Turn 21Almonaster 1: Enter 1509 into the 4-dial lock.You enter “1509” into the four dial lock. Nothing appears to happen.
Almonaster 2: Enter 1357 into the 4-dial lock.You enter “1357” into the four dial lock. Nothing appears to happen.
Almonaster 3: Enter 1027 into the 4-dial lock.You enter “1027” into the four dial lock. Nothing appears to happen.
Gerrick 1: Enter 1020 into the 4-dial lock.You enter “1020” into the four dial lock. Nothing appears to happen.
Gerrick 2: Enter 1021 into the 4-dial lock.You enter “1021” into the four dial lock. Nothing appears to happen.
Gerrick 3: Enter 1022 into the 4-dial lock.You enter “1022” into the four dial lock. Nothing--
finally!!! You pitch the lock across the room. It smashes the corner of one of the mirrors but frankly, you're past the point of caring. You open the glass container and grab the keycard. It's just as weirdly heavy as the blue one.
You have aquired one (1)
El Fiji Grande 1 - 3: Enter 1354, 1355, and 1356 into the 4-dial lock.After a thorough search of the space under the TV, you locate the lock and spin the tumblers around. You then hurl it into the other mirror. Cracks spiderweb in an instant.
You pause. The TV screen is blank.
Solution Explaination
(Red herrings are nasty. This puzzle wanted you to ignore how to really read clocks and just look at the face. Twice right, twice left, AKA "2" and "10." Either "210" or "102" were valid as the first three numbers, but don't ask how a bycycle lock was modified to let that happen. The last number, "2," comes from a riddle-fied maths problem. 7 [croc without teeth], plus 6, minus 11 [sticks, as demonstrated in one of the bonus puzzles]).
(Incidentally, I am never using clocks in puzzles ever again. I can't even read analogue on a good day as I demonstrated yesterday. For expediency, the next post will be in
twelve hours. Or thirteen. I might not be awake in time. If you're not sure what to do next I five that retracing one's steps is the best way to six an issue. Good luck!)