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Hello, I Volunteer As Ask Me Anything Tribute
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  • Hello. My name's Josh but you probably know me as Gallynukes from the Wintreath Discord where I post rambling nonsense often throughout the day. I'm in a pretty procrastinating mood right now and don't want to do any work, so I figured I'd head on over here and participate in one of these bad boys.

    So... please feel free to ask me anything. For starters my favorite color is green, my favorite number is 11, and my opinion flip-flops often on the Oxford comma. I can take it or leave it.

    Let's see... I strongly dislike doing dishes, store-bought potato salad of all kinds and -- perhaps most of all -- cilantro. I absolutely, positively abhor cilantro. It's gross, it tastes like soap to me and I don't care if you have that special gene that makes it not taste poisonous, go tell the guy at the taco food truck cause I don't care.

    Alrighty, I guess that's it. Go ahead and fire away any questions so long as they're not math ones because I suck pretty badly at math. And don't even get me started on algebra with its letters and stuff.  :-\
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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  • So how do you really feel about cilantro?

    On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your level of tech savvyness with 1 being not tech savvy at all and 10 being the master of technology?
    What sports team do you like the least?
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  • So how do you really feel about cilantro?

    On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your level of tech savvyness with 1 being not tech savvy at all and 10 being the master of technology?

    Ooooh, that's a pretty good question!

    Let's see, I would say, hmm...

    Well, I know Windows and most Linux distros pretty well and can hook-up computer and other tech hardware fairly easily (like most people). I was given my brother's old Packard-Bell PC (complete with a dizzyingly fast 14.4k dial-up modem) when I was about 11 and I absolutely ran that thing into the ground. Broke it multiple times but taught myself to fix it somehow. Pretty sure I even tried deleting the System folder one time for some reason. Not a good reason, mind you, but there was a reason. I just can't remember it.

    I can't really write computer code per se but I do know my way around PHP and HTML in regards to website design and/or development when I need to. I've jailbroken or rooted almost every phone I've ever had and once flashed my Xbox 360 so I could play burned games. That was pretty difficult. Probably my greatest tech-related feat ever, though, was when my old boss bought me a customized PC to play and review games for his video game website. Except that it was all custom due to his other friend's suggested list of parts and whatnot, so they all came completely separate and I had to put the whole thing together inside the case shell. Took me two days and probably a good 5-6 hours total, but after a lot of swearing, pacing and Google searches, I finally achieved liftoff eventually.

    But yeah, if I had to guess I would say that overall I'm a good, solid 6.5 -- maybe a 7.0? I don't know a lot about the server side of the fence or anything requiring a soldering iron or that kind of stuff.

    What sports team do you like the least?

    I would have to say either the New York Yankees or the New York Giants, but for vastly different reasons. The Yankees because I'm born and bred in the Boston area and the intense, seething "Yankees Suck" mentality was instilled within me from a very young age. But I like football a lot more than baseball and the 2007 Super Bowl when the New York Giants upset the New England Patriots and ruined the perfect season?

    That one actually, physically hurt my soul. I went through the entire grieving process and felt like someone had died for a good week or so after that loss. It was terrible. Then again in 2011. Ugh. Plus I'm also not a huge fan of the Manning brothers. Used to not be able to stand Peyton but his comedic commercial work has been steadily growing on me. Eli just looks completely confused and dumbfounded all the damn time and the fact that he ruined what would have gone down as arguably the greatest sporting accomplishment of all time? That one hurts on the inside, too.
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    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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  • Fish?
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  • Fish?

    I didn't like fish at all growing up but really, really enjoy haddock, salmon, scallops and clams now in my older, wizened age. Interestingly enough I'm kind of meh on shrimp unless it's the little, itty-bitty shrimps, fried coconut shrimps or I'm-at-a-party-and-shrimp-and-cocktail-sauce-is-the-ONLY-snack-available option. If I have to eat it I will, but I'm definitely not in the shrimps fan club so to speak. Also is the plural of shrimp just shrimp or shrimps? I'm having Conan O'Brien remote flashbacks here.

