
Do you want to start lynching by majority this round?

7 (87.5%)
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: February 24, 2021, 10:57:44 AM

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Werewolf 24: Attack on Titan
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • Oh that's harsh. But I guess I could see it making sense. And if I may, do people kill Doc because they believe he's scum or because they can't be bothered to read his pages of text in a single post?
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  • That being the case Sapph, why go for me?
    RNG :D
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  • Oh that's harsh. But I guess I could see it making sense. And if I may, do people kill Doc because they believe he's scum or because they can't be bothered to read his pages of text in a single post?
    I usually wouldn't take first day posts to be of greater significance since they are largely derived from speculation and chance
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • In the time before the Walls, yea, before the Titans roamed the Earth, a prophecy was spoken. Generations have risen and fallen in the centuries since, during which the fall of Humanity was all but assured, if not for the Walls.

    And now, the Walls demand Sacrifice! For the sake of Humanity's survival, there must be blood offered!

    Vote: Hapi

    In all seriousness, I'm doing this for the lulz because it's not like we have any better reason to vote anyone off this early in D1.

    Quick question for you or anyone else here that has played a lot. Are you newer to mafia or do you have some experience? I do have reason for asking this. Haha.

    So may I ask a small question? Is there any advantage to a day 1 lynch? I originally threw a vote on because I was under the mistaken impression it was a necessary thing. But if it isn't, there doesn't seem to be a good reason to do it. We're statistically more likely to lynch a townie. And isn't that just doing the wolves work for them?

    You want a d1 lynch to gather information basically. If we no lynch we go into d2 starting at the same place but with one dead townie. So for d1, you want wagons so that people show their hands. Personally I like 2-3 close wagons. Since usually there's a better chance of one of those being scum (though less likely in a game this big). And scum will be forced to potentially show their hands (vote to save their scumbud) or to potentially leave their scumbud to be lynched.
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    Eastern New England
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  • So may I ask a small question? Is there any advantage to a day 1 lynch? I originally threw a vote on because I was under the mistaken impression it was a necessary thing. But if it isn't, there doesn't seem to be a good reason to do it. We're statistically more likely to lynch a townie. And isn't that just doing the wolves work for them?
    I'd argue that this following piece of copy-pasta sums it up:

    Here’s why you should ALWAYS lynch on day 1.
    Now, while this will usually end up with a cit down, this is incredibly useful.
    First off, the prospect of a lynch fuels discussion to a great degree. When there’s an actual vote happening, it’s a motivator to talk and for discussion to be more productive, while people usually don’t care much about no lynch days.
    Also, the flip on the player lynched is incredibly useful down the line. We can deduce scum based on their behaviour relative to the flip and using vote reading, which is impossible without lynching someone.
    Something else to be considered is that town is playing against the clock. If scum aren’t dead by a certain point, they lose. Therefore, they most take the most advantage of their time, which would involve lynching for the reasons listed above. To note is that although scum will usually not be lynched d0, it can happen, and if it does, town basically wins the game right there. Lynching leads to the best outcomes.
    3 people like this post: ExLight, Gerrick, Melehan
    "Slow and steady wins the race." - Aesop
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  • Decent town lean on NyghtOwl btw.

    His question about lynching comes from a town mindset to me. It's exactly how I thought when I first starting playing.
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  • In the time before the Walls, yea, before the Titans roamed the Earth, a prophecy was spoken. Generations have risen and fallen in the centuries since, during which the fall of Humanity was all but assured, if not for the Walls.

    And now, the Walls demand Sacrifice! For the sake of Humanity's survival, there must be blood offered!

    Vote: Hapi

    In all seriousness, I'm doing this for the lulz because it's not like we have any better reason to vote anyone off this early in D1.

    Quick question for you or anyone else here that has played a lot. Are you newer to mafia or do you have some experience? I do have reason for asking this. Haha.
    I have some experience. And I have to say, some of the reactions have been Interesting.
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  • In the time before the Walls, yea, before the Titans roamed the Earth, a prophecy was spoken. Generations have risen and fallen in the centuries since, during which the fall of Humanity was all but assured, if not for the Walls.

    And now, the Walls demand Sacrifice! For the sake of Humanity's survival, there must be blood offered!

    Vote: Hapi

    In all seriousness, I'm doing this for the lulz because it's not like we have any better reason to vote anyone off this early in D1.

    Quick question for you or anyone else here that has played a lot. Are you newer to mafia or do you have some experience? I do have reason for asking this. Haha.
    I have some experience. And I have to say, some of the reactions have been Interesting.

