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Summer Session Discussion #1! Coffee!
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    I'm a new member of the UH, and something I wanted to start in Wintreath was to post prompts to get everyone talking on the forums! I think that posting them weekly, each Wednesday would be a good way to start. The goal is to get Wintreans talking on the forums and interacting more! I am open to ideas and suggestions, and this is the first one I'm going to post!

    This week's theme is COFFEE!!

    Do you even like coffee? How do you like it? What's your favorite coffee place? Hot or cold?! Does caffeine even affect you? Do you think it's true that caffeine doesn't affect people with adhd?

    Talk here about anything regarding coffee - recipes, favorites, coffee chains, myths about caffeine and whether coffee could be considered a drug or not.

    Surely, here in Wintreath, we all could appreciate a nice warm beverage now and then.

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  • Thanks for starting this! I'll certainty be here to discuss with you.

    Honestly, I dislike the smell of coffee unless people put that strange caramel smelling stuff in it. I personally can't drink coffee because the caffeine makes me dizzy and sleepy for whatever reason. Decaf is just strange to begin with, so I tend to just avoid coffee all together.

    I'm not a big Timmys or Starbucks fan, but I do like the local cafes. I'll just stick to the cocoa side of things when there.

    The beverage of choice around here seems to be iced caps. I can't personally vouch for them, but my friends pretty much drink them exclusively.
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  • My sweet muffin! <3

    I love coffee, but hate it black. I always need cream and sugar. Additionally, I prefer my coffee iced, as hot coffee always takes forever to cool down, and after that, it's just lukewarm. Blah!

    Caffeine does affect me, although it didn't once. Nowadays it makes me jittery and unable to focus, and as someone with ADHD I think the notion that caffeine doesn't affect us is preposterous. Caffeine is absolutely a drug, but coffee, in general, isn't necessarily.

    I prefer Starbucks over all other coffee and coffee chains I've had. Starbucks is basically my life :P Also my lovely gf is going to be working there soon!
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  • This is a cool idea!

    I'm not the kind of guy who needs coffee in the morning, but that's because I can't really tell if it does anything for me. I'll only drink it if I go out to eat for brunch or if my wife wants to go to a coffee shop for whatever reason.

    I pretty much solely drink coffee cold (I'd need to be outside in the cold to drink it hot). I'll usually drink cold brew black or iced lattes with no sugar (though I will occasionally get it with vanilla or caramel shit).

    I don't really like Starbucks -- I don't know if my taste buds are weird, but their coffee always tastes like beef jerky to me. My wife loves Starbucks, though, so when we go, I either don't get anything or go all out with one of those caramel/whipped cream frappuccinos. So I usually prefer going to local coffee shops, which is especially easy for me since I live in a city.

    I look forward to the next topic!

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  • A good idea, it is. :)

    It's only been in the last year or two that I've started drinking coffee...I like it with milk (even approaching a 1 to 1 ratio), and I usually drink it hot because that's just the default in our household, but I have no issue with drinking it cold either. It does help when I'm fighting mid-afternoon drowsiness, but one thing I notice is that I can usually only drink so much before it makes me feel queasy and nauseous...usually two big mugs is my limit.

    I've never had Starbucks...I'm not the sort to eat (or drink) out often, and when I do I'm very money-conscious, so it's not something I see myself doing.

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  • I'm a tea and boba tea person... I've only drunk coffee once or twice in my life. :D

    I drank significant amounts of boba first semester this past school year (but still like only maybe once or twice a week), but I've cut that down to effectively zero caffeine in my system most of the time now.

