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Experienced NS Journalist AMA
Posts: 8 Views: 717

  • Village Drifter
  • Region in TRR: Glacikaldr Region in Hartfelden: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen
  • I go by the usernames of PowerPAOK, Nequedum and Glacikaldr across NationStates and my relevant IC experience includes the following:

    Media Officer of the Rejected Realms, Editor-in-Chief of The Rejected Times, Former Media Deputy Officer of the Rejected Realms, and Former Head Editor of The LCRUA Times.

    Collection of Published Works:

    My only relevant OOC 'qualifications' are that I'm more than half way done with an English Major... alongside a Politics Major (and six weeks away from completing a Philosophy Minor) at a relatively prestigious university?? I ended the statement with question marks to show off the high rising terminal -- or question intonation -- that comes with my accent as an Australian.

    I'll do my best to answer your questions as I see them! :)
    3 people like this post: Imaginative Kane, taulover, Gerrick
    Hartfelden High-Ranking Herzog | TRR DOoFA | TRR Ambassador | TEP DMoP | TGW Warden

  • Citizen
  • Ayyyye, chur brah! Philosophy minor and an English major? That's sweet as. I know from experience how much that can get to you, and politics on top of them sounds like an utter nightmare. A very fun nightmare, but an angry moonlit horse nonetheless. Nice to run into an Aussie, though, but as a Kiwi I am culturally obligated to poke fun at ya and ya feesh and cheeps. Uh. As soon as I work out how to do that cultural obligation? I haven't really taken part before? And the Aussies I know are much better at it than me? Ah, well. She'll be right, I'm sure.

    Okay, stopping now. =P

    What's the reasoning behind your username(s)?
    What's the most far-fetched life goal you've got?
    What is your favorite colour?
    3 people like this post: Imaginative Kane, taulover, Laurentus
    • Posts: 2,850
    • Karma: 1,306
    • Citizen
    • Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Region in TRR: Glacikaldr Region in Hartfelden: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen
  • Ayyyye, chur brah! Philosophy minor and an English major? That's sweet as. I know from experience how much that can get to you, and politics on top of them sounds like an utter nightmare. A very fun nightmare, but an angry moonlit horse nonetheless. Nice to run into an Aussie, though, but as a Kiwi I am culturally obligated to poke fun at ya and ya feesh and cheeps. Uh. As soon as I work out how to do that cultural obligation? I haven't really taken part before? And the Aussies I know are much better at it than me? Ah, well. She'll be right, I'm sure.

    Okay, stopping now. =P

    What's the reasoning behind your username(s)?
    What's the most far-fetched life goal you've got?
    What is your favorite colour?
    Surely you mean fosh and chops seeing how you come from volcano land? :P

    I've actually been to New Zealand twice, but all I remember is nearly killing someone at a luge ride  (which I've been to on two separate occasions, so I could try my luck twice), nearly killing myself while skiing, and shopping at Cheap as Chops.

    What's the reasoning behind your username(s)?
    PowerPAOK: I made this about ten years ago (well, I think my dad came up with it) and it's a merge between two sport teams I liked back then (or my dad did), Power (Port Adelaide Football Club in Australia) and PAOK (A Greek soccer team).
    Nequedum: I used to use Neko-chan ironically over on skype but then I couldn't handle it anymore so I looked up random latin words and settled for nequedum, meaning "but not yet".
    Glacikaldr: Glacikaldr is named after a 'nation' in another small roleplaying community I used to play on. It was started five-ish years ago and I sort-of ran it as a sort-of 'third generation' of 'rulers'/nobility class.

    What's the most far-fetched life goal you've got?
    Marrying and living with someone from the other side of the world. It's working well for me so far.

    What is your favorite colour?
    Mmm... purple.

    1 person likes this post: taulover
    Hartfelden High-Ranking Herzog | TRR DOoFA | TRR Ambassador | TEP DMoP | TGW Warden

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • What a pleasant surprise...we rarely get ambassadors that do AMAs. :)

    What led you to joining NationStates to begin with?
    2 people like this post: taulover, PowerPAOK

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Citizen
  • Nah, it's fush and chups down here. I've been up to Aussie twice as well -- your air-con is fantastic. It makes up for how everything wants to kill you. =P Have you had any interesting stories regarding animal life up there?

    Skiing's cool. Glad you didn't say snowboarding! Do you remember what mountain?
    1 person likes this post: PowerPAOK
    • Posts: 2,850
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • Oh, god, now we have a Kiwi and a Wallaby?

    Well, at least now we have more Southerners in the region. :P

    Anyway, as to an actual question, what madness drove you to subject yourself to Wintrean AMAs?

    Oh, and since I'll never get the chance to ask, how would you say the Emu Wars impacted the modern Australian identity?
    5 people like this post: Michi, PowerPAOK, Imaginative Kane, taulover, Elbbsas
    « Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 08:02:07 AM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
    • Posts: 8,755
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    • Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Region in TRR: Glacikaldr Region in Hartfelden: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen
  • Oh no! How very unreliable of me to not reply after all this time! I'll leave it open on my phone and get to this when I wake up tomorrow: sorry to keep you all waiting for so long :(
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
    Hartfelden High-Ranking Herzog | TRR DOoFA | TRR Ambassador | TEP DMoP | TGW Warden

  • Village Drifter
  • Region in TRR: Glacikaldr Region in Hartfelden: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen
  • What a pleasant surprise...we rarely get ambassadors that do AMAs. :)

    What led you to joining NationStates to begin with?
    I'm full of surprises!

    I first joined NS on the recommendation of a friend some time in 2015. Telaar is the oldest one of my nations that I can still remember the password to, which I keep in Osiris. I had no clue about the offsite side of NS until late 2017 however.

    Nah, it's fush and chups down here. I've been up to Aussie twice as well -- your air-con is fantastic. It makes up for how everything wants to kill you. =P Have you had any interesting stories regarding animal life up there?

    Skiing's cool. Glad you didn't say snowboarding! Do you remember what mountain?
    The most interesting stories would have to be seeing a platypus in South Australia when it was previously thought that all platypus were extinct from the state, seeing a huge crocodile jump for a snack while on a boat in a crocodile park, and snorkling with the ecosystem within the Great Barrier Reef. No life threatening stories yet, thankfully... I mean, we did bump into a snake once but we were a huge group and it quickly left.

    And um, sadly not. Maybe somewhere near Rotorua? Sorry. :(

    Oh, god, now we have a Kiwi and a Wallaby?

    Well, at least now we have more Southerners in the region. :P

    Anyway, as to an actual question, what madness drove you to subject yourself to Wintrean AMAs?

    Oh, and since I'll never get the chance to ask, how would you say the Emu Wars impacted the modern Australian identity?
    An AMA sounded like fun! Sadly I also have a very poor memory so that one's on me!

    The Emu Wars were fought by one fireteam and a jeep. If you're not familiar with a Bren gun, it's not really a suppressing wide-burst machine gun; it's definitely more for precise shooting. Basically what we now use semi-auto assault rifles for nowadays.

    So, they didn't have much success after realising the emus disperse and also can take a few bullets each, but to keep this memey: they later put a bounty on emus, which farmers made a killing out of and I think this helped propagate the image of a bush-wandering Australian with a knife going out to kill stuff.
    4 people like this post: Laurentus, taulover, Elbbsas, Imaginative Kane
    Hartfelden High-Ranking Herzog | TRR DOoFA | TRR Ambassador | TEP DMoP | TGW Warden

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