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The Prisons Below: An Escape Room
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  • Dog

    >Look up at the ceiling

    >Look at engraving on shiny object from floor

    >Sniff torch

    >Dig up second ring that was underneath water bowl

    >Notice ghost and wag tail as greeting

    >Ask ghost: What's on the ceiling?

    >Ask ghost: What can you tell me of the engraving on this shiny thing I've dug up?

    >Ask ghost: What are these rings I have?

    >Thank ghost for being such a wonderful ghost!

    >Send ghost to Cat

    >Push stone blocking passageway to Human

    >Try to carry water bowl to Human
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  • >Look up at the ceiling
    You look up. There is nothing but rock above you.

    >Look at engraving on shiny object from floor
    It reads: TO DUNGEONS
    Then underneath in barley legible letters: fire is the key

    >Sniff torch
    It smells like fire. And faintly of oil.

    >Dig up second ring that was underneath water bowl
    You dig up the ring
    Ring: T A M E R T

    >Notice ghost and wag tail as greeting
    You wag your tail. The ghost smiles, if that is even possible on a faceless being.

    >Ask ghost: What's on the ceiling?
    "Nothing here. You're in a hallway. That'd be far too obvious."

    >Ask ghost: What can you tell me of the engraving on this shiny thing I've dug up?
    "It is the sign! Someone must have taken it off! There should be a door it matches around here somewhere..." The ghost almost wanders off.

    >Ask ghost: What are these rings I have?
    "Yes, you have two of them now. They'll be helpful later."

    >Thank ghost for being such a wonderful ghost!
    The ghost turns pink. "Just doing my part, Sir Dog."

    >Send ghost to Cat
    The ghost goes to the cat. Dog has 3 more interactions with ghost left.

    >Push stone blocking passageway to Human
    You push the stone. As your head is firmly in the middle and away from the edges, you do not get stuck, and the slab moves, albeit with some effort. The stone clatters to the floor unceremoniously as you emerge into the room.

    >Try to carry water bowl to Human
    You pick up the bowl, and while it slips a few times, you manage to hold it long enough to bring it to the human.

    Dog turn 11

    We been pinned! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thanks Gerrick.
    Also, we have far more lurkers than I thought we did, so hi everyone!
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  • Cat

    >Ask the Ghost: How do I get the key down from the ceiling?
    >Send the Ghost to the Firefly.
    >Walk through the fire place.
    >Squeeze through the opening to the left of the fireplace into the hallway.
    >Meow at the Dog.


    >Go to the cat's original room and attempt to pull the key out of the ceiling.
    >Go back to the sewer system and examine the first two books.
    >Ask the Ghost: Who lived here?
    >Ask the Ghost: What's on the other side of the bricks?
    >Ask the Ghost: Why is the black book glowing?
    >Send the Ghost to the Human.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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  • >Ask the Ghost: How do I get the key down from the ceiling?
    "You will need something to burn or melt it free"

    >Send the Ghost to the Firefly.
    The ghost walks through the now cold fireplace.

    >Walk through the fire place.
    It is cool to the paws as you stroll through it.

    >Squeeze through the opening to the left of the fireplace into the hallway.
    You enter the hallway. It is a bit dark.

    >Meow at the Dog.
    You meow at the Dog.

    Cat turn 12

    >Go to the cat's original room and attempt to pull the key out of the ceiling.
    You go to the room and attempt to pull it out of the ceiling. Though your strength causes some pebbles to fall, the key remains stuck. Though some black goo is now visible where the pebbles had fallen from.

    >Go back to the sewer system and examine the first two books.
    You examine the books. The one on the top shelf is covered in doodles of tomatoes, but the number 43 is circled and rewritten repeatedly. On one page there is nothing but the alphabet scrawled and crossed out, with the letter O the only one left untouched. The second book is hard to open, being very sticky. It contains no useful information, but under it is the letter E and the number 780 carved into the shelf.

    >Ask the Ghost: Who lived here?
    "How should I know? I mean, technically I lived here, but before that? Who knows."

    >Ask the Ghost: What's on the other side of the bricks?
    The ghost goes through the bricks and then wanders back to you. "More tunnel. Probably from the other access point."

    >Ask the Ghost: Why is the black book glowing?
    The ghost becomes near translucent, backing away. "I don't know, but it's giving off bad vibes."

    >Send the Ghost to the Human.
    The ghost floats through the bricks.

    Firefly turn 9

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  • Firefly

    >Go back to the cat's original room and attempt to light the black goo in the ceiling on fire.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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  • Hey! I managed to pull my time and thoughts together to post again. Hurrah!


