
Do you want to start lynching by majority this round?

7 (87.5%)
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: February 24, 2021, 10:57:44 AM

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Werewolf 24: Attack on Titan
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Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Vro's voting and unvoting still remains questionable to me , after all , if he turns out as a scum , he will have the best knowledge about lynch consequences . Either way , I have strong gut feelings , that Vro will be lynched in all certainty . Ig everyone would be happy to remove one suspect of the list of scum than keep one hoping him to be innocent . Sorry Vro if this hurts u , but u made a bad name for urself. I hope u understand whatever the play is here , u have drawn far too much suspicion

    this post raises !!! in my head

    “ye bro sorry if you’re good man you brought it on yourself not because our thinking could be wrong”

    This was a decoy sort of post i would say . What i was looking for was retaliation , which unfortunately took place before this post as many cited Vro's chance of being a townie and no one . I looked out for people who did not retaliate , because even after the best defenses and clarifications i stubbornly stood on my words , and said things as if it was fixed that Vro will be lynched by the town . The post did not go very well , as i did not receive counters until now , and here I am justifying why i did it . It was just a measure to clear out some people out of suspicion momentarily

    Looking for retaliation makes sense. This post makes me feel a lot better about you. Your late vote on Ruguo at the end pings me, but... ehh?

    I had to get my options reduced , I was pretty much sure that Vro was townie by then . However my doubts over the rest cleared up when Ruguo went in hot against Vro at the last moment, which looked like a vain push to me to save himself from getting lynched . And so the late voting . I was probably the 3rd/4th person voting for ruguo . Also voting and unvoting has got some big chaos running already , its better to vote once even if its late😅

    I think your vote was way later than that. If I get to rereading the thread, I'll pay more attention to wagonicomics.

    Not gonna lie , its possible that i was late , i mentioned in a post above that i did not go through 3-4 pages , because it was getting late for me to vote. Maybe votes were in those pages and i kept those out of my calculation of chronology
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • So I ask you one more time: Opinions on the following players:
    Vro, Me, BSR, Sapph
    And optionally: Red, Michi
    Okay, basically Ruguo threw out a list of people he happened to be casting suspicions all over, and seeing he flipped red, there should be at least 1 wolf within the list, at least I do not think an experienced player would go to the extent of allowing Townies to create a core of 6 upon death.
    Lmao make that 5, didn't see the "Me" as in Ruguo. Anyway,

    Vro: Reiterating that I do not see his D1 switch away from Michi as demonstrative of wolfy behaviour. It's simply easier to stay on the wagon and claim nobody would have known better if Michi is town, with additional brownie points if Michi is scum. Plus, he was en-route to being lynched if not for the last minute Melehan finding.
    BSR: Singular post, though based on my playing experience with him, in the previous game, he is lurky even when playing as Town. Can't tell.
    Sapph: Tsk this guy is very lurky. On that note, I am more inclined to believe Vro who pushed for me (voted for me at some point) as opposed to Ruguo (who kept expressing discomfort but clearly voting another way). And in my defence, it's easier for me to stick to my initial accusation of TGN as opposed to being one of the first few to react immediately and add onto the momentum against Ruguo.
    Red: Inclined to see him as Town, going all out against Ruguo as opposed to bussing
    Michi: Dipped after surviving D1 but can understand the genuine frustration to potentially being lynched off very early for consecutive games

    Therefore, for now,
    Vote: BraveSirRobin

    This post is interesting. First off, I don't think Sapph had a red check on TGN or he would have been his first vote.

    The fact that Sapph pointed this specific list out makes me believe he found it interesting. So a cop finds a list from scum and thinks there would be at least on scum in the list right. Makes me think his n2 check was within this group. So the check would either be red on BSR or green on Vro, Michi, or Red. Potentially on Vro since he was listed first but his reasoning sounds like he didn't really suspect him in the first place so maybe not.
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • If there's meaning to Sapph's poem them I'll be really impressed because it's also just very good on its own.

