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Wintreath Escape Room 2
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  • I think that Charles axes both Betty and Donna is a good guess. You've forgotten that Donna says "one person next to me is a killer, one is dead", so if Charles is a killer, then that means Egbert is dead.
    I was actually working under the assumption that we need to solve the order of the people, and the clues are to establish that.

    Betty needs to be next to the knifer and the axer because both are killers that could reach her, for instance.

    That said my most recent attempt definitely did ignore that clue, thanks for pointing that out! My initial order had Fabio shooting Gelbert, but I had forgotten that one of the girls is a killer, and then I forgot that clue when I tried to fix that.

    Hmm, the knife is not said to only have stabbed once, implying that perhaps it stabbed twice...

    I'll attempt a one-knife solution first though.

    Fabio: stabbed by Egbert
    Egbert: stabs Fabio
    Betty: axed by Charles? but survives; shoots Gelbert
    Charles: axes Betty and Donna in one fell swing
    Donna: axed by Charles
    Gelbert: shot by Donna
    Arnold: does nothing

    Don't like this solution though since Arnold and Egbert are interchangeable, and Arnold could be at the top or the bottom of the order.
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
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  • 1. Look under the bed.
    2. Inspect the underside of the desk.
    3. Enter 0817 into the rotary dial.
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
    « Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 10:49:23 PM by El Fiji Grande »
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  • Ohhh, you rearrange the people. I see now.

    I just did it again before looking at your solution and came with the same order/conclusion. I believe Arnold to be the stabber, though, since he said he heard Betty get axed. And then Egbert said Fabio was stabbed, which makes me believe he's on the other side of Fabio from Arnold. So: EFABCDG. But if we believe hearing things affects the order, then Egbert also said he heard the axe, which implies he was next to one of the girls or the axer, so that sorta throws a monkey wrench in that idea.

    1. Inspect the lamp pieces on the bed.
    2. Inspect your clothes.
    3. Open the bathroom door.
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  • Turn 2

    Kane Lives 1: Examine the back of the television.
    You check behind the TV. It’s surprisingly clean. You can’t see any dust or spiderwebs. There’s a power socket on the wall, two points to plug into. One has the TV plug in it already, the other is empty.

    Kane Lives 2: Try inputting a random code into the suitcase.
    Tapping the coloured buttons, while they recess away, doesn’t appear to do anything. However, when you press the silver centre button, the whole suitcase chimes like a bell. As you watch, the lights begin to flash. First red, then blue, then blue again.

    taulover 1: Turn the Simon panel twice.
    Who’s Simon? You shake away the errant thought and plant your hand against the coloured panel. It refuses to even budge. The lights have stopped flashing.

    taulover 2: Open the tissue box.
    Inside the tissue box you do not find tissues. You find several handkerchiefs, six in all, with letters and symbols embroidered on each.


    At the bottom of the tissue box you also find another tile.


    You have acquired six (6) handkerchiefs and one (1) tile.

    taulover 3: Cup hands up to mirror and look through it to try to see if it is two-way.
    Your breath fogs up the mirror as you attempt to peer through it, but when it passes, all you see are your own darkened eyes gazing back at you. You also scramble off the bed and check the mirror behind the desk, but that seems to be an ordinary mirror as well.

    El Fiji Grande 1: Look under the bed.
    Just like behind the TV there isn’t any dust. It’s dark and filled with the scent of wet carpet. All in all, not very pleasant, but you do find another tile.


    You have acquired one (1) tile.

    El Fiji Grande 2: Inspect the underside of the desk.
    There doesn’t appear to be anything underneath the desk, not even spiderwebs. Then again, this is a cruise ship. That might explain the lack of any dust in the room completely. You do spot a drawer on its front. There’s a lock with a round looking keyhole built into it.

    El Fiji Grande 3: Enter 0817 into the rotary dial.
    You carefully enter “0817” into the rotary dial. It’s been a while since you’ve used one, but you navigate it without issue.

    Across the room you hear motors turning, then a thud. A pause.

    Your attention swiftly lands on the desk. There’s a high-pitched squealing grind. It steadily increases in pitch. It’s like a car trying to pull itself out of the mud, or a dropped drill skating across the ground. Thankfully it isn’t too loud, but it does set your teeth on edge. It's coming from the desk. Or, under the suitcase. Either option works.

