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Progress Updates for the Regional Truth Commission
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  • Hello Wintreath!

    First off, we of the Commission would like to apologize for the lack of updates. There are a few reasons why we've been so quiet, but the major one is how none of us wanted to make the situation worse by saying anything prematurely.

    The Commission is finally at the point where we believe we've collected as much information as we can on the situation. However, if you have not been contacted by @Ruguo or @Doc and feel that you have relevant information, please get in touch with me (@Melehan) via forum PM.

    In the meantime, we'll be working on organizing all the information we have and writing up a proper report. Once that report is released, the Commission plans to host an open forum to come up with recommendations to avoid similar situations occurring in the future.

    Stay tuned to this thread for future updates!
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  • There have been a few developments since the first update, and the Commission is still in the process of compiling everything. There may be additional followup as a result of said developments.

    I'll try to keep this thread updated at least once a week, even though the updates will basically amount to "we're working on it".

    In the meantime, *vaguely posts vague updates until we are all able discuss things straightforwardly once the report is released*.
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  • Still compiling. . .
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  • Screencaps. Screencaps everywhere. @_@

    I've started transcribing everything because I keep losing track of which screencap contained what. x_x

    (How do you do it, @Ruguo? Share with me your screencap tracking secrets.)

    On the plus side, having easily searchable logs of the evidence will make the final review process a lot faster.

    We're getting there. Slowly.
    6 people like this post: Emoticonius, Wintermoot, taulover, Mathyland, Red Mones, Katie
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  • I would like to report that progress has been made on this, but unfortunately life has been very life-y and I haven't touched anything in the week since the last update.

    Has anyone else had to drill out bolts just to change their car's battery, because that's the sort of thing that has been happening to me all week.

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  • Still transcribing... and finding more things to follow up on.
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  • I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll be able to sit down uninterrupted and just power through finishing compiling everything, but considering how the past month has been with RL eating all my free time, I'm not optimistic.

    And then there's the follow up to follow up. >.<
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  • For those of you curious about why things are taking so long, I finally finished cleaning up some logs that I can actually share!

    For comparison, here's a screencap of another public log that I haven't cleaned up yet:

    And here's a link to the logs I just finished cleaning up.

    There's still a lot of work that needs to be done with that log, namely highlighting the most relevant bits of information and cross-referencing with other logs (ex. the logs of the incident where Nox was having trouble muting a channel), but at least it is now READABLE.

    There are also a lot more logs left that have yet to be cleaned up. x_x
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  • Still compiling logs and beginning the highlighing and cross-referencing.
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  • The Open Forum has begun!
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  • Now that this is out in the open, I can finally say that perhaps the biggest reason things have been going so slowly with the investigation is the malice involved. The Commission as a whole has been simultaneously working to mitigate the damages while also collecting evidence, knowing all the while that someone was responsible for deliberately inflaming the situations. Up until now, we weren't certain of who exactly was involved, and who was just collateral damage.

    There has been a lot of collateral damage, and the Commission sincerely hopes that the Open Forum will help to address the damages done and result in healing for the community.
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  • A major discussion occurred on the Discord server in the main #wintreath channel last night, and a lot of the information that came out is directly related to the initial incident the Commission was created to investigate. For everyone's convenience, I've gone ahead and begun logging that discussion.

    You can find it here.

    Important Caveats:

    I prioritized grabbing all the text and ensuring the images were available. As a result, other formatting such as italics, bold, and strikethroughs are missing. I will be going through these logs either later tonight or tomorrow to fix up the formatting and ensure I haven't missed anything, but until that is finished, these logs are not complete.

    I definitely missed a few sections, which are back where they belong with formatting and everything. Log complete! (And it only took four hours of work!)

    The images can be enlarged by clicking on them and following the link. There are a lot of screenshotted logs which you will need to do this for.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Wintermoot
    « Last Edit: February 24, 2020, 03:17:52 AM by Melehan »
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  • A major discussion occurred on the Discord server in the main #wintreath channel last night, and a lot of the information that came out is directly related to the initial incident the Commission was created to investigate. For everyone's convenience, I've gone ahead and begun logging that discussion.

    You can find it here.

    Important Caveats:

    I prioritized grabbing all the text and ensuring the images were available. As a result, other formatting such as italics, bold, and strikethroughs are missing. I will be going through these logs either later tonight or tomorrow to fix up the formatting and ensure I haven't missed anything, but until that is finished, these logs are not complete.

    I definitely missed a few sections, which are back where they belong with formatting and everything. Log complete! (And it only took four hours of work!)

    The images can be enlarged by clicking on them and following the link. There are a lot of screenshotted logs which you will need to do this for.
    Thank you for making this log, @Melehan. I just re-read it in its entirety, and I'm certain that it records what will be remembered a pivotal moment in our region's history, something that deserves to be read, remembered, and celebrated.

    It can't be understated, if these events had not happened, this region had weeks left to it at the rate things were going. The series of events that led to this are so unlikely that what happened is miraculous. What if somebody who has never even been involved in Wintreath hadn't reported the screenshots from AJ's server that led to the bans we issued? What if that had never sparked a discussion on the fairness of Gatto's ban on the forums? What if Laurentus had never came back to tear us a new one, or hadn't been convinced that we should all talk, or what if AJ had decided not to? What if Mars had never showed up, or I decided not to ask her the question that I did because it seemed trivial? What if AJ hadn't followed up with that and we never compared notes on Gally?

    The fact that all these things happened in just the right way to save the region, end the spirit of malevolence that has been haunting us since at least October, and, quite frankly, save some portion of ourselves in the process...I think it's nothing short of a miracle. This moment should be remembered and cherished for a long time to come...thanks for making it possible for us to do so.
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  • Sorry about the lack of updates recently. The report is in the lengthy process of being written, holes are being filled, discussions running into scheduling issues, and I've been sick and completely forgot a lot of things. x_x
    5 people like this post: Red Mones, Michi, taulover, Laurentus, Mathyland
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  • @Melehan: I had a the transcripts of the Reconciliation a few weeks ago, it might be helpful to add my and AJ's announcements in, to tell when the Gally news broke and the subsequent conversation that it sparked started. Just a thought. :)
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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