    I was originally asking because the part in your spoiler seemed a little overly cautious. Like sometimes I feel like scum feels the need to over explain something to try not to look scummy.

    But this response seemed a little more townie, mentioning the reactions, so I'm back at square one.
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  • In the time before the Walls, yea, before the Titans roamed the Earth, a prophecy was spoken. Generations have risen and fallen in the centuries since, during which the fall of Humanity was all but assured, if not for the Walls.

    And now, the Walls demand Sacrifice! For the sake of Humanity's survival, there must be blood offered!

    Vote: Hapi

    In all seriousness, I'm doing this for the lulz because it's not like we have any better reason to vote anyone off this early in D1.

    Quick question for you or anyone else here that has played a lot. Are you newer to mafia or do you have some experience? I do have reason for asking this. Haha.
    I have some experience. And I have to say, some of the reactions have been Interesting.

    I was originally asking because the part in your spoiler seemed a little overly cautious. Like sometimes I feel like scum feels the need to over explain something to try not to look scummy.

    But this response seemed a little more townie, mentioning the reactions, so I'm back at square one.
    If you but followed the Guidance of the Walls, all would be clear.

    On a more serious note, the spoiler was there because Pastor Nick appears later in the series, so I figured there was a good chance of players not familiar with the series/not far along in watching to not get the Wall Worshipper references.
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  • In the time before the Walls, yea, before the Titans roamed the Earth, a prophecy was spoken. Generations have risen and fallen in the centuries since, during which the fall of Humanity was all but assured, if not for the Walls.

    And now, the Walls demand Sacrifice! For the sake of Humanity's survival, there must be blood offered!

    Vote: Hapi

    In all seriousness, I'm doing this for the lulz because it's not like we have any better reason to vote anyone off this early in D1.

    Quick question for you or anyone else here that has played a lot. Are you newer to mafia or do you have some experience? I do have reason for asking this. Haha.
    I have some experience. And I have to say, some of the reactions have been Interesting.

    I was originally asking because the part in your spoiler seemed a little overly cautious. Like sometimes I feel like scum feels the need to over explain something to try not to look scummy.

    But this response seemed a little more townie, mentioning the reactions, so I'm back at square one.
    If you but followed the Guidance of the Walls, all would be clear.

    On a more serious note, the spoiler was there because Pastor Nick appears later in the series, so I figured there was a good chance of players not familiar with the series/not far along in watching to not get the Wall Worshipper references.

    That's a believable reason. Carry on!

    Hopefully this pastor can follow the guidance of the wall straight to scum and tell us who they are.
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  • That's a believable reason. Carry on!

    Hopefully this pastor can follow the guidance of the wall straight to scum and tell us who they are.
    The Walls Speak to All, if they but pay heed. Quiet your doubts and listen not to the noise of the crowds, nor the petty concerns of pettier people. The Walls reveal their Knowledge in subtle ways, and we must be Vigilant, lest we miss Wisdom of the Walls.

    The Walls See All, and we must all strive to follow Their Truth! Do not be led astray!
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  • Mel, Mel, Mel... Whatever are we going to do with you?
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  • Well, many hours have elapsed and not a great amount has happened.
    As a reminder, currently the order of votes have gone like:
    Red Mones - Hapi (For a joking comment)
    Hapi - RM (In retaliation)
    Hapi - Melehan (Given reason to fulfill the prophecy)
    RM - cozmikrae (For the same joking comment as Hapi)
    Wintermoot - NyghtOwl (Saw the more senior members as likelier to be scum)
    Doc - Silv (Given reason as Doc's scum curse)
    Vroendal - Sapphrion (Given reason as RNG)
    Michi - Gerrick (Michi's opinion is wrong and he's a bad person)
    Sapph - TGN (Given reason "for all the reasons you guys voted each other")
    Mel - RM (Paranoia from Mel's references, immediately unvoted)

    The wagons are rather spread out atm with a majority on Hapi and RM with 2 votes. The most convincing reason up here right now to me is actually the vote on Michi oddly enough XD, in the past games he's been among the first to vote, this change in tactics requires more explanation. I'm aware this will make the majority split three ways, still a good amount of time left.

    Vote - Michi
    4 people like this post: TGN, Melehan, cozmikrae, HumanDawn
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  • To clarify, Gerrick and I are referring to this statement -

    Man, it's always weird just to see a vote or two in the first day when there's no rule requiring it day one...but I think this beats all.

    Ya'll are crazy.
    3 people like this post: TGN, cozmikrae, Gerrick
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  • Can anyone confirm Vro's claim that Michi is usually one of the first to vote? That's not a bad catch if true.
    3 people like this post: TGN, Melehan, Vroendal
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