    Additionally, I'm not that big a fan of lobster as well. Especially cold lobster like in what you'd find lobster salad sandwiches and subs and such. I can stomach it if it's hot and I'm drenching it in gallons of liquid butter if I absolutely have to, but overall? Just don't like it very much. Which some people think is insane because they're absolutely, positively, border-line unhealthily obsessed with lobsters. Plus, the killing them part? What's up with that? That is just straight up NOT a good time! It's not fun nor does it make me feel good in any way.

    In fact, I often just feel like I'd taken some poor, imprisoned creature from its hoosegow at the grocery store back to my house in order to plunge it to its death in scaldingly hot boiling water. Because that's EXACTLY what happens.

    Supposedly there's a shark-move method where you can instantly kill it with a sharp knife and a quick stab located via its brain-stem or something, but I tried that only once and just felt like an absolute frigging psychopath trying to one-shot-kill three lobsters with a huge-ass chef's knife and probably torturing the thing even worse than if I'd dropped it in the Hot Tub of Death.

    Plus I messed up the countertops with the stabbing. It was just a mess all around.

    Oh, and I also like sushi. I haven't tried a huge, huge array of it yet, but I have had most of the basics and even sometimes pick some up from the grocery store if it's earlier in the day. Never the gas station, though. I know grocery store sushi isn't much farther away from the bottom of the barrel that gas station sushi resides on, but it isn't regarded as a surefire way to purge your digestive system of food and bile through your mouth, at least.

    3 people like this post: taulover, Red Mones, Imaginative Kane
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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  • Cats or dogs? There's only one right answer, but if you go with the wrong one and argue your case well, I may forgive you.

    What's your worst travel memory as a child?

    How do you feel about big tables of data?

    Did you express yourself online before the Facebook swallowed everything? (For e.g. MySpace, GeoCities, something you personalised to be just about yourself.)

    .deb or .rpm?

    From which end do you peel a banana? (Part it hung from the tree, or the end monkeys do it.) Also, at what stage? (Yellow, dotted, ruined?)
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  • Cats or dogs? There's only one right answer, but if you go with the wrong one and argue your case well, I may forgive you.

    Both. They're both too good for specific stuff to have to ultimately have or pledge allegiance to just one of them for eternity. I wouldn't say that having both a cat and a dog as pets at the same time would necessarily be a good idea... their personalities and energy would have to match, I guess. The age would probably be most important, actually.

    I had a golden retriever puppy named Moose and a cat named Nims who was clocking in at around 11 years in human time. Long story short but Nims wanted absolutely nothing to do with this weird, spastic ball of golden energy that wouldn't stop prancing around him all the time.

    But all Moose wanted to do was play and all Nims wanted to do was absolutely nothing besides eat, shit and sleep on his back so the sun shined on his tummy. An uneasy truce was brokered in which if Moose got too close he'd get a loud hiss and maybe a moderately charged-up paw strike and that was that, he'd leave him alone.

    Unfortunately, Nims got sick and we ended up giving Moose to a close family friend with a huge-ass backyard after having to downsize to a smaller place without much room for him to frolic around. Was the best thing for him in the long run as hard as it was to do.

    But anyway, yeah. I like both cats and dogs and refuse to pick just one. Final answer.

    What's your worst travel memory as a child?

    Went up with my parents to Maine when I was like... I dunno, maybe 10? 11? I got all cozy and packed in the backseat and read a bunch of books and magazines and stuff. After getting to Maine and trying to find our cabin we got a bit turned around and ended up going over some pretty rough terrain. Muffler ended up falling off the bottom of the car and we all had to hoof it like two miles to the nearest gas station with a tiny, barely noticeable garage.

    We ended up waiting there for what felt like forever until this thirty-something guy started chatting up my Dad and asking us what the problem was and all that jazz. After hearing we were essentially stranded he politely offered to drive us to our cabin if we wanted. I for one, was psyched. We never got to even stop at the cabin before the car trouble started and I just wanted to crash.