    > Wag at human

    > Sniff human

    > Whine at human and motion towards hurt hands and then the water bowl

    > Go back through passageway to my hallway

    > Notice cat and go through a range of emotions; bark in shock, then growl, then pant in a happy submissive tone, and finally resist urge to chase the cat around the room in a game of playful catch

    > Sniff cat

    > Gingerly pickup the shiny object sign and start walking down the hallway (to the left from when I emerge from the hole) looking for a door. Pause when I encounter anything that’s not hallway.
    « Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 12:45:22 PM by Wuufu »
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  • ((I am so nervous that water might make it worse))
    ((Also, does anyone want the ghost next? I can't think of anything to ask, so I'm going to wait until I think of something. How many times has the ghost visited each character so far?)).
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  • ((What do I know, I’m just a dog :P Seriously though, my thoughts on the water was that you have some burning acid like liquid on your hand and perhaps you could wash it off. But you are indeed correct that acid and water can have some adverse reactions!!))
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  • >Go back to the cat's original room and attempt to light the black goo in the ceiling on fire.
    The goo catches fire and falls to the floor.

    Firefly turn 10

    Before I start the Dog's turn, I want to inform you of something. Since there are multiple characters and I do not want to dictate your character's responses, I will not post replies to interactions done specifically with each other. If your character cares to respond, you are more than welcome to.
    > Wag at human
    You wag your tail

    > Sniff human
    The human smells of leather. You can now track the human!

    > Whine at human and motion towards hurt hands and then the water bowl
    You whine at the human

    > Go back through passageway to my hallway
    You go back through the hallway

    > Notice cat and go through a range of emotions; bark in shock, then growl, then pant in a happy submissive tone, and finally resist urge to chase the cat around the room in a game of playful catch
    You look very strange, but successfully do not chase the cat.

    > Sniff cat
    You sniff the cat. It smells of dust. You can now track the cat!

    > Gingerly pickup the shiny object sign and start walking down the hallway (to the left from when I emerge from the hole) looking for a door. Pause when I encounter anything that’s not hallway.
    You pick up the object and start walking. About a hundred feet down, you encounter a large wooden door with metal bars across the front. Next to it is a place where a sign might have once hung.

    Dog turn 12

    And to respond to everything else:

    Ghost visits:
    Cat- 2
    Human-1 (Not counting its current location)

    And while I won't comment on the water, I will say that you will still have several turns to sort things out even if it gets worse.I did promise not to kill anyone off until everyone leaves their rooms.
    ...Wait. That means that so long as the human stays in their room (Since they are the only one not to move from their own room yet) I can't kill anyone. But please don't do that.  :))
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  • Human

    >Clean hands with water bowl.
    ->If acid + water creates an even worse reaction: scream head off.

    >Ask ghost: What was that about a curse?
    >Ask ghost: Who are these "others" you mentioned?
    >Ask ghost: What is a dog doing in a place like this?

    >Say "hello" to the hand.

    1 person likes this post: taulover
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  • >Clean hands with water bowl.
    The acid hisses at it comes in contact with the water. While your hands are now somewhat raw, you are no longer taking damage.

    >Ask ghost: What was that about a curse?
    "Curse? Oh, that. Beings will keep appearing here until someone gets out alive. My round all died. And you'll probably get stuck here for all eternity in some form if you don't make it out."
    >Ask ghost: Who are these "others" you mentioned?
    "Oh, the others! There was a rat, and a human, like you, and a giant snail of some sort? I think he lost his shell so he's a slug now. That's how it works, clearly. No idea what happened to them after we parted ways. I mean, the human and I were the first to go because he's a skeleton now, and I guess the other two died because you're here. On top of that, I assume that there was a group before mine because that hand appears to be alive, and I would believe it if you told me he was part of the group before mine."
    >Ask ghost: What is a dog doing in a place like this?
    "You know, if I knew that, we might be out of here already. I think this place just picked up random things that fit."

    >Say "hello" to the hand.
    The hand waves back.

    We're back! Now where did I put the document with all the stuff in it?
    I'm really happy now!
    4 people like this post: Red Mones, taulover, Gerrick, Wuufu
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  • Firefly

    >Attempt to remove the key from the ceiling.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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  • ((We're back!!))


    >Attempt to hang up shiny sign where the sign used to be

    >Sniff the door
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  • >Attempt to remove the key from the ceiling.
    The key falls easily into your grasp.

    Firefly turn 11

    >Attempt to hang up shiny sign where the sign used to be
    It takes much stretching and scratching, but you successfully insert the sign. Something goes click behind the door, but it remains shut.

    >Sniff the door
    The door smells ominous, if ominous is a scent. A slight breeze with traces of ring drift through from under the door.

    Dog turn 13
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  • Firefly

    >Use the key on the large rock's keyhole.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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