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The Speaker Selection Amendment Act
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • During the Constitutional Convention, one of the few powers that I gave myself over the Underhusen was the ability to select the Speaker. At the time, we were a new region with a lot of new people, and I was afraid if I didn't personally have the authority to select the Speaker, one would be chosen based on popularity instead of ability to draft and enforce a codified procedure. However, this was always an ability that I intended to cede when we grew as a region and the Underhusen developed its own legislative tradition that even the newest member could easily follow.

    That time may very well be now. While the first session of the Underhusen wasn't particularly productive, I feel that everybody that ran in the last election understood the rules of the Underhusen. Although I ultimately selected Denth as Speaker once again, there were several other people that I feel would have also done a great job, and it was not an easy decision.

    Unless for some reason most people feel that I should continue appointing the Speaker, I would like to write a Constitutional Amendment to alter how they are selected. However, I also don't want to impose my own ideas in how they should be selected, so I would like to open up a discussion of if it should change and what the new process should be, if so. :)

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  • How about it is selected by Underhusen Vote(Members of the Underhusen vote for the speaker) or it could be selected by the person with the larges amount of votes(with a tie leading to a vote in the Underhusen with the tied people)
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I like Chanku's second idea
    Drexyl Nox
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  • I think Chanku's second idea is the best - although that would open up the position to victory by popularity somewhat, which maybe isn't such a good thing.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • I dislike Chanku's second idea.

    Reason being, A speaker's job is maintain order and follow decorum.
    How is it relevant that the Underhusen-elect with the most votes gets to decide who is the face of the entire Underhusen?

    The best case here would be Chanku's first idea, which is established convention almost everywhere on NS and IRL.
    Underhusen members nominate themselves or others for Speaker  ((Granted the nominee accepts the nomination)), and after the nomination period ends, the Underhusen votes on their speaker.

    Problem solved.

    Constitutional Amendment #001 (?)

    Introduction: Seeing that Wintreath has grown since the initial founding document's composition, and seeking to relegate more powers traditionally assigned to the King, to the members of the region, this Constitutional Amendment hereby empowers the Underhusen to assign its own speaker.

    This bill amends Section 1, Subsection 'The Underhusen', Clause 4 as such:
    4. Upon the conclusion of the election, the Monarch shall appoint a winning candidate to preside over the Underhusen a 2 day nomination period shall begin within the Underhusen, where Underhusen members nominate themselves or others for the seat of Speaker of the House, who shall be responsible for ensuring procedural rules established by the Underhusen are followed.

    Adding (i) At the end of the nomination period, the Underhusen shall vote on the list of nominees and the candidate with the most votes shall become Speaker of the House

    Adding (ii) These proceedings will be organized by the incumbent speaker of the House.
    Adding (iii) Shall no nominee step up, or shall the vote end by a tie, the Monarch shall appoint a Speaker for the house.


    This is very rough, I wrote it in like 5 minutes.
    I just don't like throwing my point of view without some substance.

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    A. Pierangelli
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  • I prefer Chanku's first idea as well. Having all the selected Underhusen members select their speaker strikes me as fairer than only having the most voted member do so.

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    A. Pierangelli
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  • I prefer Chanku's first idea as well. Having all the selected Underhusen members select their speaker strikes me as fairer than only having the most voted member do so.

    Indeed, and it removes the 'ship of fools' issue we may have encountered with the second idea. I think Belhorizon's proposal makes a good starting point :)
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • I'll refine it a bit more, shall need be, but we wouldn't want to put the Storting out of the job, now do we? :P
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