    Gerrick 1: Inspect the lamp pieces on the bed.
    The lamp had fallen apart in the darkness so you hadn’t gotten a good look. It’s in bits. The lampshade has fallen from the shaft and the bulb wasn’t attached to anything at all. The switch is blatantly broken in half, useless, and the base of the lamp had popped off the end.

    You take a closer look at the shaft. It’s round and thin, but the bottom of it almost looks like a key.

    You have acquired one (1) lamp key.

    Gerrick 2: Inspect your clothes.
    They’re clothes. You check the tabs and shake them out, but you can’t find anything that wasn’t already there. You do note that it appears whoever went through your things also emptied the pockets of your trousers, since there isn’t a pen or lint among them. They’re regular, plain clothes.

    You also rifle through your own pockets. Nothing there but what you've put there, no notes or weird tiles or anything.

    Gerrick 3: Open the bathroom door.
    You haven’t actually looked into the bathroom yet. For all you know it might connect to the neighbouring cabin. That would be a terrible design, though, so it’s probably a bathroom. You try the door. Oh, fantastic. That’s also locked. You wrench the handle anyway but it doesn’t budge. There is a regular keypad beside the door. With experimentation, you find that it wants four numbers.

    (So, last time I ran this game it was suggested that I include a “history” of sorts, that way people won’t need to trawl backwards to find all the clues they need. I considered it. I started one. And then it occurred to me that, like the “previously on” segments of television, whatever I include in the list will be whatever I find important, thereby giving you all clues on what I find important, which wouldn’t be fun at all. Plus, I would have to include it in every post. That would get pretty cluttered pretty quickly. In other words if you want a blow by blow summary of puzzles and clues you've come across you’ll need to do it yourselves. Good luck!)
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  • 1. Enter OIAKPH into the keyboard.
    2. Use lamp key on keyhole.
    3. Inspect underneath the suitcase to investigate the source of the sound.
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
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  • 2. Use lamp key on keyhole.
    (I'm assuming you mean the desk's keyhole. Speaking of keyholes I did make a small mistake: the door to the cabin also has one. I forgot to mention it in Turn 1, but I had it in my head so I wanted to ask for clarification, and then I realized I forgot it. My apologies).

    (Edit: Oh, wait, there is something I do need to ask. Which keyboard do you want to use? Scribbly neighbour or water buddy?)
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  • (I'm assuming you mean the desk's keyhole. Speaking of keyholes I did make a small mistake: the door to the cabin also has one. I forgot to mention it in Turn 1, but I had it in my head so I wanted to ask for clarification, and then I realized I forgot it. My apologies).
    Interesting. You assumed correctly, thanks for letting me clarify!
    (Edit: Oh, wait, there is something I do need to ask. Which keyboard do you want to use? Scribbly neighbour or water buddy?)
    The one that wants a password six characters long.
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
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  • Hopefully it's not too late for me to join. :D

    1. Check the phone on the circular table.
    2. Inspect/attempt to peer through the keyhole at the door.
    3. Use the lamp key on the door.
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  • Hopefully it's not too late for me to join. :D
    (Course not! The only limiting factor in this is in hitting post. Presumably you'll want to type things into said post, but any contribution counts!)
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  • 1. Enter 0817 as the bathroom door passcode
    2. Inspect the ceiling (people rarely look up)
    3. Inspect the coffee table (shown in the original image behind the desk)
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
    « Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 09:41:38 PM by El Fiji Grande »
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  • 1. Inspect the hallway.
    2. Press the suitcase's silver center button and then press the corresponding colors after they flash. (Is this command allowed?) red, blue, blue.
    3. Look underneath and behind the left bedside drawer.
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
    « Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 02:02:07 AM by Gerrick »

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  • 3. Inspect the coffee table (shown in the original image behind the desk)
    (For clarification's sake, that is the round table the backpack was left on).

    2. Press the suitcase's silver center button and then press the corresponding colors after they flash. (Is this command allowed?)
    (I'll allow pressing multiple buttons, since that's the equivalent to inputting a password, but I'm going to need you to specify which colours you press).
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  • Turn 3

    taulover 1: Enter OIAKPH into the keyboard.
    You go to the six-letter keyboard and type “OIAKPH.” Nothing appears to happen.

    taulover 2: Use lamp key on keyhole.
    Excellent, you’d just found where this is supposed to go. You cross to the desk drawer and do your best to ignore the loud grinding sound. The key fits perfectly.

    You open the drawer. It’s surprisingly heavy.

