A major discussion occurred on the Discord server in the main #wintreath channel last night, and a lot of the information that came out is directly related to the initial incident the Commission was created to investigate. For everyone's convenience, I've gone ahead and begun logging that discussion.
You can find it here.
Important Caveats:
I prioritized grabbing all the text and ensuring the images were available. As a result, other formatting such as italics, bold, and strikethroughs are missing. I will be going through these logs either later tonight or tomorrow to fix up the formatting and ensure I haven't missed anything, but until that is finished, these logs are not complete.
I definitely missed a few sections, which are back where they belong with formatting and everything. Log complete! (And it only took four hours of work!)
The images can be enlarged by clicking on them and following the link. There are a lot of screenshotted logs which you will need to do this for.
Thank you for making this log,
@Melehan. I just re-read it in its entirety, and I'm certain that it records what will be remembered a pivotal moment in our region's history, something that deserves to be read, remembered, and celebrated.
It can't be understated, if these events had not happened, this region had weeks left to it at the rate things were going. The series of events that led to this are so unlikely that what happened is miraculous. What if somebody who has never even been involved in Wintreath hadn't reported the screenshots from AJ's server that led to the bans we issued? What if that had never sparked a discussion on the fairness of Gatto's ban on the forums? What if Laurentus had never came back to tear us a new one, or hadn't been convinced that we should all talk, or what if AJ had decided not to? What if Mars had never showed up, or I decided not to ask her the question that I did because it seemed trivial? What if AJ hadn't followed up with that and we never compared notes on Gally?
The fact that all these things happened in just the right way to save the region, end the spirit of malevolence that has been haunting us since at least October, and, quite frankly, save some portion of ourselves in the process...I think it's nothing short of a miracle. This moment should be remembered and cherished for a long time to come...thanks for making it possible for us to do so.