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Youth Rights
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  • Alright, in an attempt at creating topics for debate so people who might want to debate, but don't have a good topic, can debate. So this one is about Youth Rights. The rules are the same as in the Separation of Church and State.
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  • I'm not sure what the debate is about specifically. Youth Rights is such a broad term...

    Grand Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy of Pereslavl-Zalessky
    Yuri Dolgorukiy
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  • Alright, how about this:
    The debate is on Should Minors have rights? Should they be equal to an Adult's rights? Should they have the rights if an age is not specified (Ex: The bill of rights, and amendments to the US Constitution, in which no age is specified. )
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Alright, how about this:
    The debate is on Should Minors have rights? Should they be equal to an Adult's rights? Should they have the rights if an age is not specified (Ex: The bill of rights, and amendments to the US Constitution, in which no age is specified. )

    Aside from basic human rights they should have no other real or imagined "rights". Youths to a certain extent (usually late teens, ie; 17-19) don't have a brain and/or sense of rationality and maturity, and as such cannot be trusted to exercise the same rights that adults do. When adults commit thievery, they are jailed because they're expected to know better. When a youth of say, 7 or 8 takes something from a store, generally they treat it as a life lesson. Mostly they force the child to give back what they took, apologize and the parents decide appropriate punishments. This is because a youth's brain or sense of existence or rationality isn't developed to the point of an adult. You cannot treat both the same, unless you want to start locking up kids for taking candy.

    Grand Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy of Pereslavl-Zalessky
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  • Hehe...Yuri's post reminds me of the time I was maybe 7 or 8 and stole a puzzle book from the dollar store. Once we got back to the car I got it out, which of course attracted the attention of my parents...they were pissed. My mom ended up going back in the store and returning it, and let's just say I never did anything like that again.

    The problem here is as Yuri alludes to, you can't lump all children together and give them the same rights. Obviously we can't expect a 7 year old to be able to make decisions for themselves on the same level as a 16 year old could. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and at some point in history the line was drawn at 18. That being said, in the US children do have some rights as determined by the Supreme Court...for example, in Trinker v. Des Moines Ind. Comm. School District, it determined that school officials could not interfere with students' freedom of expression or speech unless they could prove that it was actually causing disruption in the classroom. There are also organizations such as the ACLU that are willing to fight to protect or expand these rights, and they have expanded over the years.

    When you ask if they should be equal to an adult's rights, it sounds more like you're asking if the age of majority should be changed. I personally believe the age of majority could be dropped to 14, provided there are major changes to the education system. With the way things are now, it simply isn't feasible...sure, you get full rights when you reach the age of majority, but also a lot of responsibility, and I don't believe most children could handle that kind of responsibility at this time...hell, most 18 year olds can't. That's why you have college courses on how to manage your life and helicopter parents hovering around everything their adult child does. However, if there were changes of the sort I suggested in the compulsory education topic, I think it'd be that age I don't think the issue is maturity, I think the issue is not having the skills necessary to go out into the real world, which is a failure of our education system.

    It wasn't always this 238, Gordian III became sole Roman Emperor at age 13, the youngest sole emperor ever, although a few ascended to the office at 17. Later during medieval times, a number of kings ascended to their thrones in their teens, and in some cases nobles were granted their first powers as young as 12. Non-nobles didn't even have a set age of majority, and started doing work or training as soon as they were physically able to. This was partly because life expectancy in those times were drastically lower, and being able to work, marry, and reproduce at an earlier age was just necessary for survival. Average life expectancy until the 20th century was almost never above 30.

    So it has been done and I think it can be done with the right knowledge and tools. It would take a massive effort though.

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    Later during medieval times, a number of kings ascended to their thrones in their teens, and in some cases nobles were granted their first powers as young as 12. Non-nobles didn't even have a set age of majority, and started doing work or training as soon as they were physically able to.

    Much of the actual political and economic decisions and ruling at this time if you were that age was done by a Regency Council. In the case of Russia, there were several instances of the Mother stepping in and ruling (see Peter the Great, and the issues with his mother and brother). So when it comes to in depth decision making, most of that can't be done in a reliable, rational manner until late teens simply because the brain isn't capable of it fully, imho. There are exceptions, but this is generally the rule.

    Grand Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy of Pereslavl-Zalessky
    Yuri Dolgorukiy
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  • As a youth, I'm perfectly fine with the laws we have now. But I do wish at least culturally we were taken seriously, not just brushed off with the ye olde 'Your a kid what do you know'. actually a whole damn lot thank you very much
    Here's the thing about equality, everyone's equal when they're dead. -Gavroche, Les Misérables
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  • Young people in the UK are regularly ignored.

    The current government put up tuition fees from £3,000 a year to £9,000 a year. Truly disgusting move, especially considering one of the parties (Liberal Democrats) campaigned before the election to abolish tuition fees.