    Caffeine seems to make me more wakeful, but sometimes it feels uncomfortable. I am largely convinced that it is not a diuretic and that that's mostly just the large amount of liquid being consumed.
    « Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 06:36:09 PM by taulover »
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  • It seems like every family member of mine at some point has struggled with drinking it too much and had to deal with withdrawals trying to stop. Even now some of them still drink it pretty heavily (and spend so much money on it). I've completely avoided drinking it at all because of it. I used to have the occasional frappuccino at starbucks, but even those made me feel sick even if I got the smallest size. I'm satisfied with tea.
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  • Coffee's pretty gross, in my opinion. What's wrong with a nice glass of water? You can never overstate the power of water, unless you are drowning, in which case water has been very much overstated to the point that it is an extreme problem, however, in the event of drowning the problem would be exceedingly elevated if the liquid in question was coffee as it would both choke and burn to a large degree, therefore, coffee is indeed, verily I say, worse than water in all shapes and sizes apart from the shape of frozen, because I doubt coffee can achieve the state of "frozen" with the same sense of style that water alone can achieve, though I am indeed aware of a phenomenon known as "iced coffee"⁠—which incidentally I view as the worst possible material to drown in as it segues from strict drowning to the simple matter known as suffocating—the coffee claiming itself as iced is only that: iced, not frozen, not a singular material as it still has the desire to be drunk, unlike frozen water (which is commonly known as "ice," not "iced water") which has the honesty to inform the consumer that it is indeed ice, and therefore not drinkable, and instead is employed in the task of cooling other drinks, which is also a status that water has over other possible drinks, after all, the other drinks I have observed that possess ice in them hardly ever have ice composed of other materials, which is likely like that because they would unfreeze far faster than plain water would.

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  • I drink coffee every now and again (usually for the flavor, but I do drink it sometimes for the caffeine). I honestly drink it basically every way (although rarely with other flavors like vanilla, hazelnut, caramel, etc.), depending on my mood and the weather. I usually drink it black (and sometimes you don't even have to wait in line after you order at Starbucks as they have a steaming cup of black coffee ready immediately :P) or in a cold brew or iced, although I'm always down for a little bit of milk and sugar when I feel like it.

    For shops, Starbucks is probably my go-to when I do have coffee out because it's convenient and I do enjoy their coffee (and free WiFi doesn't hurt :P). Local coffee shops are very nice as well. Oh, and tea and boba are great too! :D
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  • I have managed to fully abstain from coffee and tea so far, having not drunk any at all.  I briefly liked coffee flavored ice cream and I have had coffee cake but those are different I am sure.  That is mostly because of a combination of hearing bad things about caffeine and growing up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I have sniffed coffee beans before (as a test of my sense of smell or lack of it).  It also doesn't hurt that my immediate family doesn't drink coffee.  I honestly didn't even know that Starbucks sold anything other than coffee until one day a couple of years ago when my mom told me she had some hot chocolate there.  I don't know if coffee itself could be considered a drug but caffeine probably could be if what I have about it is correct.

    Is it true that chocolate has caffeine or is it just certain types that have it?
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  • Is it true that chocolate has caffeine or is it just certain types that have it?
    Chocolate has low amounts of caffeine, but not really enough to affect you.
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  • I'm not usually a coffee person (THAT'S the tea *badum tsss*please don't kill me)

    That being said, I'm a sucker for a good iced coffee when I'm in the mood. If you want a tasty iced coffee recipe, I totally recommend this one: It tastes like a Starbuck's iced coffee, but better.

    Caffeine affects me intensely. It's basically useless for me in the long run, because it hits me intensely in a short burst and then I crash. And I crash HARD. While I'm in my energy burst, though, I'm not productive because it's just anxious energy and heart palpitations. In small amounts though, I can enjoy it. I can't speak for people with ADHD. I can only say what I was told in my psych courses, which is that it's a myth that it doesn't affect them.

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  • I'm definitely much more of a tea person, but generally I ration it heavily and don't use it unless its super necessary.  I can get by with higher short term productivity with it I've found, but long term I get diminishing returns on it as my body becomes used to that level of caffeine.  Consequently, I usually drink non-trivial amounts of tea near the end of major projects, ends of classes, etc. 

    I actually don't really like the smell or taste of coffee at all, which I'm told is surprising.  Apparently people really like the smell of coffee.  I never have been able to, and that's one reason why I actually don't like spending time at coffee shops.  Fun little tidbit there I suppose. 
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  • I actually don't really like the smell or taste of coffee at all, which I'm told is surprising.  Apparently people really like the smell of coffee.  I never have been able to, and that's one reason why I actually don't like spending time at coffee shops.  Fun little tidbit there I suppose.
    Interesting, I like the smell and enjoy coffee flavored things, but not actually coffee itself.
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