    So my Dad gives him the address and general directions and he starts driving and we start going down this pretty steep hill and then -- boom -- we see a cabin up ahead. But it's super rickety and they have a bunch of skulls with candles inside the top ALL over there porch and driveway area. Black beads hanging from tree branches and what I can only describe as Rob Zombie-esque music but definitely less mainstream for these folks.

    My Mom glances at the driver guy and starts yelling at him asking where he was going and my Dad's looking over at this huge biker dude who started coming out front with all black clothes on, super dirty, the exact opposite of kind eyes.

    Finally after a brief moment of being frozen staring at it the whole spectacle the driver guy finally manages to kick it in reverse, do a quick U-turn and get enough grip on the tires with the dirt to put the medal to the floor and screw the fuck out of there.

    After a few seconds he kind of looked at all of us and was like, "Whoa, what the FUCK was that? Haha!" And we all started to nervously chuckle. Eventually he would drop us off at the cabin -- which SUCKED by the way, mosquitos everywhere, hot as fuck, fishing poles didn't even work -- and we ended up going home two days later.

    My Mom to this day tells the story that she was convinced we were about to get murdered. That we probably would have if we stayed around any longer but she had initially thought we were about to get legitimately murdered. That the helpful driver guy was in cahoots with the Black Halloween Zombie house and was delivering fresh victims or something. It was pretty spooky and sucked on all fronts, so... yeah. Definitely that one. :P

    How do you feel about big tables of data?

    After I format everything to look nice and proper and organized? I love em. Mainly just mess around with sports statistics for gambling and fantasy stuff, but yeah. I'm a fan.

    Did you express yourself online before the Facebook swallowed everything? (For e.g. MySpace, GeoCities, something you personalised to be just about yourself.)

    I actually had either an Angelfire or Geocities website where I'd play Madden games on my Playstation and then afterwards write articles about what had happened like I was a journalist. Coincidentally, that was how I first started writing and realizing I loved it. I think the site got like 12 visitors total over the course of two years or so.

    After that I graduated to online message boards, overly-emo AIM profiles with blindingly horrible background-foreground font colors, then IRC, then Facebook, and all the rest afterwards. Never was a MySpace kid, I missed that bandwagon completely.

    .deb or .rpm?

    I... see no difference. They're for all intents and purposes the same. I always went with .deb, though, because it was first in terms of alphabetical order and I'm all about my boy the alphabet.

    From which end do you peel a banana? (Part it hung from the tree, or the end monkeys do it.) Also, at what stage? (Yellow, dotted, ruined?)

    The top, like a sane person. And only when they're yellow and at least a bit spotty. People who eat bananas when they're still greenish on the outside should have their homes checked for dead bodies, because they have some serious issues.

    I use the black, overly-ripe-and-in-the-final-dying-process ones to make banana bread. So good. Make some homemade whipped cream and make sure to mix a few decent size spoonfuls of apple sauce into your batter. Some cinnamon. A little SCOOCH -- just a scooch -- of sour cream and you're good to go. Best banana bread ever, swear on my mother's eyes!
    4 people like this post: tatte, Imaginative Kane, taulover, Red Mones
    « Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 11:09:41 AM by Gallynukes »
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
    -- Socrates

    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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  • Grade A answers, especially the travel memory. They could make a movie out of that. I'm sorry to hear about Nims and Moose. :( (I won't be revealing the correct answer, you are completely forgiven for supporting both sides.)

    Let's move on to next set of questions:

    I heard you have two kids. Do you have a favourite?

    Have you considered using your experience with fantasy sport games to facilitate a nation RP of some sort?

    Why do you blindly follow the arbitrary, heretic system that's known as the alphabet?

    With how many fingers do you type?

    What does your handwriting look like?
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  • Grade A answers, especially the travel memory. They could make a movie out of that. I'm sorry to hear about Nims and Moose. :( (I won't be revealing the correct answer, you are completely forgiven for supporting both sides.)

