Post #120451
March 01, 2018, 03:48:41 AM
Let me make this quick because I'm a dumb gay and I forgot February isn't a 30-31 day month.
I didn't do a particularly good job as LGBT Thane, and there's a reason for that: I was afraid of approaching controversy and argument. I had an unrealistic and fantasized version of how an LGBT community works, where we just hang out and have fun. While that could work in a standalone LGBT community, that isn't really realistic here.
So I'm ready to start trying to rev up discussion about controversial issues in the community, and trust me as an angry Lesbian, I have a ton of issues to talk about. I actually wanna talk extensively about being trans and lesbian, and I want to encourage other LGBT members to do the same about their identities and their oppression. I wanna make the Pride to be more political and less a random discussion every now and then about this and that LGBT figure. We could have long, serious discussions about the LGBT movement, about sexuality, about gender, and our community would be better off for it.
Additionally, I'm thinking about developing a list of LGBT wintreans and contact you guys more directly about stuff you're interested, and to develop a close relationship with you guys. Contacting LGBT communities from other regions is something I might explore as well, in cooperation with Wintreaths government, but I'm not sure as of this moment in time.
That's all I got to say, uhhhh, yeah? Dunno how much time i have left so lemme end it here.