    When you look inside the drawer, the first thing you notice is a row of seven switches. They look like joysticks, but with a flat square at the top of each. Each switch’s square has a letter on it. From left to right: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. All of them are in a neutral position. With testing, you find that all seven are able to move, and switching them to UP, NEUTRAL, or DOWN do not appear to do anything.

    You’re fiddling with one of the switches when you notice the writing.

    Above the switches:

    And below the switches:

    That’s… okay, that’s a thing.

    taulover 3: Inspect underneath the suitcase to investigate the source of the sound.
    You put the lamp key away and focus on stopping the sound. Now that you’re right next to it you’re certain it’s coming from the desk. The suitcase is heavy, but you tip it up to look under it and--

    There is a sudden, sharp sound, like a rolled up newspaper slamming against a wall, and you could’ve sworn the space under the suitcase flipped. You push the suitcase aside, absently noticing that the desk has gone silent once more.

    On the desk is a long rectangular outline. Did that flip over when you moved the suitcase? It looks like it, because you would’ve noticed a row of symbols on the desk when you put the suitcase there. Then again, you didn’t notice the various keypads scattered around the room.

    That looks familiar, but they certainly weren’t there last night.

    Hydra 1: Check the phone on the circular table.
    You check the phone. It’s one of those corded phones, blimey, it’s been some time since you’ve seen… someone cut the cord. The phone was just sitting on the switch hook with either ends of the cord dangling off the table. The keys on its body seem to work, although some aren’t labelled.

    Big image, sorry

    Hydra 2: Inspect/attempt to peer through the keyhole at the door.
    You head to the front door and bend to look through the keyhole. This… does nothing, you can’t see anything at all. You’re not sure if it’s because the room you’re in is only lit by one lamp, or because the hallway outside is pitch black, or if this keyhole isn’t designed to be looked through.

    Hydra 3: Use the lamp key on the door.
    In spite of your efforts, the lamp key doesn’t fit the lock. It looks like you’re looking for a different key.

    El Fiji Grande 1: Enter 0817 as the bathroom door passcode.
    You input “0817” into the keypad by the door. Nothing appears to happen.

    El Fiji Grande 2: Inspect the ceiling (people rarely look up).
    Thankfully, the ceiling doesn’t look like it has anything off about it. It would be embarrassing if you’d missed a major ceiling-based clue. Or worse, if the key out of this place was taped to the roof.

    When that thought occurs to you, you make use of the lamp key to poke and prod at the ceiling for good measure. There is nothing on the roof.

    El Fiji Grande 3: Inspect the coffee table (shown in the original image behind the desk).
    On the desk is the phone, both parts. You check under it, but there’s nothing of note.

    Gerrick 1: Inspect the hallway.
    The hallway is empty of everything but you, soggy carpet, the door out, the door that probably leads to a bathroom, and a lightswitch. You make use of the desk’s chair to check the ceiling here as well. There’s nothing there.

    Gerrick 2: Press the suitcase's silver center button and then press red, blue, blue.
    You press the silver button, and wait for the lights to stop flashing. It flashes red, then blue, then blue. You mimic the lights and press them in the same order: red, blue, blue.

    Nothing appears to happen.

    Gerrick 3: Look underneath and behind the left bedside drawer.
    You check around the bedside drawer. You do find a few screws which are likely from the broken lamp, but there is nothing else of note.

    (Apologies for the delay; I had an impromptu discussion about my future which cut into my time to do this. Hence why so many inputs just go with "there is nothing of note" instead of describing things in more detail. Once again, credit goes to for their fonts, this time specifically from because the chalk look was appealing. Gook luck!)
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  • Ah, so my sides order theory was wrong, but fortunately we have a new clue!

    1. Enter PAHIKO into the six-letter keyboard.

    And the logic puzzle takes on a new twist. Makes much more sense now, the killers should probably be assumed to be liars. And in this case I would suppose that perhaps we do go in order.

    I think I will leave that for the morning though.
    1 person likes this post: Elbbsas
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  • 1. Press the suitcase's silver center button, then press yellow, green, green.
    2. Look underneath and beside the right bedside drawer.
    3. Flip the light switch in the hallway.

    So for the switching puzzle, I'm guessing the switches go up for the dead people and down for the living ("let the living lie"). And the dead people aren't lying while the living people may be lying. Are we to assume the living are killers and the dead aren't, you think?

    Still can't figure out which three names rhyme. Maybe Elbbsas as a Kiwi pronounces them differently. :P
    2 people like this post: taulover, Elbbsas

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