    Let's move on to next set of questions:

    I heard you have two kids. Do you have a favourite?

    Not like... in the bad way where I favor one over the other all the time, no. I love both of them with all my heart but then if I'm spending time with one of them or they do something where I can start seeing their little personalities start breaking out it kind of kicks into another gear.

    I don't really know how to explain it. It's like overclocking the heart or something.

    They both drive me up a frigging wall at times, too. Like right now my son is pissed because I'm packing him the juice boxes that he literally picked out himself last night. But now he's saying he doesn't like them. And he's mad at me.

    I want to smack him upside the head but also I can't really get mad at him because that's exactly something I would do.

    But yeah, I love and want to strangle them at times completely equally. Though they both have their moments.

    Have you considered using your experience with fantasy sport games to facilitate a nation RP of some sort?

    Hmmm... I mean, sometimes, yeah. But I'll never do it since I have the attention span of a gold fish.

    I start a lot of side shit -- like, a LOT of side shit -- that I never really see through until sometimes months or years later when my brain decides, "Hey! Remember that? Let's get stupidly obsessed about THAT again for a few weeks!"

    So I wouldn't want to set something up or be in charge of something because I'd eventually be not as into and excited about it and would probably find some cop-out way of handing it off or something.

    And I wouldn't want to let anyone down or disappoint anyone who joined it only for me to lose interest.

    Huh... I'm learning so much more about myself in these. Can you be my new therapist?

    How do you blindly follow the arbitrary, heretic system that's known as the alphabet?

    Long, long ago in a Kindergarten far, far away...

    I suppose it's because... Yeah, I'm pretty sure if the alphabet was a person we"d be friends. Like BEST friends. We could do Hooked on Phonics together, and read a Thesaurus and laugh and laugh, and get drunk and maybe throw some rocks at cop cars. Ya know, see where the night took us.

    I dunno.

    These are the things I think about at night before going to sleep...

    With how many fingers do  you type?

    Hm, let's see. The three middle fingers on each hand mostly, and I use my pinkies if I need to send in the cavalry and reach something along the border.

    Sometimes I'll let my thumbs get in on a little copy-paste action so they don't feel left out. But yeah, the eight fingers besides the thumb are on the starting roster.

    What does your handwriting look like?

    It used to be pretty nice but as I've gotten older its gotten much messier. It probably has a lot to do with typing so much, but I just get impatient when writing things out. If I really sit there and focus detention-punishment style, though, I can make it look nice.

    My signature is the laziest ever, I think. J-squiggly-line, Something-resembling-a-G-squiggly-line.

    Lady at court one time was like, "Seriously? I can't take that." So I had to third-grade it all out cursive style. She was pissed.
    4 people like this post: taulover, tatte, Imaginative Kane, Red Mones
    « Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 01:15:42 PM by Gallynukes »
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
    -- Socrates

    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
    -- Hunter S. Thompson
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  • Do you have any suggestions on how to become a better person?

    Any suggestions on how to find my talent or thing I like?
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  • Have you actually played fantasy football, and have you made it to the playoffs in any leagues (if you have played)?

    Aside from football what are some other sports that you follow?
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    Peace through Power!!!
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
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  • Do you have any suggestions on how to become a better person?

    Hmm... that's a good question. I mean, I think that's one of the big mysteries of life right? Right up there with why are we here and what are we ultimately supposed to do?

    I think we're supposed to all be the best possible people we can be, both to ourselves and also to others. How best to do this, though, well... that's the question isn't it?

    I'm a really big believer in the simple yet effective, "Treat others how you want to be treated." Martin Luther King had it right as well. What with not judging people by something like the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    But the real question is how do you treat people who treat you poorly? How do you treat people who are just huge dicks to anything and everyone around them?

    That's the thing I have trouble with the most. I show and give politeness and respect and help out anyone wherever and whenever I can (within reason), but it's when someone is a brash loudmouth or even does something little and stupid like not hold the door open for me when I'm right behind them. That type of stuff sets me off.