    The main reason, in the UK at least, that young people are largely ignored is because they don't vote anywhere near in the numbers that pensioners do. Not to mention, young people give very little support to the Conservatives who are currently in power and therefore are even less inclined to listen to them.
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  • As a minor in the United States, you have many, not all, of the same rights and liberties as adults.  Freedom to assemble, freedom of speech, right against self-incrimination, unreasonable punishment, even the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, in some cases.  I'd have to ask what the minors in this thread think is lacking that they'd want.
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  • As a minor in the United States, you have many, not all, of the same rights and liberties as adults.  Freedom to assemble, freedom of speech, right against self-incrimination, unreasonable punishment, even the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, in some cases.  I'd have to ask what the minors in this thread think is lacking that they'd want.
    Well for me it's the lack of protection of these rights in ALL facets of life along with the right to own objects and items, and religious freedom.

    As a minor I'm forced to go to school where my rights are, for the most part, stripped. I have no right against self incrimination, no right to assemble, limited(or no) freedom of speech, anything of mine could be taken and searched.

    As a minor my parents can force me and punish me for being of a different/no belief system. They can punish me for not wanting to go to a religious place with them. They can take any item, even if I bought it with money that I got from a job, and prevent my access to it.

    As a minor I have little choice of my own life, unless my parents say that I can make more decisions which even then can be violated. I'm forced to go to school without any say in the matter, and usually if I dislike it as a minor I'm seen as crazy. As a minor my opinions are ignored for the most part.

    What I am saying is what I want as a minor that is lacking is I want the right to choose my own religion, regardless of my parents, and to not have to face the possibility of punishment, unless my parents don't care. I want my rights to be protected, to the extent that they are protected for 'adults'. I want my speech to not be stifled, I want to be able to own property which can not be restricted or taken away by my parents(which is a form of stealing imo, in which if an adult tried that they could get in legal trouble in some areas). 
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Literally, you cannot own anything at all because the law has determined that you will almost assuredly hurt yourself with it. If you can prove to a court that you won't hurt yourself with shit you can own things and in fact will possess your rights.
    You do have freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean you can just say shit whenever the fuck you like. Not what it means. Please refer to posts Weissreich has made on other debates.
    You do have the right to choose your own religion. You just don't have the right to express that in any way. And it's only until you're 18.
    Please don't argue against mandatory schooling... Like really please don't... It's hard enough to get funding from the nation to teach you for free without complaints...
    Youth rights in America are difficult. The law has determined that it is too dangerous for a minor to have full control over all their rights so they're essentially loaned out to your guardians. However, you can always get emancipated. It's got a varying difficulty from state to state because of various tiny requirements and the whim of judges... Also, seriously... One more complaint about parents taking shit is going to drive me crazy... Do you understand the expense of food for a 7 year old for a single month? Like just bare nutrients expense not even considering eating even fictionally healthy... It's fucking absurd... Children are a massive fucking expense...
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  • Literally, you cannot own anything at all because the law has determined that you will almost assuredly hurt yourself with it. If you can prove to a court that you won't hurt yourself with shit you can own things and in fact will possess your rights.
    Well I find that rather ridiculous, how the fuck would I hurt myself with a 3ds unless I hit myself with it?
    You do have freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean you can just say shit whenever the fuck you like. Not what it means. Please refer to posts Weissreich has made on other debates.
    I don't see why I can be restricted on saying the world fuck. However I'm conceding this point.
    You do have the right to choose your own religion. You just don't have the right to express that in any way. And it's only until you're 18.
    If I can't express it then it's equivalent to not being able to choose in my mind. While it may be only until I'm 18, what's disturbing is that 18 is a magic number that means that I can actually express what I truly believe in.
    Please don't argue against mandatory schooling... Like really please don't... It's hard enough to get funding from the nation to teach you for free without complaints...
    Maybe the complaints wouldn't be there if people in the government weren't idiots and weren't bought and pay for. And yes I'm going to argue against mandatory schooling, because it's essentially slavery in a different(and I'll agree less extreme) form.
    Youth rights in America are difficult. The law has determined that it is too dangerous for a minor to have full control over all their rights so they're essentially loaned out to your guardians.
    Alright, however again how is it dangerous if I want to choose and express my own religion/beliefs or lack-thereof? While I do find most of this disturbing I do agree that there are some rights that are fine restricted in places.
    However, you can always get emancipated. It's got a varying difficulty from state to state because of various tiny requirements and the whim of judges...
    Emancipation isn't an equalizer, in some places you can't get emancipated without parental consent meaning that emancipation is out of the reach for most kids.
    Also, seriously... One more complaint about parents taking shit is going to drive me crazy... Do you understand the expense of food for a 7 year old for a single month? Like just bare nutrients expense not even considering eating even fictionally healthy... It's fucking absurd... Children are a massive fucking expense...
    While I do agree that they are a massive expense, my main gripes are with the authoritarian parents, that feel a need to have a say in everything their kids do, even to what they believe, sometimes I agree parents do need to step in when it comes to certain things, however other places I disagree.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Nobody is saying you can't own a 3DS, but if your parents want to take it from you, they can, and nobody can stop them.  Once you grow up and understand how petty and insignificant the arguments your making are, you'll realize that the law has good reasons to side with your parents on issues such as this.  In fact, it isn't even a debate anymore.