    Theme of the poem, timing of it being posted and the opening lines suggest it does have a meaning I think. Not sure if the positions mentioned in the poem correspond to clues as of yet but will post if I spot something.
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    Legacy of Smiles
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • So I ask you one more time: Opinions on the following players:
    Vro, Me, BSR, Sapph
    And optionally: Red, Michi
    Okay, basically Ruguo threw out a list of people he happened to be casting suspicions all over, and seeing he flipped red, there should be at least 1 wolf within the list, at least I do not think an experienced player would go to the extent of allowing Townies to create a core of 6 upon death.
    Lmao make that 5, didn't see the "Me" as in Ruguo. Anyway,

    Vro: Reiterating that I do not see his D1 switch away from Michi as demonstrative of wolfy behaviour. It's simply easier to stay on the wagon and claim nobody would have known better if Michi is town, with additional brownie points if Michi is scum. Plus, he was en-route to being lynched if not for the last minute Melehan finding.
    BSR: Singular post, though based on my playing experience with him, in the previous game, he is lurky even when playing as Town. Can't tell.
    Sapph: Tsk this guy is very lurky. On that note, I am more inclined to believe Vro who pushed for me (voted for me at some point) as opposed to Ruguo (who kept expressing discomfort but clearly voting another way). And in my defence, it's easier for me to stick to my initial accusation of TGN as opposed to being one of the first few to react immediately and add onto the momentum against Ruguo.
    Red: Inclined to see him as Town, going all out against Ruguo as opposed to bussing
    Michi: Dipped after surviving D1 but can understand the genuine frustration to potentially being lynched off very early for consecutive games

    Therefore, for now,
    Vote: BraveSirRobin

    This post is interesting. First off, I don't think Sapph had a red check on TGN or he would have been his first vote.

    The fact that Sapph pointed this specific list out makes me believe he found it interesting. So a cop finds a list from scum and thinks there would be at least on scum in the list right. Makes me think his n2 check was within this group. So the check would either be red on BSR or green on Vro, Michi, or Red. Potentially on Vro since he was listed first but his reasoning sounds like he didn't really suspect him in the first place so maybe not.
    Agree that Sapph is hinting at who he plans to check here.
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Human Meltdown
  • So I ask you one more time: Opinions on the following players:
    Vro, Me, BSR, Sapph
    And optionally: Red, Michi
    Okay, basically Ruguo threw out a list of people he happened to be casting suspicions all over, and seeing he flipped red, there should be at least 1 wolf within the list, at least I do not think an experienced player would go to the extent of allowing Townies to create a core of 6 upon death.
    Lmao make that 5, didn't see the "Me" as in Ruguo. Anyway,

    Vro: Reiterating that I do not see his D1 switch away from Michi as demonstrative of wolfy behaviour. It's simply easier to stay on the wagon and claim nobody would have known better if Michi is town, with additional brownie points if Michi is scum. Plus, he was en-route to being lynched if not for the last minute Melehan finding.
    BSR: Singular post, though based on my playing experience with him, in the previous game, he is lurky even when playing as Town. Can't tell.
    Sapph: Tsk this guy is very lurky. On that note, I am more inclined to believe Vro who pushed for me (voted for me at some point) as opposed to Ruguo (who kept expressing discomfort but clearly voting another way). And in my defence, it's easier for me to stick to my initial accusation of TGN as opposed to being one of the first few to react immediately and add onto the momentum against Ruguo.
    Red: Inclined to see him as Town, going all out against Ruguo as opposed to bussing
    Michi: Dipped after surviving D1 but can understand the genuine frustration to potentially being lynched off very early for consecutive games

    Therefore, for now,
    Vote: BraveSirRobin

    This post is interesting. First off, I don't think Sapph had a red check on TGN or he would have been his first vote.

    The fact that Sapph pointed this specific list out makes me believe he found it interesting. So a cop finds a list from scum and thinks there would be at least on scum in the list right. Makes me think his n2 check was within this group. So the check would either be red on BSR or green on Vro, Michi, or Red. Potentially on Vro since he was listed first but his reasoning sounds like he didn't really suspect him in the first place so maybe not.
    oh for some reason I thought this was a D2 post hmm

    I think you’re right about him not having a Red Check on TGN otherwise he could’ve easily started a case.

    Isn’t this a bit weird though? Not sure if he had a check on BSR since he votes him while saying his lurking is NAI. It comes off more of as a pressure vote to prompt activity than a Red Check. Do you think it was him just trying to not come off as too aggressive so he wouldn’t get targeted by mafia? Is the can’t tell supposed to mean he can’t tell us his results on him? Why does everything look like a soft :fennekincry:

    From that list I get the most confidence in his Red read, he seems pretty certain it wasn’t a bus in it. I’d have to reread D2 for context though.
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Damn, thought I saw something in the poem but it ended up being BRS instead of BSR. Haha.
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  • Human Meltdown
  • I don’t think Vro being first means anything since he just did the reads in the order Silver first asked.

