Post #124300
June 03, 2018, 07:08:27 AM
As some of you may have observed, I am running for UH.
If you did not observe this before reading that last sentence, well, hopefully you've observed it now, otherwise I'm afraid this may not be a very successful campaign.
I will, however, be the first to admit that my candidacy was initially predicated on what are have since been demonstrated to me to be false terms, since I've subsequently been informed that the reasons I cited in my candidacy are half non-existent (while the other half is entirely joke legislation).
But I won't let that stop either me or this campaign; all this means is that I must strategically pivot, and pivot I shall.
Thus, my goals are three - technically four - fold.
First: Amend the Constitution to include mention of the means by which one may acquire and retain citizenship, so that all terms of citizenship are housed under a single regulatory roof (as the privileges of Citizenship lie under the Constitution in Section V).
Second: To propose and, if said proposal is accepted, to hold a non-binding referendum on our position in NS as regards the wider idea of gameplay, so as to get a sense for the rest of government whether we should consider expanding our influence in that area, or become more isolationist.
Third: Propose and implement procedural changes whereby the OH has avenues to suggest alterations to legislation undergoing debate in the UH, rather than the current process, whereby such comment is generally only received after the UH has forwarded it to the OH for review, and necessitates the process of re-introducing the bill, which, as seen recently, can dramatically extend the amount of time it takes for a bill to pass. (This may admittedly require additional Constitutional change)
Fourth: To ironically declare myself 'the Senate' by being elected Speaker, then immediately resigning the role to someone who actually knows what they're doing. This doesn't really count because it's a joke goal, but one that by god I'd find hilarious if it actually happened. And one that I propose because crucially, while the UH is an important part of our governmental machinery - we're also a community that does wacky stuff for the shiggles sometimes, and where better to highlight the fact that we don't take ourselves overly seriously than in the lofty echelons of government?
As for my qualifications, I have few - which, since most of us are American, is likely to my benefit as a political figure, since America seems to hallucinate that inexperience is a virtue when it comes to government. Which is likely why we have consistently had such terrible government for the last several decades.
Nonetheless, I will note that I have been part of the 26th Term of the UH, and have a reasonably consistent track record of activity, all of which are probably important factors in determining if you'd want to vote for me.
Which you should, if any of what I've said above speaks to you. If it doesn't, then it'd be kind of unreasonable to expect you to vote for me, but you could alternatively abstain from voting for my currently-lowest-polling competitor, which would accomplish much the same thing as actively voting for me.