    Which actually segues into the final part of my answer. I think a huge, huge part of becoming a better person is not only working on your faults and weaknesses (obviously) but more-so identifying these faults and weaknesses without trying to sugarcoat it for your oft-pouty ass brain.

    For instance, I have road rage. Big time. It's gotten a lot better, but sometimes I'll get mad at someone for doing something when it was, in reality, me who did the ultimately incorrect lane change or whatever. So I've identified it and I've been working on it and... well, it's a process. You certainly don't become a better person overnight. You definitely have to consciously work on it on a day-to-day (and often day-by-day) basis.

    PS: I'll plug therapy yet again in here. It works frigging wonders. I know I come off all sunshine and rainbows and daps on here and in the Discord chat most of the time, but I used to be a very angry, pretty shitty person. Therapy at least has really, really helped me to not only man up and come to grips with some of the poor, oft-criminal shit I've done in the past, but also work on getting past it and getting over it and, ultimately, striving to do much better in the future.

    That's all you can really do, honestly.

    Any suggestions on how to find my talent or thing I like?

    Another good question!

    I mean, I think a lot of people kind of gloss over a lot of different things that they truly like and enjoy when thinking about stuff like this. Like, you don't have to be absolutely, unhealthily obsessed with something or someone in order for it to be a hobby.

    I'd say make a long list of all the different things you like. List everything -- don't try to group it out or anything. Food, music, outdoor activities, yodeling -- I dunno, just list it all. Even if you're a secret psychopath and just really, really like Granny Smith Apples during the witching our on... Tuesday nights only. That's super weird and please get off my porch, but write that down, too.

    Once you've got everything all listed out and your brain is tapped, go and do something else entirely for a good half hour to an hour. Dishes, vacuum, give your cat some cat nip to giggle at how lifted they get, etc. etc.

    After coming back, take a look at that list and circle anything that -- upon reading about it again -- gives you a little roar of fire or desire in your tummy tum tums. After you're done circling those, make that into a list and what you'll have is a pretty great access gate to which kinds of hobbies you're going to enjoy and stick with long term.

    As for talents, that's pretty simple. Try everything at least once and keep track and keep notes of everything you do that you seem to be halfway decent at. More importantly, ask your friends or family what they think you're talents are and keep a list of that. Evaluate, figure out which ones are legit and which ones are your Moms just trying to brighten up your Wednesday (thanks Moms) and there you go. There's a pretty respectable and (hopefully) truthful list telling you your top talents.

    Do with all that what you will, but if you can definitely try and get a job in the realm of something you love doing -- like hobby-wise -- or something you're really pretty talented at and, thusly, probably love doing. Because... compliments.

    Also, don't try to rush the process either. You're going to get better and worse in regards to various things as you get older, just try to keep an eye on it so you're always on top of the game.
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    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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    -- Hunter S. Thompson
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  • Have you actually played fantasy football, and have you made it to the playoffs in any leagues (if you have played)?

    Aside from football what are some other sports that you follow?

    Yeah, I'm not into it as much as I used to be, but... I used to write for doing game recaps (from a fantasy perspective, obviously).

    So I was really, really deep into it and was in several pretty big money leagues. I've won twice total, and ended up winning around $1,500 each time.

    Ultimately, though, I just didn't have the time needed to compete in those kinds of leagues. Plus I was in so many different ones and had so many different players that, at times, I just didn't know if I should be truly happy or excited if Player A scored a 70-yard touchdown because I was likely playing against a team with said player in other leagues.

    I also follow college football, the NBA, the MLB to some extent, and then MMA like a an absolute fanatical weirdo. I frigging loooooooove MMA.

    I boxed for several years but really, really, REALLY want to start learning ju-jitsu. It's for sure easily the dominant, go-to discipline of the future imo. Not even the future, really -- it already is.
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    « Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 02:36:49 PM by Gallynukes »
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
    -- Socrates

    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
    -- Hunter S. Thompson
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  • What's the reasoning behind your username?
    What's the most far-fetched life goal you've got?
    What is your favorite colour?
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