Galdinians: Ignore the random location names, they were part of the map generatorHaragladians: A traditionally militaristic and honorbound culture living in the north of what is now the Eclenian Empire, this culture is not limited to native Haragladians but also their more human counterparts who live alongside them in the mountains and highlands they call home.
Eclenians: A descendant offshoot of Haragladia, the Eclenians are a highly respectful and equally respected culture who reside in the southeastern corner of Galindia. A publically reserved and privately passionate people, Eclenians pride themselves on being reliable to their friends and enemies alike. Their most well known physical trait is their signature dark blue eyes.
Burjionese: Within their own borders the people of Burjion are among the most peaceful and kind folk you can come across, with a love of earth and things that grow. They are also amongst the most religiously fanatical cultures in the world making even Sarvanists look tolerant by comparison. Should you be any form of Infidel, the average Burjionese will look down upon you as being the lowest of the low barely worthy of the air you breathe, and Taurok forbid you are a heretic, then you would be wise to raise your guard and pray to your heathen gods for mercy, for the only mercy Taurok will give you is Holy Fire .
Roncaleans: If there is Business to be had, then a Roncalean can be found no further than a stone’s throw away. Originally the term could be used to describe the ethnic group found on the Isle of Roncalas, however today it is so diverse that it is by now a byword for merchant. In fact the most high praise you can give to a merchant is to refer to them as a Roncal.
Bothnians: Much like the Roncaleans, the Bothnians can be summed up in one saying. If there is blood to be spilled, a Bothnian will be there. The Bothnians are the peak of warrior culture from the ground up, the Bothnian culture and society is built upon the premise of blood being spilled. All in service of their God Ukonusko the World Sunderer, whom every Bothnian warrior has the pleasure of entertaining with the most perfect dance of battle, and filling his chalice with the most thirst quenching drink of blood. This has left the Bothnian state almost entirely controlled by women, with Bothnian slave traders in particular known for terrifying their counterparts in cultures that would prefer to see women left out of such exchanges.
Kanbians: While the Kanbians have much of the appreciation of the Bothnians for blood, they are not obsessed with it. Just because men are best as warriors doesn’t mean all men must be warriors. They also include elves among their numbers as more than just slaves, which sets them apart from the Bothnians systemic slavery of them. They are in many ways simply more moderate Bothnians. Just don’t tell them that yourself.
Soerians: In the best possible definition the term Soerian refers to a person from the Soerian Subcontinent of Galindia. However to refer to someone from Soeria as a Soerian is a blatant if by now expected admission of ignorance. Soeria is one of the most divided lands in all of Mithra, home to a plethora of ethnic groups and cultures that are both insulted and proud to be called Soerian. The best possible analogy I can make about the Soerians is this. Soeria is like water, if you pass through gently you will find little resistance to your visit, but if you enact violence upon it, it becomes harder than stone. It is for this reason that the term Soerian is a most paradoxical one to use.
Medeans: The oppressed masters of magic in the west. The Medeans are best defined by two things, their extremely talented use of magic, and their near constant state of being a conquered people with varying levels of rights and autonomy. At present, the Medean homeland is controlled by the Burjionese Empire who despise both Elves who make up the majority of the Medean ethnic group, and magic that is unsanctioned by their religion. This particularly cruel overlord has led many Medeans to become nomadic fleeing their homeland and scattering across the world as wandering bands of gypsies.
Rhian: The last remnant of the once great Dominion of Rhiannon, the Fortress Kingdom of Rhiannon, is home to the Rhian Dwarves an extremely reclusive people who trade only with their completely engulfing neighbor and by now purely self-proclaimed vassal Thorndain. These people are well known for their eccentricity and are liable to flights of fancy.
Thorndainians: The Thorndainians are a proud people, with a rich history of sucking up to Rhiannon and hoping for the best. In all seriousness though you will struggle to find better friends to have then in a Thorndainian, just don’t get on their bad sides. They have a long memory for slights and you’d be surprised at how many ways there are to slight them.
Gremoraens: One of the two primary cultures of the so-called “Lake Sisters” cultural group, the Gremoraens are a people known for their deadly serious nature, and extreme work ethic, but also for their jubilant celebrations of holidays and festivals many of which are unique to their land, including their most famed harvest festival that sees families come together to celebrate the year’s hard work and the spirits of family and friends who have passed on.
Silestrians: The younger and often regarded as softer of the Lake Sisters, The Principality of Silestria is surrounded on every side by significantly larger kingdoms that could with some effort easily conquer the lakeside land. However, barring some raiding by the Eystarins to the west, and the occasional land claim by the Burjionese to the south, the Silestrians have been left unharmed by its neighbors. This is in no small part due to Silestria’s incredibly shrewd diplomats, who much like the rest of the people build their lives on peace and kindness. It is because of this that the typically hostile Eystarins are close allies and friends to the Silestrians who happily let the Eystarins’ mounts graze on Silestrian grass. And the Burjionese? Well it’s somewhat hard to invade a Principality that’s surrounded by large, powerful friends.
Eystarins: The faithful servants and guardians of horses. The Eystarins are a generally nomadic people who live on the backs of their sacred mounts.