap.

    But I do have a vote. And it's a little out of nowhere I'll admit. I don't have the experience y'all have so I've mainly been going off of my gut. This is along the same lines but I'm not able to read things quite as well so here it is.

    I've had my suspicions since the beginning that our wolves are more experienced players. The two players tripping my sensors since the beginning have been Brave Sir Robin and Wintermoot.

    BSR has given me some pretty good insight to his playstyle and accounted for his actions. I haven't seen that same from Wintermoot.


    Vote Wintermoot
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • You being a new player doesn’t mean a free pass for scummy actions, lol. It only gives a different context on what we should be considering scummy.

    Ofc not , but i certainly did not understand the softening up sruff genuinely and that is a mass opinion other than my own . As of being scummy , I haven't done a thing that looks non-town i guess , and the actions which did seem so , had a logical defense as well.
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • too many inactives umu

    gonna head to bed
    I won’t be able to finish the D3 recap in time but I’ll try making them for the next Day despite not having access to mobile

    but I think most of what happened was just us following the other wagons, as I don’t remember many updated readlists from players that we could work with

    Red Mones
    Ogun of Valeria / Legacy of Smiles

    Anubhav Ghosh
    Imaginative Kane


    Updated rainbowlist based on what I’ve seen up to halfway D3, though. Doc and Gerrick are slight townleans that I’m hesitating putting in green because I think I need to think more about them.
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  • Doc do you have any remarks or analysis or
    You know that feeling when you think you've solved the puzzle, and then you grab the last piece, and it doesn't fit, and then you look closer and not only is it not even the right color but it's actually a Lego brick, and now that you're looking at the 'solved puzzle' it's actually a chaotic mess with 'Pepe Silvia' scrawled all over it like you're a goddamn lunatic?
    That's where I was at last EOD. I've tunneled in so hard on TGN and Vroendal being 'obvious scumbuds' that now that that's almost assuredly not the case I am basically totally fucking lost and I've got to rebuild everything from the ground up...or at least EOD1. Which is going to be a bitch, but whatever, I guess that's what I'll spend tomorrow doing.

    For now, I'm working on the theory that scum essentially knew this was their last, best chance to drive a TGN mislynch yesterday, and I should thus assume that two or possibly even all of them hopped on the wagon yesterday. If Kane gets lynched and flips scum, then I think we can be reasonably confident that it was all three on the TGN wagon yesterday, since that would be the only way to ensure a mislynch against the 6 votes he'd picked up yesterday.
    If that's the case, that would basically dictate that suspicion should fall either on Minish or Exlight, as the two people who have been most in the driver's seat pushing gameplay and opinion forward, particularly considering the often-voiced fear/suspicion that someone is powerwolfing hard. Whoever the fourth wolf would be (assuming my prior axioms of 1) Kane is scum, 2) all scum voted for TGN D4 and 3) one of either Minish or Exlight is scum are all true, which is bold) would then probably be either Wintermoot or Gerrick.
    This is all very provisional and even more circumstantial; I'll need to do some much more robust vote analysis - including possible votes that were made to try and cement a wagon as among the frontrunners, then withdrawn before EOD, which we seem to have neglected in most of our vote analysis - to work out a viable PoE route.
    But I'm trying to lay my cards out on the table so people can tell me if my theory is stupid. Time to ISO Kane and see if I can pick up anything else that bears fruit.

    45 minutes and his 25 posts later, the only thing that's really tripping me up - but is tripping me up very hard - in his conduct from the last day is this line. There's other stuff too; a long-term early focus on BSR (he says, completely ignoring his own singleminded focus on Vro-TGN), the very sus 'prepare a defense early' post and an exceptionally uninformative reads list, but the line I quote below just trips me up because that's precisely the sort of thing I would do and have done as scum.
    If TGN is voted off and ends up being town than I will not post in this thread the next day to make any defense (if I am still suspicious).
    He has done so; not word one from him in this day phase in self-defense. So it's not like he lied about that.
    But to my mind it feels like he knew exactly which way it was going to flip, and prepared for it with a hail-Mary 'well if I cause town to be mislynched, I'm so guilty about it that I'm obviously not scum'. The reason this seems like a scum move to me because of course scum will know when someone is gonna be mislynched; it's every time someone gets lynched that isn't one of them, and they can abuse this to be 'obviously opposed' to what eventually turn out to be mislynches that then helps them build brownie points with town. It's the sort of thing I was trying to drive when I was trying to push either Vro or Lau to lynch each other on D2 last game while still keeping my hands clean from ever actually being on either wagon. Obviously Kane didn't have that luxury this time round, but on the other hand he had the supreme NAI excuse of 'my head was on the chopping block, I did what I had to do to survive'.

    But to be perfectly candid, I'm not sure about this vote. There's a very real chance I'm doing the exact same thing I did with Vro-TGN, where I formed a theory, developed it to a 'solved state', then tunneled in onto it as being Obviously The Correct Answer.
    But I'm as sure as I'll probably get to be within the next 6ish hours, and that's when EOD hits (assuming Lau's gonna close the thread roughly 48 hours after he reopened it).
    Vote: Kane

    fuck this post took 2 hours aaaaaagh
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  • I have to be awake for a roadtrip in 5h but I can’t sleep ùmú

    Hmm, should I push for Moot or let things happen. I really don’t want to push for someone I’m not as into as Vro and not be around EoD.

