Just a quick announcement that as of yesterday, I appointed
@Syraj as my Speaker Pro Tempore and
@Katie as the Officer of Information.
As to why I made these appointments, with Katie it's simple. She has shown to be highly interested and wanting to do things here in the Underhusen, and during the elections I had contacted her, asking if she would like to be Officer of Information. After explaining what I would be expecting from the position, she enthusiastically accepted. Katie has shown a disire to work with both the citizenry and with the Underhusen in this role. Additionally, she has experience with a similar position elsewhere in NationStates, as such I felt she was suited for the role.
For Syraj it's a few different reasons. First off, Syraj has been rather involved with our community since joining, and has been relatively active. Secondly, Syraj has over the past few days, thrown himself into debates and been working hard to understand and partake in the Underhusen. Given that there is a tradition within the Underhusen, albeit one that hasn't been observed for some time, that the more senior Skrifa, that becomes Speaker selects a new, but promising Skrifa and Wintrean to the position of Speaker Pro Tempore to help guide and teach them. This occurred when I became Speaker Pro Tempore during the first Underhusen, under Speaker Denth Kasten (Dawsinian). As such, I felt it was proper for me to appoint Syraj to this position.
I do apologize for the delay in the announcement, however I had some RL things to deal with first.