    Also, as Reon said, "Freedom of Speech" does not mean your parents cannot tell you to say the word "fuck."  The First Amendment does not give you the right to use profanity. 

    People also misinterpret "Freedom of Religion" in such a way that it's original meaning is lost.  The actual text says "Congress shall make no law restricting the free exercise of religion" or something to that point.  The First Amendment does not grant you the right to disobey your parents. 

    Again, once you move into post-secondary education you'll come to see that mandatory schooling is pretty much essential.  I can assure you the "people in the government" are not "idiots," and they did not magically decide mandatory schooling sounded like an a-ok idea one day.  Comparing mandatory schooling to slavery is incredibly ignorant. 

    Your rights are vested in your guardians (parents) until you enter the age of majority.  This prevents people from exploiting minors in unfair contracts, prevents giving legal standing to those that could never possibly know what to do with it, and allows your parents to raise you as you see fit.  Our society places a great deal of emphasis on letting parents raise their children in the best way they know how without interference, so long as there is no abuse or neglect.  It sounds like you're pissed at your parents about forcing you to get up for church every Sunday morning and sending you to school for 5 of the other 6 days of the week.  Somehow, this has become some sort of political issue with you, when I can assure you, youth rights in the United States have come a looooong way.  In some ways, workers' rights = youth rights. 

    Anyway, I'm sure someday in the near future you'll mature enough to see that you'll never really have it this good in your life again.  It may seem like the pits some days, but trust me - If I had the opportunity to go back 15 years and experience childhood again, you'd have a hard time talking me out of it.
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  • When I became an adult what struck me is how little changes. Instead of spending most of your time at school you'll spend most of it at college and/or work, where you'll still be taking direction from someone and have to do what they say. And yes you get paid, but after taking care of adult responsibilities most people have little if anything left. You might as well say in a broad sense it's about the same. Our culture in general is very structured, and in the workplace even giving adults more freedoms (telecommuting, input into their own schedules, etc) is a new and progressive idea. To some extent I think that will eventually trickle down into school system, but change takes time.

    The premise of guardianship is that children can't take care of themselves, so adults (usually their parents) are legally entrusted with their care until they can. Since babies can't physically take care of their own needs, it would be silly to suggest that this arrangement isn't necessary at some point in a child's life...the question then revolves around the age of majority, and how we as a society determine that a child can now take care of themselves, both physically and psychologically, and is no longer in need of guardianship.

    That's a very tough question that's been answered differently throughout the ages. In medieval times, people were considered grown at the age of 12 in many places in Europe, which among other things was the point a regency would end and the child of a dead monarch could take the throne. As time passed, a formal age of majority was established and was pushed upward, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries as people became more concerned about child welfare and children were expected to be better educated, although that isn't the case everywhere. In Iran and Saudi Arabia, the age is still as low as 14 for males.

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  • Nobody is saying you can't own a 3DS, but if your parents want to take it from you, they can, and nobody can stop them.  Once you grow up and understand how petty and insignificant the arguments your making are, you'll realize that the law has good reasons to side with your parents on issues such as this.  In fact, it isn't even a debate anymore.

    Also, as Reon said, "Freedom of Speech" does not mean your parents cannot tell you to say the word "fuck."  The First Amendment does not give you the right to use profanity. 

    People also misinterpret "Freedom of Religion" in such a way that it's original meaning is lost.  The actual text says "Congress shall make no law restricting the free exercise of religion" or something to that point.  The First Amendment does not grant you the right to disobey your parents. 

    Again, once you move into post-secondary education you'll come to see that mandatory schooling is pretty much essential.  I can assure you the "people in the government" are not "idiots," and they did not magically decide mandatory schooling sounded like an a-ok idea one day.  Comparing mandatory schooling to slavery is incredibly ignorant. 

    Your rights are vested in your guardians (parents) until you enter the age of majority.  This prevents people from exploiting minors in unfair contracts, prevents giving legal standing to those that could never possibly know what to do with it, and allows your parents to raise you as you see fit.  Our society places a great deal of emphasis on letting parents raise their children in the best way they know how without interference, so long as there is no abuse or neglect.  It sounds like you're pissed at your parents about forcing you to get up for church every Sunday morning and sending you to school for 5 of the other 6 days of the week.  Somehow, this has become some sort of political issue with you, when I can assure you, youth rights in the United States have come a looooong way.  In some ways, workers' rights = youth rights. 

    Anyway, I'm sure someday in the near future you'll mature enough to see that you'll never really have it this good in your life again.  It may seem like the pits some days, but trust me - If I had the opportunity to go back 15 years and experience childhood again, you'd have a hard time talking me out of it.

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