    I think I’m overthinking and mildly fine with a Kane lynch.

    Anyway, Doc your ‘axioms’ are just hypothesis, and they’re completely separate from each other. I feel like it’s more likely for scum to just be watching than actively pushing lynches, specially considering Town still has a major advantage compared to a common game lol (we right now have 13? alive town and 3 scum, while the usual for a game is 9 town and 3 scum) which means scum has/had very limited power in intervening in the last lynches. I’m not sure why the drama saying things don’t make sense like we’ve been on the wrong track when the odds of mislynching weren’t that unexpected; and while the point of the TGN’s lynch was mainly wagonomics information (stuff of which you were defending D1 when pursuing Hapi) which I think it made the pretty decent town core Smiles presented.

    And it’s more like everyone has been on the passenger seat rather than me and Minish on the diver seat. Not sure why throwing shade at us when we’re here expecting yall to share your thoughts too umu

    I’m also not really sure why you’re clearing Vro under the idea that because TGN flipped Town so should Vro. Your logic was that they were buddies because they weren’t voting each other to save themselves, TGN doesn’t seem to have a grasp on the game or maturity enough to understand the importance of that, but Vro does. I’m also not sure why you’re not considering that both scum would vote each other to distance if the leading ones are scum-scum either. umu

    On a completely unrelated note I kinda want to say some stuff about what I’d consider the optimal play for the roles here is them acting extremely towny. Usually power roles kinda want to have a bit of suspicion on them or lay low, but I feel like it’s important to point this out this setup isn’t the usual. Scum doesn’t have a way to disrupt the power roles like a roleblocker or a modifier to get the kill through, so the power roles need to be extremely towny to not only not be lynched but to be obvious power role targets. Town actually strongly benefits from having all their roles outed (which is why roleclaiming is forbidden here) or at least associated to the towniest people. So also please don’t forget to leave some really discreet but not undetectable crumbs? umu

    Minish might throw shade at me here because she associates me discussing power optimization as scum too, but eh. I just don’t want a Sapph 2.0 to happen.
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • As I had earlier said , I will go for a person during voting who was aggressive on Vro on D2 and also had voted for Sapph on D3 , inspite of having experience enough to see that Sapph was softening a PR. The person who fits my criteria is Moot , and though their is a Kane wagon, I think I will vote Moot to ensure that this trail doesn't grow cold

    Strike the iron when its hot  ;)

    Vote: Wintermoot
    Anubhav Ghosh
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • As I had earlier said , I will go for a person during voting who was aggressive on Vro on D2 and also had voted for Sapph on D3 , inspite of having experience enough to see that Sapph was softening a PR. The person who fits my criteria is Moot , and though there is a Kane wagon, I think I will vote Moot to ensure that this trail doesn't grow cold

    Strike the iron when its hot  ;)

    Vote: Wintermoot

    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Crazy Cat Lady Extraordinaire
  • Yeah not really sure where to vote. I feel like we're all kinda flailing around. Or maybe that's just me.

    Either way, I think Doc makes some good points, plus the sudden disappearance of discussion on Imaginative Kane makes me think someone powerwolf directed discussion away. I honestly don't have any super strong scum reads on anyone, so I'll just go for what seems like the best option right now.

    Vote: Imaginative Kane
    • Crazy Cat Lady Extraordinaire
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • I'm not opposed to a Kane or a Moot lynch (see my reasoning from earlier and general sus-edness of Moot, Minish and Kane), but because one might come with some good info last minute, I'll vote for the smaller wagon (Moot) at the present time because I have no idea when EOD is

    Vote: Wintermoot
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Also @Wintermoot you never gave me a reason why you stayed Sapph after soft claim?  If you could give one that would be helpful for everyone (if of course my reasoning is incorrect and you are town, which is certainly possible)!  :)
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
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    New Hyperion:
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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Also @Wintermoot you never gave me a reason why you stayed Sapph after soft claim?  If you could give one that would be helpful for everyone (if of course my reasoning is incorrect and you are town, which is certainly possible)!  :)
    I believe I've already answered this in my last post. The fact that everyone acts like saying "I'm more useful to town alive" like it's some sort of solemn vow that they're a power role, much less a townie, is ridiculous. Again, if that's all it takes to get people to avoid suspicion, then the wolves should be all over it. I've posted my logic for each vote and anything that I've found suspecious, and I stand by my vote on Sapph given everything that we knew at the time...he was more suspicious than TGN (who was town as well anyways).

    In any case, I'm going to vote: Doc for the reasons that I indicated in my last few posts such as this one.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I'm gonna

    Vote: Gerrick

    I don't have time to explain right now, I'll do so next day phase.
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    Red Mones
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  • Count of Highever
  • Imaginative Kane - 5 (Cozmikrae, Doc, Legacy of Smiles, Vroendal, Wischland)
    Wintermoot - 3 (Anubhav Ghosh, BraveSirRobin, NyghtOwl)
    Gerrick - 2 (Minish, Red Mones)
    Vroendal - 1 (ExLight)
    Doc - 1 (Wintermoot)
    Cozmikrae - 1 (Gerrick)

    Imaginative Kane is therefore lynched. He was a normal Scout.

    The night phase will be a bit shorter. I will start the phase again in 21 hours.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Count of Highever
  • Minish has been killed during the night. She was a normal Scout.

    And with that, it's the start of the next day phase.
    « Last Edit: February 16, 2021, 06:11:07 AM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
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