    I’d also like to point that it’s not 0 scum in a list of 6; it’s at least 1 scum (since Silver prompts a read on himself) in a list of 7.

    14.28% of hitting scum from the original Silver list as opposed to a 19.04%  natural density from the game setup. If Silver had put another scum it would’ve been 28.56% chance of someone hitting a scum in that list, so I don’t think him not putting a scum there is too absurd.

    I’d be still fine hitting a couple people there just in case though. Specially if we’re considering the possibility of Sapph getting a red check on BSR.
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Human Meltdown
  • Damn, thought I saw something in the poem but it ended up being BRS instead of BSR. Haha.
    I’m a bit curious on how you got that lol
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Damn, thought I saw something in the poem but it ended up being BRS instead of BSR. Haha.
    I’m a bit curious on how you got that lol

    The line that I thought was interesting, "Look at the script! Remember be genuine," is about in the middle of the lines and in the middle backwards I was getting "Look at the [s]cript! [R]emember [b]e genuine,".
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Players:
    1. Ruguo
    2. Red Mones
    3. Vroendal
    4. Gerrick
    5. Adorable Oracle Hapi
    6. Anubhav Ghosh
    7. Sapphiron - Cop
    8. Wischland
    9. Minish
    10. Michi
    11. Imaginative Kane
    12. BraveSirRobin
    13. TGN
    14. Wintermoot
    15. NyghtOwl
    16. Melehan
    17. Doc
    18. Ogun of Valeria / Legacy of Smiles
    19. Alexander Valentine / ExLight
    20. cozmikrae
    21. Eastern New England / HumanDawn

    Final Vote Count:

    Gerrick - 1 (Red Mones)
    Sapphiron - 6 (Minish, Imaginative Kane, TGN, Wintermoot, Legacy of Smiles, Human Dawn)
    BraveSirRobin - 2 (Gerrick, NyghtOwl)

    TGN - 6 (Vroendal, Sapphiron, Wischland, BraveSirRobin, Doc, ExLight)

    Not voting: Anubhav Ghosh, Cozmikrae, Michi

    From Day 3 EoD, I'm mostly bothered with Cozmikrae for his unvote putting a soft PR at risk and Anubhav Ghosh ignoring the Sapphiron soft claim. ExLight said he didn't necessarily trust the soft PR claim, but his vote was actually on TGN, not Sapphiron, so I can't really get bothered by that (sorry ExLight for the disappointed comment earlier).

    I am okay with throwing TGN a bone for voting Sapphiron for survival and in the case that Sapphiron could be scum to help clear him, and he's new at the game too.

    I want to know where @Imaginative Kane, @Wintermoot and @Legacy of Smile were doing. For me and Minish we weren't around EoD and I was asleep when the softclaim happened. Phase updates at 7AM and I didn't make an alarm to wake up at that time.

    Out of Cozmikrae and Anubhav Ghosh, I don't know which one bothers me more. They were both off plays. Cozmikrae comes off as more experienced than Anubhav to me, so his play is more suspect.

    Vote: Cozmikrae

    Talking of experience , this is my first werewolf game in my whole history of life , plz bear with me and the total ignorance about the soft claim , i didn't even know what softening up meant  :'( .
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Human Meltdown
  • oh lol
    is that true lol

    it’s fine dw about it buddy
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  • I'm not gonna lie, I'm hung up on BSR. The fact that I thought he should have been the counter d3 and wasn't, that Sapph originally voted him d3, that Kane has an odd connection voting for him 2 days in a row, that Silver kept pushing him but never voting for him, he was on Vro d2, and then possibly voted TGN for the towncred of not voting Sapph because scum could've just killed him at night anyways.
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  • Human Meltdown
  • How would your reads change depending on his flip?
    • Human Meltdown
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • I'm not gonna lie, I'm hung up on BSR. The fact that I thought he should have been the counter d3 and wasn't, that Sapph originally voted him d3, that Kane has an odd connection voting for him 2 days in a row, that Silver kept pushing him but never voting for him, he was on Vro d2, and then possibly voted TGN for the towncred of not voting Sapph because scum could've just killed him at night anyways.
    It's very weird to me that there is just so much action revolving around a playet who has done very little at all. If Kane flips wolf, that would clear BSR to me and I think that might be a good direction to go today.
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • How would your reads change depending on his flip?

    Gerrick would look a lot better if he flipped scum, TGN as well.

    If he flipped town, I'd have to reevaluate because I remember him getting pushed pretty hard for a while but don't remember who all was doing it besides Silver and Kane.
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